how the Asian "Model Minority" perpetuates Anti-Blackness

how the Asian "Model Minority" perpetuates Anti-Blackness


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@sm1purplmurderedme583 - 12.02.2024 08:12

it’s so funny how white ppl went from preaching yellow peril (fear for east asians) and discrimatong legally against the chinese into getting them to help them hate on black ppl. white ppl are such a weird race, and always feel the need to dominate💀 god is judging y’all

@BLACKONCODE2024 - 07.02.2024 10:52

There is no anti Asian in the Black American community, especially in the USA. All demographics are anti Black🫶🏽🖤1 REPARATIONS are due immediately to American Descendants of Chattel Slavery💯

@curiousasianman - 06.02.2024 15:04

Thank you for this enlightening video. Asian Americans needs to show up and get involved in civic duties if they want to erase the perception as outsiders or foreigners. Because of the our culture to stay out of trouble because it is none of our business on mainstream social issues and economically we do just fine, we are perceived as selfish and unkind race in America

@nawdude4292 - 31.01.2024 03:18

Yo I'm lost every time a point to be made in the current era has to be tied to reasons from centuries or decades ago. Stereotypes form much faster and each generation will decide for themselves if the stereotypes fit their experience. I'm told Asians in Canada are seen (at least in Vancouver?) the way Mexicans in southern California are viewed cuz they're huge gangsters there. The problem with a lot of these theories is that they're based on leftist ideology narrative building. The math of words are not science so you can paint anything to fit any narrative. But let's ask ourselves what do we actually know, cuz I'm sure life experience told you something different before you took some ivory tower social theory class. Take me for example: Asian but pass as Mexican. Grew up in the hood, did dirt but also very interested in serious ideas and books (lots of existentialism in my early years) which differentiated me from my other friends who ranged from petty casual criminality to straight up life sentence mfers. Went to a school full of first gen Asians, Pacific Islanders, Mexicans, and blacks. Was it race/dna that dictated how well people did? Or maybe family trauma from years ago? Or maybe it was the fuckin culture of these myriad communities who all come from struggle (fuckin Cambodia came from a fkin genocide ffs SMH).... Why leftists (I'm still very far left on the political quadrant test btw) fight the influence of culture? Maybe because then there's nobody to blame... Maybe they need a boogeyman... Maybe that boogeyman needs to be white SMH. That doesn't fit into a world scale; the context of what goes on in other countries undoes those narratives as being blameable on whites. Whites have fucked up a lot, just like every race has issues but to think other races are not only incapable of the same wrongs is to not understand the histories of other countries or human psychology, and it's psychology, not sociology, that dictates the truth of human actions.

@jianwei2009 - 26.01.2024 02:07

the fact is simple: nobody discriminate the black because of their race nowadays. They just find excuses for their own failure to earn status in society. Asians are systematically excluded from American society throughout the history. From Chinese exclusion act to WWII concentration camps for Japanese Americans. And yet, they succeeded regardless. Problem with the black race has nothing to do with racism, but it’s their own race that refuse to take the responsibilities of their own fate and outcomes. They blame others. There are many successful and well respected black people. You can succeed if you want.

@jianwei2009 - 26.01.2024 02:01

It’s sad you couldn’t get the facts right and are spreading false news. Important contexts are missing.

@SmallTownResident - 25.01.2024 19:36

I’m voting Republican down the line this year. As long as you leftist morons continue trying to gaslight me regarding crimes and who’s actually attacking my community, I’m gonna vote red out of pure spite 😆

@archerpondevida9529 - 25.01.2024 04:24

Also, black people are in a vastly different position than asian immigrants/asian americans. Generational wealth was hard to build or impossible to build for many black families because of the long history of slavery in this country. You can immigrate here with all the money you earned if you're an asian immigrant.

@kemalcivelek9447 - 24.01.2024 05:04

From an outsider;does arabs,persians and turks considered asian or something of their own?

@bigginsg8711 - 17.01.2024 01:38

The problem is.... you don't know anything about black people or probably much of anything. Your perception is not based on first hand experiences its based on stuff you looked up or were told. You don't realize how clueless you sound. I grew up around black people, you didnt. You sound like a goofball. The fact you were able to sit back and soak up a bunch of leftwing nonsense tells me you grew up privileged. Your family moved from its own country to a country made by whites. So stfu.

