Why We Pulled our Oura Ring Video

Why We Pulled our Oura Ring Video

LMG Clips

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Ray N
Ray N - 30.08.2023 20:04

Customer is always right! Even if they ordered a Big Mac but they wanted a Fish Fillet instead. Although this should have been mentioned before hand when reaching out to Linus that is is a common mistake to mispronounce their product. You can clearly tell the folks at Oura really wanted to name their product Aura but it might have already been taken by some other company. So now they get upset and blame everyone when their name is mispronounce. What a bunch of monkeys

Kevin hamlett
Kevin hamlett - 30.08.2023 18:38

i have the first version ring

jokeer14 - 20.08.2023 08:01

I might just buy some other sleep tacker just because of that childish reaction from them. That's hilarious.

Shawn O' Conner
Shawn O' Conner - 19.08.2023 22:40

screw monthly subscriptions

Lemau - 17.08.2023 11:46

Imagine selling a small ring with a bit of tech in it that's frail enough that they have to advise you to not do anything intense with it, like lifting weights, garden work or wearing another ring next to it, for 360 Euros, a monthly subscription of 6 Euros for full functionality of the app and then bombing a deal with Linus over fucking naming. I don't even...?

Serial Killers Documentaries
Serial Killers Documentaries - 15.08.2023 09:46

Well, the blame can go either way, but normally they send you some talking points. If it's written Oura and it is pronounced Aura, they should mention it there in the first place. It's as simple as P.S: Even though we write Oura, we mean Aura (highlighted somehow, maybe in red). And your fault is uploading the video before sending it for review, like us, the pleb do it. This could've been avoided from both ways, but nobody took the time to do this right.

JJ - 12.08.2023 23:11

October, it starts with O and its not pronounces uctober. If you can come up with any word in the whole wide world which starts with O but it is pronounced with U in front, I can give you a pass. But unfortunately I believe funny Linus stepped in with this, he had ”problems” with the spelling at first and well why not make a statement saying your product has a stupid name by intentionally pronouncing it incorrectly.

Captain Columbo
Captain Columbo - 10.08.2023 12:16

Why did you not ask the company how they pronounce their company name, before trying to pronounce it yourself ???

Daniel A.
Daniel A. - 07.08.2023 22:12

10 months late, but, Linus looks terrible here imo.
Fucks up royally, says THEY left a bad taste in his mouth. Throws a low ranking employee under the bus for the removal while also claiming he'd of done the same. Stop being so defensive is what "people want" here lol.

Good thing he's not the CEO anymore lol

Miika Vuorio
Miika Vuorio - 07.08.2023 19:02

Ten months later I come here to explain that I presume the reason it's pronounced aura is because I presume the name of the company comes from the town it was founded in, that being Oulu, and that is pronounced with the same sound as aura. Therefore, it's not that they wanted aura domain but couldn't get it but rather they just want to hold on to their heritage :D! so understandable but is still a stupid business decision from their end

Philander McFly
Philander McFly - 05.08.2023 18:00

You tell them, Leenas!

Dean - 03.08.2023 00:32

I mean, I don’t know how he got ewra from oura haha

DrBojanglez - 02.08.2023 15:08

Should have republished with a terrible dub over.

cmvelo1 - 31.07.2023 18:25

Excellent words of wisdom around conflict resolution! 💯 🙌 (and ignore the haters 😎 )

PhoenixDowner - 31.07.2023 18:19

People want nothing more than to feel superior, so you can expect to get hollow complaints like that frm their audience because for a few seconds they can pretend they're better than you. You're neither half glass full nor glass half empty. It's half full of liquid and half full of air. You're a realist and people can't handle reality.

Christopher Anderson
Christopher Anderson - 30.07.2023 09:52

Haha can’t just spell it wrong then expect people to pronounce it a certain way

Sylkis89 - 26.07.2023 01:58

I would say our-rah lol in English at least. In Polish I would say oh-rah lol

Stinkyy Buster
Stinkyy Buster - 25.07.2023 19:33

Their pronunciation makes more sense than if it was spelt aura.

They are basically saying the word "our" with an "a" on the end.

werethless12 - 24.07.2023 21:45

Linus is a scammer.

Pianoman - 24.07.2023 15:06

Well, maybe don't have a dumb, weirdly-spelled gimmicky name for a company or product.

Dan Williams
Dan Williams - 22.07.2023 13:39

I stumbled on this looking for good rings, if they're gonna get bent out of shape over someone correctly pronouncing in their own countries tongue and language sounds rules then I certainly won't be buying anything of theirs.

What country are they even from? Does their spelling conform to their countries language sounding rules?

Heavyoak - 22.07.2023 06:22

Its literally oura with a O. lol wut

Nathan Rogers
Nathan Rogers - 22.07.2023 01:28

Linus is being notably defensive I'm this one. His main point seems to be that Oura didn't address the problem in a way that jived with his value set. Seems fair, we've all been there. But being honest with us and then getting criticism shouldn't be met with a "should I not tell you anything?" Given that we are here specifically because we value what Linus is up to, that is basically a threat to reduce his sincerity. And Linus knows that would suck for all of us. And now we feel shitty because we were threatened because we were also being sincere. And yeah, that adds a bitter taste in the mouth.

