NEW Phasmophobia 2022 Christmas Update (Patch Notes)

NEW Phasmophobia 2022 Christmas Update (Patch Notes)


1 год назад

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The patch notes for the new Phasmophobia Tempest Christmas update are here! In this video we are gonna check out whats new in Phasmophobia...


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@Mikej1592 - 17.12.2022 11:03

lighting for me is horribly bugged, not sure if its my PC or the game, but Tanglewood laundry room is pitch black even with the lights on. Night vision on the cam corder no longer lets you see anything in the dark, but you can see orbs easier. You can no longer use the cam corder in dark houses with the breaker off instead of flashlights to see where you are going, it no longer lights up the room with IR, maybe just me and related to my graphics bugs? how can i figure out the root cause of my lighting buggs?

@hamptergames - 15.12.2022 03:02

Hey psycho, what sanity can a spirit Hunt at because I just got a 80% hunt from a spirit, and I know how that happened what happened Is that ate cookies and a minute later I got a hunt and I said it was either mimic demon or yokia so I got spirit box and chose mimic with freezing temperatures too, and it said it was a spirt

@Chipsmango69 - 14.12.2022 21:48

When does the event end

@binoysaren - 14.12.2022 20:22

Moroi & Thaye : We are the fastest ghost .
Revenant : Hold my beer.

@reedygaming4585 - 14.12.2022 13:54

so translation is they have made the custom difficulty completely pointless it was nice to get a good reward out of the difficulty

@sharingheart5885 - 14.12.2022 09:10

Wait...If Wraiths never step on a salt pile, does that mean that they just don't leave a print on the pile when stepping on it, or does it mean that the Wraiths will avoid walking over the pile altogether? Like, could we potentially locked the Wraith in a room or create a safety barrier with salt during hunts?

@Grandleon - 14.12.2022 03:03

I hope they reconsider the 80% reward reduction on custom. A big selling point for the system was letting us play the game how we want and still have it worth something. Yes the multiplier system is way too gamey and could use simplifying. I would probably tie it to the preset difficulties with some kind of breakpoints.

@DatNoobDoe - 14.12.2022 01:01

I feel like 80% reduction on custom is too much. If it's just for the fun of it instead of rewards there's not much reason to not turn on the "keep items on death" option now.

@areolata - 14.12.2022 00:17

My biggest problem with this is that custom difficulty actually made it worthwhile for me, a solo player, to actually play large maps. Before this is was never worth the excessive time and effort to bother with big maps. In fact I was only playing Willow and Tangle before (on Nightmare) because playing anything larger (more rooms) gave no additional reward. So why play a match that takes 2-4 times longer when you don't get anything for the extra effort? I can play three 10 min rounds of Willow and get way more money than one 30 mins on a larger map. But I don't want to play the same maps every single match, so I was getting very bored of this before the update, and I was not really playing Phasmo.

When I was able to set a large multiplier I was happy to play the new SM a lot. And I was playing correctly by investigating and getting the ghost correct. And I totally support a reduction in rewards if you get the ghost incorrect to curb players that were cheesing by getting bones and a couple pics and exiting the match without ever investigating. But with the huge nerf to custom benefits there is literally no reason for me to play a larger map anymore. Or, worse yet, I would actually be cheesing it when I wasn't before. For example, on SM, the multipliers making the ghost really scary (no grace period, 150%, etc) are no longer worth doing. Also removing sprint, flashlights, breaker, etc. are no longer worth doing. Since I can no longer get a good multiplier I may as well nerf the ghost, make myself super fast, and just race through the map and bascially get the same reward. This ruins the whole experience so, honestly, I won't do that and will just go back to playing only Willow and Tangle (or not play at all).

I feel like they did this to curb higher level players and bring them down to noob levels but I really wish they had done the opposite. Instead of limiting higher players they should focus on making Amatuer and Intermediate more enticing and rewarding for new players. And they really need an appropriate, scripted tutorial mission that actually explains the game properly to new players. I also think they need to disable certain ghost types on Amateur (possibly some on Intermediate) to prevent new players from getting slaughtered every round and giving up before they can even learn the game. It is very discouraging to die again and again and that makes new players stop playing. If they buffed the hell out of Amateur and Intermediate, to help out noobs, they could also disable those modes for players higher than a certain level. This way noobs get helped and higher level players can't take advantage of this buff.

