Introverts | 4 Types

Introverts | 4 Types


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Adam G
Adam G - 22.09.2023 19:39

I think many of us fall into a combo of Social and Thinking that varies per day and circumstance.

snappygilmore - 22.09.2023 01:24

I'm so glad I stumbled upon this video. This helps me to further understand myself and why I am the way I am. I'm definitely a bit of a mix of a social and thinking introvert who used to be horribly anxious in social situations. I have my times around new people where I just don't talk because why? I have always been more reserved and wished that I could just be more extroverted but I'm actually grateful now for the way that I was wired. My personality isn't a mistake. It's my superpower.

Lois Bock
Lois Bock - 19.09.2023 23:22

Love the artwork behind you! I am an artist so I always look at artwork.

Wesley Indumwa
Wesley Indumwa - 14.09.2023 21:45

Can someone be a little bit of all?

Thamiris Oliveira Machado
Thamiris Oliveira Machado - 14.09.2023 18:21

Funny thing is the extroverts are the ones causing problem at work, usually the ones with histrionic personality.

AnkhMorpork Girl
AnkhMorpork Girl - 14.09.2023 01:24

I'm a thinking introvert/INTJ. I don't mind my own company and love reading, thinking deeply about things/meaning of life/multiple universes etc... yet people either think I'm aloof/snobby or shy and misunderstand me - when instead, I'm just very selective who I talk with or open up to.

Leah West
Leah West - 13.09.2023 04:45

I have social anxiety disorder. People are afraid of being pals with me because they fear being raped if seen in public with me. I had to contact the police because whomever caused it, was a dirty crooked cop using me to make arrests. That's why I have no friends.

Wilhelm Esser
Wilhelm Esser - 13.09.2023 00:48

2 types of introverts everyone else and then me who is the only true introvert do not nor have i every needed anyone and if I was the last person on earth my soul would be at peace humans are not worth the effort it takes

Dina Ramadan
Dina Ramadan - 12.09.2023 21:49

I always knew I am an introvert. No doubt. But now after this video I can add I am a social introvert and a thinking introvert. Both.

asciiavatar - 12.09.2023 01:51

I once heard Introverts and Extroverts described like a 'social battery'. Extraverts start the day with an empty battery (many tend to not be 'morning people') and as they go about their day and socialize/interact with others, the battery charges so that by the evening they have a full battery and are ready to really let loose and party. Introverts start the day with a full battery (many tend to be "morning people') and as the day goes on that battery slowly depletes so that by the afternoon/evening we have no more energy and want/need to return home to 'charge' our battery (quiet activities/solitude) for the next day.

Ellie - 11.09.2023 22:04


J.D. Harvis
J.D. Harvis - 11.09.2023 20:52

This is sooo spot on. I find myself #1 IV, then, when I get mentally exhausted, I jump to #2 IV. I want to leave and kinda clam up. #3 IV I become occasionally. #4 IV I get alot; opening up a bit, but feeling out boundaries to not offend anyone for sake of non-acceptance in the parties. I got work to do. Thanks! Very informative!

Chelle MadZombie
Chelle MadZombie - 11.09.2023 17:01

I think I definitely fall under the anxious introvert, at first I was thinking maybe the thinking introvert because I do tend to overthink things but the way that you explained it no I don't often wonder about other people around me and also I do prefer a small group of people that I know very well but I don't really go out that often, but I'm definitely the anxious introvert because I'm always worried about anything going wrong, I try to plan and think of everything.

Pat Torelli
Pat Torelli - 09.09.2023 23:35

We are often portrayed abroad as “loud Americans”. I wonder if the emphasis and value placed on extroversion here in the United States is experienced in other countries that may be quite different culturally.

Staci Stein
Staci Stein - 08.09.2023 00:21

Thank goodness for this video. I'm an introvert, but I'm not shy or insecure. Now I finally understand I'm a social/thinking introvert.

