CAMBODIA: Glimpse of Kampong Trach Mountain

CAMBODIA: Glimpse of Kampong Trach Mountain

Kewanderful 11

5 лет назад

853 Просмотров

Accordingly “Kampong Trach is the district that borders Vietnam. The road trip from Kampot to the main town passes though some picturesque rural areas. There is a new side road to Kampong Trach town that skirts the base of Phnom Voar, (where the victims of the 1994 Khmer Rouge kidnappings were held.) These mountain areas of Kampong Trach were one of the last Khmer Rouge holdouts.”

While on our way going back to Phnom Penh. We stopped here for an hour after Kep Beach (Kep Province).


#Kampot #Mountain #Cave #Rock_formation #Cambodia #Travel #Glimpse
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