OVER 50? Say GOOD-BYE to These 9 Things FOREVER!

OVER 50? Say GOOD-BYE to These 9 Things FOREVER!

Shopping On Champagne

1 год назад

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Jerry Potvin
Jerry Potvin - 19.11.2023 03:51

.. always wore whatever I wanted and still do ❤

Donna Becker
Donna Becker - 18.11.2023 23:26

Just a thought ... as I've gotten older, my income has gone down from what it was when I was working. And, to be frank, a lot of us can't afford $180 for a sweater. Many of us, myself included, are delighted if we can put together a whole outfit for far less than $180. Better advice, I believe, is to buy classic, well-made clothing that IS in your budget to build the basis of your wardrobe, saving up for good pieces if you need to. Planning and research are essential as is thinking carefully about how you want to present yourself ... and why.

Taressa Young
Taressa Young - 11.11.2023 02:51

And how heavy are your earrings?

Esther Hardcastle
Esther Hardcastle - 05.11.2023 07:57

Sweater tops are key for me with warm leggings in the winter. Comfort is key, but it has to look good.

Kathy Rohlman
Kathy Rohlman - 31.10.2023 20:16

I wear what I want when I want.
I’ll let you do the same.

Lianne bedard
Lianne bedard - 31.10.2023 06:49

Good grief, what woman with a public contact job history needs to be told how to dress at 50?

Ilona N
Ilona N - 28.10.2023 00:47

Exactly 👍 it burns my eyes when I see someone my age (I'm 51) wearing bright pink tank top with really short shorts. it's not even funny 😑

P H - 27.10.2023 19:59

OMG, there exist no rules like this whatsover... women of every age and any shape should and can wear whatever the f... they want. Ladies, its the 21st century, 🎉

Tracy Garrison
Tracy Garrison - 24.10.2023 08:15

please lady have several seats. i’m going to wear my hoop earrings, sneakers shorts and any thing else i look good in, she looks old and boring.,

Grandma's world
Grandma's world - 21.10.2023 22:04

I absolutely hate that tucked top look...especially for older women...

Sweetheart - 20.10.2023 09:47

I’m 50 and I intend saying goodbye to nothing! Lol 😂 I wear what I want depending on my mood. I don’t wear skimpy things anyway as it’s not my personal style. I wear purple Dr Martens with dresses because they are so comfortable and the cooour makes me happy. The thing is you see, now that I’m 50 I don’t give a f### what the “rules” are lol I’m more vibrant with my colours now and even ditch the French polish nails and I go for lots of beautiful colours which I wouldn’t have had the nerve to wear in my younger years. I’m comfortable in my own skin now and I’m not going to become a bland old fuddy duddy because I’ve reached 50 🤗

Ernst Amundsen
Ernst Amundsen - 18.10.2023 10:38

I decry this "waspish look trumps all others" doctrine. Not every cookie is going to fit your cutter. No karen bobs, no chicos, no teal shawls. Just stop.😅

Bimbledwadle - 17.10.2023 10:12

Can we say goodbye to Botox ?

Samantha Mile
Samantha Mile - 14.10.2023 23:27

I am 57 and not giving up my heels, daisy dukes or crop tops! Dont want to look or feel like grandma.

Jane Seemann
Jane Seemann - 13.10.2023 15:49

What’s wrong with showing skin? Surely that’s personal choice. Sounds like the lawyer cross examining the rape victim and saying it was her fault for showing too much skin.

Sam Struys
Sam Struys - 08.10.2023 19:17

You know I was sure when at the start you tell us that there are things we should say goodbye to that you would sum up things such as: pleasing trends, other people‘s opinions and clichés. Instead I feel you did the opposite.
I know your intention is to help but this particular video makes you feel like the Fashion Police.
You state this is about things we no longer HAVE to.
There is nothing on that list that made sense other than #5 which is age- independent.

This is absolutely a list about what YOU feel 1 should not be wearing past age 50.
I don‘t find that supportive to anyone of any age to tell them their tastes are wrong.

