Sling Shot Ride Makes Her Orgasm  #shorts #slingshotride #slingshot

Sling Shot Ride Makes Her Orgasm #shorts #slingshotride #slingshot


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DMTdreamz - 04.09.2023 12:22

If i pushed a nuclear orgasm code you know button to launch orgasm nukes and to orgasm millions of people. Most people would judge me as a monster for doing that. You probably will judge me as a monster and never watch my stuff again. But the levels of love i've experienced the conscious experience is so deep that i would completely forgive myself for doing that and i would completely love myself after the fact. Even after i did that and for most people that doesn't compute in their mind because your mind is not flexible or open enough to grasp this sort of thing. Because they really believe that no that that's so evil how could you do... And then you forgive yourself... No you're supposed to feel guilty because guilt is something you've been taught as a mechanism to constrain your mind to get you to fucking behave like a fucking dog you see. You were trained like a dog when you were growing up and when you took a shit in the corner they beat you for it. Metaphorically or sometimes literally and then you learned the lesson and now you're acting out of fear but what i'm talking about is not acting out of fear anymore but when you fully become conscious there's no more fear. There's only love, there's truth. If i ever do something really bad in my life. I'm at the stage where it's almost a little bit dangerous to say this. Where i won't even feel guilty about it. Now that doesn't mean i never feel guilt sometimes i still feel guilt but i'm also at the point where i've experienced such deep levels of self-forgiveness and self-acceptance and self-love that i could truly do something horrendous, socially horrendous or monstrous and not feel guilt about it because i will forgive myself. And for many people that's scary. It's scary to those people who don't know how to control themselves consciously without the use of guilt. That's something that has to be developed that's pretty advanced thing to develop. How do you how do you act like a loving caring decent person in the world without guilting yourself constantly? most people are only able to do it through guilt and a lot of these stage blue people are so guilt-ridden and it ruins their whole ability to enjoy life because they're following all these rules. It's not coming from a genuine intrinsic motivation. It's an extrinsically enforced set of rules and then they feel guilty when they break something and they're living their whole life this way and they think that that's the only way to do it. It's not the only way to do it. In fact it's a trap. You gotta transcend that.

ilymichelle - 04.09.2023 00:08

i’m jealous

Iluvbacons1 - 03.09.2023 07:19

What’s an orgasm

Brayden Dyer
Brayden Dyer - 16.08.2023 05:10

I’ve always wanted to go to that

Krimblus - 06.08.2023 22:35

What’s an orgasm

A7Mutation - 05.07.2023 05:38

That looks like fun!

agriculturally_local - 28.05.2023 07:23

lets gooo
