Al Pacino's speech about God (The Devil's Advocate)

Al Pacino's speech about God (The Devil's Advocate)


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@wet2o - 26.11.2023 13:20

In Order To Cast A Shadow, You Must First Light A Fire

@Dilomight - 23.11.2023 19:25

Anybody ever read Perelandra by CS Lewis it’s real similar how Satan seduced and took possession of a genius materialistic scientist. It wasn’t in your face evil or giving in to biting an apple. It was a slow seduction, building up pride, feeding vanity and convincing humans what God really wanted was their ability to be wise enough to reject bible teachings so they can be truly be free. The build was similar, taking people to the core of their beliefs, getting them to question why they hold on to their faith and finally mockery and anger when people won’t give in.

@inertiaforce7846 - 21.11.2023 08:24

Given how hostile nature is, it wouldn't surprise me if "God" isn't good.

@terrencemilton5088 - 19.11.2023 20:38

He's peaking...😂😂😂

@mohammadrahman9698 - 19.11.2023 09:59

What every atheist uses to bash God

@clarencegibbonz4770 - 19.11.2023 06:11

The chilling aspect of this performance is that the Anti-Christ will really state these words and convince the whole world to worship his father the Beast = Satan.
He will create a 'one world religion' and will convince all regions of worship and spirituality to unify and worship him. No one will be able to buy or sell less he have his mark - 666.
God holds him back and this evil plan until the time is right to move out of the way where later the lawless one = Anti-Christ will bring hell on Earth but disguised as the angel of light.
Find God today and do not sway from his light, for the Devil comes to damn as many souls as possible to burn with him in the Lake of Fire that burns with brimstone.
--You corrupted your wisdom O' morning star son of the dawn and you will be again cut to the ground - to exist no more ...

@MarioMancinelli82 - 18.11.2023 04:33

God is really an asshole. This movie opened my eyes!

@Avianthro - 17.11.2023 15:28

Roman's 7:7-11 7 What shall we say, then? Is the law sinful? Certainly not! Nevertheless, I would not have known what sin was had it not been for the law. For I would not have known what coveting really was if the law had not said, “You shall not covet.”[b] 8 But sin, seizing the opportunity afforded by the commandment, produced in me every kind of coveting. For apart from the law, sin was dead. 9 Once I was alive apart from the law; but when the commandment came, sin sprang to life and I died. 10 I found that the very commandment that was intended to bring life actually brought death. 11 For sin, seizing the opportunity afforded by the commandment, deceived me, and through the commandment put me to death.

Oh, but God sent Jesus as the sacrifice to give us "grace", forgiveness from the sins we were set up to commit in the first place?? What was He thinking??

And God, the "Omniscient One", didn't know Adam would eat the apple when tempted by Eve? What a set-up that was!

@AsNodtYhwachson-cl4zn - 04.11.2023 07:23

If this were real you would have to ask why is the Devil so fascinated by humans and why are we so worthy of his affection? It's kind of hard to believe that an evil spirit would be fond of humans and if he were fond of us then why is Hell the point of eternal suffering?!

@egliverushi4452 - 03.11.2023 22:03

I'm humanist a total😂 humanist 😂

@LoveKurrency - 31.10.2023 12:53

Ive never seen this movie. All I can say is wow! His delivery is strong here… It’s scary in a way

@GMAV3RICK - 27.10.2023 00:06

This is why I rock with the Devil 😈, because God doesn’t return my phone calls.

@marionajera6397 - 25.10.2023 20:08


@anthonyvasquez1259 - 24.10.2023 11:24

He is not amused with the suffering with other creations.

