Neverwinter - Avernus Treasure Maps & "Grinder of Demons" Title - Mod 19

Neverwinter - Avernus Treasure Maps & "Grinder of Demons" Title - Mod 19


3 года назад

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Claud Lowe
Claud Lowe - 09.06.2021 20:33

your map link DOESN'T WORK!!!!!!

GhigodeBrille - 03.03.2021 15:34

Can i find in the chest all of the Objects in Antiquities of Avernus list?

Bob K
Bob K - 01.01.2021 22:23

hello is there a option for map coordinates that shows the location when you use your mouse curser like your Video ?

Joseph Plumley
Joseph Plumley - 19.09.2020 09:10

I am not getting any maps its September 19th.
Nvm it just takes a long time to get a few

Pal Paladin
Pal Paladin - 21.08.2020 11:32

Hey Garlaanx>> Noticed this when I first got into the Wasteland and said to my mate "I bet there's an achievement / milestone to this". We were just hoonin' around trying to make the machines drift. Of course. They handle like pigs, because its mouse & kb-driven controls (we play on XBOX). My mate got two maps almost instantly. I nabbed one when we got out and took on an 'Infected Mane' at one of the locations.

Can't see Cryptic nerfing this. Weapons simply aren't enough of a differentiator, without the stats to back them up. I have three toons finished 'Path of the Fallen' using Alabaster / Mountaineer sets.

Legion354 - 21.08.2020 00:19

Your method took 20 minutes to do the "666 Hail Satan!!!"... thanks for the tips... Also got about 12 of each maps... stoked... 😁

Steve Searle
Steve Searle - 20.08.2020 19:25

Can absolutely agree with you on this one.
I did use Rainers method as I was also doing guild leader stuff over chat groups at the same time.
The sitting still one is a respawn rate of three every 7 seconds.
Averaging 30 maps per hour with zero stress 😎

Joshua Starnes
Joshua Starnes - 20.08.2020 19:09

Going on a year since I've last played NW. Still watch your vids. Especially your rants. Always gold on those XD. Should I come back or just leave a dead horse unkicked?

Vlad Tepes
Vlad Tepes - 20.08.2020 06:32

I brought my 18k warlock here and got her the legion weapons by farming maps with the car. It's solid advice.

the gamer 108
the gamer 108 - 20.08.2020 05:41


theOrder1814 - 20.08.2020 05:33

thx friend for video
