Sony PlayStation 1 Vs Nintendo 64 Vs Sega Saturn - Review

Sony PlayStation 1 Vs Nintendo 64 Vs Sega Saturn - Review

Rod Studios

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@RodStudios - 11.03.2017 05:51


@ralphiecifaretto8961 - 30.01.2024 14:13

It wasn't, "for whatever reason". Nintendo had no choice but to leave their partnership with Sony.

@sofonias6382 - 18.01.2024 16:04

Sega saturno o melhor sempre !

@jamesbigworld - 07.01.2024 07:39

N64 was amazing but the worst controller ever made, ps1 was great lot of games but nothing over the top, sega Saturn was beautiful looking system and felt like something amazing some games are great but sadly not many, I would give it to sega Saturn that generation!!

@soviet_mapping. - 08.12.2023 04:28

Dont nientendo sixty-force me to use this

@wizzgamer - 28.10.2023 19:50

PS1 deservedly won that console war the sheer variety of high quality games on it from all genres was out of control. N64 deserved second as it had the Top 3 games of that generation on it. Saturn deserved to flop overpriced, underpowered and hardly any games worth buying on the system luckily Sega came storming back with Dreamcast but sadly came to late and at the wrong time in the market, should have delayed it a year and launched it in 1999 worldwide so Japan had a better launch lineup and to improve the console specs slightly.

@youtuber3328 - 20.10.2023 00:04

to be COMPLETELY honest i did do and/or PROBABLY will really LOVE the sega saturn discs ALMOST as much as the playstation 1 discs

@Bond007er - 03.10.2023 07:41

I loved goldeneye mariokart 64 turok super mario64 perfect dark top gear rally

@Adam_player_1_ - 24.09.2023 17:09

PlayStation is the best followed by the N64 then the Saturn being the worst.

@raphaelmartins6529 - 10.09.2023 08:41

I think you don't know Sega Saturn library that well. I had plenty of good games and tones ot exclusives. Like Panzer Dragon Series (1, 2 and Panzer Dragon Saga), Nights Into Dreams, Burning Rangers, Shining Force 3, Albert Odyssey, and many more. Yes, it didn't have a big Sonic game, but that doesn't mean the library of games was non-existant. Actually, Saturn library is way more robust than N64 library. Saturn has tones of Fightining games (2D and 3D), N64 only has 2 relevant titles in this genre, Saturn has tones ot RPGs, Tatical RPGs, Action RPGs, Turn-basrd RPGs, N64 has only one relevant title in this genre (Paper Mario), the Saturn has tones of Shoot'm ups, Light gun, games, etc etc. In total, the Sega Saturn has more than 1 thousand games released, while the N64 barely has 400 games.

I think the issue is that only about 250 Saturn games were released in the West, so many people have no idea how good the Saturn library actually is.

Oyher thing is that I would say Nintendo 64 has a lot of more commercially appealing games of well-know franchises, while with the Saturn Sega focused a lot ot brand new IPs like Panzer Dragon, and they wouldn't be able to compete with the likes of Mario and Zelda, but that doesn't mean they are not big titles, it only means they were not enought to save the Saturn commercially. Butz outsidr of Nintendo first-party games and Rareware games, the N64 library is pretty weak...

@dbnydnvn - 05.09.2023 06:10

Crash had no business trying to roast Nintendo at their headquarters, concerning his first game contained question mark block that reveal items when you strike them. Some innovation.

@One-Winged-Angel69 - 28.08.2023 03:25

Segata Sanshiro

@ikaros21 - 11.07.2023 00:15

The main reason why Sony defeated Nintendo on sales was because of piracy. The few people I knew that had a PS1 did so because they bought the games for a dollar each at our local flea market lol. Modchip was insane back then lol

@captainn2094 - 04.07.2023 09:15

My favorite memories with the N64 was Goldeneye 007, and WCW/NWO Revenge. Me and my friends spent countless hours playing those 2 alone

@mayagantt8843 - 19.06.2023 15:12

How many games are in total of N64, PS1, and Sega Saturn?

@W3S3333 - 22.05.2023 13:32

Our family owned a PlayStation and close to 100 games (something crazy like that) by the end of the 5th generation. I always wanted a Sega Saturn and a Nintendo 64 because of games like Nights into Dreams and Super Mario 64. While I got to play plenty of N64 games during its lifespan due to its popularity, I only ever knew one person who owned a Sega Saturn and some games for it when it was around. Now in 2023 I have around 60 games for the Saturn and I like it more than the N64 overall. That said the N64 has amazing games, too.

@cacheslovakia - 18.05.2023 14:42

The reason why was PlayStation 1 so popular is price. It has inferior HW in comapre to N64 or Saturn (no 2D graphics, no Z-buffer, low video memory which cause excesive use of dithering, etc), but it has enough HW for first gen 3D games on small CRT tv's, that's why nobody cares that it is inferior. Nintendo did something similar with Wii, which was basically overclocked GameCube with great new controller. Second reason is that sellers have bigger margin from selling PS1, so they preffered PS1 in front shelves.

@CristianLiCausi-wk8nc - 16.04.2023 23:30


@Bakedclownanimation - 31.03.2023 00:58

Saturn outsold N64 in Japan and the Saturn 3D controller came out before the N64’s

@andrewwatson4607 - 12.02.2023 06:05

Only thing I’d say is Saturn did also have panzer dragoon, astall and the best sports games.

