How To Survive On Lighthouse! - Tarkov Map Guide!

How To Survive On Lighthouse! - Tarkov Map Guide!


2 года назад

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JesseKazam - 06.01.2022 23:11

Have you been playing a lot of Lighthouse this wipe so far?

Loogi - 14.11.2023 21:22

This map feels like rust
Water treatment plant
Train yard

Maaan im bouta find a green card and some open loot

Beeson Bandit
Beeson Bandit - 06.11.2023 07:29

This map is stupid asf

greengoon - 04.11.2023 15:21

You always give the best overviews. Thanks so much.

Johannes Zipfel
Johannes Zipfel - 01.11.2023 13:07

This map is just torture

Kyle Rice
Kyle Rice - 24.09.2023 10:41

Hop up on the rock continues to circle the three fucking mountains

Arnaud Nyme
Arnaud Nyme - 18.09.2023 20:42

This map is dog shit

Robert Prowell
Robert Prowell - 11.07.2023 23:27

thank you

farhad aa
farhad aa - 14.06.2023 11:36

This is outdated, mines are placed in locations that can be used as vantage points for sniping like the rocks near the buildings, mines are randomly placed and no one has been able to ever climb on them without dying to them.

chaos flakes
chaos flakes - 14.05.2023 20:08

what a shit map no wonder everyone quits tarkov

cr1pton1c - 27.03.2023 22:32

Lol I'm not playing this map with 58 fps

Steve InTheZone
Steve InTheZone - 08.03.2023 12:26

I dont get how the hell Im supposed to do this map alone. questing or anything. turrets just shoot me down with grenades or bullets. I cant buy sniper rifle for 1mill or smth. Escape Of Grief

LilNetty - 05.03.2023 00:02

wish i watched this video before i went for an extract mission through northern checkpoint as a BEAR lol. got spammed to death by grenade launchers when i was just leaving docks

Demilord - 16.02.2023 03:07

@jessekazam been a year update lightouse guide!!!! <3!~

William Case
William Case - 01.02.2023 22:02

Gotta surivive on lightohuse

D2DS 17
D2DS 17 - 30.01.2023 10:52

I got up on one of the buildings via a staircase and the rogue ran around me for a few seconds so I thought we were gonna pal up... then he betrayed my trust☹️

Spoon - 25.01.2023 12:13

This map sucks I got hit by a mine

Shadoninja - 17.01.2023 02:31

First spawn ever on Lighthouse as a USEC and the rogues shot me on the south side of the map as soon as they could see me.

connerSphotography - 12.12.2022 17:06

I am new player thank you for good video it’s nice and helpful I didn’t even know there was a water treatment plant lmfao. I ran around aimlessly

Luca Guida
Luca Guida - 11.11.2022 02:24

I dont think its his favorite anymore

AvgJoe - 16.10.2022 20:20

nice vid!

Neo - 20.08.2022 17:03

How to make a ton of money is to actually avoid lighthouse as a new player... Loot tables are buffed all over the place so there is really no point, what so ever.. xD

DREAMZ97 - 13.08.2022 10:45

I know this is an older video, so when did they make it so you can get on the roofs of the buildings, like how new is that?

Auklin - 02.08.2022 05:18

tried to load into the map as a scav when the game first wiped, hopefully I'll get to play the map soon!

nagazakiTTV - 21.07.2022 06:35

the worst map ever created on tarkov and any fps ive played. The mines make the map unplayable. Disgusting map

Dutchman Chusty
Dutchman Chusty - 10.07.2022 03:13

I see so many streamers with that headset but I can't figure out the name of it. Can someone please tell me what headset he is gaming with?

Viral-clips - 27.06.2022 07:35

The nice thing about Lighthouse is the cabins. The cabins are filled with insane loot and the cabins are literally huge.

ppreapy - 23.06.2022 23:14

very good video!!

Gamers.Care - 23.06.2022 03:15

Just died to invisible snipers trying to find the car extract. Feel like that was worth mentioning…

Cooper Hall
Cooper Hall - 14.06.2022 07:45

Thanks for this bruddah!! Just started playing lighthouse last night, dunno why it took me so long but this was exactly what I was looking for 👌

Julian - 24.05.2022 04:20

I just started playing this map: decided to try the Jaeger's friend's letter quest, the laptop at the beach house for Therapist, and find Therapist's executed colleagues at the south chalet tennis courts. Got the mid-beach spawn first, uncontested push down the beach to the beach houses, got the laptop. Somehow managed to get across the main road by the construction area before the bridge. Made it around the big hotel looking thing there, got across swamp bridge to the island part of the village and worked my way east to the main road/bridge area. As I cross the road, I hear a voice yell, "DICKHEAD!" (rogue, I assume? Can they be that far from the water treatment plant?) and a full-auto rifle lights off right next to me. I didn't instantly die, so that was good-- ran behind the rocks on the south side of the island and continued east for a bit. Rogue lights off again and some big fucking semi auto rifle starts banging away from the chalet-side of the water. I briefly contemplate trying to get the letter from the dugout anyway, but from the voice lines and the gunfire it sounds like the rogue is standing literally on top of it, so I elect to sprint from cover to cover as best I can (pls no RSASS) and bail out at Path to Shoreline. Second raid, load back in to try for the tennis court and Jaeger's letter again. Spawn on the beach by the landing stage / dock / whatever you wanna call it. Wrapped quick around to the big rock pile where southern road comes around the corner at the south. Waited a minute, occasionally peeking to glass the road to see if someone spawned back there and would push out at ground level. No PMC, so I moved east along the southern beach and looted the portable office trailers at the extract there. Climbed the mountain pass headed up to the helicopter crash, real slowly because I'd heard a bunch of shooting and grenades from the chalet area. By the time I got through all the rocks, it was quiet. Got just past the crash site on the east side, and was debating whether to stay at the top of the hill and follow the driveway up to the chalet, or dip down onto the downslope and go direct to the tennis court area. As I was thinking, some dude comes stomping out of the treeline from the motorcourt area and two-taps me with M62. RIP.