Indrid_Cold - 21.07.2023 03:07

Back in the 70s Fiat (that bedrock of junkyard the world over) marketed an econobox called STRADA. It must have been important to their burgeoning brand recognition outside the rolling hills of Italy where the car was built. Anyway, their first national TV commercial featured various individuals who had run out of gas standing with gas cans alone the side of the road. The Strada driver, who presumably was still mobile because of the vehicle's phenomenal gas mileage stops for our stranded motorists one after another. The first passenger remarks on the cabin's roominess and asks "what kind of car IS this?" STRADA replies our proud owner who had clearly not experienced the vehicle's tendency to rust through during a single US northeast winter driving season (or to suffer catastrophic engine failure due to voluminous oil consumption). Anyway, as each stranded driver enters the vehicle, we hear the driver and all of his passengers say one word, "STRADA!" Becsuse of this commercial, my memory of this particular piece of motorised offal from Fiat, STRAAAADAAAA, has stayed with me for most of my 64 years. The moral of the story? If you want to engrave your products memory into the DEEP recesses of popular culture, have your advertising include the proper pronunciation ( and spelling if you're looking to become a cultural icon) in a CATCHY MEMORABLE WAY!

Conundrum191 - 20.07.2023 18:02

ASUS is A-SUS and I'll always say it that way.

Dan Ellis
Dan Ellis - 20.07.2023 06:59

NIKE pronounced NIK-E wa suppoded to be pronounced NYK without the E

montagistreel - 19.07.2023 18:00

The host of my favorite show, Linux Tech Tools - is lookin' real defensive rn lol

bestsnowboarderuknow - 19.07.2023 05:24

Why couldn't you just voice over everytime you said it wrong? They do that in movies and media all the time.

Tim - 19.07.2023 05:00

i'm kinda happy their stupid name caused this problem, maybe companies will learn some day?

Boss Sev 38
Boss Sev 38 - 19.07.2023 01:56

It's not YOURa it's OURa

Mikolaj Wojtowicz
Mikolaj Wojtowicz - 19.07.2023 00:40

I don't get the product.
What does a "fitness ring" do that a smart watch doesn't?

Jordan Harris
Jordan Harris - 18.07.2023 20:09

No one cares what the failed product is called Lunar

Earthboundmike - 18.07.2023 17:19

No no I don't want the devs on stage telling me shit. It's rare that it works out the way they say it will. How often do we hear about a game then the parts we are excited for are the ones that are cut.

Earthboundmike - 18.07.2023 17:13

Can't imagine how you got confused with this considering the game console that probably forgotten, the Ouya.

Christopher Stanton
Christopher Stanton - 17.07.2023 22:59

If you're legally obliged to speak your mind and be truthful then picking you up on how you pronounce the name is a easy way to insist on pulling a review they weren't happy with.

Nick Honingford
Nick Honingford - 17.07.2023 18:11

I thought your name was said Lin -us like "Linux".... it's Line -us?

Muhammad Ibn Waraqa
Muhammad Ibn Waraqa - 17.07.2023 12:52

bla bla

Yaham - 17.07.2023 05:52

I'm from the US Southeast... I pronounce Aura like it's an O... Always

Cliff Sturgeon
Cliff Sturgeon - 16.07.2023 09:11

I'm in camp Ow-rah. I was interested, but now im in camp No-rah.

Vanquished - 15.07.2023 14:30

I know its called A-Soos but i refuse to call it that lol. I still call it As-us

Julian Pursell
Julian Pursell - 15.07.2023 13:05

Company name pronunciation: Watch a video featuring their CEO saying the company name. Use this pronunciation.
If you cannot find a video of the CEO, why are they getting you to do the public face bit before they do? CEO has two heads?

Mixup 221
Mixup 221 - 15.07.2023 11:17

I thought this video might be about the subscription because the whole “do you own your hardware” LTT tends to advocate for.

On a serious note: I hate subscriptions, but I also have horrible sleep hygiene. Do people think it’s worth it for $5 or whatever it is per month in addition to a $300 device? Honestly just hoping for some advice lol

Paulo - 15.07.2023 09:46

just be sorry then move on to the resolution you are talking about...

Revemb - 15.07.2023 05:16

Ara ara

yourturningpoint777 - 15.07.2023 02:25

This is worse than dead naming your trans friend who weighs more than a snorlax

Caleb Lambright
Caleb Lambright - 14.07.2023 18:23

This is literally
The office saber Sabre issue

They fucked up not you

Anderssn - 14.07.2023 16:10

Not sure why they expect english speaking people to pronounce it in a finnish way. (Finnish pronounces letters differently, especially vowels)

Taylor Rodieck
Taylor Rodieck - 14.07.2023 14:09

Lmao oura really played themselves
