That's what's happening. I've been trying for six months but with no luck. I switched to MERN because I thought PHP was outdated. However, the situation is the same since I have 9 years of experience in PHP and Laravel, not in MERN. I'm not receiving offers even close to what I was earning four years ago.
ОтветитьHi Povilas,
How are you? I've been following your channel, Python ML Daily, for quite some time, and it has always been inspiring. I got the path to switch from Laravel to Python because of your guidance. However, I feel a bit stuck on how to dive deeper into machine learning and focus more on Python. Are you still focusing on machine learning alongside Laravel, or have you shifted to just Laravel?
this vedio come to me at the perfect time I am applying on jobs for about a month or more a few of the companies reply and most not and I entered a php coding exam and msq also but they didn't reply to me since 25/11 , I need something like recomendation because I am really good at laravel , I have intension to learn docker and kafka from these companies that requires alot of technologies
ОтветитьAs someone who is involved in the hiring of candidates. Having a portfolio site, with code examples, be that links to your own Gitea, GitHub, etc. Further to just a blanket of sites that you have worked on, and some personal or collaborative repositories that you are contributing towards. You should look to also have at least some articles that you have written about problems you face, helpful tips, blogs, anything really that suits your style of development and communication. This provides you a platform, a springboard for initial analysis by the companies technical stakeholders. It also provides an insight to the way that you analyse concerns, work your way through problems, whilst at the same time showing how well you can communicate these concepts to others. It is your shop window.
Another consideration is location, do not just think local. There is no harm in reaching out to companies from abroad. They may be able to offer remote positions.
The important thing is to be confident, yet humble in your abilities. Never mislead in an interview, accept your limitations and show that you are making positive actions to address them. We are not looking for perfect. Do not let perfect be the enemy of the good. We are looking for the good, who want to be part of a community that will make the whole, rather than the individual, great. Even if you are starting out, there are plenty of opportunities.
That is not to say that some companies just have a narrow perspective and may have nuanced concerns in mind. A common one is, that they have had a tech lead leave and now their systems are faultering and are in need.
Povilas makes a very good point about researching the prospective companies. You may wish to check a companies profile from a business, ethical stand point. They may be hemorrhaging funds and are a therefore a financial risk. There may be some concern that has got them into hot water in the news. Company review sites like Glassdoors may have insights about their culture that does not fit well with your personal perspectives at this time. Though take with a grain of salt as a known tactic is to padd those reviews with positive reviews written by internal stakeholders.
Happy hunting! May the odds be ever in your favour.
My advice is to create a backup of at least 12 months of at least 1000 euro/month while you work. If you have parents, move with them. In this time neve make the mistake to take any other job, like store clerk, uber, bolt, food delivery, fast food, constructions, etc. This will kill your energy to work on projects for your CV and will make you accept the situation. Also do not accept stupid software dev jobs tha force you to be on site the so called "RTO", not even a day. Preffer a lower pay than being on site. Also negociate working time. Don't accept the classic 8/9/10 hours a day. We live to enjoy life, not to work.
First two months are for rest, don't think about work, about finding work, just rest. Then begun working on personal project and building a nice CV. When you have 1-2-3 good projects begin applying for job. But don't apply too many at once. I heard people who apply to 1000 jobs a week. WTF. No more than 2-3 at once.
Don't care too much about job descriptions. As much as it require the language/framework you know apply for it. Don't care about "experience" or "optional" skills requests. With a good set of personal projects you have high chances. At least for me worked, I had 5 Vue2 projects(chat for both web and electron, schedulling app fo web and offline for electron, note app, an restaurant dashboard and a "board" project).
Most importantly - take a great professional photo of your self! No one will send you any reply if you are not presentable/ attractive/ professional in your photo. You MUST look great!
Remember that pre-selection almost always happen by HR, I will leave it to you to imagine how an typical HR employee who is given this task looks like and what the values are.
Dont hate the system, play it.
