WORST MEGA MAN GAMES (Rob Man Edition) - Happy Console Gamer

WORST MEGA MAN GAMES (Rob Man Edition) - Happy Console Gamer


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@esmooth919 - 06.02.2024 23:38

The Mega Man games I don't like are RockMan & Forte, Zero 1, 3 and especially 4 (those games are hard as hell!!!), X7, X2, X3, ZX had a horrible map, 5 was boring compared to the rest of the NES games, 10 is also boring, 11 is just not it, chief; but my least favorite Mega Man of all time is X6!!!!!

@esmooth919 - 06.02.2024 23:35

Mega Man 8 slander will not be tolerated!

To be fair, nobody likes the voice acting, but gameplay wise, the game is damn good

@azulare1344 - 06.02.2024 22:28

I hate to say MM8 was actually my first taste of the series and got me hooked so despite it being bad I still have a soft spot for it.

@Keifus666 - 06.02.2024 17:02

Why not just enjoy Mega Man 8 for the voice acting being so bad it's good? It has that amazing camp value and is still a great game. The Saturn version also has the MM2 bosses to make it better.

@mswerkmeister - 06.02.2024 15:40

This is the laugh i was looking for this morning. Bravo, sirs. Thank you for much needed laughs when talking about the jank PSX era of voice acting

@KejuanSallad24 - 06.02.2024 12:36


@ScatterbrainPete - 06.02.2024 11:15

No Megaman & Bass? No Megaman X6? No MS-DOS games? Come on!

@griever751 - 06.02.2024 06:51

My first was mega man 2 so it holds a special place for me

@hawkeyenelson8762 - 06.02.2024 06:42

Man, I can’t tell you how awesome this video was! The dynamic between you guys is just awesome. You can literally see the decades of friendship and the stories you guys told added so much depth. These are the type of friendships we should all be striving to find. And of course, Mega Man 🤘

@AxiomofDiscord - 06.02.2024 03:30

Just on the NES

D&D Heroes of the Lance
Both Waldo games
Color a dinosuar
Ultima Warriors of Destiny

Straight why bother territory.

@CRAZYCANUCKTV - 06.02.2024 03:27

Megaman X7 reminds me of Mighty Number 9 for the Wii U

@AxiomofDiscord - 06.02.2024 03:21

Only the DOS games are worse than x7.

@lawrencemcstephens308 - 06.02.2024 02:40

Another great video, Johnny! I always enjoy your sunny disposition and reminiscing about retro games. I'm about 10 years younger than you (born 1983), but I have a long memory of the NES era in the 1980s, and the 1990s was even more memorable with the SNES/Genesis, N64/PS1, etc.

When Rob mentioned the Mega Man Anniversary Collection on the GameCube, I KNEW right away he was gonna talk about the button map! I remember when I bought that in 2006 (?), and tried to play the games, I was PISSED that you couldn't change the button map! I still play the original Mega Man games to this day on my NES and Switch, so my muscle memory of the A/B buttons is firmly planted!

I also owned a Game Boy Advance, but never picked up any of the Battle Network games, but they always intrigued me.

Keep it up, dude! Love your content!

@nostalgicnicknacks - 06.02.2024 02:31

Great video guys! Love seeing you two together!

@christophergeorge1288 - 06.02.2024 02:01

You haven't lived until you fight Flame Hyenard. You certainly haven't lived.

I got X7 when I was in college, and while I had the young fortitude to beat the game once, it's not worth playing again unless you're doing a competing challenge. I suggest just playing X8 since it's a vastly better experience.

@jw072881 - 06.02.2024 01:35

I can't speak for all of the voice acting in Mega Man 8 but, I know that Mega Man's voice is high-pitched in Japan, so maybe they were trying to match that with the English cast. As for X7 I feel that game gets a lot of hate and I actually enjoy it. I don't like everything about it though. At their first attempt at a 3D 2D hybrid it's not terrible. The voice clips used in battles can get very irritating though, Flame Hyenard especially.

@francischainsawgremp - 05.02.2024 20:05

Mega man 8 rules.