@trevor_mounts_music - 11.01.2023 05:15


@eternalhalloween1 - 02.01.2023 23:44

A problem with SEGA was that they had already started to ruin their reputation with absurd accessories that no one needed like the Activator. Even before the PS smashed Sega, the seeds for its demise were planted. Nintendo survived the W ii U disaster. Interestingly because they later pulled out a wild card when they sacrificed some quality for optional portability.

@cmetal2224 - 29.12.2022 22:12

Sega made fun of Nintendo and now the sega games play on Nintendo consoles Xaxaxaxaxaxa 😂😂

@ShwappaJ - 27.12.2022 04:45

So when it comes to graphics, I notice that the Saturn doesn't have any quirks that stand out. The PS1 had warpy polygons while the N64 had blurry textures, but I never seen anything weird or unique with the Saturn. Did anyone else catch anything unique about it?

@paravostok - 26.12.2022 22:01

The N64 bootup noise was the Japan exclusive disk drive bootup if anyone was wondering

@abdelrahmanahmed424 - 14.12.2022 06:39

No playstation did not win !
Playstation sold well because alot of pirated games was produced in Africa and Asia which there they sold so many playstations even modified playstation so technically playstation did not win huge sales is because of the pirated games playstation had while Nintendo and Sega did not have pirated games that is why people would buy playstation because of the pirated games Nintendo did well in fighting pirated games while Sony failed in fighting pirated games while releasing their playstation that runs with CD which was easy to copy

@sandman8920 - 18.11.2022 16:57

I absolutely hate the ps1. Never liked it as a kid. I had a 64 it was amazing so I couldn't see why you'd want a ps1 at all. I've never seen a Saturn to this day. Nobody had one🤷‍♂️

@Unlimited_Power - 16.11.2022 22:50

The Saturn was the first of the 3 I had and it was an amazing console. Virtua Fighter 2, Street Fighter Alpha 2, Resident Evil, and Fighter's Megamix was all a good time.

@happycoolhayden8767 - 23.10.2022 03:48

N64, Saturn, and PS1 sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.

@bluemoxie967 - 20.10.2022 12:40

The Best Version of all Three would be a System Built like a SEGA SATURN, with PS1 Software, hardware and Game Quality of the N64.

@spiderthenics9462 - 09.10.2022 01:17

Tomb Raider series , Metal Gear Solid , Silent Hill , Crush Bandicoot series , Abes Odyssey , Gran Turismo , Fear Effect , Alone in The Dark , Final Fantasy series , Breath of FIre , Xenogears , C12 , ISS pro , Castlevania SOTN , Tekken , TOny Hawk , Tenchu , Vagrant Story , Driver , Spyro , Medal of Honor , Soul Reaver , Syphon Filter , Spiderman , Collin McRae , Dino Crisis , Broken Sword , Parasite Eve , Bushido Blade , Medievil , Valkyrie , Chrono Cross , Suikoden , Grandia , Alundra , Klonoa.

No copmetition.

@B5152g - 06.10.2022 21:13

I think Saturn games have aged the worst out of all the past consoles, they look horrible on new TV's and emulators.

@TylerDurden-oy2hm - 25.09.2022 09:48

oh the rap at the start was brilliant..*chefs kiss*

@TylerDurden-oy2hm - 25.09.2022 09:46

n64 had memory expansion did sega saturn....ahem....stuff was better then.

@AG-ld6rv - 22.09.2022 04:00

It's tough to review three consoles in 8 minutes, and instead of a review, the first 2 minutes were dedicated to a joke and details about how many people bought which one, which has no bearing on which was better. The next three minutes uselessly discusses marketing campaigns. The video has nothing to do with the title - well, the part I watched didn't. Major downvote.

@Gameboy_360 - 31.08.2022 20:29

Sega fault as well. Because when nintendo rejected Sony CD add on they went to sega and sega rejected as well

@jacktorrance6404 - 15.08.2022 20:53

I remember getting drunk and playing Mario party with a bunch of friends. So much fucking fun.

@lifediffnotlife2.075 - 14.08.2022 16:01

I think chineses should focus their energy better too wasteds

@SoupyMittens - 25.07.2022 04:09

Why did you only reference Mario games for the n64 lol

@jasonkirkwood5943 - 24.07.2022 23:10

If Nintendo went with Sony we would have never had 64 bit

@apasaja5443 - 22.07.2022 18:08

Role Playing Game with PlayStation, Fun pulsate with Nintendo 64, Expert Arcade with Sega saturn. PlayStation seriously joy. XBOX T-Ericsson serrate with PlayStation as consoles to vs to sing boyzone it's only words of tilt itilted thai yer effective at sheila on 7 sins to patron sad and client befell at airport. Videogame ruined. All are broken, made in China videogame console risen.

@germantorre1422 - 28.06.2022 21:50

Saturn forever

@monsterjamin24-79 - 17.06.2022 00:17

I loved this generation. It’s by far my favorite. There’s something so cool about the low polygonal graphics. I loved both the PS1 and N64, with the N64 being my favorite system of all time. I never owned a Saturn lol.

@Blas4ublasphemy - 12.06.2022 19:58

First Analog stick pack in controller was bundled with the Vectrex, before Nintendo even produced the NES.....

@Granny_Gaming - 13.04.2022 00:56

I'm offended that u didn't say gran turismo

@Darkscenes-jp4ge - 20.03.2022 09:31

PS1<N64<Saturn I know the Dreamcast wasn't one of the choices to be compared but the Dreamcast is better than the ps1
