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Now, introducing the other amazing applicants who applied for the Maritime Governance Innovation Video Contest. Please help us to congratulate these applicants for their great effort. Thank you once again for applying!

More about ATIYAH's Presentation:
The future of the Indo-Pacific is not just a body of water, but a comprehensive force among communities of nations. Indonesia's strength as an archipelagic country, emphasizing maritime potential, is a significant asset to be protected, empowered, and preserved in a sustainable maritime innovation order. This Maritime Governance Innovation focuses on sustainable development and maximizing grassroots potential along the coastline for coastal communities. As I come from Cirebon, which has a community of people on the North Coast, it becomes a forum to socialize with the people to maximize maritime resources, cultivation, natural preservation, and strict guarding of the marine ecosystem and security from foreign smugglers. In addition, the Sea of Peace within the framework of international law becomes the main role model that I offer for maritime governance that can be supported by technological advancements in blockchain for transparency and efficiency. The Asian Maritime Outlook also becomes a guide to build connectivity among Southeast Asian countries in prospering society, this is not only about the sea but the society and economy depend on it. The adjustment of Indonesia's maritime governance rests on the paradigm of the five pillars of maritime policy, namely maritime culture, maritime resources, maritime infrastructure and connectivity, maritime diplomacy, and maritime defense. With the consistent cooperation between all stakeholders, both state and non-state actors, it can provide a positive impact for better maritime governance responsibly and sustainably in terms of policy, theory, financial capital, infrastructure, and evaluation in Local, National, and Regional to International for sustainability.


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