Poker Strategy MATH Every Pro Knows

Poker Strategy MATH Every Pro Knows

The Poker Bank

1 год назад

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Aditya Mittal
Aditya Mittal - 27.09.2023 14:37

So, in realtime if someone bets 10k into 100k pot and 4 people call (including you) ... since they bet 1/10, your pot odds equity requirement is 1/15th or 6.6%. Basically, just figure out the bet/pot ratio and add the number of people continuing in the hand (better + all the callers including you) to the denominator. That 6.6% is at least how often you need to win the hand to be profitable.

Andrew Russell
Andrew Russell - 20.09.2023 12:54

How do you apply pot odds to the hands you hold and the hands you think your opponent holds? Equity requirements?

Dsrrell Griffith
Dsrrell Griffith - 12.09.2023 06:18

I do not use math or pot odds, i just play my hand,,,,,hahahahahahahaha,,,,,,I cashed in 3 straight WSOP events this year. Of course i use pot odds sometimes, it depends on my stack size and hand. I do not call just because i am getting good pot odds, i can play a awesome short stack if needed.

Calliban - 07.09.2023 03:30

James Sweeney, I probably listen to you for around 20 years and only today i have seen your face. ahahah Played the video and immediately recognized the voice.

Mazzzaq - 01.09.2023 07:23

Pot odds always confuse me, how come the money you have already invested in the hand count towards winnings? If you invested $15 and your opponent invested the same and is now betting $10 making the pot $40 in my mind im going to be calling $10 to win $25 not $40....

Dustyn H
Dustyn H - 25.08.2023 18:13

So if there is 200 in the pot villain bets 100. ( 300 total ) , hero needs to call 100 to win 400 total. Isnt that 4:1 , so 25% equity needed ? But ur saying its different ? Im confused by what ur saying

But ye

Aardvark Biscuit
Aardvark Biscuit - 24.08.2023 12:17

Then there's the day you get beaten by set over set 3 times, beaten by quads twice, and your aces lose every time when all in preflop. This was my yesterday. I was beaten by hands with a 95%+ probability by miracle rivers in hands that my opponent never should have even been in based on their odds of winning. On these days you know math is a cold hearted bitch.

João Sustelo
João Sustelo - 22.08.2023 13:50

Im confused in the first 3 examples you gave on pot odds.
For example, if we are risking 4k and the profit is 16k then the pot is 20k so we need to win 1/5 or 20% of the times to break even, not 1/6.

That way we win 16k 1/5 times and we lose 4k the other 4/5 times.

So, EV = 1/5 × 16 - 4/5 × 4 = 0 as expected...

You are adding one number to the denominator.

MH - 17.08.2023 17:36

I could do better as an auctioneer, dude!

tmasst07 - 16.08.2023 08:28

does this 'math' help you win or bet better, considering you have zero control over flop, turn, river?

ElLeon Verduzco
ElLeon Verduzco - 01.08.2023 16:18

Good knowledge but you talk so fast. I don't understand why the rush when we want to learn. Thanks though, I'll just do 75% speed on settings.

Robert Paulson
Robert Paulson - 01.08.2023 00:25

You have to work on the way you speak. The sing song way you talk is way too annoying to pay attention to what you're saying

Toaster N'Friends
Toaster N'Friends - 04.06.2023 21:07

I watched this three times and didn't understand any of it, is poker not for me?

Alex Lamy
Alex Lamy - 03.06.2023 01:12

great vid.

Pissy_Knish - 19.05.2023 00:51

I love your videos and they are helping me immensely! Could you explain how you came up with 2.3:1 (during the Pot Odds example)? I'm horrible at math so I'm sure it seems obvious to anyone else. Thanks for the great content!

Marbles - 14.05.2023 09:47

Sweeeeeny! Thank you. Been learning from you for years now. Took a break but im back and your content is even more impressive. Thank you!!!

colin glen
colin glen - 11.05.2023 18:38

You lost me at 'one over one plus five' so i'm out.

Eric T
Eric T - 10.05.2023 08:37

Some people wear shades because they think their eyes give them away. Mean while all real pros no to hide their chins because the chin can be an easy tell to see.

bad videos
bad videos - 09.05.2023 11:08

it doesnt work for 53 calls and sucks out

bad videos
bad videos - 09.05.2023 11:07

boring voice

jo mos
jo mos - 02.05.2023 04:13

I think I remember you from around 2005 u did some vids I watched when I started playing NLH nice to see u still at it and thank you for your insights it definitely help me.

