Reacting to Upcoming MMOs That Should Have Your Attention! | BEST MMORPGS OF 2023

Reacting to Upcoming MMOs That Should Have Your Attention! | BEST MMORPGS OF 2023


1 год назад

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@SoldierBoy3064 - 26.01.2023 20:23

the riot game won't release when ashes does

I doubt that highly ashes is almost done riots hasn't been announced

@xyr3s - 26.01.2023 20:46

hey towellie, u ever played gw2? now that ive seen preach play it, i am super curious to see what other big wow streamers think of it lol.

@TyThompson - 26.01.2023 22:37

'You know when Amazon handles it, it shits the bed'

@-B.H. - 29.01.2023 12:48

PoE/2 isn't even a MMO. Even if you did play you are going to be outdated in terms of knowledge. The game meta evolves every 3 months when a new league comes out. Unless you are playing in one of the races for a monetary prize then there is no rush in playing PoE/2.
