Surprising Redhead Facts Beyond The MC1R Gene You Have To Know

Surprising Redhead Facts Beyond The MC1R Gene You Have To Know

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Blake Morris
Blake Morris - 22.10.2023 19:22

My mother had red hair and mine is reddish brown. The last time I had a root canal, I told the dentist I needed "horse novocaine". He tested my degree of numbness and agreed to give me more.

Kashfia Islam
Kashfia Islam - 19.10.2023 01:31

Rapper Machine Gun Kelly is a natural redhead with blue eyes but bleaches his hair platinum blonde. 🎨🥁🎸

Melissa Cook
Melissa Cook - 14.10.2023 11:07

I’m a redhead with green eyes. I was teased relentlessly in school. I also have freckles. My mom had freckles but not red hair. My dad had dark hair. No siblings but none of my cousins had red hair either.

Daniel - 02.10.2023 03:20

Lilith is not mentioned in the Bible. It’s made up.

Ashlee tsoukalas
Ashlee tsoukalas - 28.09.2023 02:43

I’m both left and right handed lol. Started out left handed but my first grade teacher made me use my right hand

Dean Jacobs
Dean Jacobs - 25.09.2023 17:40

im a left handed blue eyed red head, dont fear me just give me money.

Van Barnes
Van Barnes - 24.09.2023 05:57

Lilith is not mentioned in the Bible and not in Isaiah 34.

NadgeeMan138 - 24.09.2023 01:23


Ralph Enevoldsen
Ralph Enevoldsen - 19.09.2023 16:05

A lot of these “facts” are very inaccurate or just blatantly wrong..

Darth Vader
Darth Vader - 15.09.2023 11:00

Who wants to make some ginger babies?

Ashley Fields
Ashley Fields - 27.08.2023 14:06

I absolutely love and adore redheads my prayer is that the lord bless me with a beautiful redhead man tall and gorgeous like and elf of tolkins arda. Red heads yall have nothing to fear from me i love and soo adore yall yess no lie, you gingers have my heart forever and always❤❤❤❤❤ actually there is a red head man im sooo in love with but he dyes his hair and i can understand way he dose not know how much i love and adore him but he belongs to another and and i would not ever dare take him from her.for now im soo satisfied being wonderful Friends.there are way more red headed fish in the beautiful atlantis sea hurry hurry lover come to mee owww what you do to me❤❤❤❤

bukai - 04.08.2023 20:11

i swear ive never heard that much bullshit in 10mins before

Robisme - 31.07.2023 13:29

A silent and historically discriminated minority.

I will keep your vampire secrets…..😂

PhantomQueenOne - 08.07.2023 07:42

My 1st gen Irish American grandpa had red hair and blue eyes. He won the genetic jackpot.

duel hd gaming
duel hd gaming - 30.06.2023 14:16

Nothing wrong with being similar to lilith the demon

RustyBear - 28.06.2023 01:14

I just learned that im probably the rarest genetics have 😂

SPRINKLEPUP - 24.06.2023 23:12

When i heard most redheads are left handed i was suprised- ima blue eyed red head and im right handed ;-;

Curtis Larson
Curtis Larson - 24.06.2023 17:57

A mutation bullshit. then im more evolved.

CataTonic1 - 21.06.2023 16:44

Auburn hair, Blue eyes.... Did I descend from cats?! I love cats

America Jones
America Jones - 14.06.2023 00:20

African American REDHEAD 👈 NOT SICK NOT Starving no diseases 🖕

Lexicon - 29.05.2023 21:47

When people say redheads are attractive, what they actually mean is that slender young women with red hair are attractive.

My closest friend has shock red hair and white skin. He keeps in great shape, is a solid upstanding and has a great career. And yet, women look at him and think, "if only he could tan."

When it comes to red-haired guys, women still largely hate them. Most women definitely do not like ginger guys and sadly, most ginger guys know it.

Steve Hartman
Steve Hartman - 18.05.2023 17:07

Been red haired n left handed all my life. My moms mom treated dad my oldest bro n i as lowest lives....she was ignorant. Most great painters n authors n inventors were left handed n red hairs. Example the Dutch masters painters.

Zhon GSC Ozzie
Zhon GSC Ozzie - 28.04.2023 22:24

My daughter and I would be the oddest ones at the redhead carnival

Dolly Daydreamer
Dolly Daydreamer - 25.04.2023 18:41

As a redhead I have woke up during every procedure I've ever head, and was even threatened to be kicked out of surgery for an elbow OP because they couldn't put me to sleep.

michael barclay
michael barclay - 25.04.2023 12:21

Red hair blue eyes left handed is my granson

Lyss Marie
Lyss Marie - 25.04.2023 05:11

Natural red hair with green eyes 🥰 irishhhh

Michele Trainor
Michele Trainor - 20.04.2023 08:42

Most redheads ate allergic to penicillin and other forms of medication. We also need 35 percent more anaesthesia too.

