How We Got Here: A History of Nintendo's Official Emulators | Tech Rules

How We Got Here: A History of Nintendo's Official Emulators | Tech Rules

Tech Rules

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Tech Rules
Tech Rules - 04.01.2022 08:30

It's finally done!! This video has been in the works since before the expansion pack was even announced; it just gave me a reason to finally finish it. I put SO much effort into this, learning and double-checking everything I can, trying to ensure I'm giving a good explanation for the variety of things I talk about here. With the sheer scope of it, I'm sure I still got stuff wrong. If you caught anything incorrect, please let me know! With how big this video is, I'll frankly be surprised if there aren't some big things I need to correct.

Thankfully, LuigiBlood has already pointed out a lot of these very shortly after the video's release:

-N64 WiiVC doesn't seem to have specialized builds for each game. It was merely constantly updated over time, and the progress was shown in new VC releases. It still used game-specific fixes, but they all exist within the emulator by default.

-That random shot at I took at DK64 at the beginning of the video didn't actually have any basis, it seems. While it was just used as a small joke, I still don't want to spread that misinformation. However, I still assure you that it definitely didn't use the expansion pack to avoid a bug.

In addition to these, LuigiBlood also added a LOT of extra information I had missed and gave a different (although admittedly much more educated) outlook on the future of the Switch's N64 emulation. I highly recommend you take a look at it!

If we're being honest, I probably could've dialed it back on taking shots at Nintendo in this video. While a lot of the things they've done recently have given me a bad impression of them, I'll be the first to admit that I made a lot of assumptions here, especially at the end. I still find my criticisms reasonable, but I'd like to remind everyone (myself included) that we don't know what goes on internally and, while speculation is one thing, taking action based on assumptions is another. This might be a needless clarification, but I just wanna make sure I'm not misconstrued here. Please be nice to other human beings!

With that out of the way, I hope you enjoy today's video!

Chocomelo - 05.11.2023 08:15


rest in peace lil buddy...

Max - 01.11.2023 07:51


Arlwiss - 26.10.2023 13:41

Dark filter is still present on the Mario Kwrt Super Circuit 3DS virtual console version. Idk about others, just something I ran into and thought I'd correct here

Lou - 04.10.2023 12:19

The Wii U Is Good, Not The Swish.

Nicholas774 - 16.09.2023 00:25

Rip techrules, you were a good man... Whaddya mean he's not dead? Nonsense, he is 6 feet beneath cold dirt and gravel.

Rowan A'Boat
Rowan A'Boat - 20.08.2023 16:00

one year ago, still looking for those rules

jay - 14.08.2023 03:54

Mr tech rules, what are your thoughts on Hshop, is it worth it?

Aeroon - 09.08.2023 02:12

Late 2023, the subscription still isn't worth it.

Jim Milton
Jim Milton - 08.08.2023 22:19

I think asking "for more" in terms of wanting functionality for the games is unreasonable only if they allow alternatives to exist. Say they allow any emulator to be downloaded on the switch and configured any way that emulator allows, then I'd say "eh so what if the official version sucks, we can just download a much better version" but because nintendo wants emulators to suffer and give no possibility of them ever being allowed, they should be expected to do better than what the best emulator can provide minimum.

Jim Milton
Jim Milton - 08.08.2023 21:46

"It's not a level of inolvement nintendo would ever have for their old games" that's exactly why they should just design the tools then give people the freedom to utilize them. But instead nintendo wants to be your overlord who tells you that you can only use their official software while never actually developing that hardware to be viable for anything a sane person would use as their only source.

They should just release the source code on PC or something that modders can use to develop their own systems that nintendo will never do in their life.

Jim Milton
Jim Milton - 08.08.2023 21:15

Man the NES and SNES thing was such a good idea that was wasted.

Having an official mini console that can play all the old games in a really easy way on an actual NES controller would've been really cool.. if not for the fact that they only supported a couple of games and in true nintendo fashion refused to allow anyone to customize anything about the thing they actually paid for. All they would've had to do is allow people to port their own games onto it that supported the NES format all on less than 1GB of space.

So in the end you'd still just be better off buying an NES controller, plugging it into your PC and paying nintendo nothing as you get a much better experience emulating 644 games, a library so huge you'd need multiple years just to play it all. (or in the case of AVGN you could make an entire legacy off of them alone)

Jim Milton
Jim Milton - 08.08.2023 20:14

As someone with an epilepsy (Or person of epilepsy as our epilepsy speedrun community like to call ourselves), I'd say the epilepsy filter should at the very least have a toggle, so people who don't have epilepsy don't have to deal with an overly dark screen as an accommodation solution to something they don't even have.

Jim Milton
Jim Milton - 08.08.2023 18:18

My take with the nintendo emulator thing: Until I can get a better experience through official hardware than I could emulating it, I'll keep emulating it.

I say nintendo should just release an official PC emulator with all games at $0.99 a piece, give mod support, give achievements and let people mess around with the game however they choose to. I'd be more than willing to pay $1 for an emulator and game that has more functionality and ability that a free alternative couldn't provide.

Mikey Yahle
Mikey Yahle - 25.07.2023 08:52

And when the world needed him most, he disappeared

dolphinhat - 25.07.2023 07:50

Can you do a video about classic adventure quest

Jacob Edwards
Jacob Edwards - 20.07.2023 23:18

>nintendo makes game emulator on accident
>game pirates use it to emulate
>nintendo sues them out of their life savings for emulating nintendo property instead of asking how to fix it
>company image ruined
im starting to notice a pattern with alot of game companies now

AndrewDaPro6969 - 20.07.2023 08:15

Have you tried putting a switch cartridge in the n64 scrapped cross compatibility slot?

Gimiter - 20.07.2023 01:35

channel dead?
