Google Ads Audience Segments 2022 - Search, Display, Video, Discovery, and Shopping Segments

Google Ads Audience Segments 2022 - Search, Display, Video, Discovery, and Shopping Segments

Surfside PPC

1 год назад

6,673 Просмотров

Discover everything you need to know about Google Ads audience segments in 2022. I will cover each type of audience including In-Market segments, Your Data segments, Custom segments, Similar segments, Affinity segments, Detailed Demographics segments, Life Events segments, and even Combined segments.

Video Chapters:
Custom Segments 1:05
Your Data (Remarketing) Segments 8:09
Similar Segments 15:36
In-Market Segments 21:27
Affinity Segments 27:05
Life Events Segments 33:13
Detailed Demographics Segments 37:11
Combined Segments 41:34


#google_ads_audience_targeting #google_ads #google_adwords #audiences #google_ads_audience #google_adwords_audience #google_ads_segments #google_adwords_segments #google_ads_audience_segments #google_adwords_audience_segments #google_ads_in_market #google_ads_affinity #google_ads_your_data #google_ads_similar #google_ads_life_events #in_market_segments #affinity_segments #custom_segments #google_ads_custom_segments #similar_segments #detailed_demographics #life_events
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digitalpasta - 30.09.2023 13:51

amazingly explained 👍

Ochei Ifeanyi
Ochei Ifeanyi - 10.04.2023 22:46

great video

Samarth Kapoor
Samarth Kapoor - 07.11.2022 13:01

As similar audience is sunsetting in Google Ads. Is it good or bad? Do you think removing similar audience from Google Ads will benefit other platforms in any way? If yes, how?

Mondial Tech
Mondial Tech - 29.10.2022 12:29

remarketing subject onk important kisu kisu somoy tai ata amader dorkar

Mondial Tech
Mondial Tech - 29.10.2022 12:27

apnar video onek valuable, google ads remarketing er upor akti video din

Awab Abd-Arrahman
Awab Abd-Arrahman - 19.10.2022 17:00

This channel will always be my hidden treasure, I appreciate what you share with us guys

Mrberice Story
Mrberice Story - 18.10.2022 22:27

Good video. I have a few questions.
Were you meaning that: if I make a saved audience in the audience manager that google will automatically make similar audiences? Vs if I just selected the audience in the campaign it wouldn't make a similar audience for that?

D. Hodak
D. Hodak - 18.10.2022 11:06

Grate video! 👍🤩
