Johnny Silverhand visits his Grave - Correct Dialogue for Secret Ending | Cyberpunk 2077 [4K]

Johnny Silverhand visits his Grave - Correct Dialogue for Secret Ending | Cyberpunk 2077 [4K]

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@boargod4511 - 19.11.2023 23:52

I just played this, this popped up in my recomended.
I didn´t knew of a secret ending (first time playing), but to get secret ending do i need to do all the dialogue, i put "guy who saved my life", "a hard road, but we made it", "shame we didn´t talk like this at the beggining","when you said...","cmon...", "i call rogue".
Am i still able to get secret ending?
i don´t wanna search online cause of spoilers

@vii408 - 06.11.2023 06:58

I remember when I first played this game I hated the story. I hated Johnny, I hated the fact you were already dead clinging onto hope...

I got the worst ending trying everything I could to Save myself.

a long time passed but then I went back and decided to give it a final go.

I realized if you played the way the devs wanted there was a pretty good story hidden within the game.. the second chance I gave the game and and I enjoyed it, somehow I didn't hate Johnny anymore, the worst part was... I understood him.

"Most people who I thought were my friends couldn't even stand to be in the same room with me."

Fuck... until you live those words you won't really understand it.

one of my closest friends died. I watched my career go down in flames. my best friend of ten years tried to kill me. I've watched nearly everything I've ever cared about become dust and be destroyed or ruined... I think that when I do die, there won't be anything written on my grave, there's nothing left.

@PunchVII - 29.10.2023 00:03

the speech + the never fade away in the background makes this scene probably my favourite in the entire game , thanks keanu and cd projekt for bringing us this amazing story and character

@isaacthomas1198 - 22.10.2023 15:51

Question- can you still get fear the reaper if you didn’t say you couldn’t trust him and all that?

@bonkyouded - 18.10.2023 02:02

You know... Johnny ain't that bad afterall...

@adrenjones9301 - 08.10.2023 16:07

I Love and Hate Cyberpunks Mainstory. I Love it because its just great, it does so much right and it really brings the mood. I hate it because it keeps creeping into the Game. You cant just be a Merc trying to get by in Nightcity. The first Act were you are restricted to Watson is my favorite Part, because its just doing Jobs for a living. Sure you can do that later on too but the Mainstory just keeps coming up, reminding you that you are already dead.

I really wish the whole Relic Arc would have been the Final DLC, V´s last and most Grandiose Job, the one that made her a Legend.

@vedajanitra8199 - 05.10.2023 10:43

Just a heads up for those trying to get the secret ending / Don’t fear the reaper in 2.0. You no longer have to wait for a few mins to trigger the secret ending, just choose the suicide option then Johnny will talk to you to go take on Arasaka alone.

@quantras2673 - 03.10.2023 02:47

Am I the only one who found the dialogue path for the secret ending odd? Like I get the intent is your making it clear he needs to knock off the crap so he knows he was close to screwing it all up, but it comes across as weird to me with V telling Johnny how he views him as the "guy who saved my life" in a heartfelt, genuine manner, followed immediately by "No you fucked up our friendship asshole" in an angry tone. It just never felt like it flowed right.

@fernandoplacido3435 - 30.09.2023 17:33


@theunknownyoutuber6804 - 30.09.2023 11:26

"A thing of beauty........will never fade away.."

@kung2283 - 09.09.2023 16:24

What's the background music?

@stephaniekaye235 - 12.08.2023 05:16

Why was that a different ending? I got a wayyyy more in depth scene with fenale V and Johnny talking about how they are almost happy with their lives at this point basically and are thankful that atleast they have eachother, realising that they are starting to have the same dreams. Johnny gets scared when he hears that though, and promises that he won't let V die. Then he talks about Rouge and he asks you ro ask her out on a date for him... you got the bad ending my choom. Lol sorry! Why wiuld you STILL be angry with Johnny at this point in the game anyway? Pretty stupid if you ask me. You have to pick anything but what you said to him to get the hood ending lol😂

@ZenTunE- - 12.08.2023 00:01

Not a fan of these dialogue options at all. Love the scene though.

@DownWithTheSystem00 - 03.08.2023 01:34

I didn’t see his body there. Is it just covered and shit?

@ghostinng274 - 27.07.2023 18:25

The choices in this game, especially without a guide, are hard. Like, i dont hate Johnny, but at the same time he IS a massive dick. Hell, i dont even really hate fingers, even though hes a skinny little weazle fuck.

@NotALotOfColonial_SpaghettiToG - 24.07.2023 06:24

god DAMN. I don't think there's a single more compassionate portrayal of a narcissist in any game I've played, Bungie's Marathon is the closest and barely stacks up. Johnny's an asshole. A loser. Forgotten after his death except by the people he wronged the most. Fucked up and hard, it literally took him being resurrected to realize just how awful he lived his life. His redemption is amazing, it's seen by one person and one person alone. Viktor sees Johnny's engram as a monster, going out of its way to ruin V's life. Rogue can't bring herself to sleep with him, Kerry worries Johnny's the one coming onto him, Alt's AI doesn't really seem to forgive him either. Misty's the only one other than V who treats what she knows about him with compassion.

@leonarduskrisna4588 - 20.07.2023 06:02

its so sad to see Him sitting like that
and knowing his last dying body was thrown like a trash in the oil landfill of nowhere

@twoapril2962 - 17.07.2023 19:38

The Alt memory and this moment changed a lot of how i saw Johnny. He was just a hurt man who's seen a lot of corruptions, injustice, and loss. If u were patient enough, he eventually opened up to u abt many things that make u understand him.

