Skyrim SE/AE | Helgen Alternate Perspective Mod

Skyrim SE/AE | Helgen Alternate Perspective Mod


1 год назад

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@nordmann8418 - 04.03.2023 16:33

what mod do you use for regular stormcloak armor? it looks different in your game

@synchronisis - 12.05.2023 16:14

what graphics mods did you use?

@SenturosGaviannus - 30.05.2023 07:05

Nice. Wish I knew about this before my save. Be cool as for the poor prick in the caravan to be a random race and preset. Or to even play as 1 of the imperial soldiers.

Or to not start the game here, but 1 day your in helgan and you trigger it via some action

@fadlanibrahim6959 - 04.06.2023 19:18

I never managed to do this...
The mod are just too buggy

@jeffchronister4092 - 27.06.2023 20:50

Like the idea of this mod. Maybe this an xbox problem but no matter what I choose, I can't advance the main quest. There is either no innkeeper after talking to the little dragon or just walking through the door the Helen execution starts but stops once the carriages arrive and all npcs are silent and motionless. No dialogue and they stay on the cart.

@CoffeeSuccubus - 31.08.2023 10:58

Vanilla: Oh look, dark elf got caught as a prisoner!
This mod: The Dark Elf just minding his buisness not knowing of his true potential... just an ordinary man.

@thernfoster5360 - 12.10.2023 07:02

Does anyone know of a mod that stops NPC's talking about you being in Helgen? I use Random Alternate Start, and it's highly irritating how Ulfric/ Ralof/ Galmar etc, keep talking to me like I was in Helgen during Alduins attack, I can't start a new game until I find a mod to correct this!

@e.l.2734 - 24.10.2023 16:15

That mod is SO cool

@darthwitchking - 13.12.2023 22:18

For me out he just appears and that it

@MadaraUchiha1296-yc8vy - 30.01.2024 02:29

The first time I did this, it was so Surreal watch in the carts go by.

@jakemuller5788 - 17.07.2024 05:55

This intro makes way more sense than the original and gives you a lot more incentive to join the Imperials over the Stormcloaks.

One of the biggest reasons people side with the Stormcloaks is that the Imperials nearly execute them in the beginning mistakingly, whereas in this version you merely witness that entire intro as a bystander with a random npc in your place and can talk causally to friendly imperial guards around town beforehand.

You essentially live in an imperial town they’re protecting and just witness the execution of traitors before Alduin attacks.

It also makes more sense if you go with Hadvar into the keep why stormcloaks are attacking you when they didn’t just witness you nearly executed with them and you in turn having to fight them (the torturer being the only offsetting thing in this scenario).

When you’re not looking at the fact they nearly killed you for no reason and just look at the logic behind the whole war or perspectives of others around Skyrim, the Imperials make a lot more sense.

I wish they went this route with the original version of the game the only weird part is Hadvar still referring to you as “prisoner” once you meet up with him lol