@herbertwest1419 - 16.01.2024 16:39

We need to teach white people do be less racist, so that black people can stop harassing the asians.

@tessalyyvuo1667 - 15.01.2024 21:03

This makes me think how Finns were considered barbarians in Russian Empire, were looked as an inferior race by Swedish eugenicists, and considered Asian instead of white in America. And yet instead of embracing solidarity to other marginalized groups, most Finns embraced racism: "Oh we are not like the Roma or Sámi." In fact some Finns even worked in the infamous Congo Free State.
Even today, Finland remains statistically one of the most racist countries in Europe.

@tessalyyvuo1667 - 15.01.2024 20:24

Hi just got done watching the companion video on Foreign Man in a Foreign Land.

@Phlegethon - 14.01.2024 20:36

You know your experience in Canada is nowhere close to what Asians experience in the U.S. right

@futuregenius8617 - 12.01.2024 22:28

Holy shit, as a Korean American I finally feel seen

@mistermizzle420 - 11.01.2024 23:37

They hate u dummy

@freeman2690 - 08.01.2024 21:40

The irony is the African-American civil rights movement really help open the door to bring in more people of Asian and Indian dissent. Isn’t that ironic

@amandasaunders4679 - 05.01.2024 02:55

Abhinandas1092 is Hispanic. He thinks he's "Aryan". If it talks 20th century talk, you're listening to a LatinX aka AsianX.

@amandasaunders4679 - 05.01.2024 02:49

Incas, Aztecs and Mayans were black. They were enslaved by Mongols and Eurasians. Mongols stole their identity and land. In the US,, they fought for the Confederacy.

@rifraf1717 - 04.01.2024 18:58

This video aged like milk when you consider how Mayor London Breed legit just threatened SF rapper Chino Yang 2 days ago...

@abhinabdas1092 - 04.01.2024 14:20

As an Asian Aryan I love my race
That's it .
Both of u r immigrants on natives land and i hate interracial stuff

@kingofpenguins4157 - 03.01.2024 01:36

We need more education about these topics in school. One of my friends came up to me and told me she supported “my fight against white supremacy”
I’m white. She is Asian.

@sammieharris9333 - 02.01.2024 11:38

Very interesting and informative. Never realized the binary perspective of Blacks & Asians as divisive groups manipulated by whites. However, it is the norm for Blacks hearing all the crazy myths about them that are untruths. That are perpetuated by whites around the world.

@amymuhammad2303 - 31.12.2023 17:03

The so-called black Americans built this country while these whitey supremacist government officials flooded the so-called Black American communities with non-black immigrant businesses to reap all the resources from our communities. The modern-day Chinese and Asian people are indeed Caucasians too, but if you do some research you will clearly see how Esau's grandson Zepho invaded Asia Minor at gunpoint and mixed his seed with the ancient dark-skin tone Chinese and Asian women. The Most High cursed some of these ancient dark-skin tone Chinese and Asian people with the same red skin tone as the Caucasians race. The so-called black American can't ever be racist, because they are on the bottom without ANY leader or power. Africa is a continent with over 50 countries and not a bloodline, the so-called Black Americans are indeed from the tribe of Judah, we aren't African at all, the Caucasian race labels our people with all these bywords. Nowhere in the entire Bible that said our people are African Americans.

Racism is discrimination and prejudice against people based on their race or ethnicity. Racism can be present in social actions, practices, or political systems (e.g. apartheid) that support the expression of prejudice or aversion in discriminatory practices. The ideology underlying racist practices often assumes that humans can be subdivided into distinct groups that are different in their social behavior and innate capacities and that can be ranked as inferior or superior. Racist ideology can become manifest in many aspects of social life. Associated social actions may include nativism, xenophobia, otherness, segregation, hierarchical ranking, supremacism, and related social phenomena.

