How to Know When to Leave Your Job (Quit Your Job)

How to Know When to Leave Your Job (Quit Your Job)

Linda Raynier

5 лет назад

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@LindaRaynier - 31.10.2018 16:17

Have you been getting a feeling that it might be time to leave your current job and find a new one? Let me know your experiences below!

@thekittythatsayshello - 19.12.2023 01:26

Yes I'm a "job hopper" not because I want to be! I would love to find a job I'm happy with and don't mind staying at for several years. But all of the jobs I have had just make me miserable! I can only take being miserable for so long.. I put in my two weeks today at my current job bc the stress and anxiety has just gotten too much for me. I even developed a drinking problem to cope with the stress... idk if anyone's gonna read this but please just pray for me or send good vibes. Life is hard 😩

@patriciaojigbo2976 - 08.12.2023 17:05

Don't worry about me

@andrewanderson7912 - 03.12.2023 19:14

Sign number 1 isn’t a problem but everything else is on point for me. I've been dreading Monday ever since I've logged out Friday. Giving it shot to change departments but its the only thing keeping me at my current company.

@terrystarr4793 - 15.11.2023 21:09

What if you get so angry at how terrible the business is ran, and it directly affects you since you are at the very bottom of the tier list as a shipping lead, where the Sh!t rolls downhill. And you get pushed by higher up people who are rude and inconsiderate and also directly make your job worse. Also your supervisor does nothing but put more work on you and responsibility while doing near nothing himself. Production plants are hell.

@joshuatichota5046 - 12.11.2023 07:22

Okay so I've been with this company for a little over four years and am about to turn 40 in a few months, here's the problems they're not wanting to raise my salary even though I do so much work, and people younger than me who haven't even been with the company as long as I have are getting promoted left and right and I'm left in the dust with hardly anything. What am I supposed to do? Family says I need to stick it out and stay with the company, "friends" (and I use that word loosely because I really haven't been able to make actual friends) say to leave the job not sure what to do

@rod1424 - 03.11.2023 16:43

Watching this after i tendered my immediate resignation without a backup plan

@dzihanahajdarpasicmisirlic5347 - 28.10.2023 18:59

most important thing not addressed, leaving job for the toxicity of a boss or a team

@Theheadbadgirl - 21.09.2023 18:40

Excellent video! Thank you for the tips!

@DC-ef8op - 14.09.2023 20:15

Does anyone know how to find out what this guy is doing now? His channel?

@marygracewoo8925 - 27.07.2023 16:47

But what if,you'll just want to open a business?

@switch6619 - 24.06.2023 21:38

I have been working on my current company for 6 years, wondering if this is right time to leave 🤔

@forest2344 - 21.06.2023 15:41

Inflation, bank collapse, severe drought in the agricultural belt, recession, food shortages, diesel fuel and heating oil shortages, baby formula shortages, available automobile shortages and prices, the price of living place. <It's all coming together and it could lead to a real disaster towards the end of this year (or sooner). With inflation currently at about 6%, my primary concern is how to maximize my savings/retirement fund of about $300k which has been sitting duck since forever with zero to no gains.

@binibiningolikornyo - 09.06.2023 14:43

My major reason why I wanted to quit my job is because of my toxic boss.

@Necorum - 28.05.2023 17:28

Sign 6, micromanaged to the point you freeze on what to do everyday.

@Heresheis0818 - 18.04.2023 06:02

Zoe tell me about the struggles to be top in layers

@Yheng.199x - 24.03.2023 23:33

You may need to consider as well if you are getting right pay.

@letstalkcareerswithsara - 12.03.2023 21:37

Great video. Thanks for sharing. I just recently added a video about this and would love your feedback.

@sawadeeh - 19.02.2023 23:23

I got my job with your help. I am you forever grateful.

@unknownbrother273 - 11.02.2023 00:07

I'm 17 and I'm told that I'm pretty much the best person there yet the managers have attitudes and only now seem the value me as I say I'm leaving. They try to act like I'm responsible for their company and I feel guilty leaving.

@meropale - 08.02.2023 01:31

I love my job (mostly) but my manager is a bad nut.