Jean Kendall
Jean Kendall - 20.04.2023 00:58

I would like to know more about my ancestors. Here is what I know. I was born with carrot top hair, that stayed with me until I was 12. (I really didn't get teased alot). Then my hair turn the color of the sunset for 2 years then when I cut my hair (1st time)it turned a bright red auburn color, then by senior year it was a copper color. Stayed with me for years. I loved it!! But when I hit my 50's my hair underneath was a brown color but on top remained red. I NEVER had feckless,.Fair skin and I layer out ALL the time. I love ❤ the sun. I tan a little darker then the red hair and feckless girls. But my eye brows to this day was ALWAY brown. I have hazel eyes too. My dad's dad was from Ireland, my grandma from West Berlin, Germany. My mom's side her mom was Cherokee and her dad side was from Scotland (Ferguson). There's a little Welch there too. What I find funny is I AM the only grandkid with red hair on EITHERI side. No 1st or 2nd cousinhave have red hair,, not even close.. my 3rd cousin on my mom side has red hair like me,, but she is now in 11th grade and her hair is starting to turn brown.. I think this is weird!!! RH + . But my pain level is high, and takes high dose of anesthesia for surgery, I am also a bleeder and anemic and very very low iron count. My dad had hair just like me then turn black from lamp black (factory). Your article was VERY interesting, thank you!!

Lee Stephen Fitzpatrick
Lee Stephen Fitzpatrick - 18.04.2023 10:18

I'm not sure about the red hair/blue eyes theory, most Irish/Scottish red heads I've met have blue eyes. I'm an Irish red head, by the way.

Jose Lopez Lugo
Jose Lopez Lugo - 17.04.2023 18:01


"Magical Truths" - 16.04.2023 16:42

Thy Tristen
Thy Tristen - 09.04.2023 07:59

Right handed, full ginger though 😂

SP Moran
SP Moran - 03.04.2023 08:49

I am a green eyed redhead of Irish origin . I am right handed . I am not a Vampire I am a vegetarian.. I love cats ,definately as bad tempered as anyone else . Hitler and the Ancient Egyptians knew the red haired gene runs in Semitic people . Neither of them liked Semites . This red head can stand pain well. I bruise no better than or worse than anyone else . But I can sence pain in others
The many things said about us are total nonsense..

Heavens Peace
Heavens Peace - 02.04.2023 08:34

Rh Neg Bloodline are Cro-Magnon which appeared out of 'no-where'.
First Creation story ...
There were a peoples created to please the Son of Man 'In His Image'... NOT the Adam and Eve storyline which is about the Annunaki meddling with DNA ... found in the Cuneiform tablets.
All of Noah's predecessors were hybrid black-haired Annunaki, Methusalah began walking with 'God' as did Enoch ... both carried to heaven. Cain (red-haired recessive) was banished and took wives and created cities with the daughters of Men (with whom he shared the bloodline of RH Neg).
Son of Man ... clone lineage ... birthed in the Uterus of Virgins ... no carnal knowledge ... Why? The first Son of Man as well as Melchizedek and in the last Age, Jesus Christ were ALL the frequency Resonance of The Father of All Spirits and were Clones! (a frog embryo was changed into a salamander embryo in the egg when the DNA frequency was aimed at it). Why a Clone? because Jesus was there and a part of Melchizedek when Abraham bowed down, thus and therefore the Levites in Abraham's loins bowed down already to the higher perfect Law of Jesus.
The importance of Christ not 'as yet' having family is that we all (Angels and Mankind) are offered His Immortal, Immortal, Immortal Bloodline to 'wear as a new garment'.

This will begin at the finality of the Ages.
You actually agree with this do you not when you accept ... this is my flesh broken for you ... this is my blood spilt for you ...!!! Have a big long think about that!
Do I sound peeved ..???
Peter recognized Christ as 'The Son of Man'. He knew! At that same time Christ said of John that he would remain ALIVE until He returned (as a thief in the night). Christ also promised that He would return 'For that Generation that stood before Him'.
John, although he himself said he was most favored by Jesus actually ranted and raved and lived off the generosity of alms from the Churches of Asia Minor, he followed up on Paul's converts there, told them they stay in the 'outer courts and 'eat crumbs' and made them all 'abandon the New Covenant'.
They missed out on the Bride being 'taken' because there was a two year siege and the old Temple was thrown, the New Spiritual raised 40 years of testing since Jesus arose.
If people don't see the Truth that Jesus is a Saviour/Redeemer/Mentor/Loves/Forgives/is Merciful/pours out His Heart weeping/Draws People to Truth and Bears all the Sinful intent of His Beloved but finding ways to Open eyes and ears and Heal ... then just go back under the curse that is the umbrella held over every reader of Revelations of John of Patmos (addressed to the Churches of Asia Minor).
No doubt Mary Mag did travel with Mary to France but the Bloodline of the Red-heads is all about Mary having an acceptable RH Neg to birth Jesus and she was a Virgin.
Watch blasphemy. Get heads out of Revelations. Yes RH Negs are the first creation 'made in the Son of Man's Image'. They are Comely, Attractive, and Desirable and also Telepathic etc ...

