Pathfinding, Client VS Server, Unlimited Humanoids - Roblox Scripting Tutorial

Pathfinding, Client VS Server, Unlimited Humanoids - Roblox Scripting Tutorial

Suphi Kaner

2 года назад

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Kage - 27.09.2023 23:34

your channel has been a GOLDMINE for a more experienced programmer like myself getting into the Roblox Engine.
Your videos show the mechanics of the engine but more importantly teach why you make key decisions. Its years of experience in the engine shown and explained in an hour. After watching a video I know I can solve similar challenges myself

Poky!\Pokycraftgamer9 - 16.09.2023 08:07

Somethings wrong with ur mic

bruh - 08.09.2023 14:16

Is there an effective and safe way to alert the server when the pathfinding is complete?

bob - 25.08.2023 01:51

so should i just affect all the client in the server one by one instead of using server? do no laggy?

Werty - 16.08.2023 12:18

does this work for both parts and terrain?

Alexander - 29.07.2023 18:33

How would I for example if I kill a dummy, it'd die for everyone else aswell?

Patriot 7
Patriot 7 - 07.07.2023 09:27


Mr. Poroto
Mr. Poroto - 04.07.2023 17:08

i find this so interesting, i remember that i made a game that created a plot where it got various unanchored parts (btw the plot was created in the client-side), but somehow when other people created the parts too we could certainly interact with the same part, i found that really weird since that the parts were created in the client-side, it didn't make too much sense to me... thanks for this video, just like the rest of the comments, a very useful video, i've been scripting games for 1 year now and its just amazing to see that there are lots of things that i still need to learn about :)

Dagz - 15.06.2023 20:25

Would you also include AI logic in the client script?

For example, detecting nearby targets and attacking logic?

If so, how would you handle a situtation where for example a AI is shooting a gun and it runs out of ammo so it needs to reload, if the shooting logic is being done on the client then is there a convienet way to manipulate ammo data on the server, from a client shooting function?

MonsterTrident - 07.06.2023 00:39

I love the use of tables and dictionaries!! I just have a hard time with them so if you can, please can you give a descriptive explanation for how they work like when you do "characters[folder] = data.
I don't really understand what is happening there.

NightcrewGaming - 20.05.2023 01:30

Thank you for such great content! I am never disappointed. This is another one of those vids where I wish I could give multiple likes, pump that button a bunch of times - there is so much value in here.
I usually come into a new video tutorial with great reserve, and consider if I want to use this code or not, and watch it through once before I decide. I am learning though, with your videos, to just trust that it's good, and I will want it! This is another one of those vids that gets more exciting as it goes along, and to watch you play with the code in such a way that it never fails, is just fun to see. Of course, whether that is simply good editing or genius intellect (or both!), it really shows. It doesn't just work - it works well. Thank you for another gold mine of valuable info, I will keep surfing through your content, because even if the title is something I don't want / need or understand, I usually find out I DO actually need it, and there is much value in the process!

Logophilic - 16.05.2023 15:39

You've very clearly explained something that I've been struggling with for *2 years.*

I am genuinely SO thankful for this video. People on devforums always give vague descriptions on how to accomplish and NPC system, and I've never been able to put it together because I have a relatively short attention span. With this tutorial, I've learned so much and it will bring my game to a much higher level of quality. Thank you.

Jez 3DG
Jez 3DG - 08.05.2023 09:12

i am stressed out right now, i can't get it to work and i followed everything exactly and there are no typos

Valerie Cheung
Valerie Cheung - 22.04.2023 15:57

But then how do I make npc to follow a player and not follow each other?

uwu - 20.04.2023 17:09

nice tutorial bro

Johnny Nguyen
Johnny Nguyen - 18.04.2023 00:35

problem with this is that the client can make the npc’s position be wherever it wants

Platon Babenko
Platon Babenko - 10.04.2023 23:45

Is there any way to make the character move around waypoints say, 1,2,3,4,5, and back to 1 ? I tried adding several parts and the character seems to just move randomly.

IL1EKP1E - 10.04.2023 03:00

Could this get out of sync with other clients

Temi - 03.04.2023 13:22

i'm glad you actually demonstrate what will happen if you do the incorrectly rather than just showing us how to do it correctly. it shows that you want the people who watch your videos to understand the concepts and just be able to do them. there is a big difference

RANDOM GREATNESS - 05.03.2023 18:12

How would you handle hit detection on a NPC like this?

