I went to a marriage market in China to find myself a match | Time Out Beijing

I went to a marriage market in China to find myself a match | Time Out Beijing

Jujube Planet

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@harishkumarvaivet5677 - 25.10.2023 18:16

Hey I am from India. Can I attend for marriage market in china?

@yushi911 - 09.10.2023 07:22

Chinese parents always forbid you dating while you are studying but the year you graduate, they expect you get married and have kids. They live in a magical world!
No worry, same thing here in Canada, despite we had immigrated for now 45 years. To get some rest, I told my mom that my minimal criteria was: 6 feets tall, charming, good sense of humour and a medical degree. She said “ of course, count on me!”. She never found it! 😂 I end up marring my french Canadian boyfriend who is 6 feets tall, charming, good sense of humours, romantic and an engineer.

@MarkGreen-uy9em - 03.10.2023 23:22

Shirley is so cute. I'd snap her up at the market immediately 😊 love the Asian queen cover music

@marthinesgrobler7241 - 26.09.2023 14:38

Hi i am 56 and looking for a wife 40 to 60. Please contack me if you are intetested. I live in South Africa.

@carloskalonga8576 - 12.09.2023 07:09

Am a zambian can lhave one

@HydrogenAgent129 - 24.08.2023 05:28

I have love.
And knowledge and kindness to bring to the table.

@HydrogenAgent129 - 24.08.2023 05:27

@HydrogenAgent129 - 24.08.2023 05:22

I am a fifty one year old american male Looking to Is meet a beautiful chinese woman

@HydrogenAgent129 - 24.08.2023 05:21

I am available

@ricardofranco4114 - 16.08.2023 06:54

This Is so fucking weird 😂

@francoistombe - 04.08.2023 19:46

Subtitles in English would vastly improve this.

@andyvonhousing4746 - 02.08.2023 20:58

Have no clue what happened success or not ?

@rikomedina3626 - 04.07.2023 04:24

Is it only in china?

@danielctgoh6790 - 30.06.2023 04:23

hi, there is one class of women ( not leftover or divorced) who few few people in China avoid talking about. They are the widows who no fault of theirs find difficulties in remarrying. Why ??? In certain Chinese culture, they are considered to be "bad luck" that brings untimely death to the in-laws . This sort of mindset is ingrained into avoiding considering "widows " to be married again yet it is not their faults etc --- how many widows are in Wuhan ( covid 19), Zhejiang floods, Tianjin explosion ??? etc, etc Yet in the certain culture, widows are ok for remarrying and to be treated with respect, for example Jewish culture. Would you please do a video on this subject.???. Thanks and regards.

@parthapratimghose173 - 24.06.2023 12:40

Why is indian shaadi .com not in china ? It seems much required

@stevechan6244 - 22.06.2023 23:45

With American Male Asian Emasculation as a US Institutional Policy It seems a miscalculation that Asian Males with the most Ph.D's in the USA would not return to Asia: Taiwan, Japan, or the CCP? Most American Asian Males posess 3 Ph.D's or at least two. Asian Females as well. Many know that Asian Scientist are left out of US History and marginalized. Example. The Glucose Meters developed by Lifescan Johnson & Johnson's was a Singaporean Chinese. I knew him. same with the Heart Stint made by Isostint in Palo Alto. I knew them as well? The Atomic Bomb was given to the CCP by mistake when they deported a US Army Col. who was Chinese American in a trade to get US Officers related to the US Congress back in 1953 in the Korean War. Qian Xuesen is the Father of the CCP Nuclear Program and was born in 1911 before the CCP came to power in 1947? As Asian Americans leave for Asia to marry & find a life their the advancement of the CCP will exponentially increase. Already they are installing their version of SDI & BMD. It is estimated that in 10 years they will have caught up to most of all our US Military advatages. Going to the moon gave them technology that we gained in 1969. Except the CCP can back engineer quicker than the US could in 1969. These are not my estimates. These are the US Governments. 1990's 17% of the USA was Asian. Today it is less than 7% with some estimates at 3%. Many Taiwanese will not fight because IF China disappears then the Chinese, Japanese, & Asians will too. That is the problem. Asia was Invaded by the West in the 1840's on up & why even India will not join the USA after the Britain sacked India. A History where the Crown Jewels of Britian were stolen off the walls of the Taj Mahal. Detractors will comment & it will change nothing. We are headed for WWIII. Edward Teller WARNED the USA to remove these Social Engineered Processes from the US Public Education System as people this smart would soon figure out US Eugenics Social Engineering out. Me. I as a Direct Descendant of Haung Di and Yan Di exiled in 1862 by the Qing Empire because of my proof of Direct Lineage. I am 6 feet tall and a Chan Buddhist. Unlike the fake ones in Mainland China made in 1983. I know Jian/Gim, Dao, PuDao, Shaolin Kuntao, 7 Star Mantis as taught to the Qing Emperors, Danzan Jujitsu, Shingatai Jujitsu, and Ninpo Tai Jutsu/Ninjutsu, and western boxing. I am 208 pounds. I will not allow the West to reprogram Chinese Women as they have done HERE! I served as a US Marine and eliminated people for this Country. A Country not my own as many US White People have toild me for almost 50 years! This is from the Asian Male Perspective!

