YAGPDB Reaction Roles and Discord Verification System tutorial 2021

YAGPDB Reaction Roles and Discord Verification System tutorial 2021


3 года назад

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@PEPZING - 20.01.2021 04:50

Note: For read text channels and see voice channels, discord has updated it to be the "view channels" option under the "general server permissions" section in the roles

@Ahmose-ptah165 - 14.11.2023 20:38

I'm using mobile phone. How do you make this work on there?

@Memer_100 - 14.10.2023 08:59

this doesnt work anymore

@adamtang315 - 11.09.2023 17:01

The bot responsible

@adamtang315 - 11.09.2023 16:55

Is not working

@seranope6946 - 04.06.2023 23:16

For my verfied my check mark isn't going up to the original message. What am I doing wrong?

@KagepazRequiem - 26.05.2023 04:51

Is there a difference between verifying members to just simply members? Meaning, I have a verified channel should I make a verified role or just keep with the member role? Am I making it complicated by separating these, as well not to mention level systems?

@Pickles2393 - 25.02.2023 23:21

Is there a way to have YAGPDB send a message in chat when a user gains a role? Trying to use it for a matchmaking/looking for games type system and it would be useful to let people know someone is looking for games.

@theinsiderprogram - 13.02.2023 19:21

hey how did you make your text look like an embeded text when you were doing the first option reaction by copying ID?

@darrenstoddart8673 - 10.02.2023 15:10

I created an unverified and verified role, but what I'm noticing is when they react to the verification when onboarding it is not removing the unverified role which is then causing them issues seeing certain channels.

@v2mki523 - 22.11.2022 16:19

-rolemenu create verify -m -rr -nodm

@movietheater5226 - 20.10.2022 14:56

it says no permission and ive done everything right

@kiiraqa - 11.10.2022 16:41

I think I miss some because I don't know how to make the other channel dissapear before turning on the verification. Also my verification is text version.

@jamieedmonds5973 - 06.10.2022 03:22

How do I unlock develop memode

@rocellebartolome835 - 09.09.2022 22:34

My role channel doesn’t show up for some people :/ I already fixed the permission but still nothing

@brobgonalzrecipsa_official - 30.08.2022 15:00

But how do i get the ID

@eddeyi - 16.08.2022 01:19

after you created the role, how do you add on a new role? I tried using the -rolemenu edit command, but it only allows you to add or replace emojis. Also, when I created my roles long time ago, I didn't know you could add in the -nodm. Can I input that into a already created role?

@Bwuniko - 25.07.2022 04:29

so everything is working for people who already have roles except that when new members try reacting it doesn't give them the role and takes their reaction away ??? help.

@jessiecrisglinogo6683 - 23.07.2022 23:53

How to get the ID... there is no COPY ID option on my Discord

@theresofme - 15.05.2022 03:39

I am so frustrated cuz the bot said it worked but the message is super wierd and it does not give the role! Some one help ?

@developer20xx41 - 17.04.2022 12:55

Thanks. Video was a bit fast. But I got there in the end on the replay. I found it useful just to have 1 verification channel including self-assign rather two channels 1 for verifying and the other for self-assign roles.

@Aimee-zv8pp - 11.04.2022 13:03

Thanks man, that was really helpful! Keep going :)

@satanicchurch - 06.04.2022 02:12

-rolecreate create name -nodm

@sindragon3123 - 17.03.2022 20:22

-rolemenu create Verify -m -rr -nodm

@ronnierozbox3466 - 11.03.2022 11:39

Wow, thanks for making this! i was having so much trouble and this was amazing

@colinakathemachine - 17.02.2022 14:37

Great video, quick question if you change the verification bot for a server, will it require all discord members to re verify??

@rishi_gamer5149 - 14.02.2022 11:17

this video was soooo helpful

@delialight3177 - 01.02.2022 00:34

tysm this was so clear and very helpful!!!

@DillPicklePatrick - 06.01.2022 22:22

How would I do this but instead of a reaction role, they type a word instead?

@Lucas-ge4vz - 31.12.2021 04:35

For any later users I fiugred another way if the -rolemenu etc I used /rolemenu group for YAGPDB! 2022

@Skirioff - 08.12.2021 02:43


@trixky977 - 04.12.2021 12:09

he cap in his discord dont join

@deactivate6204 - 03.12.2021 08:24

When i added him in my server it didnt add his role

@ackerman__levi - 29.11.2021 09:13

Can you make a custom embed message with more than 1 choice?

@MysticMylesZ - 26.10.2021 22:19

It's not working is there a special way I have to create the message.
Found the problem you need to do a slash instead of a dash. But what does the skip roles mean?

@maialepine6084 - 26.10.2021 05:21

Thank you for this! How do you allow for the reaction role count to tally when using to verify members for example? Every time a new member clicks on reaction role to verify, it gives them the assigned role- however it will not go past the count of '1'... how do we get it to tally the reactions and show the total reaction count? Thank you! :)

@joshstiborik7378 - 24.10.2021 03:25

For some reason the line of code isn't triggering the bot to respond.. Any ideas..?

@crimsonphoenix8212 - 15.10.2021 20:11

It doesn't work for meeee >^<

@FizzelGD - 02.10.2021 07:15

thank you man, you got a sub!

@stickytntdymanite3124 - 26.09.2021 23:33

What was that bot called again? The bot that does basically everything for free?
*Only took a few months*

@Kxrula - 20.09.2021 16:27

the command (-rolemenu create group name -nodm) for yagpdb wont work for me, anyone knows why?

@itsCN - 07.09.2021 17:31

My discord server died but I’m revamping it’ll be sick we’re almost at 500 members : (

@S1NFULSNOWY - 28.08.2021 12:05

i did all the commands right and everytime I push the emoji in then this message error occurred please try another emoji and then said it again and if I did the command again is show please update but then the emoji doesn't show on my rule list

@joshuatalabucon3792 - 27.08.2021 08:35

Why I can't add yagpdb bot to my permission in ky verify category the only option only there is @everyone

@k3mgaming - 22.08.2021 03:08

Hey PEPZING great video I have had discord for a while but am now trying to really get into using it. I have been working on setting everything up for the past few days and have been running into a few problems. First thing is they no longer allow you to turn off the @everyone permissions, you can turn them off but as soon as you click "Save" they turn back on.

Yesterday (Friday 8/20/21) I'll say around 6pm I finally got the permissions working after two days but in order to do it I had to make ever category "Private". I feel that wasn't correct but like I said there is no more access to @everyone permissions. I'll say around 8pm I had the server pretty much the way I wanted and like but then around 11/12 things went really wrong in every channel was a row of each "Roll" except for my "Welcome, Rules and About Us" rolls. Since I didn't know how or why that happened I started deleting everything by the time I deleted half of the stuff the roll were now also in my Welcome, Rules and About Us channels.

My goal is to only have my Welcome, Rules and About Us channels show until the accept Permissions reaction.
Be able to have "locked" channels for like girls gamers only, couples gamers only, 40 and over gamers.
To have platform reactions.

I thank you for any and all help.
