8 Things Which Linux Does Better Than Windows ...

8 Things Which Linux Does Better Than Windows ...

Michael Horn

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Zetsubou Shinjiruu
Zetsubou Shinjiruu - 20.11.2023 14:48

Windows sucks
Mac os sucks
Linux awesome

Richard Fogarassy
Richard Fogarassy - 17.11.2023 23:59

Maaan, i hate bloatware, Linux must be a blessing.Last time uset 15 years ago at school, maybe i give it a shot

Lettuce - 17.11.2023 13:12

which linux distribution do you use

Kyle Spevak
Kyle Spevak - 05.11.2023 20:12

Linux is cool, but i feel like all the options fragments it into being truly good software. What's rhe point of multiple desktops if you have on truly customizable one?

Kyle Spevak
Kyle Spevak - 05.11.2023 20:07

I would only use Linux if there was a way to install and use a single program as an OS basically. I don't find windows taking up too many resources to get done when I need to do but having a whole dedicated PC to run one program really well sounds awesome! Especially for a DAW or video editing setup. If this is doable and anyone can relay resources, I'd ve very happy

Kyle Spevak
Kyle Spevak - 05.11.2023 20:05

1. Making things more complicated and having larger rooms for things to go wrong with no discernable calls unless you're already tech literate

Anders Hass
Anders Hass - 28.10.2023 18:03

It has happened some repositories have bad software like recently with Ubuntu Snap but in general it is more safe installing on Linux than on Windows. I do think Microsoft’s intent with the Microsoft Store is to have more safe install, but gathering data and getting people to buy through their store are probably also goals.

Aman Chaure
Aman Chaure - 08.10.2023 08:53


Lunatic verse
Lunatic verse - 04.10.2023 11:25

If someone install Mint, they can distro hop, but if someone considers using Linux., just recommend mint and they will probably never comeback, it's just better than windows and it's intuitive, after he gets familiarized he can do whatever he wants, but mint it's more intuitive than windows nowadays;.

Crisis Digital
Crisis Digital - 04.10.2023 06:12

I am a college student and I moved to linux 2 years ago. I daily drive fedora 38 gnome now.

I went from zorin -> mint -> manjaro -> debian and now fedora.

I did miss ms office. I adjusted it with google docs and only office.

I still miss photoshop. I am now using photopea and gimp.

I feel like my productivity increased after moving to a linux distro. My favourite DE is gnome .

I was one of first to adopt a linux distro and many of ny friends followed my path 😅. Everyone loves using it now

Sean Moore
Sean Moore - 03.10.2023 05:39

I love gnome environment and everything linux it made me love tech for the first time when i was on windows 10. Ive tested linux off and on but apparently it may be required for me to do my job as a full stack engineer. Wayland is amazing and fluid and Flatpaks are amazing! Basically i love linux and open source but the issue i have is being forced to use windows for work heck i even tried linux gaming and to me its superior to windows with the AMD mesa drivers. I found amazing flatpak software such as cartridge game launcher and adwaita steam skin themes as well as bottles. If someone can convince me to use linux as a full stack engineer ill make the choice to full switch im literally disgusted by windows and its issues.

James Wright
James Wright - 02.10.2023 21:59

Linux is great, but anyone that tells you, you can comfortably play most games on Linux is lying and you shouldn't trust them, only steam games are comfortable to play. Also .NET development is very hard and full of bugs.

Aundre Lattie
Aundre Lattie - 02.10.2023 20:23

The driver claims that peripherals "just work" on Linux is a stretch. Many peripherals are expected to do basic operations, and both linux and windows try to use base drivers that utilize those base expectations. Many times you wont be able to unlock the full potential of your device on Linux because the manufacturer only produces drivers for window and mac. On the other direction manufacturers of IT devices like server NICs might only have drivers for Linux. There is no escape from the need to download drivers on either platform to properly run your device.

Andrew - 01.10.2023 16:05

I've been daily driving Linux for years. I ended up settling on Fedora. I really use Windows if at all on my home systems. With all of the great software and Windows compatibility options it's easier than ever and it's only going to get better.

