Narcissistic Relationships | Hidden Signs

Narcissistic Relationships | Hidden Signs


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Jess - 02.10.2023 14:49

I am a survivor, and I thank GOD for u, Dr. Ramani 💓🙏🕊. This is an amazing community 💓🙏🕊

Shorty Shore
Shorty Shore - 02.10.2023 01:10

I'm in a relationship with a guy he Sees that he does not do no Wrong Always wants me to apologize. So when it comes to Him Being mean, And hateful And a ungrateful person. Being with a person like that. Will not get Anywhere

tracy snipes
tracy snipes - 22.09.2023 15:25

God thank you for looking over me. 31yrs married and this is what I went thru. Discarding the marriage and he never left. Never allowed me to find happiness. Love bomb me and separate me and isolated me from my friends and made sure I was never close to his circle of family and friends because he was very disrespectful and having affairs. Social media portrayed himself as single and not married to be able to cheat. Blame it on me and made me look like some type of nasty unkept wife that didn’t make him happy and it was all my fault. I protected myself physically sex wise and was not even crazy about been with him sexually after all what he has put me throu for 24yrs. He made sure that I never communicate with his family except mom and dad. He will never value me or complement me but had no issues doing this on social media to girls that didn’t even give a shit about his health. No pictures of me no happy birthday on social media but refuse for me to sleep in the other bed or room. His family things he is so amazing and great. They didn’t know him like I did.

ᏕᏂᎧᏁᎴᏗ-ᏰᏋᏝᏝᏗ - 21.09.2023 23:10

I am a survivor. And I am thriving. 25 years of my life gone on 2 beyond insanity long term relationships. Not even counting my early adolescence, and all the toxicity I had to deal with and those relationships and the family system.

But I am still standing.
And I'm finally writing the book people told me I never would. Or every other neg said about something I adore so very much. It's called Once Skewed, Now We Swerve!, look for it cuz it's coming! 💪🏾

The last half of my life, all I can say is the world ain't ready 😂😂😂!!! And I'm smiling these days and those smiles actually reach my eyes.

IF I CAN DO IT, SO...CAN... YOU! 💪🏾🙏🏾💯👍🏾⭐

Silverado - 21.09.2023 02:21

This seems like a comment section for angry exes.. Yesrs together now they're satan. There's 2 sides to every story. Or actually 3.

Pat Paley
Pat Paley - 16.09.2023 07:32

I'm a survivor n thanks to my God who showed me the way to Dr Ramani.

Wajeeha Mughal
Wajeeha Mughal - 15.09.2023 10:45

I am a survivor of this. Just ended 2 years of insults, humiliation, gaslighting, ghosting after lovebombing, listening to that I am the oversensitive crazy one! Still managing to get back on my feet!

Mati Kramer
Mati Kramer - 11.09.2023 05:40

I went through all of this, former scapegoat of my mom's... It just made me perfect target of the bullies in kindergarden, and excellent target to my ex husband... They all dumped me at the entrance of mental institution... Me, mother of 6 children... First diagnosis was bipolar psychoses, second borderline personality disorder, and later I found that I'm dyslexic - undiagnosed. 10 years approximately NO CONTACT with ex - made by me instinctively, now I see that my mom - I was JUST trying to justify for myself - wasn't just not enough wise woman, even not enough smart - remembering what she said and what she did - all of that was intentional. I'm still trying justify her after all that unbearable injustice and total neglect , I'm trying to justify her. For what? She will start to love me? Many times I red in her I eyes that she hates me, how I can not hate myself... Hoovering - every time she insulted me, gaslighted me, slapped me, lied to me, manipulated me, she would come to drag me in again...
Back to the topic - my favorite curse for myself is "bloody perfectionist", my favorite expression is "and may it happen despite of everything and everyone"
My modesty is shallow, my empathy misplaced, my optimism some of the times disappear totally, my perseverance is gone, intuition 50 % diminished and logic is limping
But information and knowledge I'm gathering now is giving me hope since, the first time in my life, my life shambles are clearing off now....
Thank you

IC - 06.09.2023 23:19

Only a Paranoid Schizophrenic can fight Narcissists as evil like once Don Quixote was fighting Windmills as a threat and only a Paranoid Schizophrenic will advise people without a Doctorate Degree in Psychology or Psychiatry to diagnose their parents, wives, husbands, children and friends to spot red flags and feel guts, and make a decision regarding future relationships on their home-based diagnosis! Consequently, Guru Ramani Durvasula is a Paranoid Schizophrenic who is spreading her mentally sick perception of the human world which is struggling from the Narcissism, but in reality, her followers are only destroying their own lives and instead of Windmills are fighting their family members and friends who are good people who actually care about them and obviously not the evil non-existent Narcissists!