@rockmanfan5104 - 05.02.2024 18:08

X7 is fine

@BerryBerryKPR1 - 05.02.2024 18:07

Unfortunately or well fortunately for me i grew up with the megaman battle network games it was my first game on the game boy advance😅 i still like you rob, i feel like ive known so much more about megaman since ive known about you

@joshtoten - 05.02.2024 17:36

X7 is bad, but I still like it more than MM7/8 and MMX 5/6 lol

@SuperPeterok - 05.02.2024 16:57

Mega Man Soccer not on here??

@JaredScott - 05.02.2024 06:12

As a Battle Network fanboy I understand not liking the first one. It really shows its age. I’d say start with 3.

@njp4321 - 05.02.2024 04:45

I'm impressed that Mega Man Soccer made it out of this video unscathed. I knew I couldn't be the only person in the world who actually managed to have some fun playing it.

@amjidqureshi2722 - 05.02.2024 03:30

Loved watching & listening to your old throwback stories about these games. I used to play video games with the same group of friends throughout high school & university and they've long since moved on from the hobby and lost touch with each other. I always enjoy these types of videos with your old friends the most.

@ButtaMilkBiscuitsGaming - 05.02.2024 01:19

That damn snowboard level on MegaMan 8..... I did a run of that game on my channel.....lets just say....uhhhh..

@sephiros9999 - 04.02.2024 23:46

Great to have Rob again, hahaha it was a great episode :)

@megamarsonic - 04.02.2024 23:25

My least favorite Mega Man games are Mega Man X5 and Mega Man X6.

I was playing through the Mega Man X Collection on PS2 and, with the exception of the unlockable Battle & Chase (which I found kind of boring), I was having a blast going through every game up to X4. With high hopes, I eagerly moved on to X5, expecting to have a great time. What I instead got were changes no one asked for. No longer being able to shoot through walls? Check. Mostly useless powers and bullet sponge bosses with ridiculous post damage invulnerability times? Check. What ending you get being mostly left in the hands of RNG? Check. Alia, the navigator who won’t SHUT THE HELL UP about stuff learned in the tutorial, pausing the action every time she does?! Yeah it’s got that, too!

By the time I finished X5, I was so angry and disappointed that I didn’t even bother with X6 until a year later. Spoiler alert: it’s even worse than X5. Even lamer powers, upgrades being left with reploids that can be taken away forever thanks to the Nightmare Virus and a slapped together story that perfectly compliments the level design in how less of a crap the developers couldn’t give about this game. However, I expected all of this going into X6 and set my expectations accordingly whereas I was completely blindsided by X5. X6 is the worst game of the two but I still hate X5 just a bit more. Here’s a plus in X6’s column, though: those annoying Alia messages are now optional! Yaaaay!!!

I haven’t played X7 yet so maybe it’s even worse than X6 (many people tend to think so). I used to not like the Battle Network games for similar reasons to Rob but decided to give them another chance as an adult and now I’m a fan. I also wasn’t crazy about the GBA port of Mega Man & Bass but it’s only because of the small screen resolution (leading to enemies attacking offscreen and leaps of faith). I’m sure I’ll enjoy the SNES original whenever I can get my hands on a repro cart.

@Ellesdy1 - 04.02.2024 23:22

It's okay that the onion made you cry...
The onion makes most people cry, even I tear up

@neilallen529 - 04.02.2024 23:18

I know Mega Man 8's voice acting is infamously bad and hilarious, and I make no apologies for that, but I would suspect people who grew up watching 80s and 90s anime dubs might be a bit more understanding of the situation, and perhaps even see a sort of charm in it. Also, I was ready for Mega Man's voice because I played X4 first and he has the same voice actress. I completely agree about Battle Network. Well almost. I actually do like Pokemon, but I wasn't looking for a Mega Man meets Pokeomon hybrid. I learned to adjust to the Gamecube Anniversary Collection, but yeah, it was REALLY bad that you couldn't remap the controller. Even though I did adjust, I had to reprogram myself AGAIN when I went back to games with more "normal" control mapping. As for games I don't like:

All the X games after X4.
All Battle Network games.
The classic series is mostly great, but I was never terribly enthusiastic about 6 and 8. The best thing about 8 is honestly the cutscenes, especially the opening one. 6 isn't horrible, but just sort of boring and uninspired, and I don't like switching between regular Mega Man and the Rush adaptors so much. It gets bothersome.

