Best ONENOTE ALTERNATIVES for Linux, Windows and MacOS

Best ONENOTE ALTERNATIVES for Linux, Windows and MacOS

The Linux Experiment

1 год назад

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ArthurMagno - 26.11.2023 02:22

Obsidian is NOT open source

Юрий Литвиненко
Юрий Литвиненко - 12.11.2023 19:39

Few people talk about this application - Logseq. I haven't been able to fully evaluate this application myself yet, but I think it will still show itself from the best side

Мало кто говорит о данном приложении - Logseq. Сам пока не смог в полной мере оценить данное приложение, но думаю, оно себя ещё покажет с лучшей стороны

leatherwiz - 14.10.2023 19:16

What do I do with all the notes I have in OneNote?

Uzair Haider
Uzair Haider - 10.10.2023 10:34

I use Obsidian although its not open source I think. the main reason is that it has many plugins/extensions, I generally make todo list for my daily work .I have separate note for every project. then I also use it to make notes for example I have whole Redux toolkit notes, ReactJS notes. I use Megasync and I created my Vault in megasync folder so I can have a syncing feature without paying extra.


Joplin App - is it possible to create handwriten notes for Android?. I love OneNotes, because I love "hand writen" notes... Is Joplin working with this?

Peter Halász
Peter Halász - 05.10.2023 18:42


Giovanni Favullo
Giovanni Favullo - 26.09.2023 15:12

People who use handwritten notes are still very limited by these alternatives, either not having a mobile comanion or limited feature or, in case of Evernote pay a quite abondous sum of money. Among the feature less seen togheter is handwriting and image/file addition to a page/file. As much as i would like to move away from OneNote there isn't really an alternative for me at the moment

Gilded - 15.09.2023 22:49

personally I use joplin for notes since I like the sync feature in all my systems (work laptop, home dual boot computer and android phone) and I learned that i can use another editor like neovim in order to look at my notes so thats another plus, I can edit them in neovim and look at them using neovim or joplin app on my phone

Tom - 06.09.2023 22:10

Nextcloud is communist??? What a stupid nonsense!
Who is paying you?

ExDee Wobblum
ExDee Wobblum - 05.08.2023 11:48

Something I'm investigating is to replicate the function of detecting that a file has been opened and changed, then using rsync to sync the files to more than one online storage sync folder.
This way you get the "cloud storage" effect but you can have more than one online storage backup.
Maybe I'll try and find this comment if I get the solution

Mikhail Romanov
Mikhail Romanov - 01.08.2023 10:23

Wtf is Onenote? 😂

David Cave
David Cave - 26.07.2023 08:03

Are there any open source note taking apps that can import onepkg files? I'd hate to have to manually copy/paste from OneNote to something else.

St. Altair
St. Altair - 25.07.2023 11:31

Obsidian is amazing. It's slowly replacing every part of my life.

It's not open-source though unfortunately.

Edit: The Excalidraw plugin integrates fantastic hand-written notes too! With OCR even (beta, but still works very well), in the plugin settings.

benf101 - 12.07.2023 23:09

One thing you just can't really get in open source is a good notes app with OCR (optical character recognition). Joplin has a plugin that claims to do OCR but it doesn't work. Also, Joplin is clunky to use. On the bright side, Joplin's sync is downright amazing and pretty much invincible.

Evernote is slow as heck and they recently doubled the price (or nearly doubled). I'm done with them.

The best (and only) free notes app with OCR is Amplenote. It's pretty nice but I don't like the "tag only" organization because you cannot have an empty tag, therefore you cannot set up a structure in advance and work within it. Plus it's a bit confusing for various reasons that are too much for a YT comment.

My pick for myself for this year is Notejoy. It's incredibly fast, it does OCR, it has folders and tags, and it's only $48/yr. It isn't perfect but there's nothing about it that is unusable or repulsive like the other options, in my opinion. I hate that it's on amazon servers and when I want to leave I have to export to Google drive to get my stuff. That's a major turn-off, but I had to settle down somewhere and it seemed like the best option.

Mzansi 4 eva
Mzansi 4 eva - 12.07.2023 03:35

Notepad is a great replaceyfor One Note. In fact, vi is better as well..

Diogo Fernandes
Diogo Fernandes - 22.06.2023 01:37

A note taking app that i've used in the past is Notesnook, basically, a Evernote, but open-source

SigneDeLaCroix - 31.05.2023 18:57

No such a thing. You can get a 2010 version for cheap and it work apparently on win 11. 2016 is backward compatible to 2010. Enjoy.

Anon - 29.04.2023 13:40

Will they all work in CHROMEBOOK??

Junaid Ul Islam
Junaid Ul Islam - 27.04.2023 14:01

I use Xournal++ because its open source and its good for touchscreen laptops with a pen

Kaushik Mitra
Kaushik Mitra - 14.04.2023 18:21

Is there one where I can import onenote notebooks(onepkg files)? I'm trying to move all notes to linux

MichaelSOG - 30.03.2023 16:08

Do you know an easy way to export the existing note from OneNote to any of those alternatives?