And i believe in 2nd chance. It took him dying to realize that he's been a selfish jerk to his closest friends, its nice to see him change. He saw V as his best friend he truly care about

@yasseralghadyan3225 - 12.07.2023 03:52

This mission in particular was the biggest effect on johnny’s personality, you see how he realized that everything he fought for turns out to be meaningless, such a great game.

@Saedris - 20.06.2023 14:04

Best part of the game by a longshot, it has so many meanings
for me its the death of a loved one you wish you got to know better or something

@tinchoo182 - 17.06.2023 09:09

One of the best scenes of the whole game, they nailed it with the music in the background 💯💯

@stevet6975 - 15.06.2023 22:09

moments like these made me love this game and its world. all in all i loved the talking scenes between johnny and V. the emotions were just........

@MadManDarkJedi - 14.06.2023 18:30

Still can't get silverhand arm skin, don't know what's wrong. l'm playing PS4 version

@beedmx8249 - 13.06.2023 07:12

"i realize i fucked up a lot of things, either let down or used every last person who gave me their trust. Blind selfish bastard i was..." i get that, johnny...

@kenokurose - 02.04.2023 01:45

I rather give the kind answers in this scene. No hard feelings

@HoussamNekkaa - 31.03.2023 06:08

Brings our memories playing this game first week of my jet.. I mean ps4 during the lockdown
I remember It like it was yesterday

@8-bitoctane101 - 20.03.2023 02:41

“The guys who saved my life” my first play through this game was amazing, gave me chills rn thinking about it

@SaiWus - 07.03.2023 00:33

This scene hits so damn hard. I played this game like month or two after release and really loved it. Even though It's been 2 years now I'm still dropping by every now and then to see some of the greatest cyberpunk moments (especially this one).

@william_brobrine8975 - 16.02.2023 10:02

Man I fucked the secret ending by one dialog choice damn and it wasn't the first one it was in the second set I messed up damn

@Astro_Guy_1 - 13.02.2023 00:04

Right after this mission I went into Johnnys 911 and "So it goes" by Fingers and the Outlaws played. Absolutely perfect song for it.

@mrnohax5436 - 28.01.2023 04:30

v and johnny had a better ending then david and maine

@nathanielh21 - 25.01.2023 22:59

There’s something that hits different about a stubborn as hell legend being so humbled at a moment like this

@danieltentori7523 - 24.01.2023 18:09

give this man a hug

@smartii3s - 30.12.2022 05:50

Didn’t choose the “nah you F’d that up too” option so I think I’ve been locked out of the secret ending lmao

@CanYouRunIt - 29.12.2022 01:15

Despite all the issues the game had, the fucking ost is one of the most accomplished osts I've seen in over 20 years of gaming.

@runningwild09 - 11.11.2022 00:59

personally my favorite moment in the game. Especially after you tell Johnny that he was "The man who saved my life".

@user-kv8vy4fy4h - 10.11.2022 13:01

love Keanu's delivery, the rock boy with calm rage and desperation within.

@whackybracky7506 - 04.11.2022 01:40

i got this ending by complete accident and it is one of the saddest yet most heat-warming moments of the game and it really made me think.

@itsdantaylor - 03.11.2022 17:59

Yeah that really is true. I even used the 'hard road but looks like we made it line' and the more positive things to say to him and while it will give you access to the Rogue mission and other Johnny missions, it does seem to lock you out of the secret ending.

@bigotgaming1554 - 30.10.2022 23:16

sht hit me up maen
remove random crits

@iamR-cy5jb - 24.10.2022 21:11

Mine has on the Bulletproof vest in this scene.

@trevordillon1921 - 15.10.2022 02:19

I didn’t know about the secret ending when I did it but I totally did these right my first go around. It’s kind of the best options anyway.

@DaddyWarCrimes78 - 15.10.2022 01:00

This game is such a fascinating study in gaslighting. Johnny shows V a constant barrage of lies about who he was and his life and in the absence of any understanding of who he actually was, V and most of the playerbase eat it up and see him as a tragic figure rather than an egomaniac who killed the love of his life in his reckless stupidity and then became the scapegoat for an act of wildly out of control capitalism.

@ashleygames27 - 14.10.2022 18:39

does it have to be those exact options or is there only a few that need to be used

@everythingsalright1121 - 14.10.2022 13:42

I find it surprising so many people are nice to johnny considering he killed over 15000 people with a nuclear bomb

@The_Devil_Breaker_ - 13.10.2022 15:33

I STUMBLED UPON the Don't Fear the Reaper ending, and I couldn't be happier. I refused to put the people important to me in danger, and I got revenge against Smasher. I tore that whole gotdamn building down because I didn't go there to die.

@RaqCoon - 13.10.2022 05:20

Its amazing how good keanu was, I never saw him as an actor. I see him as piece of shit johnny rocker boy and its honestly breathtaking

@scarecr0wn185 - 11.10.2022 14:57

Fck me, actually got my eyes teary a bit. What a masterfully crafted scene and dialogue. While I will never forgive CDPR the broken promises and unfulfilled potential that was once showed, this game truly has some amazing characters, stories and atmosphere.

@I_Am_Caliban - 10.10.2022 03:37

Say what you want about CP being an insanely buggy game, but you can't deny that the story writing and the character development was absolutely excellent.