@rockygupta7339 - 29.01.2023 17:20

Leave any manager that is toxic. Pathetic bunch they are.

@connortheobald5840 - 15.01.2023 09:59

4 out of 5 for me

@claryp1509 - 13.01.2023 06:51

If I didn’t struggle to find employment, as a disabled African American woman, I would’ve left my job a long time ago. Been there almost 5 years and my reasonable accommodation requests have been ignored. Also, I work for a “Christian” (loosely termed) TV show and after almost 5 years and hard work, I’ve only been employee of the month once! Right now, I’m feeling burned out; having heart palpitations and my anxiety is worse than it usually is.

@mitsjudith - 24.12.2022 06:45

Is I don’t want to live in this country anymore a good reason enough ?(btw it’s Japan not the best country to work in)

@domingoaj79 - 22.12.2022 09:19

Thanks for this video ❤

@renanlinard7 - 12.12.2022 17:17

Let's be honest, everybody here knows that it's done. We just want to hear someone talking about this subject to fell more comfortable about this idea. That's it.

@missmarggg01 - 09.12.2022 05:59

Oh my you are a blessing! I've been with my current company for 4 yrs now I got promoted but I am now experiencing these 4 signs out of 5. Thank you. This means a lot. I have now a clear picture. I am now ready to leave

@lindaang3878 - 08.12.2022 13:03

Thanks for sharing this video. This is so relatable. I too resigned during my probation period. I was working in my previous company for about 5 years. As time goes by, I realised that there was not much career progression/development opportunities in my role. Hence, I took a leap of faith and went to search for other job opportunities. When I chanced upon this new job, I was delighted because the base pay was pretty good. When I started the 'intensive' training during probation period, I experienced a 'shift shock'. Or should I say, a work culture shock because the work pace is so different from my previous workplace, and it was fast to a point where I felt overwhelmed and disconnected when coping with my work. Thats when I realised that it was a poor job fit.
In addition, my health took a toll as well!
My mind and body were forcing me to resign from my job and take a break 🥲

Looking back, I shouldn't have solely used money as a criterion, but to understand my areas of work interest, career goals, skill sets, strengths and weaknesses better before I pursue Or take up any job offer.

@johnf6687 - 27.11.2022 19:46

Others have been offered your job you move to a different dept almost like trading your wife in til a better one comes even though your there when company was hurting; (2) other make lots of mistakes but your written up not them; work is everything it drives the economy fuel, 401k, purchasing etc.

@Cstil18 - 17.11.2022 05:11

Thanks im quitting tomorrow

@eric-ampire - 11.11.2022 00:36

I really appreciate the content shared in this video

@CW-rx2js - 05.11.2022 01:09

My reasons for leaving :
1. Horrible work culture: Culture focuses not on work, but on being sycophants to the boss and forming "social committees", this is their crappy leadership model.
2. Leaders are not good, people are not good and mediocrity is being rewarded. High performers are not. Only people from a particular country are being hired.
3. It's an entry level role and I've done this enough. It's time for a promotion.

Result: Complete lack of motivation, waste of time, anxiety.

@jakajan3187 - 20.10.2022 20:33

let's face it. the fact we're even watching this already means we know our job isn't for us. i damn well know mine isn't, from the first day i KNEW it wasn't. i'm just scared. for a number of things.

first of all i got in with the owner of the place backing me up. i feel like it would be such a waste of her time, she has done a lot for me to get in only for me to want to back out so fast. i planned to get at least three months in but i don't think i will be able to handle it.

also my mom has rooted for me so hard, plus she covered most of the costs of my requirements. i wouldn't want to waste her effort.

but i REALLY know i am not for this job. i mean in everything we get into, we'd know from the start, we get that feeling and we'd know whether it's right for us or not. i know my strengths. sure, i can handle all the hard work and fast paced environments but doesn't mean i enjoy nor want to keep doing it. my strength lies with creativity, critical thinking, and literature. it is definitely because of that that when i come home from work i feel so drained and relieved that i have gotten out. even before work, i dread having to come. i have strengths that i can never put to use. i can not excel or put my best foot forward because i can't express or show my true potential. all work is exhausting but i truly believe that with the right job, the tiredness is paired with fulfilment, because though you have exerted yourself, you have been able to use your talent and skills.