Gerard Gauthier
Gerard Gauthier - 01.10.2023 09:17

Why is Linux better? Its isn't.
There was a day when Linux and its whole ecosystem was better than Windows/Mac at certain things but Windows has progressed and overtaken Linux in some major areas.
1. The shell - Linux used to kill Windows in this area but Windows now has PowerShell.
2. Mac is built on top of GNU/Linux with 10's of thousands of hours developing a clean user experience. So yeah!
3. Linux used to be the home of the developer's editors with EMACS and Vim and GEdit etc. Now Windows has VS Code which is free and available across most platforms and most software maintainers have integrated their products into VS Code.
4. Virus software. Windows used to require additional software to protect itself from viruses but Windows Defender is OK for most users today.
I'm not saying Linux sucks because it doesn't and I've run a Linux box for over 10 years now and basically love Linux more than Windows and probably more than Mac(I say probably because I never used a Mac) but you have to be truthful here.. Windows 10/11 are really good and getting better.
My only real complaint about Windows is that its just too big and complicated for my small human brain to work with.. I prefer Linux which is smaller and simpler.
Note: For all the Windows users that want to take the plunge... To become a power user in Linux requires some understanding of the shell and filesystem.
The best Linux intro book(for a person wanting to become a Linux power user) is "The Linux Command Line" by William Shotts.. If you Google you should be able to find a PDF.
Good luck with whatever OS you use.

monk mind
monk mind - 01.10.2023 01:06

I'm using ubuntu

root - 30.09.2023 15:40

I've used Windows 20 years since Windows 98. And last month, i straightly jump to Arch running hyprland. I wanna clarify, I did learn fedora in college in 2017, at that time I'm not to focused and nothing exciting to me. And did play around with Kali. Just basic commands like update and navingating around. So now, I think it's not hard to understand the system and shell commands. It has a lil learning curve, some concepts to grasp. Other than that, mostly straightforward. I absolutely love using shell to do something instead of GUI like I'm used to in Windows. There's a lot to learn and explore with Linux but don't let it overwhelms you. Take a step at one time. Be sure to make notes as you progress. Good luck.

Cig_in_mouth - 30.09.2023 14:49

Either windows vm or wine 🍷 if I required windows application.

A girl from Saturn
A girl from Saturn - 30.09.2023 05:50

Been using pop os on my gaming laptop and it works pretty well, even some of the games work as best as they can. Also been thinking about if I should switch my whole gaming pc to linux but also would have to sacrifice some things.

Sandeep Sharma
Sandeep Sharma - 30.09.2023 01:24

There is no professional software support in Linux. Most of the software are written for Windows.

Futuristic Entity
Futuristic Entity - 29.09.2023 21:52

Linux has lifetime support Microsoft is inferior to allowing other people to proceed to continue using older Windows meanwhile Linux is more open source and can resurrect an out dated computer to make it more useful people won't be laughing when Microsoft mandates newer versions of Windows. Microsoft CLAIMS you can continue to run older systems but people like Google don't appear to follow what Microsoft is actually allowing so yeah it's just better to run a Linux for basic tasks and if you just want to play Steam games. Oh yeah again they also provide lifetime support compared to Microsoft.

Matthew Harris
Matthew Harris - 29.09.2023 20:30

If gaming was easier on Linux I would be using it a lot

Shubham Pandey
Shubham Pandey - 29.09.2023 17:02

Linux is considered INFERIOR to craps like windows!? No way lol. I have never met a single person who feel Linux is inferior to win. rather they regard people using linux as Superior/Super users than those who use win.

inkontainableargs6 - 29.09.2023 15:54

Also 2 graphics cards on linux means multiseat

inkontainableargs6 - 29.09.2023 15:49

In fact i didnt even need to connect the printer it just said hey there is a printer in your network wanna use it?

Ahmed Mounir
Ahmed Mounir - 29.09.2023 13:10

Actually I have a problem with the Nvidia driver I can't save the configuration xorg can help or explain in a video please I have a 3070 Nvidia card

Pankaj Agarwal
Pankaj Agarwal - 29.09.2023 11:12

Linux is definitely better than windows however you look at it. Only one area in which windows was better happened to be gaming but that is changing too with steam and proton.

Moh. Anif Yuliansyah
Moh. Anif Yuliansyah - 29.09.2023 10:22

I use Ubuntu 23.04 and Linux still makes me comfortable with it

Robert Trance EDM
Robert Trance EDM - 29.09.2023 09:01

Windows XP pushed me to Linux, and Vista's public tragedy just confirmed my choice😂

J2sk - 29.09.2023 07:54

the only thing i barely miss in windows is compatibility, i really cant imagine switching my home pc back to it now.

