Disciples 2 - Dwarf's Campagin Last Boss

Disciples 2 - Dwarf's Campagin Last Boss


16 лет назад

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@crazedchop - 12.09.2009 17:13

You can get DIsciples II Gold from Steam at USD 4 plus (usual 9.99 USD) - they having an offer this weekend. Don't miss it!

@ThulinNr1 - 22.09.2009 19:00

this really is a poor game =/, had it for years now, and the fight are so boring :p

@Renegen1 - 16.11.2009 01:15

If you play on hard difficulties, the combat is more challenging.

@Silfverr - 19.01.2010 23:07

Looks awesome

@bezimienny94 - 21.01.2010 15:47

I made this mission in 15min with only hero and my druid ( heal )

@extrakun - 20.03.2010 19:09

You can get it cheap on Steam

@imdavekr - 30.03.2010 15:51

this party would have a really big problem with healing, you would not achieve levels fast, because of that 2 rune masters, sparing valuable time in castles and healing units....and son of ymir cant have more powerful attack than 300, so I would rather use 2 tempest giants(or ymir depends on map), 1 rune master or dwarf king, mage hero...units with many hp are treated more quickly

@maciek180501 - 09.04.2010 18:52

w jakiej to misji jest

@paradoxss - 03.05.2010 19:55

lol Elder One :D He's so big, that u even cant see Archdruidess :))

@0wave8 - 09.05.2010 21:34

na kodach każdy głupi potrafi

@Trancion - 30.06.2010 19:13

I dont get what people see in this game so much? I tried this out and it was nice, i like turn based strategy games alot, but the fighting, it lacks strategy ;( only bash and hope you kill them before they do ;o

@prestoneq - 09.07.2010 22:50

I always beat Nhiddog when this creature have 4976HP and resist for all magic.

@milancin - 15.07.2010 00:53

@arek13295 Target

@ezanevemhelye - 17.07.2010 20:18

@prestoneq Me too. It was a piece of cake with 85 armor and Unholy Dagger. users.atw.hu/graymatter/disciples/dp_clans_end.jpg

@cartixio - 15.08.2010 02:21

@Trancion Personally, its story, graphics (i like them alot >.>) Character art, the narrator just plain kicks ass, and the audio (the combat sound effects, and the music) is just awesome :o u may have a point about the combat, but tbh i never expect much in terms of combat ina turn based game >.>

@iliecostin - 19.08.2010 16:31

i always got my head into the game files for little balance issues as i always believed the dwarves were underpowered.

@Humakt83 - 07.09.2010 21:21

@arek13295 Better place is gog.com. Much better.

@martisoldo - 24.09.2010 00:37

have eny of u guys taken the castl??? of the enmy? I did it vith out the cheats

@olfan92 - 20.10.2010 11:56

@arek13295 Stores probably sell this cheap for like 8$ or less

@petvnla - 31.10.2010 13:56

I dun like using mana and potion to recover hp. 2 sons of ymir, archdruidess and enginner can kill many creeps before they attack.

@AgathoDaimon911991 - 14.11.2010 20:12

@RazulLD geez', Disciples 3 WILL HAVE the undead and mountain clans campaigns as soon as the addons appear. The addon for the undead hordes was announced for December 2010, or so I've heard. Even Disciples 2 had more than 2 addons, and even a stand-alone one that included a new race: the elves. So this wasn't really a mystery or at least something new. Even StarCraft 2 - Wings of Libery has only one out of three races for campaigns, just humans.

@ProtonCannon - 16.11.2010 20:18

Disciples 2 is an awesome game my only problem is that it is very slow, at the last stages the computer takes several minutes just to decide what it will do and you can only wait for it, a lot of times there is more time spend waiting than actually playing.

@VittamarFasuthAkbin - 28.04.2011 06:31

I dont know why, but I hate the graphic in Disciples 2. Disciples 1 was beautiful.

@ProtonCannon - 29.04.2011 03:20

@MsMorphic I did but the problem is not units moving faster but waiting for the computer to decide its next action, you just wait and nothing happens at all. No units are moving nothing is happening.

@Night19821 - 15.06.2011 16:44

Disciples 2 and 3 are awesome games but not chalenging. U can easilly finish campaings within 10 hrs top and scenarios within even 5 at highest difficulty. Nevertheless this is a brilliant game which I, personally, recomend to all RPG fans :)

@tysmi04 - 26.07.2011 18:03

Disciples 2 was a brilliant game, and I loved playing as the Elves. :3 Awesomest ranged units.

@geminix365 - 17.08.2011 01:27

@Bocktiggi i though i was the only 1

@moon793 - 25.08.2011 19:11

hehe one of the best strategy game ever beating this game in very hard always gave me headaches in the last missions :P

@demonpride1975 - 13.09.2011 12:02

@RazulLD you nailed it dude disciples 3 SUCKED hardcore. it was just a heroes clone how sad.

@RazulLD - 13.09.2011 12:15

@demonpride1975 yup but the new heroes at least show some promise. The characters are well made and i like how they shorten most of the things like less kind of resources and the city look simple + you can convert the other places you capture to your race and the heroes evolve and their armor change something that disciples 3 wanted to shine with but they messed it up.

@PuddyMacRum - 01.11.2011 04:02

@extrakun I've bought disciples 2 gold edition (the whole collection) for 2 euros :D :P xD

@Teckpow - 30.12.2011 15:36

This boss is weak :D Guys I miss this game too..

@NightSkyThief4153 - 30.12.2011 23:13

the yellow guy isint a dwarf hes a giant hes at the healers section i think for buliding his house to get him i kno cuz i played the chinese version nd i beated him too beated all bosses even elves

@foralox - 05.01.2012 23:52

I fucking love this game,my favorite

@petvnla - 14.02.2012 16:15

this boss is easy to die...

@VnrealThyme - 10.03.2012 10:26

I play this game all the time, it is awesome. FOR THE CLANS!

@byronquinn4378 - 01.02.2013 04:23

I found a werewolf orb in this game that turned my King's Guard into a werewolf. The Nhidhog's attack source was Weapon :) Kicked it's ass.

@odxlskdwjd - 27.03.2013 20:50


@tomnow92 - 13.01.2015 01:11

son of Ymir would be better in this battle

@Crosmando - 21.05.2018 12:13

It's weird just how wonky the difficulty in D2 is, sometimes it's easy as a breeze sometimes it's hard as nails.

@cosmikenergy4020 - 20.04.2020 02:53

Nhiddog solo puede ser derrotado después que recibe sus dos nerfeos, antes de eso es prácticamente imposible ganarle

@Евгений_Пилявский - 04.08.2021 11:46

The weakest boss of them all.

@doramon6668 - 25.10.2021 10:27

Here. Dis is da game, which need to port on consoles. PS4 for example and PS5

@hermeticinstrumentalist6804 - 26.12.2021 21:40

I love the Late Game Armor/Strength of Disciples 2 Units.
It's just so fun.

@kolokol7796 - 30.05.2022 09:54

Loremaster with Unholy Dagger and an Archdruidess can take out Nidhogg by himself.

@ZeroStas - 21.08.2022 17:32

Rock and Stone

@Bulbarah - 23.09.2022 22:02


@valentink7313 - 20.10.2022 16:02

Мммм хуета

@Adriano70911 - 19.02.2023 23:18

Buffs and potions were op af