Julie Ward
Julie Ward - 03.09.2023 19:20

I am a survivor. Thank you much for the video❤

IC - 01.09.2023 13:07

Does Guru Durvasula know that she is a scammer who is brainwashing vulnerable people with extremely low IQ making them self-isolated social paranoiacs? Do Guru’s followers know that they are naïve slaves from slums of scammer-guru Durvasula who were brainwashed to a state of Paranoid Schizophrenics and like Don Quixotes fighting non-existent evil – Narcissists, in the same way, Don Quixote was fighting Windmills 😆🤣😂while Chinese Communists are poisoning bodies and brains of Americans with fentanyl transported through Mexican drug cartels, brainwashed by Chinese TikTok and Russian Trolls online, India and BRICS are supporting Russian Nuclear Capabilities with the aim to burn US and Europe in a nuclear strike by buying Russian oil, gas and coal? Scammer-Guru Durvasula is doing a great job for BRICS undermining the American way of life, economy and society, Well Done GURU!

Shea Henson
Shea Henson - 31.08.2023 02:35

I am trying to be a survivor. Narcissistic abuse from both parents growing up, then 10 year relationship with a guy who was the same, and now back in it with family who offered me a “safe place” to stay so that I could escape the toxic relationship. I feel so stupid for allowing myself to trust family members who in the past have caused tremendous harm, but I guess sometimes you got to make the same mistake a 100x to really learn the lesson. As soon as I was close to my mom again, the same abuse patterns began anew. I’m trying to be kind to myself while educating myself on what this disease is and how to overcome. The big fear is that you get so hurt by narcissists that you then turn into one. I’m determined to not pass this on to anyone else in life. Thank you for the education. My prayers go out to everyone else relying on these videos to get the help they need and deserve❤

IC - 27.08.2023 19:26

Does Guru Durvasula know that she is a scammer who is brainwashing vulnerable people with extremely low IQ making them self-isolated social paranoiacs? Do Guru’s followers know that they are naïve slaves from slums of scammer-guru Durvasula who were brainwashed to a state of Paranoid Schizophrenics and like Don Quixotes fighting non-existent evil – Narcissists, in the same way, Don Quixote was fighting Windmills while Chinese Communists are poisoning bodies and brains of Americans with fentanyl transported through Mexican drug cartels, brainwashed by Chinese TikTok and Russian Trolls online, India and BRICS are supporting Russian Nuclear Capabilities with the aim to burn US and Europe in a nuclear strike by buying Russian oil, gas and coal? Scammer-Guru Durvasula is doing a great job for BRICS undermining the American way of life, economy and society, Well Done GURU!

PrtyGbr - 25.08.2023 23:01

I spent 3 and a half years in this madness. These videos made me realize my situation in three days, after years of confusion and doubting myself and always feeling like a clumsy idiot. It's so clear now, when I spent longer periods of time far from home, I instantly felt more energized, even when I was leaving to do physical work. I justified and forgave "mistakes" for an idealized version of someone I never actually knew, and probably nobody ever will. My lung feels 3x deeper with every breath I take.

IC - 20.08.2023 14:34

Dr. Ramani Durvasula is an online psychopath whose life was ruined by her paranoid idea about Narcissism which controls and destroys the Western Society compared to a “beautiful life” in BRICS (and particularly Indian) slavery society of slams and gurus. As a psycho, she is getting satisfaction from controlling and ruining the lives of her victims who were brainwashed by her paranoid by Narcissism controlling idea which detaches victims from their parents, children, wives, husbands, partners, relatives, friends and coworkers leaving them lonely sufferers going through the psycho ritual called “Healing from Narcissistic Abuse”, but in reality the only thing her victims are actually doing alone just watching her sick new videos every day absolutely isolated from all previous healthy relationships.