Regards the Annunaki hybrid family of Jacob (dispersed World-wide) what good can come of someone who deceives the Birthright from Esau and then outright steals the Blessing by disguising himself as hairy to blind Isaac ... good luck with that !!! gosh I am developing an attitude! (BTW wasn't it Jacob who swapped gods for better preferred and his Kenite father in law was impressed)!

The Pitbull Prince
The Pitbull Prince - 13.02.2023 05:37

No, we have a higher pain tolerance, but a lower pain threshold. Pain threshold is when a person begins to percieve pain, while pain tolerance is how much pain they can bear. Or, tolerate. We're more sensitive to certain types of pain, but in general, we can tolerate more pain.

Ronnie Jordan
Ronnie Jordan - 13.02.2023 05:14

Okay stop please Adam and Eve did not have red hair

Skip Stein
Skip Stein - 03.02.2023 19:52

My redhead wife is left handed. Some people like blondes, for me a he'd head is beautiful.

Countess De Lancret
Countess De Lancret - 28.01.2023 20:08

Beauty school drop out here - YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BLEACH GINGER HAIR BEFORE COLORING IT!!! If you want to go blonde yes anyone and everyone with any color has to use bleach to become blonde. If you want to go brown or black or anything darker than your red it’s the appropriate level of peroxide plus the desired color. I’m a ginger and I’ve colored my own hair before. 🙄
Edit: read heads have a HIGHER pain tolerance.
Edit #2: red hair and GREEN eyes are the rarest combination

Countess De Lancret
Countess De Lancret - 28.01.2023 20:08

Beauty school drop out here - YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BLEACH GINGER HAIR BEFORE COLORING IT!!! If you want to go blonde yes anyone and everyone with any color has to use bleach to become blonde. If you want to go brown or black or anything darker than your red it’s the appropriate level of peroxide plus the desired color. I’m a ginger and I’ve colored my own hair before. 🙄

#_OLOLAK_# - 27.01.2023 08:34

Apparently in 2002 a giant close to 49 feet was killed by a group of soldiers that went looking for his fellow soldiers that went missing in the middle east. A soldier that witness the event spoke out saying the Giant had violet hair made me think of the bible times giants are called Nephilim. Some vikings had red-hair isn't awesome to have red-hair.
Yo I'm left handed my hairs and pubic hairy a black u got that wrong buddy.

Dale Paladin
Dale Paladin - 18.01.2023 03:46

Remember, it's only redheads with freckles that are the bad ones!

Casey 💗
Casey 💗 - 13.01.2023 19:56

I am dark haired olive skin - all 3 of my little girls are red heads

infrarEd8979 - 03.01.2023 01:46

I'm a Puerto Rican redhead! Redheads should be worth $1 million dollars. Were going extinct.

T. B
T. B - 27.12.2022 21:39

The red head gene is called the mc1r gene. So they've found it. Only 2 % of the world are redheads. There is a variant of the mc1r gene that causes more pain for us too. Hitler was the leader of Germany. Wow you're getting a lot off or wrong. I won't be coming back. Ffs people can be dumb.

Mike Montagna
Mike Montagna - 26.12.2022 10:57

I love my rare gorgeous red head girlfriend with blue eyes.

Richard Loostburg
Richard Loostburg - 26.12.2022 02:30

Red heads are nuts

Nicole starkoniski
Nicole starkoniski - 13.12.2022 08:50

I have always admired people with red hair! They also always seemed like really intelligent, curious, and quirky out of the ones I’ve met and talked to. I hope they never go extinct. Redheads are beautiful and I hope they never disappear.

Dave Wall
Dave Wall - 30.11.2022 21:57

Women with red hair, green eyes, and freckles is absolutely beautiful

legomyeggow - 30.11.2022 12:39

No matter how much of these theories about redheads, could make a guy run away and stay away. I just can’t get over the fact that I really love Ginger’s. My eyes just focuses on these exotic lovely ladies as soon as I see them but not in a weird way. Just admiring❤❤❤

Amarisa 🌸
Amarisa 🌸 - 15.11.2022 19:26