i also thin like i'm always on thin ice with everyone. i'm the only new hire and i feel like a burden. the supposed seniors who should know better are the ones who pressure me the most. they say to ask but get mad when i do. i do not know where i stand.

everyone tells me i have improved and learned the fastest and even i know but not even that makes me happy. it just makes me scared because they would expect more from me. i just get scared of what i do NOT know.

every time i get home i vent to my friends about all the things that sucked at work, not the many things i have done right. i am not a negative person, quite the contrary. i love living, but not for right now. when i think of the near future even, i see myself quitting. i can't even call my rest days, "rest days" because all i think about is how i have to work again tomorrow and all that.

i currently work in fast food service. i CAN handle it but it doesn't fulfill me. some of my seniors have been there for decades, but every second i have to work there makes me want to cry. i know all work environments have a certain toxicity, but i KNOW that with a job that is for me, i wouldn't be too fazed as i am just doing what i do.

@yodaleiheehu3280 - 10.10.2022 17:18

I've been at a call center for a year and a half. It's become easy and it's in the health field, but opportunities for more senior roles are unclear. The hours are stable but the pay is relatively low (compared to similar roles). I feel like I could be making more but I would have to risk the stability of my current role.

@AgathaTsing - 02.10.2022 03:28

Is three years a reasonable amount time to stay at a job?

@ANYTHING-qh3bg - 12.09.2022 15:38

I get that gut and anxiety like feeling but when I’m at work it’s not there, should I consider that or forget about it?

@knivesandfire1 - 03.09.2022 14:03

After almost six years at my current job I’m leaving. The first four years was fun, had a great crew and management. Then last summer my building had been acquired by another company and came in new management, thus began a downward spiral of the workplace culture, mass resignation of longtime staff and supervisors and constant turnover, lack of leadership and training, staff being lazy, management not caring and being oblivious of issues pretending things are going well, being cheap… I can go on. The job itself I like, but the people around me are just insufferable and no amount of money will keep me to continue working there.

@victorespinoza6210 - 31.08.2022 18:08

Great video and points

@ac70998 - 18.08.2022 18:57

I think 90% of us feel drained for going back to the office the next day, sadly.

@bobfeller604 - 14.08.2022 22:08

Strive to reach that F/U moment in life...when your investment income will sustain you. Seek to move out, not up.

@phayzyre1052 - 13.08.2022 06:31

My advice to anyone contemplating leaving their job is as follows when your “done“ it’s time to go! At my previous job I went through all sorts of emotions from pigeonholed, sadness, despair, anger, emptiness, boredom, destitute, misery, etc., etc., etc. Then one day I woke up and just said to myself “I’m done with this place“ and began my exit. Two months later I left that place and started working a job where things were MUCH better for me! I’m happier, full of life, there’s opportunities for me for advancement and I look forward to going to work now.

So remember, you may go through several emotions if your job is not doing you right and you feel like there is no opportunities there but when you’re done, you’re done! That is when it’s time to leave.

@Ale1996. - 01.08.2022 22:04

I see this video and it’s all true. Sadly I can’t get a job. I feel so sad all the time and feel trapped. My comfort is at home 🏡 not at work. My career is Medical assistant.

@SaviorKnight - 19.07.2022 10:57

Great video. I gotta leave my day job. It's dead end. Made it to the highest achievable without a college degree. Pay is low.

@JB-qt3wo - 08.07.2022 23:54

I’d leave my job to work in your bread bakery buttering your bread any day.

@bstuart66 - 02.07.2022 21:44

I've answered yes to all your signs where I am now. I have accepted an offer from another place and just awaiting background check to be official. So excited.

@jimmyvila4443 - 24.06.2022 16:40

To be honest now that I’m older I just like to slow things down and don’t want to learn new things work related. I prefer going into to work feeling comfortable knowing what I’m doing then challenges that stress me out. I always say “my life starts when I clock out from work”
