Microsoft Project 2021 Overview And Features Walkthrough

Microsoft Project 2021 Overview And Features Walkthrough


3 года назад

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@pegazuz1977 - 04.04.2022 15:19

Great video. If I work in a team of 4, and buy 1 User, is it then possible to share the project files and overview between the team, for everyone to see and comment on (ideally over Teams), or will it be strictly limited to the 1 user?

@melloman999 - 10.03.2022 14:43

4 mins is not enough

@robwickham8530 - 07.02.2022 06:17

is there a way to calculate the schedule using one of the other 10 "duration" fields? Like having a "approved risk", "high risk" and a "low risk" expression of duration, and you can just toggle between them. I have a project that has two flavors, very similar, but some tasks in 1 flavor are skipped or have a reduced duration vs. the other flavor. Separate MPP's would be difficult to keep in sync, and Excel import/export feels very risky. I'm hoping there are reasonable workarounds, alternative products, or the hope of Project being improved with more features that aren't about pricing plans or web vs. on-prem runtimes.

@zsoltilibai3417 - 07.01.2022 20:51

Can i use it on mac?,

@temideladipo9558 - 02.11.2021 21:33

cutie ... well presented

@samuelmason8370 - 31.10.2021 01:57

Cool dude. thanks!

@thermant8452 - 15.08.2021 14:12

I've never used project, but Ive used SharePoint and Planner. The screens in this video look like a SharePoint list and a planner board.

@therewasonceabass - 14.06.2021 07:17

In the chapters section of this video it says top features of Asana

@JoshYates - 11.04.2021 19:27

I like your hair color. Much gratitude for the video.