Chuck Higgins
Chuck Higgins - 27.04.2023 04:23

Great video… Thanks

Jacob Frank
Jacob Frank - 27.04.2023 04:05

Thank you big guy

LifeisA Dream
LifeisA Dream - 25.04.2023 10:09


September's PASSION
September's PASSION - 25.04.2023 07:26

I recently bought your Math Workbook! I'm in dealing school, preparing to Deal for the "WSOP" next Month, and my weakest point is Math. Hopefully your Book helps me‼️🙏🙏

Tim Carey
Tim Carey - 25.04.2023 05:32

Dude I bought your workbook and although I do fractions all day long at work installing tile and do them pretty quickly I have a real tough time understanding how your doing this. The only thing I’ve ever been good at in math is fractions because I feel like I can just see them in my head, everything else I’m terrible at. And and I’m not being critical but holy smokes you talk so fast and it’s like you never take a breath, so while I’m thinking about one calculation you’re already three steps ahead. Any way you could do a video on how to calculate odds for dummies? In my life, I’ve only played in four live tournaments, three small nightly tournaments at Caesars and won one of them and bagged at last year’s WPT championship at the Wynn. So I have potential, but I really want to understand the maths better.

Austin Belitz
Austin Belitz - 24.04.2023 14:51

As a sports bettor with a sports betting mind, I do not understand your required equity to continue. So the way I look at it when making my decision is if the betting were to end right now, how often do I win the hand. That’s how I’m looking at equity in any situation, so in the very first example you are 4k to win 16k and to return 20k. This is 4:1 or in sports betting +400. So let’s say we run that 100 times (you can extrapolate 1000, 10k etc.). Total I’m risking 400k correct? With an equity of 17% I’m saying that from here I should win 17% of the time, so over a 100 times I should win 17 times correct? The return is 20k times 17 equaling 340k. So it’s a spot that’s generating negative ROI because your total investment is 400k to return only 340k. So I feel that you need at least 20% equity to continue. So I just wanna ask, am I looking at this the wrong way? Am I missing something? Just want to learn

Will in New Haven
Will in New Haven - 24.04.2023 06:30

In the specific example where you have AT, aren't you _ beating_ most of the hands that fold? You say that they are calling only with hands that beat you but you have second pair, best kicker. The only tine that they fold a hand where you need them to fold is when it would be a chop. If they are folding all one-pair hands, a you discuss later, it makes more sense to bluff.

J S B - 23.04.2023 16:10

I think the solvers really picked up on pot odds and why 2x+ pot raises are often a good solution as a pot bet still have an opponent 2:1 pot odds

Tony England
Tony England - 23.04.2023 12:21

I'm sure there are many players, like myself, that do really well at the tables but are hopeless at maths. I realise it's important to have maths in your arsenal and I'd win more if I had a solid understanding but I cannot sit at the tables doing these formulas because I'd spend forever getting to the place mathematical players get to in seconds.

Chris Mac
Chris Mac - 23.04.2023 12:21

Damn. I've been playing for a long time and I just realised I don't know anything. Glad the algorithm gave me this lol. I've added your book to the wishlist for pay day.

Dynamice - 23.04.2023 01:44

I suspect that hand reading and putting specific opponents on accurate ranges in a variety of spots is as important as math. If you play against every player like they play correctly you can make some big mistakes.

bart supino
bart supino - 22.04.2023 18:35

nicely done

JDAZ - 22.04.2023 18:05

Giant over-bets - throw all the math out of window when deciding if you're going to call or not. This is going to be highly dependent on many other factors. Mostly, does your opponent bluff a lot?

Fanatos22 - 22.04.2023 10:44

Real question

Do you guys holding a calculator in your hand when playin poker?

nicholi2789 - 22.04.2023 05:02

This is great, these videos have taught me so much. Keep ‘em coming!

DSPenguin - 22.04.2023 02:28

the trick I use for pot odds is the following:

if % of pot 1/4 then pot odds ratio 1/5 then required equity 1/6

other example

if % of pot 1/2 then pot odds ratio 1/3 then required equity 1/4

always works if numerator is 1

if numerator is not 1 you need to add the numerator to the denominator

if % of pot 3/4 then pot odds ratio 3/7 then required equity 3/10

you'll notice it matches your results perfectly

gotta love math

Casey Rymer
Casey Rymer - 21.04.2023 23:03

Perfect. Personally, I’ve needed a video like this for ages. Excellent content as per, thanks a lot James.

300 LB Canary
300 LB Canary - 21.04.2023 20:51

Super Solid!

Craps Dealer
Craps Dealer - 21.04.2023 20:17


brightestfuture - 21.04.2023 19:54

Great job

Little Inkling
Little Inkling - 21.04.2023 19:49

Love you JS, but why is it you can always rely on poker coaches to complicated the math process way beyond the necessary? Its easier to work out pot-odds when you compare the amount to you have to call to the total pot after the call is made.

Villa G
Villa G - 21.04.2023 19:13

You're doing awesome with the channel. Been catching up every day of your last 5+ years.

Adrian Allen
Adrian Allen - 21.04.2023 18:13

First! Lol