Mission Lights
Mission Lights - 15.08.2023 13:51

If the issue of narcissism is in reality the issue of all partners (male and female) then it means that it's not a random issue in singled-out individuals but instead a widespread issue pertaining to human nature.

Ravi Kurup
Ravi Kurup - 13.08.2023 16:38

Thing is many females in America are drawn to narcissism therefore they feed the disease.

Che - 11.08.2023 23:57


Che - 11.08.2023 23:52

I'm currently married and have been for 18 years. My husband just got my friend pregnant after a 7 month affair where I. Being informed that because I'm "mean" it's my fault. I can't breathe, function or think even of what my future is going to be. Please advise me to do anything other than leave, get therapy and or rid the world of my ridiculous question.. I'm dying inside and nobody understands my thoughts and feelings. I'm still so in love with him and I'm so incredibly broken

Cody Evans
Cody Evans - 07.08.2023 11:32

I'm a survivor, and I'm thriving. My father was the most evil creature I've ever met in my life. My parents separated when I was 19, I cut ties with him a few months later and never looked back. For years, he literally haunted my nightmares, and I have spent all that time dismantling all the bullshit he put in me. I'm doing really well, I have a degree, a job that pays well and that I enjoy, and I love the person I have become.

Samantha Williams
Samantha Williams - 07.08.2023 10:43

The part about discovering mold everywhere 🤯 truth!

B M - 03.08.2023 14:47

Going through this cognitive dissonance, how can i heal? It isnt easy

JoAnn Schindler
JoAnn Schindler - 02.08.2023 22:04

I'm so glad I found this video! I just ended a situation, he was my boss/best friend. I wasn't quite sure what was going on i had been miserable for quite sometime and realized after one last confrontation I had to leave. It is devastating and sad and regret. But listening to this validates myself for the first time!!! Thank you so much for your help and validation of all the gadlighting and behavior, it wasn't all in my head! It is a relief which will help me push forward to something new with healthier boundaries!

TerryfromCO - 31.07.2023 17:58

I've woken up to the fact that an old flame who came back into my life recently is in fact, a Narci. I called it out almost immediately when he told me he didn't "lie"/had never lied. So after blurting it out and calling him a narcissist outright online, I had to research it again and found that Narci's are prone to thinking they are equal to GOD. I was Psych trained in college and yet almost missed the "classic narcissist" signs, except somehow GOD sent me to this channel (Thank you, soo much!) It was because of this channel that I recognized one by one, nearly all of the things you are saying here, were visible in him. Thankfully we're 120 miles apart and he's sick of driving! YES!!! I'm running and not looking back. He "friend-zoned" me because I was expressing too much affection for him. LOL GOD loves me, it's obvious!

Victor Hunsaker
Victor Hunsaker - 23.07.2023 21:44

My brother inlaw and Boss/owner is narcissist. Its like a map of my life as i listen. I need to get out but I get so anxious when it comes to like quitting and thinking like I can’t get another job he is broken down my self-esteem, and like convince me that I cannot make a living without his leadership. How should i do this? Build my self-esteem back up first or quit first or find another job like I have so many questions I just want to know the less damaging way to go about it.

Anthony l simpson
Anthony l simpson - 22.07.2023 10:52

I'm scared of the flying monkey that's in my house. The reason I ask could it be all three playing mind games before the fire at our place we use to give birthday party and birthday cards out. And there over 11 of us after about a year I found all of there birth day cards together. It was knot for knot colage.
I can't understand why would the collect all the birth day cards back except for mine isn't that weird to collect all these birthday cards back

KarolinaJ94 - 21.07.2023 21:11

I am in the midst of it, but eyes open and preparing for freedom. Already i see light and i am already visioning my beautiful freedom. It takes a lot of energy and pain to stay, so lets put that energy and pain into escaping and fighting for freedom ❤

Marie Ruch
Marie Ruch - 16.07.2023 03:50

I am having an insent

MrandMsV - 07.07.2023 21:52

The symptoms go on a lot wider than that: yes . Get professional help if you’re in a nar or suspect you’re in a nar relationship

Prometheus_2 - 07.07.2023 10:14

I wish I listened to the signs instead of being blinded by my love. Hope karma gets her.