Gigi - 07.09.2023 06:29

Wow. This explains so very much about me. Thank you so very much!!!

ralan350 - 05.09.2023 22:46

I tend to be thinking with just a little anxious thrown in….. what really got my attention is with the pandemic and all the shut downs and everything that happened my social life did not change at all, I interacted with the people at work as necessary and that was it

d rouse
d rouse - 05.09.2023 20:31

Older introverts seem to be very wise , secure, and confident.

At the Ranch
At the Ranch - 05.09.2023 04:56

Wow, you just described my little dog. He’s a restrained introvert.

Abby - 04.09.2023 15:28

Thanks !!!

Creek Jonsun
Creek Jonsun - 03.09.2023 01:13

I think you did a great job,,,, but there are one's like me who are 75% Introvert and 25% misanthrope. I was born this way. I would be fine if I was the only one on earth.

Jen Carr
Jen Carr - 02.09.2023 06:11

I done have a problem with being an introvert its hard to make people understand its not about them its about me and how i get my head straight! unwind and recharge! I even vacation alone at times just to recharge

Timothy Dingman
Timothy Dingman - 01.09.2023 06:43

Reading the comments, I noted a trend in the stream of replies of people who actually defined , minute, by minute, phrases that they felt defined them or needed to have bias confirmation about what or who they thought themselves (or hoped themselves) to be. as an introvert, I would rather not try to explain why am not too lazy to interact with people; attend parties or often question my own knowledge base.. I have had good times and very bad times, mentally and physically but, at 75, I am intellectually, politically and socially active. I tell you though, I did not in the least mind the pandemic quarantine. As I was not expected to interact with people or persue political and social service goals, I had more time to read, write make art and drink beer

Vern Toews
Vern Toews - 01.09.2023 05:44

Phlegmatic superintrovert 2 types
Melancholy ordinary introvert (potential mastermind)2 types

Matthew Combs
Matthew Combs - 29.08.2023 01:57

What if you have all four 😮

Christopher Perperidis
Christopher Perperidis - 28.08.2023 19:43

I really needed to hear this. I always thought it was bad to be an introvert and tried to change myself. (I failed)

L - 28.08.2023 14:57

This is so much me on the the first two types of classification and people miss understand and not knowing what antisocial means call me that because I don't like large groups or or just being loud and the social butterfly moving around the room talking to everyone

Paul Shoen
Paul Shoen - 27.08.2023 18:29

I am an introvert with social anxiety. My X wife told me I was antisocial. After 24 years of marriage she still didn't know me.

Guess Undheit
Guess Undheit - 27.08.2023 18:21

Who edited this garbage?? It's unwatchable Jimmy Savile type editing, full of jump cuts instead of her old videos, talking in one take.


I have a strong fear of people period! I always stay alone, but I do have only
one friend, but I wouldn't change a thing in me to be honest.

mitchell mullins
mitchell mullins - 24.08.2023 19:10

I believe I`m an introvert. How do I know for sure, and what type if so? How do I avoid paying 100 dollars for someone to say yep you are type 2, next please. Like am I stupid or smart? What`s my IQ? I don`t want to pay a hundred bucks to find out.

Elinor , Countess of Devon
Elinor , Countess of Devon - 23.08.2023 23:54

I’m a combination of a restrained and thinking introvert. I love people watching. I’d rather sit at home at times than be out and about

Pam H
Pam H - 22.08.2023 07:43

I think I am the first three, social, thinking and anxious. I can relate to all of those things really well.

jim parsit
jim parsit - 21.08.2023 17:16

I am not sure what introvert is, but I love being alone and quiet place. I love the sound of nature, especially water runs. However, I also want to be with a group if the event is beneficial for society, not a birthday party or disco type. It is hell to me.

dpasek1 - 21.08.2023 04:41

Where did you get the idea that suddenly and frequently jumping in and out with the focal length of your camera lens is an appropriate video editing technique? It is extremely distracting! Just stop it!!!

Stephen Hall
Stephen Hall - 21.08.2023 01:36

A poorly articulated torrent of words and big ego trip too.

