Could a DAO Build the Next Great City? | Scott Fitsimones | TED

Could a DAO Build the Next Great City? | Scott Fitsimones | TED


1 год назад

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Mario Alberto
Mario Alberto - 24.10.2023 07:09

What happened to DAOs 😂

Se Programe
Se Programe - 28.09.2023 20:10

yeah you buy and democratize this exist and is good already ...descentralized governance guided encrypted sounds less corruption as the way a person gets its keys and coins i mean trust still untangible like money you can have it by stoling slling drugs or working crypto ate the same .... we need to work more in how make trust a tangible certified asset

Grant Owen
Grant Owen - 24.07.2023 01:57

So ducking good! ❤👌 👏👏👏

Mambwe Moseni
Mambwe Moseni - 08.07.2023 23:49

To understand better,,say for example i have an idea (to a project or application) that i want to launch but need investors or partners to make it possible,,how could i be able to do this throught this method being taught in the video,,,how could i get investors or partners and whats the way to get started

Mambwe Moseni
Mambwe Moseni - 08.07.2023 23:45

Okay thats cool,,but then say for example you have like 5000 people like u said, who are all part of the dao and have a say. What if like a thousand people have different ideas they want to incorporate into/ propose to the project , doesnt that take time to deal with each persons propasal(as you said each members input is to be looked at right?)

Latvijas Runa
Latvijas Runa - 06.05.2023 18:49

One day perhaps we will change our government with dao

Cloud Storage
Cloud Storage - 30.04.2023 20:25

Buying voting rights is an instant no, but the rest is interesting and potentially quite useful.

WMP - 24.04.2023 08:04

For everyone confused, especially, in its most simplistic form, a DAO is a bunch of people who want to do something collectively and have a say in all choices. Examples include :if 100 people got together and decided to buy a sports team. It would essentially be one big modern day yacht club but for big ideas and goals. All money invested are in the form of crypto, which is essentially shares of the company. This gives you voting rights in the club/company. This is all it is, blockchain technology keeps everything safe and secure and on a decentralized server. It goes much deeper than this, but it’s essentially a way for a bunch of people to create anything, including new banks, new cities, new projects in any category. If you’re interested leave a like on this comment and the video to learn more about DAOs, blockchain technology, and crypto all together.

Mehmet KÖKSAL - 21.03.2023 17:04

Babeldao is a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform that allows users to engage in a range of financial transactions, including lending, borrowing, and trading cryptocurrencies.
With its use of the Ethereum blockchain, Babeldao provides a secure and transparent environment for users to freely transact without the need for a central authority.
Babeldao's decentralized structure empowers users to have more control over their financial activities and fosters a greater level of trust within the platform's community.

Wilson Bartholomeu
Wilson Bartholomeu - 21.03.2023 12:40

Great project!

DoctorMindbender - 14.12.2022 03:04

Tuck your shirt in!

DoctorMindbender - 14.12.2022 02:59

Great, the Human Microphone is now a swarm of locusts.

Julian Schmahl
Julian Schmahl - 02.12.2022 17:30

How happy are you now for living near Kanye West 😂

Otterguyty - 14.10.2022 00:36

Decentralization is changing the world. Countries, cities, businesses, communities, with common interest run as an oligarchy! With blockchain voting we can bring about REAL accountability, equity, & democracy! Imagine the research that will now get funded, and the good that comes from teaming up for a worthy cause. Tear down the boarders , one world, one human race.

Spezzanodesign - 04.09.2022 20:03


Invox - 03.09.2022 10:40

What about crime?
What about natural disasters?
What about cultural diferences?
Oh! And then he keeps talking about how much MONEY it raise and NFTs!? Ok, I know what this is... Bye.

Peter Wolcott
Peter Wolcott - 17.08.2022 22:08

how is a dao blockchain-governed?

Akash Goel
Akash Goel - 17.08.2022 20:21

Exciting idea but a few problems I think:
1. Token creators usually own a much larger proportion, so they keep all the benefits without doing much of the work that goes into the progress and development of a DAO. This is worse than homesteading, where you at least have to spend time and effort to improve your land and prove your ownership.
2. Smart contracts are fixed and can usually create irreparable damages if done wrong (token theft, loss of ownership, etc) - and are usually much harder to debug since they are written in an esoteric programming language that is incomprehensible to more than 99.9% of the population on earth. Its a very undemocratic way to implement any set of rules.
3. Blockchains are good - but which blockchain? There are several out there and not all of them equally secure, fast and cheap for frequent transactions.

I would like to read a detailed case-study though, just because I want to see if this is actually a viable alternative to current government and administrative models.

Chazzmatazz - 17.08.2022 19:03

Blockchain is still unnecessary/disadvantageous for any administrative functionality.

Fiddler - 11.08.2022 05:15

Ok, I’m going to OpenSea and buying me a CityDao citizenship.