Joanne Skillings
Joanne Skillings - 06.07.2023 19:37

Dr Ramani everything you said in this video is 100% my marriage of 48 years. I left (no divorce) and bought myself a condo and he made his way back in. Felt that the condo was
not “ours” so I agreed to buy another house together. I am so broken, hurt and on and on. I wish I could meet you. Thank you ❤️

Juan De Domenico
Juan De Domenico - 04.07.2023 08:55

Its been 3 years and im still hurt

Fausto P Fortin
Fausto P Fortin - 02.07.2023 04:03

This channel and Doctor Ramani saved my life. Thank you so much for everything, I can't explain how grateful I am for all the valuable info and my new perspective on things, and even on my own life. I'm 26 years old and starting to feel I am cleaning the dust off myself. Thank you.

Tyna Angelici
Tyna Angelici - 27.06.2023 20:36

I’m a survivor❤

Mal Kob
Mal Kob - 27.06.2023 20:27

I never knew. I thought i was happy. I was constantly living in hope justifing everything. Cheating on me opened my eyes. Lost 17 years.

DANNO - 23.06.2023 17:00

Starts off by re-labling it which makes me thinknshes that way herself 😂
I done 🚶

THE JOSIE STUDIO - 22.06.2023 09:33

I'm finally free and divorced from a 16 1/2 year relationship/marriage to a covert narcissist!! I didn't see it even though a lot of people around me saw there was something really off about him.. I had brain fog, and sooo much confusion...towards the end I developed a digestion disorder from the stress and felt like I was dying! I believe that had I stayed any longer.. I would've! He starved me from any intimacy, sex, friendship and any type of closeness that a husband and wife should have for nearly 5 years! I should've listened to my gut many years ago! Now I know that was nothing but sick sadistic control and I'm so happy that by the grace of God I had the courage to say ENOUGH and leave!! Life is so beautiful again, I'm discovering me again and I love myself so much more! Hindsight is a blessing!! Thank you for doctors like you and Dr. Ramani for educating me and setting me free!! Thank you!!🥲😪

Rosalyn Salanguit
Rosalyn Salanguit - 21.06.2023 02:26

Day three of surviving ... June 2023. Something forced me to leave work and go back to school. One of the courses I started taking ws organizational behaviour - the dark triad came up... and we read up on narcissism. i kinda new... but was in complete denial. Im also a cancer survivor so he would hold it over my head that if i brought something up and it got me upset - then i was ungrateful for the times he was there for me when i was sick... but he also cheated on me when i was recovering, which i somehow got the blame for. 12 years!! yesterday i put on a baseball hat for the first time in years and looked in the mirror.... i used to wear baseball hats all the time

Simon DeVos
Simon DeVos - 16.06.2023 23:55

I think hardest to do for marriage couples is letting go
Theirs stuck between pleasure and pain . There’s seem to be
no great escape But only how
we adjust our mindset

Simon DeVos
Simon DeVos - 16.06.2023 23:42

To Find a person with a excellent personality, In my opinion people in general have a hard time distinguishing both
Right and wrong, when it comes
Choosing a mate They either
Choose The Good, The Bad or
The Ugly. and they mainly pick
The last Two

aaa aaa
aaa aaa - 10.06.2023 07:18

thank you

Pattye Ludwig
Pattye Ludwig - 01.06.2023 18:46

I am a survivor, two years after discard. I have a PFA against the narcissist that I was engaged to and I am starting to thrive. Thank you for all of your educational videos in this topic

Tori Graham
Tori Graham - 24.05.2023 05:08

i see a way out and I'm taking it, thank you for these videos

ANA M - 21.05.2023 17:12

Ja sam prezivela oca psihopatu, narcisa. Sve je tako, hvala Vam

Projecte Karuna
Projecte Karuna - 19.05.2023 10:25

Dr. Ramana helps me a lot

Monica Fuston
Monica Fuston - 19.05.2023 01:20

Still in the chaos of the ride but just learning all this information on narcissism

Rrobert Garnett
Rrobert Garnett - 17.05.2023 14:54

It's a hundred times worse when you are a little kid.