Sorry I'm just venting because I really loved the custom changes, and was excited to finally play big maps and/or extra-scary ghosts, and I feel like they just stomped that excitement into the dirt. In my opinion; time equals effort and it is literally not worth playing rounds that take longer if you don't get a proportional reward. So if the reward is not proportional I won't play that particular map or difficulty.

@KryssMef - 13.12.2022 23:23

Sanity pills dupe glitch now fixed?

@LHarm27 - 13.12.2022 23:11

This update is SO GOOD. I had sort of an unpopular opinion on the Custom Difficulty rewards, but to me they made the game feel unrewarding for playing Nightmare. The farming custom modes sucked the fun out of the game and trying to optimize a difficulty usually still resulted in a game that was a little less enjoyable due to removing things like random weather and cursed items. The ghost changes are perfect too! I'm looking forward to the added difficulty in 8.1 as well.

@MusicaX79 - 13.12.2022 22:43

Can they make the Yurei ever use it's ability. I have never seen it use it once.

@MusicaX79 - 13.12.2022 22:41

The custom difficulty change is fine if they add in a default 1 evidence difficulty and a no evidence difficulty.

@Sammysnarf - 13.12.2022 22:30

Nice showing of the Obake, thank you!

@SC_Reaper - 13.12.2022 20:27

I said all of that about custom difficulty before it came out and shortly after, and so many people have shouted me down for it. Looks like I was correct after all huh? XD

@Halofrog3 - 13.12.2022 20:25

I'm happy about the weather changes because when I would play on campsite and it snowed, sometimes it would be hard to tell if it was snow or orbs because they had similar shapes, I hope it will be better now

@BonziBUDDY - 13.12.2022 19:37

That 80% reduction for custom difficulties is going to kill some incentive for sure

@leviaslpchannel56 - 13.12.2022 19:36

i dont really get it about the rewards. i play allways with a 5.4 multiplayer. its like nightmare just with 1 evidence and sanity monitor is on. i get now less money for that?

@MYAceb - 13.12.2022 19:26

Feels good potato

@PauseResetPlay - 13.12.2022 19:23

The thing I'll miss most about the custom difficulty is having the extended hunt of nightmare, with the 3x evidence of professional. It was more fun and enjoyable without the missing piece of evidence that nightmare has. I understand why they made this change, but it's a bummer for sure.

@malguskerensky - 13.12.2022 19:00

Very happy to see the investigation & custom difficulty changes, as well as the changes to some older ghosts. Can't wait to see the graphic and performance changes starting tomorrow. While Custom difficulty was a boon for Content Creators, it really did not feel that useful for most players; hope its not taken offense but it feels like the Devs are back to listening to the community, over a select group of CCs.

@kilroy987 - 13.12.2022 18:30

So, find wraith ghost room, pile a bunch of salt and come back later to confirm. Got it.
I was going to start some zero sanity zero evidence runs with 40% sanity pills to see how that goes. Hopefully that's worth it - or rather, fun enough.
The reduction of photo rewards (removing the multiplier) really gimped the default rewards - hopefully the investigation rewards make up for that now, and people don't hate Nightmare as much.

@Tahmid2808 - 13.12.2022 18:12

triggered Insaan

@shawnwolf5961 - 13.12.2022 17:49

80% reduction because you want to tailor the game to your liking is absolutely fucking ridiculous. That just got me to uninstall until that crap is changed.

@KnightReiteRx - 13.12.2022 17:46

Of course the update releases when my PC is broken 😑

@DrakeWurrum - 13.12.2022 17:32

Sweet change for Obake!

Now they just need to touch up Goryo and Yurei a little bit. Simply "cannot change favorite room" is honestly not enough. Kinda boring and sometimes ghosts just stay put anyways.

I hope for one of 2 things for Goryo.
1: during a Goryo hunt, the DOTS projector is immune to the electronic flickering effect entirely.
2: when hunting and inside the DOTS projector area, the Goryo is completely invisible unless viewed through camera.

The second one would honestly be WAY more fun and make Goryo a little bit spicy/dangerous for once!

For the Yurei, they should change their ability to have a chance to close and LOCK a door near you for maybe 5 seconds - including tent flaps.
Spicy, no?

@countess_cassie - 13.12.2022 17:25

"Instead of taking the time to properly balance custom difficulty we've reduced the rewards by 80% in general" - There are lots of custom settings that are quite challenging and had fair rewards, i really hope this change won't completely ruin regular custom games.

