Adding Hidden Fields Using The Contact Form 7 Modules Plugin | Contact Form 7 Tutorials Part 11

Adding Hidden Fields Using The Contact Form 7 Modules Plugin | Contact Form 7 Tutorials Part 11

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David Hermo Blanco
David Hermo Blanco - 12.07.2023 11:54

how i can send the value of my cookies with this?

Fitrian Hidayat
Fitrian Hidayat - 18.06.2022 06:38

hi, i wanted to add "working experience" form where it initially only shows some input fields, but there's an option to add more fields, is there a plugins for this?

WickyPayne - 24.04.2021 23:00

Hi. I would like to to send an email with a hidden field, but its not secure enough for me. User can alter it this way(let say hack form's html). Is there any shortcode for email tag or some different way to get data from DB right in to the email. Not providing it to user so he can't change it?

Michele Baracchi
Michele Baracchi - 12.04.2021 11:00

Hi, is it possible to insert the hidden source field? Thaaaaanks!

Ashok Krishna
Ashok Krishna - 06.07.2020 16:15

Hi How can we add images and files in the hidden fields..??

Mano World
Mano World - 04.09.2019 02:35

valeu salvo a minha vida

WillOfTheWeb - 01.07.2019 17:38

last updated 2 years ago was written on that plugin. Adding something like that is dangerous.

David Naves
David Naves - 27.06.2019 23:39

Perfect... thank you, Sir

lisaraecrowoman - 12.03.2019 22:54

Hi there. I've really benefited from the CF7 Modules Plugin but now it appears I have a problem. I got a notification from WordFence that the plugin has been abandoned. It was last updated in 2017. Do you know of an alternative plugin that would do the same job? Thanks so much.

Jason McKoy
Jason McKoy - 31.03.2017 14:05

Learning so much with all your videos. Curious. Once you use the plug in and it updates the code, are you able to disable or even remove the plugin from your wordpress site and still have the code doing its job.
This same question with your user role video with that plugin. Once u have all the roles set for the user and save, if you then removed the plugin from your site, does all those new rules still work?

Zama Dladla
Zama Dladla - 22.03.2017 13:15

Hello. Maybe we are talking about the same thing. There are missing fields on my contact form when I view it via email. It does not display the information one enters onto the fields such as Name, email, number etc . It only displays the message field that's found at the bottom. Could you kindly assist? I followed all your steps but the fields are still not appearing on email.
