Panasonic TVs are the most color accurate out of all the brands, except Sony. They recently returned to the US TV market. I think they’re hella underrated.
ОтветитьEU finally realized that they didn’t want to sell their auto market to the Chinese? Sounds reasonable to me.🤔Let EVs grow their market share naturally with local production in sync.
ОтветитьAustralian prices on any car are high. Porsche especially. A 911 will start at $290k. A Taycan Turbo S $300k most evs are chinese or Tesla (chinese made). I don't think VW sell any ev cars here. The ID Buzz was rumoured to be $100k. The F150 Lightning starts at $225k up to $280k. So used cars it is. But not ev's. Even mustang is $100k. Corvette $200k or $340k for the Z06. Yeah don't shop down under.
ОтветитьPeople don't like gas bans carbon taxes mandated evs tax payer incentive and being told what to drive and buy like little kids.
ОтветитьThey want an auto industry bailout as usual and chinese EV dumping.
ОтветитьThey needed to be honest that evs actually are worse for the environment for the first four years because of all the mining and then they equalize and move ahead of gas cars until they need a battery replacements
And if all cars were EV s it would make an extremely small impact on the planet.
They are using shame and fear and mandates to push EV s which helps china and hurts all western countries jobs and economies.
People are over fast 0 to 60 times and instant torque.
Fun but not really needed with all the😮 downside of charging cold weather range finding a charger home charger for apartments costing more top fill than gas on public chargers which needs a subscription dint take cash have no customer service or human employees don't take cash.
Women are alone at night at lonely charging stations with no humans around AMD your car is unlocked automatically while charging and or cannot move until you get out and take the cable out this cane a dangerous setup .
If the 12 v battery dies your car will not start and can lock your child insure or your outside even your phones and key become e useless because there is not power and not me magical key in Some models.
Cost cutting
EVs don't sell without heavy government incentives or heavy limitations on freedom.
ОтветитьNo one wants EU EVs, because they are oldfashioned.
ОтветитьThe size of a country's economy or GDP is meaningless when the average person is making mediocre wages. Corporations and governments are making money, 95% of their employees see little of that profit. According to google, the average full time worker in the U.S. makes $57,200 per year. I'm a single adult male making slightly more than this. I can't be financially responsible and purchase a brand new car. They simply cost too much.
ОтветитьHow much will you get for a 8 year old Battery EV that you have no idea how long it will last? would you spend $20.000 on a car that might need as much or more for a new battery? I could concider a 3 year old EV for max $10.000 as that I could afford to loose over 3 to 5 years on a car.
ОтветитьUSA gov wants cars to be as expensive as possible, and that explains their actions
ОтветитьWhen you said the ID4 was a prison for you, that got me 😂
ОтветитьI can answer that, people in the EU are waiting for the electric cars the car manufacturers promise will come next year
ОтветитьJust saw a lease deal for a new Hummer EV for, 899. Still a lot of money but that's a lot of car. Despite this there are lots over filled with these Hummers not selling.
Ответитьi love this topic.
I don't believe one bit that Europeans are giving up on EVs. There's a lot of structure and cost around EVs that make today's ownership more difficult and these are improving year after year, but the biggest hurdle is cost. Losing the incentive was premature, indeed, as cost of living has balooned in most parts of the developped world. Automakers shouldn't lose focus on EVs; to the contrary. Investment is much needed. That said, hybrids and plug-in hybrids are currently the big money makers. I would abandon any effort to build ICE-only vehicles at this time. Every car built should be a hybrid, and cars needs to shed costs in technology and connectivity. I don't believe and automaker will make sales with additional connectivity and tech, whereas they will make sales with cheaper hybrids, cheaper plug-in hybrids and cheaper EVs.
You cant force people to buy evs if they dont want to (even if you tax ICE to oblivion)? no fucking way man, who couldhave thought
ОтветитьEVs in Europe are both more and less practical then they are in the US. Why? Less distance to travel and more population density makes EVs more practical in Europe. What makes them less practical? Fewer people in Europe own single family homes where EV charging can be done. Most people in Europe have to rely on charging stations almost exclusively than the US overall. That fact is, because the EV tech is not yet ready for prime time, that is EVs cannot fill all use cases ICEVs can, the market for them is extremely limited. I have a friend at work who recently got a new Model Y. His use case, local commuting, some distance driving, etc., fill the primary use cases he needs it for. Also, Here in the DFW area and the corridors between DFW, Houston and San Antonio, the EV infrastructure for Teslas is more than sufficient to make an EV practical. However, don't try and drive one to say, Big Bend National Park or across much of the US west. Unless you're hauling a generator and a can of gasoline.
ОтветитьBmws are just hideous looking now...wouldn't buy that trash.
Ответитьjust Tesla is tanking, other EVs are doing alright.
ОтветитьAll of our TVs at home are Panasonic. 🙂
ОтветитьHow much Toyota pays you?
ОтветитьThe (EV) King is dead, long live the (Hydrogen) King! 👑
ОтветитьNot all EVs are created equal and there is a reason why the Tesla Model Y is still the best selling car and EV in the world. World wide EV sales data still are trending UP and RIGHT on the charts, over time.
ОтветитьYou hit the nail on the head regarding EVs. I do not want to "geek out" or even have to even "THINK" about RANGE and with my Model Y, so there are drives up into the mountains that I just refuse to do because EV superchargers are only located on major highways. If you drive the Blue Ridge Parkway, for instance, you will be lucky to find a Tesla supercharger and must rely on your hotel for slow, level 2 charging if there is a plug available. RANGE and CHARGING is a shit sandwich, but these factors will get much better over time.