LawfulGold - 26.02.2023 04:35

I need help understanding this, how would i make it so its on Client Side, but will show for all clients? I want to use humanoids.

Tahmid Bhuiyan
Tahmid Bhuiyan - 16.02.2023 23:07

could you please release a model containing everything that was in the video?

DeCat - 06.02.2023 11:14

Thank you so much for this, honestly your channel is a gold mine.

Although i have a bit of a question, might be that i misunderstood a couple of things but for an NPC that chases players how would you go about using networking to optimize the server? i am a bit confused because there could be a couple desync issues

Also since the NPC is client sided, wouldn't this theoretically mean the client owner could use :moveto to mess up the NPC?

Idk - 02.02.2023 22:49

Thank you for you hard effort you put in your videos! I've been looking for more advanced stuff for a while, but it all seemed pretty difficult because of bad explanation. Unlike many channels, you explain very well, I learned a lot from you. Keep going!

Rob0t Science
Rob0t Science - 15.01.2023 22:36

Wow, great video. I am just learning lua and I was able to follow along easily. Thank you so much.

LovableProgrammer - 10.01.2023 23:57

i dont understand how i to tell the npc where to go, you know if i wanted it to walk somewhere other than inside the part's space

Ben Flood
Ben Flood - 21.12.2022 10:16

so talented

QuinnMcChief - 21.12.2022 07:12

I don't understand the use of this. You're just moving the NPC on the client, not the server—no one will see it but the localplayer.

Zn1. - 25.11.2022 20:49

I love your work here, tell me one thing, what u think is best way to move projectile on server? For now i use applyImpulse and ownershipAuto, do you thing tweenservice is better or vector3Force. Part is going on arc path

Leafy Nebula
Leafy Nebula - 29.10.2022 18:42

Just subscribed. This is real knowledge under the hood for everyone but the new studio update has made my development a nightmare with constant freezing during playtesting

yeetub - 26.10.2022 05:31

wow i didnt know that

DimasikGamerYouTube - 23.09.2022 23:18

that is what i needed, thank you for this epic tutorial. Hope you get alot of likes and subscribers

[Name] - 20.09.2022 15:32

How would I go on introducing events that require server-sided checks efficiently? E.g. Attack functions.

User001 - 29.08.2022 09:43

Very nice! Just recently started making AI, this will definitely help me. Thank you very much!

XZ ponto EXE
XZ ponto EXE - 07.08.2022 01:30

Are we able to make that for cars?

Yuusaku Marlowe
Yuusaku Marlowe - 31.07.2022 03:34

can you help me the dummy make in client side that i have try to do something with it but i cant do anything like damge it or print a part of it
what should i do to make it like a normal dummy
sorry abot my english and thank you

Yuusaku Marlowe
Yuusaku Marlowe - 27.07.2022 12:27

So i will put all thing to client =)

YeetTheLego - 22.07.2022 22:19

Thanks for saving my game lol. With how many NPCS I'm gonna have this is a total life saver.

orange - 10.07.2022 08:48

i think YBA is getting to me..

Настя Федорова
Настя Федорова - 30.06.2022 20:45

Does moving from Replicated Storage to Client and back cost something?
Is this method good for projectiles?

Orang Jawa
Orang Jawa - 15.05.2022 01:41

Wouldn't this looks funny if there's two players and an AI, the AI tries to move to a point behind a wall, in player1 perspective the wall exist so the pathfinding is used, but for player2 the wall doesn't "exist" so the pathfinding will be pretty much ignored? If you thought the same, do you have any ideas on solving this? problem?

Do not take my comments seriously 😎👍
Do not take my comments seriously 😎👍 - 02.05.2022 20:03

I made an npc that can find/follow the closest player in a maze, the problem is that his movement is "laggy" when he finds a player

goreacraft - 09.04.2022 11:10

Thank you for this tutorial

Yair Kronfled
Yair Kronfled - 05.03.2022 23:32

can you use this method to create hostile npcs? and do you recommend using it for that ?

Wise Dredd
Wise Dredd - 11.02.2022 21:09

This is a very informative demonstration/explanation thank you