Antoine Van Geyseghem
Antoine Van Geyseghem - 28.09.2023 21:34


Tweak - 28.09.2023 17:06

At this point, GNU and Linux are just a small part of the systemd operating system 😅 But serriously, Linux4Life! KDE is awesome!

Sabari Nath
Sabari Nath - 28.09.2023 04:45

I just disable windows bloat you mentioned with powershell and use winget/choco as package managers. Now my windows system is super stable and works on old laptops with better compatibility and driver support. Windows just works

Meat On Fire
Meat On Fire - 28.09.2023 01:33

you forgot to mention that all the apps on linux are free lmao, thats why no one uses the windows store its all money pit, linux itself is free too, if you game get manjaro or endeavour

Usernotfound_42 - 27.09.2023 22:01

Great video! showing the really important points, more people should give more value to Linux distros and their benefits, If it were just harmful, no one would use Linux, simple as that.

D V - 27.09.2023 21:45

Linux has always been better than windows.

PaladinGeorge - 27.09.2023 16:47

From my experience with Linux, the people that tend to struggle the most with Linux are moderately advanced users. If your needs are any more complex than basic browser and productivity usage, you'll probably struggle with getting use to Linux. On the flip side, advanced users will appreciate the level of control over their system. The best advice I can give for someone just starting out on Linux is to find alternatives for the things they usually use that don't support Linux.

Basil Cat
Basil Cat - 27.09.2023 14:03

Its true.

The thing that ruins linux for many people is people like dreaper or lindenreaper8683 who have nothing to do but insulting and cursing people for not using linux. If they weren't depressed, then this wouldn't be happening.

Orca Flotta
Orca Flotta - 27.09.2023 13:23

What's wrong wit that guy's emphasis and accentuation? Driving me nutz! :o

Fillix Kid
Fillix Kid - 27.09.2023 13:16

I wonder why I like to watch videos downgrading Windows

Christopher Co
Christopher Co - 27.09.2023 12:41

Been using Linux since Gnome 2. Now I'm on EndevourOS Gnome. And I love it so much!!!😊

Carl Oosthuizen
Carl Oosthuizen - 27.09.2023 12:13

Although not a commonly discussed topic, Linux has significant advantages in its audio pipeline, in my opinion, for both professional and casual users. It supports more high-quality Bluetooth codecs like LDAC and has less latency compared to Windows. It also has EasyEffects which is just magical (I couldn't find anything as nice on Windows)

Mohammed Malik
Mohammed Malik - 27.09.2023 11:33

Just remembered when i used to use windows i had to have antivirus and anti maleware software running all the time would still have to reinstall windows once every year as the system slowed down now im perfectly happy with linux mint.

John Xionidis
John Xionidis - 27.09.2023 11:27

For me as graphic designer i cant work without windows but for my friends Linux is the best option since all they do is browsing the web and gaming. I just wish adobe would bring native support for their suite and especially illustrator and indesign.

Anony Mousse
Anony Mousse - 27.09.2023 09:58

KDE, both for its customizability and the feature of multiple desktops, are two of the primary reasons for why I switched to Linux 20+ years ago. When I started out I dual booted and only kept Windows for playing games. I had Windows builds of GIMP, FireFox, Vim, etc. This is a huge part of why the transition was so seamless for me. I'm told that some of the features that KDE provided back then are in current versions of Windows, but that ship sailed so very long ago, and I can even play most of my games on Linux with few if any problems.

R C - 27.09.2023 08:46

The use of web based log in google and Microsoft products has helped make the switch much easier. Yes most people are tied to corporate products.

A Person
A Person - 27.09.2023 08:34

These factors are also great, but what makes linux even more better, in case of some distributions, is the ability to use a live usb, and check if the distro works well with the pc hardware and then decide if we want to install it or not. On the other hand, it can also be used to recover data from pc incase of some OS failure...
Moreover, we also have options to run it even on the most older hardware, while having up to date packages by using lightweight desktop environments like Xfce, LXDE, LXqt etc..

QUEPHARA - 27.09.2023 07:23

Windows has the Winget system for installing apps without having to Google. It is good. The atrocity that is Windows update has not been covered. Changing settings to 'recommended defaults' isn't even enough, you have to update windows, then Winget packages, then windows store. They couldn't create an update hook that would trigger the full update

Mike Wood
Mike Wood - 27.09.2023 06:48

I ran the Mint Update Manager while watching your video. Including updating Firefox. Tried to post this comment and FF did crash the tab when I hit Comment. But it's all good now. :)