The fact you added Chipped Nail- Polish just annoyed me for 3 reasons.
1. No 1 feels they have to have their Nail- Polish chipped.
2. In what world do ALL women above age 50 have the money to go have their nails done weekly?
3. Those stick- on nails are yet another form of waste.

Sorry, I rarely post negative comments. But I came in here to get positive feedback and maybe some pointers and you just told people who do put on what you list and who do so freely they are wrong.
Women, men too actually, should be told they are always pretty, always should have their own style, age matters not and what should change as you grown older is the knowing you should care less and less about what other people have to say because you are a free human being.
You do you.
Put on what makes you happy.
I do like your content, just not this video.
Have a lovely day everyone…. 🙂.

Issa - 27.09.2023 14:38

hahaha you're wearing huge earrings! how old are you madam?
I'm 65 and I dress my age!

Dee - 18.09.2023 04:29

Not giving up my fleece or sweat pants 😂

Tammy C
Tammy C - 16.09.2023 10:34

I agree with all of these points. Especially the Daisy Dukes unless you’re at home. Older women look ridiculous cheeky shorts no matter how good it makes them feel.

gee mail
gee mail - 15.09.2023 19:58

My clothes express how I feel so if I feel okay at 75 wearing a sweatshirt and jeans - I don't care about the neckline being appropriate. I just like to feel better about myself after I have dressed considering what I wd be doing that day. OK well I don't wear distressed jeans or short shorts because I just wouldn't feel like it's me. However, I can and do wear crop tops, leggings and any neckline I wish (but I stay away from the plunging necklines only because at 75 you never know when those girls will want to go their own way) 🙂 So I am wearing my late hubby's swede jacket that is way big as soon as the weather is cool enough. I miss him. I like wearing his jacket. I look kinda cute in it actually - with my leggings. The tips in the video are excellent for some women, but some oldies like me still just wanna have fun even with our clothes. If we don't have confidence now, then when?

Jane - 13.09.2023 21:30

I am 78 and looking for a way to always look my best . 200 lds .

Sally K
Sally K - 13.09.2023 08:32

I really wish you'd turn your mic up a bit my hearing is good but I found myself having to strain to listen to you it detracts from the message you're trying to convey and the enjoyment of your video you might want to listen on somebody else's smartphone or computer before you publish these

Book Talks with Mrs. Thomas
Book Talks with Mrs. Thomas - 13.09.2023 03:54

Garfield 🤣❤

Leslie G
Leslie G - 04.09.2023 21:40

Mini skirts and dresses. Also high heels.

Elsa Folgar
Elsa Folgar - 02.09.2023 06:41

I love that press on nails , much cheaper, don’t have to waste an hour at nail shop.

Booksandlife - 01.09.2023 14:54

I'm interested in styles, going back to work at 74 in a hospital setting. 😊😊 I retired 4 years ago but still like working so im working at a hospital and they said BUSINESS CASUAL?????

Reppi - 31.08.2023 23:59

The best thing to wear is a confident look on your face. When I put something on I look for balance. My mood determines what I wear. When mood and comfort come together, so does confidence. I keep a basket in my room. If I put something on, then take it off - in the basket it goes.

GT - 31.08.2023 18:23

OK I have to rib you about this. Showing us tinier earrings to wear when you are wearing huge hoops.Ha

GT - 31.08.2023 18:22

Well I do not buy into all the sweatshirts with names on them. I do wear a sweatshirt and yoga pants to the dog park and such because I am hiking.

jan czekaj
jan czekaj - 29.08.2023 18:42

I've stopped wearing 4 inch heels

Abigail PMM
Abigail PMM - 29.08.2023 10:44

You're wearing big earrings. And your tip is to not wear them?

Bea Roberts
Bea Roberts - 27.08.2023 09:15

Mix and match - UGH!!! Sorry love, I disagree with almost everything you have said here. I have FUN with my style. I care not for elegance and refinement ... even at 63, shock horror. I would feel quite frumpy dressed the way you are TBH.

Lucia Furuta
Lucia Furuta - 24.08.2023 03:18

Wonder if J. Lo agrees with these words of wisdom.

valerie coopet
valerie coopet - 21.08.2023 16:04

If women don’t want to hear suggestions and pick and chose, why do they watch these type of videos?

