How to Sum and Group By multiple rows data from LINQ in Uipath

How to Sum and Group By multiple rows data from LINQ in Uipath

UIPath Tutorials

4 года назад

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Raviraja Balaga
Raviraja Balaga - 21.11.2022 03:32

Pls share xaml file

Dino Ortolani
Dino Ortolani - 19.04.2022 13:39

Same result;

(From r In DtSheet6.AsEnumerable
Group r By Emp = r.Field(Of String)("Emp") , Dept = r.Field(Of String)("Dept") Into grpvar =Group
Let sumvalue = grpvar.Sum(Function(s) CDbl(s("Wh")))
Let inputarr = New Object(){Emp,Dept,sumvalue}.ToArray()
Select DtResult3.Rows.Add(inputarr)).CopyToDataTable

peerawat phophai
peerawat phophai - 05.04.2022 09:56

thank you so much

Namrata Buch
Namrata Buch - 15.12.2021 10:54

Could you please send Query syntax for this LINQ

Vincent Ssebudde
Vincent Ssebudde - 29.09.2021 11:22

Hi, what is the Variable Type for strResult?

Nina Mandal
Nina Mandal - 08.07.2021 18:41

please provide details of this query and also explain how to do this without linq query.

Muhammet Sadık MERT
Muhammet Sadık MERT - 09.01.2021 19:11

Hi! Firstly Thank you for your solution. When I try it I am getting an error at strResult. Assign: "Index was outside the bounds of the array" what do you think this error ? (I have 11.000 rows in excel)

Vanshika Bajaj
Vanshika Bajaj - 16.11.2020 15:56

please provide details of this query and also explain how to do this without linq query.

Abhinav Shukla
Abhinav Shukla - 11.11.2020 09:51

Simply awesome...

RPA Facts
RPA Facts - 22.09.2020 12:26

Thanks for this video brother

Sharmistha Kundu
Sharmistha Kundu - 26.08.2020 13:58

How can I change those headers name?

Devashish Nigam
Devashish Nigam - 14.05.2020 16:08

Detailed analysis - for each LINQ video is required

Azmat Elahi
Azmat Elahi - 21.11.2019 11:48

Hi, you should explain the different components used in the process first, afterwards when you are explaining linq, you should explain meaning behind each word. Continue the good work.

mars manarin
mars manarin - 21.10.2019 10:50

Facing an error. It says "Input string was not in a correct format." in Assign Activity of IEnum variable.
(From p In dtSheet1.AsEnumerable() Group p By obj_p= New With {Key.P_Amazon=p.Item("Amazon"),Key.P_Description=p.Item("Description")} Into MG= Group Select New With { .Amazon=obj_p.P_Amazon,.Description=obj_p.P_Description,.Count=MG.Sum(Function( r ) Double.Parse(r.Item("Count").ToString()))}).ToList

Kindly help me with this. Thank you.

Jen May
Jen May - 03.09.2019 18:04

Is it possible to share the xaml file pls ?

rahul rai
rahul rai - 14.08.2019 15:31

Its very Amazing Tutorial ,Is it possible to share the meaning of each word which used by you in Qurey .So it will be easy in future for us writing the similar kind of query.

Shubham Arora
Shubham Arora - 10.08.2019 16:17

I also wants to learn Linq queries tell me the solution