@Iserveone - 31.12.2023 00:10

The African american & asian community not just black thank you

@captainbeastazoid7084 - 29.12.2023 13:50

What about the rash of attacks by blacks against Asians over the last several years? I've seen videos of it. It's absolutely abysmal. Blacks aren't this innocent group of people. They're very much capable of being awful and HARMING others. Enough with this outdated nonsense. It's not 1890 or even 1950 anymore. It's interesting how you leave all the egregious attacks of blacks against Asians (and against whites for that matter...). Oh well, you're young. You're intelligent. But limited by your youth. Maybe someday you'll discover that there's lots of truths in life that are not polite and not very nice to say.

@nigelralphmurphy2852 - 29.12.2023 12:59

The original Cantonese communities never suffered from or bought into the whole stupid 'Model minority' bs. There was never any pressure on the children of the early Cantonese migrants to 'excel' and get straight As and all that other bs. They knew that that white bs was bs. It's only the post 1965 Chinese migrants and the children of the post 1965 (or in your case post 2001) migrants that fell for that white trick. The thing is, the Cantonese have been dealing with foreigners and with white devils for centuries so it was impossible for them to be fooled by their white nonsense. The later Chinese migrants were fresh off the boat as far as whiteness goes and they fell into the white man's scam and confidence tricks way too easily. Sad.

@realcirno1750 - 29.12.2023 12:57

bro said "waa goo goo gaga im widdle baby waby"

@realcirno1750 - 29.12.2023 12:57

"waaaa waaa waaaa" the video

@nigelralphmurphy2852 - 29.12.2023 12:52

Wanting to be white if you're East Asian is evidence of how fucked up racism is and what it does to people and why race is a stinking curse in America that undergirds the whole stinking society. Take care of your mental health and give up the hopeless and self-sabotaging ambition to be accepted by and like white people. Who wants to be a member of a club that doesn't want you as a member? That's madness. Say it loud - you're Chinese - and proud. *&#% the white hegemony!

@nigelralphmurphy2852 - 29.12.2023 12:49

Also, please stop calling the early Cantonese migrants 'oppressed' etc. That's just buying into the racist white narrative. That's just perpetuating the white racist narrative that marginalizes and denigrates the Cantonese pioneer story. Also, MORE Cantonese WENT HOME to China after making good money in North America than stayed. So, again, please stop saying that the pioneer Chinese risked life and limb to go to North America to become part of the American Dream, because it is simply NOT TRUE. Also, also, why would Chinese identify with Black people in America, or Filipinos, or Japanese, or anyone else at all? The myth of allyship is just that - a myth. And also, why would Chinese Americans stand up for Japanese Americans during WWII after what the Japanese did in their homeland? I would do the same, and make a huge distance between myself and the people who were acting like bestial devils in their home villages.

@nigelralphmurphy2852 - 29.12.2023 12:42

Even saying "Chinese" is problematic. As noted, the Cantonese people are very different to the people from the rest of China. Just because whites call all Chinese 'Chinese' does not mean that all Chinese are 'Chinese.' Sadly, the new, post-1965 Chinese migrants esp. their local-born Chinese, suffer far more from racism and existential and identity crises and mental anguish than the earlier Cantonese generations, even though the earlier generations suffered from far more overt racism.

@nigelralphmurphy2852 - 29.12.2023 12:36

History! NO 19th century Chinese were brought to America by white people to be exploited by them. NONE. They ALL came as free migrants and took up work such as cooks, canning factory workers, and railroad construction workers, but they worked for wages and many took industrial actions to improve their wages and conditions. There were NO Chinese indentured COOLIES in America. And you can't compare the 19th and early 20th century Cantonese migrants with post WWII 'Asian' migrants. The early Cantonese migrants knew perfectly well who they were. They were Chinese. End. They were 100% proud of being Chinese and felt greatly superior to the whites. NO Cantonese people came to America before the 1960s in search of the dumb-ass "American Dream." It's only the post 1960s Asian migrants who went the assimilation route. Go ask the Cantonese. I bet you will not find many who want to be 'white.' The Cantonese love being Cantonese. Leave the Cantonese out of it. Limit your discussions to the post 1960s migrants. Thank you and good night.

@nigelralphmurphy2852 - 29.12.2023 12:25

You all decry white supremacy but you all go 'hoo hah' about American supremacy which treats the rest of the world how white supremacy treats non-white people in America. How can you praise American supremacy while condemning white supremacy? Isn't that called hypocrisy? Do not decry white supremacy unless you also decry American supremacy. In fact, they're the same thing.