Planet Linux
Planet Linux - 29.03.2023 04:38

Got myself a Synology NAS for file storage / backup, but one of its most underrated features is the amazing productivity suite packages available for it, including their Note Station. Seriously, Synology’s Drive, Office, Chat, Calendar, and Note Station software are really good and, while not open-source, they can be used completely privately on just your local network or tunnelled through a VPN of your choosing (which you could also set up on the NAS).

S8498 - 26.03.2023 09:47

Great video. Joplin seems to meet most of my needs, so that's the one I'm going with.

Milan - 22.03.2023 10:47

SIYuan or Logseq would have been amazing opensource Obsidian alternatives – and more people should learn about the existance of NoteSnook :)

Bob Wareham
Bob Wareham - 20.03.2023 01:22

I use Joplin

CandidOnTheStreet // Anupam Goswami
CandidOnTheStreet // Anupam Goswami - 14.03.2023 20:57

Thanks for the information. But what about Evernote?? Is it any good?

Ved Aryan
Ved Aryan - 06.03.2023 09:52

Notesnook is pretty good. Open source, has fast and nice looking apps on all platforms

Anonymous Commentator
Anonymous Commentator - 04.03.2023 14:11

what i take away from this is that none of them are a complete package that could replace onenote for me. thats really sad to see.

Diego Fernando Silva
Diego Fernando Silva - 01.03.2023 06:24


KB MAO - 26.02.2023 19:36

Ce qui est top avec OneNote, c'est l'imprimante virtuelle "OneNote for Windows" que j'utilise après avoir passé ma page web dans PrintFriendly où je supprime préalablement tout ce dont je n'ai pas besoin (mais PrintFriendly enlève déjà toutes les pubs, donc souvent je n'ai même pas à intervenir)

Ben Saget
Ben Saget - 21.02.2023 05:19

why isn't anyone talking about the audio and video recording capabilities of one note? :V being able to record meetings, and have notes show up regarding the meeting going on :V

Eshak Rafi
Eshak Rafi - 15.02.2023 18:58

I use Keep Note by Google

Google User
Google User - 14.02.2023 10:57

i have window 10 onenote and it no longer working as it used to. I need something to replace it.

Candido B
Candido B - 09.02.2023 18:01

Notesnook is also a great alternative

Tony Costa
Tony Costa - 04.02.2023 21:24

I used Evernote for the past decade and have thousands of notes in it, however the company has gone down hill. I get daily pop-ups asking to update the app (no new features minid you, just mindless maintenance updates), and you cannot turn them off. I'm in the process of moving to Joplin. Also, Evernote knows they are angering users, which is probably why they removed the Export All Notebooks functionality. You need to download/install an older version of Evernote to use the feature back. I guess that's one strategy to keep users (i.e. make it a real PITA to leave), but it's the last straw for me.

Scott Brewster
Scott Brewster - 02.02.2023 22:03

If it doesn't sync to the cloud so I can view it from my phone, tablet, and other devices, it isn't a replacement.

Bohdan Matviiv
Bohdan Matviiv - 26.01.2023 12:45

I know a good app for taking notes called Bundled Notes. It's available on a browser and currently only in Android, but the IOS version is in progress.

Eliot Cole
Eliot Cole - 22.01.2023 01:42

Always really liked the galaxy Tab note app, but disabled the disability to integrate it with onenote 😩

stream barhoum
stream barhoum - 16.01.2023 18:37

Hey Nick, Don't worry i found👉 saber 👈 in fdroid as an amazing alternative for handwritten notes cross platform synchronizable with nextcloud 😊💐🤩

stream barhoum
stream barhoum - 16.01.2023 00:54

Is there an alternative to rnote for Android please?

stream barhoum
stream barhoum - 16.01.2023 00:18

For the handwriting and drawing notes with pencil is there an alternative of rnotes working on Android?

LyoneeL - 15.01.2023 17:39

My problem with many of them is electron, I try to avoid applications with electron, I dont feel safe, also linux is always second citizen in electron.

mmmhorsesteaks - 13.01.2023 12:51

Obsidian folks are weirdly cultish. Like iTard level cultish.

9a3eedi - 13.01.2023 01:33

I'm just wondering.. if markdown is essentially text based, how are handwritten notes represented? are they links to JPEGS or SVG files?

Yep6803 - 12.01.2023 12:41

Balena Etcher is my favorite, 100% cross platform is the best way for flashing a usb key .. I started to use it on my Mac, I hate the competitors now.

Yep6803 - 12.01.2023 12:39

Is not 'escaping' but is "every os got a specific softwares".
My mom got a Windows(Lenovo) and I've got a Mac Mini + crappy laptop Mediacom where only and esclusively Fedora works.
Is knows how works what and being used to it.
Isn't war religion, whole three are amazing for what they need to do(three completely different targets to me).

Atticus Moore
Atticus Moore - 12.01.2023 02:55

I can't stand onedrive secretly syncing in the background of microsoft products. so it looks like obsidian, joplin, or notion might be for me.

NecromancerKing - 08.01.2023 23:40

Was half expecting simplenote to be on here

VARSHNI VERA LEVEL - 08.01.2023 13:06

Obsidian is just on another level