@rocy9789 - 13.12.2022 17:10

with the morning lighting weather, i feel a new gamemode comming up: ghostinvestigation on a limited time.
game starts 5 minutes before midnight. the ghost doesnt exist then. players can bring their stuff inside and prepare. at midnight maybe a guranteed ghosthunt happens and then its back to normal game but on a timer. after a while the sun goes up and then it is time to hurry. a bit more sun and the ghost is gone and the time stops. players then can argue what ghost it is if it has not identified and then have to go home

@EirTheGhost - 13.12.2022 17:05

Tbh for the yurei. Unless if they secretly buffed the ability usage it will be extreme hard still to tell the yurei in zero evidence runs as well as make this Ghost super week. I still think testing for the yurei weakness is still super unreliable and a newer weakness should probably be considered

@oberyngg1253 - 13.12.2022 16:51

Psycho and Insym shafting exp gains for everyone after they already cashed in on all those levels smh

@Serlixe - 13.12.2022 16:46


@piratelizzie - 13.12.2022 16:39

badges we dont need no stinkin badges 🤪 ohhh but this badge would be cool! santa 🎅is here 👻

@seraphimipx2611 - 13.12.2022 16:29

well… mostly nice things BUT a big part is AGAIN moving in the wrong direction. talking about nerfing the custom games; wtf? the game has turned more and more sh$t over time making it harder and more unplayable and basically tailored only to the hardcore streamers. the game got seriously unplayable because of all the ghost buffs like stupid blinking, reduced grace, speed buffs, location tracking, etc! then came custom and we could finally make the game really fair and intersting again! woohoo! now the nerf custom games again and want people to go for default modes. news flash: the default modes SUCKED because they were unbalanced in so far that professional was the only interesting for investigation (the true and fun part of the game) but the most unplayable with constantly dying! no, no, no!
what a shame we must endure this again. i am sure we will not play too long. - maybe that’s what the devs want in order to get time until progression and horror 2.0. because honestly urp and all those changes visually and performance-wise will drag a rat’s tail of work and updates for the (useless) vr-mode.
to be fair… we need to check the numbers in regards of custom nerfs etc. because there are other boni in place but in general i sense several problems with some of these new changes.
we will see…

@anoero9720 - 13.12.2022 16:09

I really don't like the custom rewards changes. To be fair the economy is pretty bad. How someone who dies a lot can get more items and essantialy play the game, especially when secondary objectives (which earn you money) require pretty useless items which are very expensive so you need the money... Eh :/

@MrPeach1998 - 13.12.2022 16:06

Rare L with that reward reduction

@VanillaCokeClan - 13.12.2022 16:02

I enjoy you telling me about this game more than playing the game. Great work!

@kutairaisu4603 - 13.12.2022 15:45

I'm 6 minutes in, but anxiety is striking. I love no evidence runs, but... will that always be slashed by 80%???

@Texas_Red_01 - 13.12.2022 15:38

Will we still get the "Get the ghost to step in salt" objective, when the ghost is a Wraith?

@melip-hd8nu - 13.12.2022 15:34

You beat Insym to upload! 😂

@aigerimsherniyaz2266 - 13.12.2022 15:34

Would be cool, if obake could shape-shift into another player.

@kasperlyngbak1787 - 13.12.2022 15:31

Coop game with CJ, Insym and Psycho 🍺 lets gooo 💪🍺

@FinlandForceTeam - 13.12.2022 15:26

how about they rework that you dont lose all of your equipment when you die

@Starcry85 - 13.12.2022 15:19

These changes are awesome but also terrify me...

@JunkyardCactus - 13.12.2022 15:19

I'll just say it straight
80% reduction is braindead

I get the reasoning, but majority was already playing regular difficulties. Now even if you want to play custom "just for fun", you are actively hurting yourself by earning next to nothing even on the highest difficulties imaginable. I love these guys and the game they are making, but it once again after the door update sounds like the overreaching "your fun is wrong" dev approach.

@Slaking_ - 13.12.2022 15:11

Busting out the suit and tie for Revenant buffs LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

@badjoke4467 - 13.12.2022 15:04

I just realized they fixed the sanity pills dupe abuse by completely changing how it works now LMAO . . . . If the patch notes is to go by that is

@asik6566 - 13.12.2022 14:59

"there will also be another language update in the near future" KEKW

@mikuv1473 - 13.12.2022 14:57

man its harder to loop revenant now

@Yul_KaPulka - 13.12.2022 14:45

So excited to play the update! Thank you, hope to see new content from you soon ❤