@docsheed6533 - 29.12.2023 12:06

All of the 'Americas' are forever haunted by the ever restless souls who were/are the victims of Euro-Colonialist's and forced assimilation into their collective.

@thetennisjournal - 28.12.2023 19:56

excellent analysis and it helped me understand deeply whats going on. As a black american who lived in asia and had a much different experience in the type of connections i had with asian people vs in the usa i always found it stranged that many asians seemed

@JaceReboot - 28.12.2023 15:59

Random Canadian aside… people from India are gasp Asian… yet we definitely do not (as a nation I mean and often on personal level) treat them as “better than White” Canadians. Even the ones born here, hell Singh often is dismiss as a politician simply because he is a Turban wearing Sihk man of Indian descent (born here in Scarborough). And if ya walk into any Tim Hortons you’ll see half the crew at least is recent arrival workers… many caught in predatory work contracts that amount to modern era Indentured Servitude…. So like I definitely can see that there is some sort of hierarchy of Asians under White Supremacy… and it is becoming rather clear it seems to most favour those who can assimilate most (ie those with paler complexions, less or no accents, skills that can benefit white society ect)

@laurenhelgerson5821 - 28.12.2023 07:59

I know I'll come off as ignorant here, but part of the learning process is being willing to admit you're wrong and why you're wrong. So, here goes, for Asians in predominately black countries and vice-versa, are they not able be racist toward each other? Or would an Asain person in a predominately black country not have the institutional/structual power to be racist against black people? And vice-versa. Or is this discussion unique to an American/Western context?

@al-lv1no - 27.12.2023 02:48

I grew up in an area where a certain minority group is actually the majority population. My mother chose to send me to schools where I was often one of only a few black students and most of the other students would be from this minority group. In her opinion, I would have basically had trouble "fitting in" with other black kids and she didn't want me to get bullied as a result. From elementary school to high school I was often the only black person in many of my classes. While it was interesting to grow up around a different culture and learn their language, I dealt with so, so much racism from many of the people around me (students, teachers, literally anyone that was there). It didn't help that I was a magnet for narcissists who took advantage of how isolated I was (and how insecure I felt at the time) due to being the only black person in the room. I had horrible experiences that are still affecting me to this day.

To make matters worse, over the years I have ended up in several relationships with non-black individuals who ended up doing/saying horribly racist things to me. Every day, I struggle with anger over all the racist experiences I have had in my life and the thing that bothers me the most is that many of them were perpetrated by people who were not only minorities just like me but also just a few shades lighter than I am in skin tone. I just don't understand it. I have actually had experiences where non-black men (who were also minorities) tried to make me jealous or feel inferior by parading white women in front of me to make me feel bad when they themselves were not white.

Because of the things that I have gone through, I have a lot of disdain for people in the minority group that I mentioned earlier. I understand and know for a fact that not all of them are racist, but still, I am now afraid of them. I don't like being this way because it's so unfair to new people that I meet who probably will be nothing like people that I've met in the past. I intend to go to therapy soon to unpack all this.

@ogbuke1 - 26.12.2023 22:46

You are disgusting

@ogbuke1 - 26.12.2023 22:45

I think asians and blacks should be condemned to live together 🤣🤣🤣 you get what u deserve😂

@literallya442ndclonetroope5 - 25.12.2023 08:01

Our world is so fucked, but it doesn’t have to be.

@tonee911 - 25.12.2023 01:32

You lost me at white supremacy. What about all the Blacks robbing and beating up Asians? No one ever talks about that, which is very common.

@RealBishop1 - 24.12.2023 04:38

Stereotypical perceptions and bias based on race is so-so stupid... Just as GOOD and BAD traits have no racial, class or ethnic barriers similarly morons, idiots, ignorant and uneducated individual knows no boundaries of race or ethnicity... When one travels to the country of origin it DEFUSES and REJECTS the Eurocentric Stereotypes adopted about BLACKNESS by immigrants...