ОтветитьI hope so
ОтветитьWhen the government stops funding these EVs with peoples tax money, no one wants them. The high price, depreciation, charring infrastructure, insurance, fire hazards and the list goes on, people don't want them. It is not about the environment, it is about control.
ОтветитьStop making steak, start making hamburgers. If you buy basic/simple ev car, you wouldn't really need to be concerned about replacing batteries or depreciating values. It's dirt cheap to begin with. European and American automakers stubbornly keep churning premium evs. they are expensive to own/repair/replace and depreciates really fast. I don't give a shit about ADAS features, electric parking brake, 540° camera, etc. I just want something that can be used for daily commuting, and I can use the money saved to buy another basic ev in 10 years. I got one btw
ОтветитьIn the UK car dealerships are pre registering EVs to technically make them look sold then they are put back in the market as nearly new (year old and around 100 miles on the clock) this does happen anyway but this is happening in very very high numbers. They are fixing the figures to avoid the government fines. Auto trader has been useful for data
ОтветитьI spoke to someone who works at nettbil cars last night who are an online auction site here in Norway. In their own words: Used petrol/diesel cars have increased in value. The market is flooded with used electric cars with low mileage that do not sell. If you have an electric car, it is best to keep it longer, otherwise you lose money. Car dealers that sell new electric cars are struggling, some are going bankrupt. Norway does not import petrol/diesel cars because the euro is too strong compared to the kroner. People who took out loans to buy expensive new electric cars have lost the most because they have lost so much in value as loan rates have risen. Tesla's constant price change has negatively affected the used value.
ОтветитьEVs are perfect!
For 5% of buyers.
80% of buyers hate them.
The rest would have one if free
EVs are superior
ОтветитьYour EV take is delusional Kirk. Always has been.
ОтветитьIt is interesting opinion of the typical uninformed car user out there. I suppose people are generally uneducated in the new things, base their opinions on prejudices, simplifications, Urban legends, and prevailing propaganda. Journalists, usually a source of decent information in normal times, are the same clueless as their readers in change times.
Take the most hilarious statement about hybrid cars as a compromise between electrics and guzzlers. In reality it is a ICE car with some useless stuff added to increase the price and maintenance costs. But it provides a moral excuse to the buyer, that he bought something good for enviroment, and modern. But he actually bought the car which is worse in all aspects of economy, usability, and environment than a plain petrol car or true electric. The reasons people buy hybrids is beyond rational understanding. Probably they were conned.
European automakers sell expensive EV with shoddy products and outrageous prices.
ОтветитьIm a dude who look at numbers for the most part. I generally disregard people’s emotional leanings,, coz thats generally on you (the individual).
Note that im looking at ONLY BATTERY ELECTRIC (BEV). Im NOT including PLUG IN hybrid (PHEV). China tend to fudge the numbers coz when they say EV (or NEV), they mean BEV+PHEV numbers.
So what of BEV numbers? Well lets look at 2023’s number:
Global car sale was ~90mill, of which 30mill alone was from China.
EU+NA was another ~30mill,
that leaves the rest of the planet at 30mill.
So 1/3 china, 1/3 EU+ NA, 1/3 everybody else.
Of that 90mill,, 10mill were BEVs. Impressive. Until u look at WHERE that 10mill comes from… 7mill alone was from China.
So lets break that down:
10mill / 90mill is 1 in 9 for global BEV sales.
But if we completely remove China from the equation, that number drop to
3mill / 60mill… 1 in 20.
THATS how imbalanced the BEV share is when we talk about “global”.
And when u look at BEV sales in China, yes, their domestic players are dominating. Tesla was no1 BEV in China, but if categorize between domestic and foreign (for china), then the domestic players are dominating.
Honestly, as it should. Its their own brand of cars afterall. Some americans who are beating their chest screaming “buy domestic” should understand this the best tbh😅.
Goodbye NOKIAs! 3:)
ОтветитьIn a not so distant future, this channel will be disable unless it changes 3:)
ОтветитьEVs are like mobile phones the newest one will always be the best. The most popular EVsold in the world is the model y. Anyone that is out to buy a new Eevee or new model why replacement is not going to fork out money that new one is coming out in a few months. Legacy Auto makers need to learn from China because they're the leader in the market anybody else the legacy automakers have just been smacked in the face and don't know what hit them in the balls.
ОтветитьEVs have to stop looking so damned weird. Especially the interior. Why can't they just look like normal cars?
ОтветитьPanasonic didn't stop making TVs (they stopped making Plasma TVs). They have kept making TVs all this time. They just exited the US market.....have been selling them in Europe, Asia and Oceania. However, Panasonic just re-entered the US TV market this year with OLED TVs
ОтветитьHave to love the hypocrisy. As if the US and EU dont subsidize their companies 😂😂😂. Then its not a problem. But if China subsidizes their companies.....big problem. The simple reality is that Chinese EV companies are more competitive because every single aspect of the EV for them is vertically integrated unlike American and European manufacturers.
ОтветитьEV's are fire bombs.
ОтветитьBig up all petrol heads 😅
ОтветитьIt’s mostly because the infrastructure hasn’t kept up. I’d buy an EV if I didn’t live in a rural area with minimal charging facilities. Instead I’ll be buying a hybrid.
ОтветитьWhat's the mystery?! EV'S ARE HORRIBLE! They cost more, no charging stations, too expensive to repair and the battery costs $3,000 to replace! That's the short list of EV disasters! And who wants to wait around for 3 to 6 hours for them to chsrge!