@lordodinfatheroftheazier699 - 14.05.2023 12:03

The only problem it's a double standard if a black man went there nothing but racism you can't marry my daughter monkey but when everyone sees me with my Japanese wife walking down street and I'm surrounded by 6 daughters everyone gets confused what is this this is a family it's a double standard now if I was white it will be more okay I'm just telling you like it is it will happen it does exist

@joeyhensley9199 - 05.05.2023 00:34

Marriage market seems like dating in reverse.

Usually you date the girl or guy for some time before meeting their parents.

The daughter tries to get parents approval of someone.

Marriage market, you meet the parents first.

Parents try to get their daughter's approval of someone.

All in all, except for meeting the parents first, it doesn't seem much different than a dating app.

An app or website for this event could be beneficial to both parents and their unmarried kids.

The event can be both a public event, and a website.

The purpose of the website could be to set up a short introduction and arrange a date, time, and location to meet the parents in a public location and have a casual conversation on general and family subjects.

This will give each a better impression and understanding of the other person and the personal meeting may provide more information that their daughter may find interesting.
Like childhood memories, if they play music, if they cook,any hobbies they may have, etc.

Just a thought.

@badboybarry69 - 19.04.2023 10:47

Lol this is the guy from the kindergarten training videos

@Captn_J - 20.03.2023 15:51

I wish I understood what was being said. It would have been nice if you had summarized in English hat they were saying

@doodle1191 - 15.03.2023 13:31

It should had sub title

@Aya-sef - 08.03.2023 11:57

Most of the ladies are above 60 , is finding send grandmother

@Oozaruozay - 01.02.2023 07:13

I heard about match making, BUT NEVER ABOUT MARRIAGE MATCH MAKING 0_0

@usaalways - 17.01.2023 13:55

I wish this had subscripts in English. Can't understand what they are saying

@PrimeSuperboy - 01.01.2023 04:18

No subtitles?

@NARZARY436 - 25.12.2022 03:10

In a world so big and many people u get lost in crowd

@iyttffgel507 - 22.12.2022 00:50

chinese women. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

@ilganis - 13.12.2022 23:31

Where is this marriage market?

@user-qb4ke6gm5b - 06.11.2022 20:31

Love it😊

@FaheemulHassan3218567915 - 02.11.2022 06:12

Well me looking for a Chinese doll to settle there

@audiolibraryy-t6164 - 02.10.2022 12:16

I need Beautifull Girl friend

@elionaidgranados1005 - 24.08.2022 16:44

How low can you go..when you gotta hit the love swap meet lol

@alfonseradorimperial642 - 08.08.2022 08:04

It's more like grandmother and grandfathers bickering amongst themselves from what I have seen,

Maybe it's the version of an old school bar?

@jarule275 - 08.05.2022 06:50

Creepy...weird...nothing else.

@g3754 - 06.05.2022 04:43

Lack of subtitles makes this video unwatchable.

@chrish4994 - 05.05.2022 13:28

tinder covid style

@russellmancillas4464 - 03.04.2022 04:16

Would have been a good idea to provide translation of the people talking

@johnkasegian1150 - 22.03.2022 01:42

amazing concept

@rivalintraining - 20.02.2022 06:28

Accepting it to make your parents happy sounds like a heavy burden

@sharathchandra1210 - 09.01.2022 17:28

This practice not unique to China. Regular match making meets are held by Brahmin and Vaishya communities. Called convention of brides and bridegrooms. There easy candidates (male/female) credentials are announced and details registered in book. Whoever interested can get the details of a particular person and proceed further.

@danielfchen8895 - 07.01.2022 19:33

Nothing wrong with this. It’s part of the Chinese norm/culture with the older generation

@sarareyes1051 - 18.11.2021 22:55

Adding subtitles would elevate this, thank you.

@Zoogore6777 - 07.11.2021 04:56

I would be the one to accidentally wander into a matchmaker market and not even realize why I’m answering so many personal questions to strangers 😂

@JulioCesar-vb4he - 06.10.2021 07:05

I would very much like to marry a Chinese woman ❤️🇧🇷🙋🏾‍♂️🙋🏻‍♀️🇨🇳❤️

@troeteimarsch - 27.08.2021 19:50

max raabe for the win

@wpl8275 - 13.07.2021 13:00

What was interesting was the fact that when Jack was talking to a woman she said "most people here looking were born in the 80's". The one child policy was first started in 1980. China's economy didn't hit boom stage yet because it was before it got relaxed. (Tianamen Square) So the one child policy hit hardest then. The gender gap was bigger. Men born in the 80's significantly outnumber women. Her chances at the market are much greater than his.

@jetta.silence6356 - 05.07.2021 04:46

They need this in Canada. Dating apps suck. But instead of parents flogging info you should be able to hire a representative from a match making office. It would be kinda fun. Every sunday they meet up at a small park on a good day or in the office boardroom something like that.

@watchman1178 - 05.07.2021 04:35

Those mothers at the market are stone-cold badasses. They get straight to the point.
