Walking for Fat Loss

Walking for Fat Loss

Mind Pump Show

3 года назад

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picanha69 - 04.10.2023 20:17

calories is just a fad. watch out for insulin and blood sugar thats more important.

preacher031163 - 24.09.2023 21:28

The law of thermodynamics has 3 rules...if u dont match all 3 you get a diff outcome...lower calories in does not mean weight loss,if u cut carbs by 500 your metabolism will simply slow down.. rule 1... NO WEIGHTLOSS TILL U LOWER INSULIN LEVELS

Elwood - 22.09.2023 13:55

If it’s so easy to lose weight and the human body is no more complex than the internal combustion engine, then why are the three men giving advice fat?

The More You Learn The Less You Know
The More You Learn The Less You Know - 19.09.2023 01:43

question from "connie chiwa". Kanichiwa . . ha ha

Alan Equi
Alan Equi - 12.09.2023 16:29

Didn't calorie counting start in the US in the 1970s, about the same time as the obesity epidemic?

Christopher Stewart
Christopher Stewart - 10.09.2023 18:28

I think perhaps the question wasn't phrased well, and the intent probably was "Which is better, one 60 minute walk or three 20 minute walks?"

Michael Maye
Michael Maye - 07.09.2023 22:19

no shit

Vagabond’s Grooming Lounge
Vagabond’s Grooming Lounge - 05.09.2023 07:04

A lot of words, beautiful words might I add, and you still didn’t answer the question!!!

Rvxxie’s burner
Rvxxie’s burner - 30.08.2023 22:12

Bro said don’t walk just lift.

Z - 19.07.2023 05:42

Keto done something to me have had really bad gut issues since I tried it.. I felt horrible, bad diet in my opinion

Brian Mason
Brian Mason - 13.07.2023 16:55

If you ate 1200 calories a day and burnt 2400 calories a day lets say for 3 years, wouldn't you just disappear?

J M - 03.07.2023 23:45


Ed Ackley
Ed Ackley - 30.06.2023 21:25

Matter cannot be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another. Calories in - calories out = weight loss OR weight gain. The power is all in your hands and up to you.

N Berger
N Berger - 23.06.2023 20:37

Does this ring true for drinking alcohol (meaning calorie deficit is still what matters). I've seen videos saying don't drink alcohol b/c it turns off fat burning to clear the body of the alcohol but my thought is that even if it pauses, it still has to pull bodyfat if you are in a deficit, no? If not, what is happening.

Tyler Reeves
Tyler Reeves - 19.06.2023 23:48

What would your opinion be of someone running a mile maybe a mile and a half followed by a two to three mile walk.....is that sending that cardio mixed signals to your body? Or because it's a small amount of running, do you still have the benefits of the walking?

david green
david green - 05.06.2023 16:29

While I agree that increasing muscle mass burns more calories at rest, you can't beat a good long walk, especially while fasted, for burning fat. I went keto and intermittent fasting a couple of months back, and now every Saturday I walk for anywhere from 35 to 50km. While fasted. Takes 8-9 hours, no stops, no food, varying terrain from hilly hikes to relatively flat urban terrain. I also work out 3-4 times a week at the gym (recently) and I'm losing fat and keeping my muscle mass.
So yeah, muscle is good, but a decent hike which according to my Fitbit burns 5000-6000 calories (all fat calories thanks to the keto) helps.
It's also low impact (I'm 59), enjoyable, easy, and very relaxing.

happy learning
happy learning - 29.05.2023 19:37

I lost like 6 kgs by walking 1 hour and 40 mins in just 10 days i am eating less calories, I eat around 1200 to 1700 calories everyday I am not eating sugar

Always Alicia 🌺
Always Alicia 🌺 - 22.05.2023 14:18

I love that He's emphasizing without CALORIE DEFICIT there's no result in weight loss/body fat

Brian - 02.05.2023 21:10

You all dissing keto is crazy stupid. CICO is ridiculously over-simplified BS, designed to market nutritionally worthless, and highly profitable appetite driving carbohydrates. Lots of people have weight issues and need keto exactly because calorie counting DOES NOT WORK. The metabolism slows when calories are cut, and it can go lower than you can. That’s why it doesn’t work for SO MANY PEOPLE. What matters is what you eat and how often you eat it. Keto is satiating, removes cravings, which is why it works.

Maverick G17
Maverick G17 - 20.03.2023 00:38

I did a 16 mile walk yesterday. Why am I still fat?