@MrSivram28 - 21.12.2023 20:58

White supremacy also infests corporate A

@keithbuck2811 - 21.12.2023 20:57

It as nothing to do with white supremacy and everything to do with lives experience. when your constantly victimized by a race you will have unfavourable opinion of said race. also the model minority myth is a myth. you telling me that in china they don't appreciate people who follow their laws over people who dont? thats what it comes down to, asians get more respect and do better in this country because they have a strong work ethic and commit less crime. Most races have a disdain for the darker races because of their refusal to follow laws and resort to violence over the simples things. you give a black man cold fries in a drive through you might not make it home that night. The Irish were treated badly because, surprise even though they have a light complexion people don't like overly violent people who don't want to follow the rules and want to spread their catholic faith and the Catholics and protestants would have full on gang warfare.

Now it is in our best interest to keep the west white majority because we are the real minority on this planet in a sea of black and brown people who want to convert us to their religion by force who want to see a white genocide its not racism to understand that the second that black brown and indigenous people have enough power in our countries we will be enslaved and wiped nearly if not completely out. I think that there are good people of every colour and creed but that doesn't negate that the vast majority of them mean us harm and it is in our best interest to have an ethnostate or a white majority. We see the tides changing and its not unavailing a path of unity just a flip of the script not an equal world just a change of who's at top. Constantly my society moves more anti white where if I or my son may not be able to do what we are passionate about because...sorry theres to many white people in this field. people are being killed for being white and then people jump online to be like that's not actually racist that's just prejudice and excusable because ppl of colour have no power. I live in a society who's top universities put out papers like. "the only way to get rid of whiteness is to get arid of white bodies for it to inhabit." <---you dont have to be a rocket scientist to see that this professor is calling for white genocide. If i can find it i will limk it. came out pre pandemic.

My lived experience is that theres racists and supremacists in every group but the only ones being called out for it are people with my complexion. There is a growing hatred and demonizing of white people that's experiencing 0 pushback outside of white individuals who end up losing their career for speaking up. My government and the corporations are pushing this and supporting you while saying the biggest threat to the globe is white supremacy and then you talk about how the system is rigged against people of colour and women when the only one not getting a piece of the pie is white men all on the basis that i am responsible for the actions of my ancestors, I grew up in poverty but i should be punished because there are people of my skin colour doing well and so sorry your races succes quota is filled...maybe become a trash man or sewage worker because we already have to many white people in power and i just get benefits poured from the heavens that i don't deserve.

white people treat you better because of behaviour not to further white supremacy and to put black people down. Your content is meant to build camaraderie in the fight against the white man or as you people call it "whiteness".Being from china its probably connected to the 100 year march and your peoples goal of becoming the masters of the world. so yeah keep associating everything with white supremacy and continue your combined efforts to demoralize my people for the end goal of global communism and a Chinese world order. We have a right to defend our people and be critical of those around us and as long as people keep planning for our demise the logical of my race will fight against it and want an ethnostate so that we can have at least one place where we are allowed to live in without the constant attack and demoralization of our people even my ancestral country is being giving away to the masses of brown people who want to do nothing but harm us everywhere theres a fight for returning the land to indigenous population every country but white native countries. on top of all this with the conflict going on the pro Palestine crowd posting online in response to the civilians murdered by the paragliding troops. "What do you think de-colonize means" <---meaning that north america is next and de colonize means to kill of the colonizers.
I don't know you so i can only speculate on your reasoning but its convenient that you belong to a race that stands to benefit the most from the demise of white men.

@menzodave - 19.12.2023 00:47

Interesting. From a European perspective, the American way of identity which is based on race (e.g. race census as a statistical parameter from the government) seems utterly racist, since the only parameter used here for discrimination is nationality. We don't see ourselves as "whites" rather than being Italian/Swedes/English/German/French/Polish because of national competition or even nationalism based on our different languages and cultures similar to the native Americans. Also, we heavily differentiate between social groups like "illegal immigrants", "educated expats", "working poor", "rich", "elite" "right-wing, "leftist" and so on. Any person of African or Asian descent here speaking our dialect (e.g. swiss german in my region) will automatically be considered as one of ours, since cultural identity (e.g. language) outweighs every other biological factor. Thus I don't agree with the focus on race identity.

@heyjoe9228 - 16.12.2023 15:48

And it's also funny that you use George Floyd and Rodney King as examples but when the truth came out what they were telling us was nothing to the truth on what really happened because when it all came out you found out a whole different story