Sandra Schultz
Sandra Schultz - 21.08.2023 05:38

I think the whole phrasing of the item descriptions and and lack of specifics and being vague in this video is what’s causing all the comments. Too general. Too judgemental. By whom? Were are these so called rules coming from? What are we comparing? French ladies. NY styles? Midwest outdated rules? The clothes are all in the context of where you are wearing them. Home. Functions. Couch surfing. Concerts. Etc.

Sandra Schultz
Sandra Schultz - 21.08.2023 05:26

How do you know it’s not 100% your style. You may think it is your style but is too young or too frumpy.

Sandra Schultz
Sandra Schultz - 21.08.2023 05:25

I agree. Elastic wastelands make you look very frumpy. Same with sweat shirts and sweat pants out in public.

Ballet Shoes
Ballet Shoes - 15.08.2023 10:31

I think we should up the age to over 60! 50 is too YOUNG 🤨.

Emm Sue
Emm Sue - 14.08.2023 13:43

I am thoroughly enjoying being over 50, every morning I an grateful for being here & so far in reasonable health.. Its a privilege denied to many! Take care of yourself, stay humble & classy & remember youth is not everything. Maturity brings experience, you know what suits you & beauty is ageless. My wise Gran used to say *everyone has beauty, it might be their eyes or their sweet nature. Look for it.

Patricia - 11.08.2023 23:33

You're glasses are awful

Ann Carr
Ann Carr - 05.08.2023 22:14

The French tuck is out of style-not shown anywhere but here in the US. I am 78, 110, 5’2” & I can wear a lot stuff but my favorites are complimentary colors ! I believe we all should be comfortable & enjoy our lives now! Too many years of dressing for work - corporate & finally said goodbye to suits, skirts, & formal jackets! I am truly loving this time of my life- especially no heels & panty hose! 👍💕

Rubia - 05.08.2023 21:24

.. been studying my body type more than ever at my 60 plus years of age . (Short legs/long torso). All this time I could have been dressing better !). There is something to be said for avoiding looking like “mutton dressed as lamb” 😊. So not wearing as many “frills”. … and just looking for that smart looking “line”. !

Charlotte - 01.08.2023 20:10

I will never give up fleece and sweats. Fleece is one of the best materials to stay warm in cold climat both indoors and outdoors under a coat. Keeping warm is more importand than looking good in the eyes of others 🙂

Joy Cheatham
Joy Cheatham - 24.07.2023 04:31

I’m 60 and no one believes it. They always guess about 48-50 yrs old. Great genes. I do my best to dress beautifully, have a hairstyle that makes me look younger and makeup to accentuate my features and eyes and I never over do it. Now if I could lose 50# 😢😅

Rashone - 23.07.2023 22:02

Totally agree expect the dumb press on nails. Sorry, too abnormal. Like solid arm lengths tats that look like you stuck you arm in axle grease.

j a
j a - 19.07.2023 16:26

Love the people on here saying they wear what the want and do not let anyone tell them what to wear or not wear, yet they watch a video about what to not wear after 50. Go figure...

Oklahomagirl49 - 19.07.2023 07:23

Tell Lauren Sanchez please

New Nana
New Nana - 18.07.2023 19:15

They were never any fashion trends that “you had to wear” in the first place. I wear my sweat shirts and big hoops always( pierced hoop earrings are cultural for me). Wearing what is stylish and looks good in your body. I never wore short shorts anyway, I never thought they looked good on anybody but Daisy Duke on TV. Yes I had the body, but didn’t think my butt checks showing was cute. Common sense should rule the day as to how much skin is too much at any age🤷🏾‍♀️. You can be stylish, and age appropriate without being frumpy. I still get stopped and complimented. I’m 71.

Dana Anthony
Dana Anthony - 16.07.2023 19:51

I love fashion. I believe if you take great care of yourself and look great, wearing anything that fits well and compliments your body is beautiful.Age doesn’t mean stop loving fashion if that’s your personality. I don’t dress a certain way because of my age neither do I dress to please anyone. You can be in your 80s and still look fashionable and current.
