Heroes 3 Tower strategy || Basic overview || Heroes 3 Tower guide || Alex_The_Magician

Heroes 3 Tower strategy || Basic overview || Heroes 3 Tower guide || Alex_The_Magician


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@nazgull3001 - 12.05.2023 16:57

Interesting strategy, i just wonder about the difficulty you are playing on usually? Because I tried tower a few days ago on impossible where you cant afford adittional heroes on day 1 or the lookout tower or anything really except upgrade the workshop and your gremlins.

@netgodzilla1 - 03.04.2023 11:31

When I was playing this game as I kid, I think the strongest faction is castle. The units are tanky and well balanced.

I like to play ramparts but their units really weak. Maybe I play them wrong.

And, I dunno that inferno is considered soo weak

@cristian-fv9mm - 10.12.2022 23:15

so in WOG Tower is pretty bad?

@petrsadlo6244 - 29.07.2022 21:16

Is there any tactics how to exploit hives with Tower? I lose almost all my Gremlins for six Wyverns. Solmyr's speciality does not help much there. Thanks in advance for your answer.

@petrsadlo6244 - 30.06.2022 13:11

Tower has many exceptional buildings (Wall of knowledge, Lookout tower, Library etc.). It prevents players from constructing creature dwellings in the first week, leaving them roaming the map only with Master Gremlins as a power stack and a gang of Gargoyles as shields. (Obviously "players" here means "me", be it a good strategy or not :-)

@croviktorija - 17.03.2022 12:05

great video! would be nice to have a strategy guide without lamps though.

@petrsadlo6244 - 02.02.2022 16:42

Great job! I personally don't like Tower that much, but you also mentioned avoiding farming places too far off the beaten road. Is there any rule on how far off the road you're supposed to go farming? The other day, I lost the whole campaign scenario farming cool items in hard-to-access places, while my enemy emerged to happily pillage my headquarters. I couldn't come back on time, of course. Thanks.

@oklik6864 - 15.09.2021 12:22

Also, they have the lowest maximum speed of aome units in whole game.

@Sikkeskatona - 28.07.2021 14:45

Nice thumbnail mate

@CaptainArn - 27.06.2021 02:39

I've been playing this game for 20 years what are "lamps" like what do they do and whoa wtf there are like 4 dwellings I've never seen on this part of the map alone what is this?? FOMO!!

@davepage6494 - 31.05.2021 22:34

Hey man, random question. Is there an expansion in HD or just the old game? All I could find was heroes complete. Any help would be great

@jogo-md8jq - 20.04.2021 18:56

How do you play Jebus cross with everything done d1? As in all the map opened, infinite movement, grail etc... Sounds like a nigh perfect testing ground

@philliprichards3769 - 17.03.2021 01:16

I like Tower

@BerylliumOxide - 26.11.2020 14:06

My favorite town as a kid when I played RoE. I thought it was the strongest because it had the most shooters (and a 7th level shooter!) lol

@gmoomhunteriv8090 - 26.11.2020 05:57

i would like to see 200% difficulty strategy without starting out with gold for pvp trying to see what to go for in that struggle to help my experience? it doesnt help my case knowing most videos everyone starts off with more then 1000 because i play on 200% only and im old school player and trying to learn to do hero chains for pvp but hero chains makes a difference but in my case it dont if i dont find the right infomation

@idealsAREisomorphic - 15.11.2020 03:42

I just love master genies. They are so cool to buff a power stack, like a naga or titan stack. The thing that sucks the most is that tower doesn’t seem to have a hero with good stats.

@Arbo140 - 03.11.2020 17:59

is there anything that dictates how many stacks of units there are? aka, 4 packs of 10 marksmen or 1 pack of 40? i find often as solmyr my chain lightning is kinda weak because there's only 1 or 2 enemy stacks

@glebv - 05.08.2020 16:16

Thanks! Good stuff.
What about building strategy?

@Dezy623 - 01.07.2020 08:43

Thank you for making these videos, it really helps new people to pvp like myself.

@johnbenedetto3096 - 01.07.2020 01:03

Very helpful

@Nik_M11 - 30.06.2020 15:08

Finally, a faction that's not busted lol