@anthonyvasquez1259 - 24.10.2023 11:24

Satan is the complete opposite for the man.
He hates the man and was the person to tempt Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden and to make Cain kill Abel. The ultimate cause of all life's misfortunes and sufferings. Hollywood will always be a sad inaccurate representation of everything because of how evil power, money and fame is in society

@s0lstep - 19.10.2023 06:20

hollywood really tells you whats up huh

@BettyConfetti92 - 13.10.2023 18:56

My mom had us watch this movie when my twin sister and I were really young. She used God as a weapon to abuse and control us so that we never dared to confront her for her sins against us. She was flip-flopping through religions. She’d go from one religion to the next, smiling in their faces.

And as a child, I completely related to Al Pacino in this moment. If God existed and loved us, then how could he let my mom sexually, physically, abuse us? If God existed, why did no one from any of the congregations we visited step in when we told her how badly she was abusing us?

Oh yeah, because they’re bystanders who idly watch suffering because “it’s not their place to judge.” They never called CPS or police on her. Just asked us to ask ourselves what we did to “deserve” her abuse - “Do a fierce moral inventory - ask yourself what you did to make her so angry that she beat you!”

When I watched this movie, I was like “Oh yeah, Satan gets it!God’s an empty figurehead who won’t ever step in when abuse happens, and neither will anyone who follows God. Because it’s ‘not their place to judge.’ He’s an absentee landlord who likes to watch.”

@tim1960ful - 04.10.2023 07:18

I wouldn’t say this even if I was acting.

@JonnyRoboto - 02.10.2023 05:31

The devil is mad he was rejected by God. He is taking out on the only thing he can God's creation. He can't take it out on God. He rebels and that is the devils nature.

@OskarMikee - 23.09.2023 03:53

Absentee landlord. Son is a Jew, technically a slum lord.

@Azrael__ - 19.09.2023 18:33

He's just like so... relatable. God, I mean.

@anti-lifebirthisanti-suffe347 - 19.09.2023 02:16

Can't fault one word he said. He's so right on.

@lainhikaru5657 - 12.09.2023 21:26

Absolute masterpiece ❤

@isaiahwilliams8033 - 05.09.2023 19:36

I hope he repented for this role i mean how could anybody ACT this way when.HELL IS.VERY REAL.AND ITS VERY 🔥

@MatthewMurdock-sz4sx - 03.09.2023 06:14

I wonder that if Lucifer was telling the truth about God and how he " loves " humans then I wonder what made humanity so special to this man and why is he so fond of Humans! Think about it I mean if this were the ONE time he NEVER lied to us then why?

@DoomVideoVault - 28.08.2023 18:55

So this is where the speech bit in Panzerchrist's "Panzergrenadier" song comes from..

@Ordelljoshua - 28.08.2023 12:38

Cry baby 😂

@walkeryos - 27.08.2023 19:38

Finally i found the video invisn used to make his song

@lievenyperman9363 - 25.08.2023 13:09

Masterful performance by Pacino.

@aaronmeade5435 - 21.08.2023 02:41

You know we give the devil a lot of shit why because hes evil? Sure hes a liar but even liars can be honest and its true about god its showing how we pick on one diety but we let the other one get away with life altering choices and to be fair the devils done more for humans then god

@seenuhello1 - 19.07.2023 05:22

The "look, but don't touch," complaint makes a lot of sense.

@Trumainezz - 15.07.2023 20:33

Gang knowledge is people and folk nation male acknowledgement if Boosie badazz

@Trumainezz - 15.07.2023 20:31

The bat on bay st

@pUrpLEsnake325 - 12.07.2023 01:23

"HE'S AN ABSENTEE LANDLORD! WORSHIP THAT?! NEVER!" The way he talks about God when you put it into the biblical context that technically he's talking about his father, it almost becomes kind of sad. He sounds like an angry, bitter, hurt, abandoned child in a way. He could never worship God because in his mind God abandoned him, he forsook him, he cast him out simply because again, in his mind, he just wanted his father to love him the most like he always did. Lucifer's envy and pride were his downfall. He was God's favorite, his first child, and then one day he made humanity and decided he loved us more, and he couldn't take it. And when you look at it in that context, suddenly they've somehow made the Devil himself relatable to the audience.