Karma Sexy Cinderella
Karma Sexy Cinderella - 14.08.2023 06:40

It is hard to take anything she says seriously cause she has yang sanpaku eyes which means ur a sociopath so it seems like she is projecting

Andy MacLeod
Andy MacLeod - 11.08.2023 11:45

As others have said, I identify with all four “types” of introversion. I do query whether these four “types” exist. Humans are complex, and there’s a tendency for people to want to pigeonhole themselves and others.

How does this fit together with the idea that we all have multiple personalities. Am I a social introvert in one situation but an anxious introvert in another?

Introversion is definitely a thing. But the rest seems less useful/reliable. We are all unique and have many facets to our personalities.

Sean Ashford
Sean Ashford - 11.08.2023 02:15

So smart and beautiful

Jessica Fulton
Jessica Fulton - 08.08.2023 14:55

I'm pretty much the Thinking Introvert. I hangout sometimes but I really like being to myself. I notice when I'm out with friends n family I find myself drifting off from the crowd.

DracO AK
DracO AK - 04.08.2023 23:06

Crazy how introverted i am.😊I know, that I am more of sure myself, with all this education.

сяaиky вiтсн
сяaиky вiтсн - 02.08.2023 01:36

i don't mind having social interactions but i literally feel my mental energy to flow out of me within social enviorments, especially with some people who seem to "suck out" my energy in a particular way. anyway i think i'm a mix between thinking and anxious lol

Louielamson2000 Tran Nguyen
Louielamson2000 Tran Nguyen - 31.07.2023 09:23

Understanding the Introverted Personality in Human Psychology.

"Loneliness is the price you pay when you start to improve yourself".
"Sometimes loneliness is the price you pay for growth”.
Question ❓ This quote is accurate?

Introverts are individuals who tend to be more inward-focused and gain energy from spending time alone or in small, intimate groups. They may find social interactions draining and often prefer solitary activities to recharge. Introverts typically exhibit the following personality traits:

Reserved and Thoughtful: Introverts are often deep thinkers and reflect before speaking or acting.
Prefers Solitude: They enjoy spending time alone, engaging in hobbies, reading, or introspecting.
Listener: Introverts are good listeners and tend to be attentive to others' thoughts and feelings.
Limited Social Energy: While they can enjoy socializing, too much interaction can be overwhelming, leading to the need for alone time to recharge.
Selective Social Circle: Introverts often have a smaller but close-knit group of friends and value deep connections.
Observant: They are keen observers of their surroundings and can be perceptive of others' emotions.
It's important to note that being an introvert or an extrovert is not black and white, but rather lies on a spectrum. Many people exhibit a mix of both traits, known as ambiverts.

Understanding personality traits like introversion can help individuals embrace their unique characteristics and adapt their lifestyle to suit their preferences and needs. Remember that there's no "right" or "wrong" personality type, and it's essential to respect and appreciate the diversity in human psychology.

The quote "Loneliness is the price you pay when you start to improve yourself" suggests that when a person begins working on self-improvement, they may experience loneliness as a consequence. Whether this quote is accurate depends on various factors and individual experiences. Self-improvement often involves personal growth and changes in one's life, which might lead to shifts in social circles or less time spent with others. Some people might indeed feel isolated or lonely during this process, while others may find support and connection with like-minded individuals. It's essential to remember that everyone's journey is unique, and the impact of self-improvement on loneliness can vary from person to person.

Cindy Robertson
Cindy Robertson - 05.07.2023 22:54

I am an anxious introvert

V.J. L.
V.J. L. - 05.07.2023 09:31

So... how tired am I of hearing that I shouldn't overthink things so much? Thinking introvert here....

Joel Corrales
Joel Corrales - 03.07.2023 19:45

It might be a little arrogance, but I've definitely felt like I was always a little better as a person as an introvert than extraverts... But I've never said it aloud.

Gowtham - 02.07.2023 17:55

I too do that mam. After I have watched a movie, I would research about the psychological aspects of the story, symbolism, actors involved for days