Is there even a way to play this map as someone without competitive PvP gear? It seems like both these quests just send you right into the middle of the worst hotspots, and the whole map plays like giant Customs-but-worse with all these open sight-lines and rock-funnels forcing players to take certain routes. Any suggestions for how to sneak from place to place for questing? Beach seemed quieter than chalet-side, but then you have to cross the road at some point which seems really dodgy with the way people like to perch up on the ridgelines to snipe rogues. I sort of figured that hugging the rock passages along the east side would be safer than crossing the road, but then I ran into that geared dude coming out of chalets even though we were pretty far into the raid (~20 mins remaining). So far it seems like a pretty sweaty map.

hekko - 22.05.2022 16:20

Why does this guy look like Brandon Herrera

Joel Creates
Joel Creates - 02.05.2022 00:31

I've had the game for a week, spent most of it in Lighthouse. Its been real and its been fun but I wouldn't say it's been real fun.

Marshallshady - 01.05.2022 16:50


Antoni A
Antoni A - 11.04.2022 09:33

Give up. You were already caught cheating.

DLM Beats
DLM Beats - 12.03.2022 00:38

i really don't like this map, even with all the info, what a piece of junk.

Squanching - 28.02.2022 22:02

too many people just go for rogues. makes it so you can't lot them without fighting someone

Dizzeke - 28.02.2022 02:54

how the fuck am i, a bear, meant to do revision part 2 when theres fuckloads of what can only be described as chinese aimbot hackers whose only purpose is to prevent me from existing, and the vehicles are balls deep in their territory and it takes me half the raid to fucking take out just enough rogues to get down to the west blue fucking fence without getting insta killed, then all the shitters inside no matter how much i manage to take out on the way down, always 360 knee cap slide wrist twist "WHY? WHY?" no scope me at point blank while eating buckets of whatever fucking gun i brought to try to kill those other than my sniper. this fucking map is retarded and im level 42 legitimately considering resetting my account to become a usec so this map is actually playable and my quests physically possible. and i have nearly 1500 hours on this map its not like im some fresh timmy even if this map is making me feel like it.

Johannes Dolch
Johannes Dolch - 26.02.2022 03:15

"lighthouse still kinda suffers from" Kinda? Dude, Lighthouse is the worst map in that regard. A complete Camp fest.

Dadofsix0213 - 07.02.2022 23:12

Guess I’ll try this map for first time tonight. Only map I somewhat now where to go as a scav and pmc is shoreline. Now I never go into the buildings as a pmc lol. But other then that it’s been woods for the two tasks, customs, and interchange couple times. I gotta stop worrying and just going for
It. Only level 9 after 3 weeks of play but have plenty of money from scav runs. Bought the 3 junk boxes and still have 3 million so might as well just say screw it

russell binder
russell binder - 04.02.2022 20:22

Just spent last night practicing lighthouse, got down to 10k rubles, finished the night at 300k it's a good route

Mlíko04 - 30.01.2022 17:29

just found iridium today at the crashed heli, i really dont understand why no one plays this map

Tripiii - 30.01.2022 02:54


Sven - 24.01.2022 20:16

This map literally look like it was made by a 10 year old kiddo in a rust map editor... i dont give a shit what anyone says, this is one of the worst maps ive ever seen. Every other tarkov map runs so smooth, but lighthouse? I cant even count how many crashes i got on this map, not even talking about fps drops and freezes. Its soo poorly optimized, i know its a new map but cmon. Rouges ai is so weird sometimes they miss every shot and the next raid you get 1 tapped from 200 meters lol. The map itself is poorly designed compared to other tarkov maps.

Mike Smith SylaR
Mike Smith SylaR - 14.01.2022 01:21

Need a pro account to see the lighthouse map 😐

Torvalis - 14.01.2022 00:31

Not a fan of lighthouse. You can get sniped from almost anywhere and the rogue usecs have insane range with full auto head taps or mg one taps anywhere basically. I was sniping them from way off one time and getting hits at almost 700 meters but since the damage got nerfed at range it was taking way too many shots to kill one and I gave up. My longest shot is 672 meters now.

Amit Ben-Artzi
Amit Ben-Artzi - 13.01.2022 22:30

Great info video should do this kind of map guide for the rest of the tarkov "habitats" for us first and second wipe newbies........(pvp flow and spawn points exc) I would defiantly give them a BIG LIKE!!! ;)

DirtyHoneyBadger - 13.01.2022 19:08

I have to ask myself, do I take map guide advice from someone who's magnetic to mines? Haha kidding, Jesse, I love you dude. Thanks. ♥️

gamer guy
gamer guy - 13.01.2022 13:08

did you ever realize how you start talking through your nostrils, like your snorting through your sentences ?

Synchro - 13.01.2022 05:58

Lighthouse is easily my favorite map. So fun and diverse.