@bnxdrbnxdr2381 - 11.07.2023 01:33

You deal with God as if you deal with your boss!! . She says ok Lord I did this so why don't you reward me?! Think about it.. He is your Lord and you are one of His servants. You must perform your worship in hardship and ease and do not be so arrogant that you cannot worship Him.. I advise you to listen to the episodes of "Zakir Naik"

@pnut3844able - 10.07.2023 23:09

Christians love to say god gave them free will, but it was actually satan. Adam and eve were robots until he gave them actual free will. God murders millions, literally, and satan murdered 10-15 people. Satan was the good guy in that fictitious story.

@6davie - 09.07.2023 20:30

Al Pacino is the best Devil in the cinematic history

@emptybucket1988 - 08.07.2023 19:02

How his speech makes more sense than the whole Bible no wonder it was written by his inperfect creation

@patricknunez8884 - 29.06.2023 19:05

It’s funny how everyone here is giving Al Pachino Praises. “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist” another great example.

@Joao-ql7df - 22.06.2023 07:37

Mano pelo amor de Deus , semente de Caim vocês são a estirpe mais imunda que eu já vi na vida , o começo desse filme , é um protesto contra a igreja católica , nessas coisas lá que acontecia e muito entendeu ? Por isso ele fala sua roupa me enganou , as roupa que eles usam . Tá explicado ??

@Joao-ql7df - 22.06.2023 02:43

Os crente semente de caim ou até alguns que estão no engano , eles são conformados com a miséria do mundo , e nas profecias falsas deles , vai chegar um anti Cristo do mal e o mundo vai ficar pior do que já está , entende agora o nível de sadismo deles ?

@Joao-ql7df - 22.06.2023 02:43

Os crente semente de caim ou até alguns que estão no engano , eles são conformados com a miséria do mundo , e nas profecias falsas deles , vai chegar um anti Cristo do mal e o mundo vai ficar pior do que já está , entende agora o nível de sadismo deles ?

@Joao-ql7df - 22.06.2023 02:40

Vou explicar pra vc cair na real , a maioria desse povo que se diz da igreja é semente de caim, blz ? Eles não sao cruéis , eles sao perversos. Quando você é justo e tem que aplicar uma pena a altura do crime cometido pelo delinquente você tem que ser cruel mas está sendo justo!!! O perverso é o injusto !! Sao as pessoas que cometem injustiças !!!!! Semente de caim injustiça . A semente de Adão abel eles sao cruéis pra aplicar a pena mas nunca perversos ! Nunca !

@Joao-ql7df - 22.06.2023 02:40

Vou explicar pra vc cair na real , a maioria desse povo que se diz da igreja é semente de caim, blz ? Eles não sao cruéis , eles sao perversos. Quando você é justo e tem que aplicar uma pena a altura do crime cometido pelo delinquente você tem que ser cruel mas está sendo justo!!! O perverso é o injusto !! Sao as pessoas que cometem injustiças !!!!! Semente de caim injustiça . A semente de Adão abel eles sao cruéis pra aplicar a pena mas nunca perversos ! Nunca !

@raptureready6002 - 20.06.2023 06:04

But yet Satan wants to be the one he hates. 🙄

@jdjacobo3594 - 20.06.2023 03:12

Except anyone who has read a bible knows that he isn't a fan of man, and views humankind as beneath him.

@SlimShady-yf2xk - 19.06.2023 04:33

Who could have denied the entire 20th century was mine all of it 700years better to Reign in hell than to serve in heaven

@SlimShady-yf2xk - 19.06.2023 04:30

Real talk

@MohdZaheeruddins - 17.06.2023 16:14

The roles are reversed... it's not about good or bad... it's about acceptance and rejection... Satan accepted humanity ... now that's a new religion , a new revelation in the scene...

Any counter arguments here