I have been looking for job as PHP developer with over 3.5 years of experience since September and still no luck got several interviews which were mostly other languages like Java, .Net and python but not any PHP role and without success. I needed the mental state part because my mental state was getting drained daily so thank you for cheering us up and lets hope this sad job market comes to normal.
Ответитьlike before watching. just cuz of title!
Ответитьit took me around 4 months to get a job both times i looked for it.. The worst part is indeed not getting an answer even after months ;/
ОтветитьThis video is great but there is one point that isn't addressed. Some of these positions are completely fake. Some of the signs to look for are vague qualifications. For example, require ring PHP, C#, Python, and Java. WTF? Or in this video, MySQL, and Postgres? Multiple projects? Maybe? Another tip is look how long the job was posted. Some of these jobs are posted over 5 weeks. We all looking for work and you can't find someone in 6 weeks???
These are recruiters or head Hunters looking to fill their quota of filling their database of new resumes. It sucks.
I want to apologize for my last comment. I don't want to add more negativity to the thread. Povilas, has a strong point to "keep trying". My additional tips is to make your resume more AI friendly. Format your resume to better be captured by AI to have a better chance of it being seen. Again, sorry.
I really needed this. Blessings from Venezuela
Povilas, in many countries the "Try and try again" does not work. Even having your stuff on GitHub etc. does not work. Because, once again, we have an historic shift: it's the end of the "cubicle era", where armies of random guys were hired to mash a keyboard. You have to reach out and sell yourself making it CLEAR you specifically know X, Y and Z, even if a company is not officially hiring. I am happily self employed since years and I am fairly sure this is the future of whoever wants to become a developer, especially outside of corporate USA.
Last but not least, guys LEARN THIS AND DO IT : as in the famous "Rich dad, poor dad" book, software developers are at the bottom of the feeding pyramid exactly like car assembly line blue collars: we trade all our time for ONE task and ONE reward. Povilas went a step ahead and, by selling courses, he uses his time once and makes it reward himself N times, for each sale. I do the same with affiliate marketing and SMM.
Stop being at the bottom of the barrel. Learn to invest once and be paid multiple times, not just an ever-decreasing single wage.
i am at that exact situation. thanks for the video. today i got invited by a friend in a company where they were asking me to join years ago and passed all their test back then, so now i am just waiting for offer and probably i will start working.
one question that i noticed recently and now i am noticing it on you too... why all of us programmers have the one eye more open than the other one? in some people is more noticeable (like me) and others not that much but its there...
I was looking for change with remote option from a quite long time but no luck and I decided to look for WFO jobs but still no luck.
But i kept applying and now i have 2 offers and both are WFH.
I didn't put myself in stress because I was parallely working in a company
Taking the job example: I wouldn't send application because of +5 years on PHP/Laravel requirement.
My experience is just 2 years.
I watched the video in the morning and I felt you touched something in my heart. I prayed and felt asleep. When I woke up, I found a missed call from a HR that I applied 2 months ago. Now, I have me interview tomorrow and hope to get hired❤️
I appreciate you alot, Povilas
Videos from Car > Videos from office :D
ОтветитьIt is indeed quite hard nowadays. I have been applying for months with close to 5 years experience. I'm already applying despite some technology might be missing from my CV. Most responses I get is that companies decide to go with candidates that are much better suited than me for the position. I haven't had live interview for months. Might be due to fact that I look for 100% WFH due to life circumstances and most of remote jobs now require senior level experience with strong leadership but I never led the team so bummer. At some point maybe we will run out of all of those better suited candidates and i will have a chance. One gripe I have with this is that companies don't provide even an ounce of helpful feedback when asked for it especially when I took time to submit coding test.
Ответить21 years of development experience starting and still working with PHP (Codeigniter/Laravel) but also React and React Native, core javascript, a design background and experience running a team. 3 months looking and couldn't find a job. Luckily a side project has started to bring in some money. Your words really ring true. Networking and trying to by pass recruitment agencies are key.