@EdgedShadow - 04.02.2024 21:48

Surprised you didn't mention MMX5 and the Guns and Roses boss names from the original release.

@Nintenjoe25 - 04.02.2024 21:11

X7 is a dumpster fire!

@patrickbateman00 - 04.02.2024 20:34

I hated Megaman 9, and 10. They felt like homebrew games. 11 the stages were lazy, and enclosed. I also hated Megaman's walk cycle.

@ther0n1nnamed47 - 04.02.2024 20:15

My least favorite megaman games are Maverick Hunter X, megaman universe and megaman Legends 3... because they werent released

@OGNoNameNobody - 04.02.2024 17:58

Name a Mega Man game you hate; wrong answers only

@hecatomb1864 - 04.02.2024 17:51

I remember playing MM8 then later rockman and Forte. It's amazing Rockman and Forte and MM8 have like the same GFX almost. Though Rockman and Forte is on SNES. And just a better game.

@nweditor875 - 04.02.2024 07:38

Your not wrong on Mega man 8 english dub the voice acting is bad, but the japanese voices are godlly.

@AssociationAdmirer - 04.02.2024 04:04

It really is a shame about Mega Man 8. I'd love to play that game again because there are so many great moments in it, but the "jump jump, slide slide" routine honestly has singlehandedly made me hesitate to put it in my Saturn again. Great episode guys, made me laugh along with you more than once.

@osirisblaster - 03.02.2024 23:53

Megaman 8 was one of my favorites to this day.

@MegaNerdX - 03.02.2024 20:49

Being a die hard MM fan myself, Hands down my least favorite MM game is MM Battle Chip Challenge

@user-bu8ml7gr7w - 03.02.2024 13:25

Worst megaman games for me from worst to Best 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 3, rockman Forte, x2, x3, x6, x5, 8, x1, x4

That's all I've played, not finished most of them. Only ones I finished are top 3 favorites.

@burtblando8806 - 03.02.2024 05:21

The DOS versions of Megaman 1 and 3.

@darrentg6 - 03.02.2024 03:50

I had played Metroid Prime right before Mega Man Anniversary Collection on GameCube, so the B = Jump, A = Shoot thing felt just fine for me.

@dremcfleuve - 03.02.2024 00:43

the jump jump slide slide thing was really bad game design. Because you're supposed to do the action AFTER the sign is done saying it. But there's no way anybody can figure this out while first playing it. Everybody just jumps or slides the second they hear the cue.

@mellowmartin4334 - 02.02.2024 22:59

1. MM8: I liked it. But the voice acting... agreed. Too bad X4 botched X's voice as well.
2. MMC for GC: Agreed.
3. MMBN: I got bored with it really quick.
4. MMX7: X5 and X6 kind of killed the series for me, so I didn't try X7.

@cnbrauns - 02.02.2024 22:52


@sethinneon - 02.02.2024 21:49

I feel validated knowing I'm not the only person that absolutely loathes X7.

@supermetroid009 - 02.02.2024 18:18

Worst for me are: megaman x7 and x 6,
8 is an OK game with great presentation, I feel 7 is a better game than 8….. but I love the better Work series and the classic and X series so I agree with Rob up until about that work, but I understand he didn’t grow up with them

@Xorcist77 - 02.02.2024 18:02

Have you played Megaman for DOS? Now there is a hidden turd! Stay far far away...

@MasterSprintersan1 - 02.02.2024 15:02

Mega Man 8 is so underrated. I love that game. Also, Mega Man X4 also has horrible voice acting. Worse, even! Because that voice looks even stupider on X! However, most people give it a pass. Why not for Mega Man 8, too? Sure, yeah, bad voice acting. We all get it. Sonic 06 sucks, Ashley from the og Resi 4 is “annoying”, and the sky is blue. We already know these things, right? Mega Man 8 seriously deserves more credit, man. It’s a shame it’ll probably never happen.
