Absolute Beginners Guide: Getting Started | Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic Guides | Tutorial

Absolute Beginners Guide: Getting Started | Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic Guides | Tutorial


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@gaberobison680 - 23.05.2024 23:16

This game really needs a better UI but otherwise seems awesome

@larrylindgren9484 - 19.04.2024 19:40

The game has great depth. And I'm sure having its knish. But boy it's a tedious mess. I can see why it never caught on with most. Having to micromanage every single thing it tedious. But you tip your hat to them. It's what they have designed, and they stayed with it. It's not as hard as it is tedious. You can be too easy, and you can be too hard. What makes this hard or painfully tedious is having to click on every single thing in the game.

@monkeytime9851 - 19.04.2024 17:58

Thanks for this. The tutorial in the game isn't good at all.

@szita2000 - 18.04.2024 15:51

I would love to play this game! But the more tutorial I am watching the more I face the fact that they took out the fun from this game with the unnecessary micromanagement.

@Subscribe_to_faledy4 - 25.03.2024 02:11

whats the diference between bus stops and bus stations?

@Eyeslayer - 04.03.2024 06:21

I found your channel not long ago and commented on some of the features you used while playing after finding this tutorial playlist i'm really happy that you go into so much detail about a lot of functions of the UI that I have missed. Please keep up the amazing work you are doing fantastic.

@mky2567 - 29.02.2024 04:03

Awesome starting tutorial.

@pinkpanther8427 - 18.02.2024 16:13

Thanks for explaining in an understandable way and not taking 500 Hours doing so. This Video was very very helpful for me to get started!

@stuartp2006 - 11.02.2024 06:24

Also, I've been obstinately trying to connect every apartment with roads (for like... Fire trucks and moving vans, I guess). Do I not have to do that?

@stuartp2006 - 11.02.2024 05:14

Doing realistic mode on an island that doesn't start with a port o_O idk where to start

@BenchongDy - 28.01.2024 02:52

Great tutorial for newbies! Everything is concise and direct. Love it!

@sullivan6475 - 25.01.2024 16:00

Oh, this is great. Based on your most recent videos, I bought this game yesterday, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to jump right into realistic mode so now I can follow along with you in this series. Thanks for all your hard work.

@Legolas936 - 21.01.2024 13:08

I am probably clinically insane going for a full realistic playthrough first time ever touching this game :D

@MistaH1N1 - 16.01.2024 01:20

I have yet to play this for the 1st time and this vid makes it seem too overwhelming. Before I even start I have to place all these things. Kinda feels too difficult for me.

@alexandergordon3432 - 04.01.2024 16:13

What difficulty are you playing on in this?

@Cables_ - 29.12.2023 16:45

Just bought the game and loving it, you seem to be the premier channel for this games content so thanks dude you are awesome

@janusx66 - 28.12.2023 13:18

I am kind of interested how this game works, because the Sovjet Republic did not go out for nothing, i could not support itself annymore.
So i am currious how this game would work, money is not important in Socialism.
Coffee, check, now watch!

@marcrouhana8932 - 25.12.2023 19:41

what modes are u using?

@NB_-gs5pj - 25.12.2023 11:47

667th like

@dr.bherrin - 18.12.2023 01:34

A guide really needs to tell you WHY you are doing certain things, not just how to do them. The games tutorial is trash, this guide didn't help me understand the why of things. Figuring out how to build things is easy enough, I need to know WHY I am building these things, what effect it is having on my game, etc.

Thanks for the video, just was not helpful to me.

@ArtypNk - 15.12.2023 19:13

It's a very confusing game to get into but a very great one once you finally start understanding it. I was so absolutely lost at first, I tried realistic building mode and couldn't build even the basic stuff, because, how the hell do you get 30 tons of cement? Where from? With what? How? Playing around on sandbox with unlimited money and instant build is absolutely crucial for your first time playing, IMO.

@emilygordbort7300 - 15.12.2023 02:07

Ever since I was a little kid playing Civilization 4 and Tribal Wars on my old brick of a laptop, I was always really into the whole "building up a civilization from nothing" aspect of those games. It was a lot of great fun at the time, but those games tended to focus a lot more on the war and conquest aspect than the parts I was actually interested in. The diplomacy and battle strategy was always fun in and of itself, though it's a bit annoying sometimes when I have to put everything on hold because George Washington keeps building all the monuments I like and threatening to shove his freedom boot through several internal organs.

I've found a few games that scratch that itch since then, but the more I look into this game in particular the more I realize it's pretty much exactly what I was looking for. Thank you very much for making this tutorial so I can actually understand how to play this game and get into the fun of building and maintaining my own little communist utopia.

Also, the developers of this game have a lot more games which have piqued my interest, too. I'm especially looking forward to Espiocracy in 2024!

@CtrlAltJon - 09.12.2023 23:43

I can't for the life of me place these sewage discharges buildings. I have utterly defaced all my lakes to no avail.

@thomasbayer1843 - 09.12.2023 18:15

Man what a difficult game. The in game tutorials really need some work. I think they should not just SHOW how to do something, but give you some kind of goal that'll take maybe 5 minutes, so that you can actually grasp what's happening and see everything run a bit.

@infinight8890 - 30.11.2023 21:42

Thank you for your very useful tutorial videos!

@frozenn00b - 30.11.2023 19:41

Thank you for this!

@chotafallen8390 - 30.11.2023 14:47

Great beginner tutorial. Do I see it right, we loose money all the time in the beginning?

@alainpascalrouthier5827 - 30.11.2023 05:41

bb, it just occured to me. Are you part of the Soviet Republic building team? If so there are many feedbacks you would need. Game crashing, Sewage system not working etc.



@nathanwells4809 - 28.11.2023 23:16

My biggest lesson learned from playing is… always build dedicated storage and switches.

@Misthema - 26.11.2023 17:15

"We're almost done, BUT..."

Good tutorial, but omg, didn't think this game would be this complex! (Haven't yet bought it)

@VampiroGaming - 20.11.2023 02:10

Fantastic beginner guide. Great pacing, on point all the time. Also I like that you start with the more advanced settings! This is the guide for me!

@youtubevanced4900 - 12.11.2023 08:56

do you have to play like this? laying everything out before the game starts? thats a bit lame. isn't there a progression system where as the town gets bigger, there are more needs so it grows over time?

@zach6867 - 29.10.2023 23:50

Good video. Can I place a bus station in the industrial area and not create direct buses to every workplace, to make it easier to manage in the long run? Or will citizens not consider that they can walk from the end bus station to their respective jobs?

@bwort007 - 25.10.2023 00:10

Thx a lot, keep up the good work. Subscribed.

@markkussusa - 23.10.2023 03:04

great tutorial! Im beyond this already but still learned new tricks😂

Was watching it coz im expiriencing some hiccups with trash management (whats the next step up after taking trash to the border?) and while you cover it well in the new update introduction video, im still not 100% adept even from watching other channels.

Now, in one of the past videos you mentionned building a universty as early as possible... That tip has made WONDERS in my gameplay. Can't imagine how was i making it work before with late coming univs!

@AbhraBasak - 19.10.2023 23:04

There is a city level setting to switch off “Get residents”. You can click on city name and set “Allow residents to fill buildings” (or something similar).

@tboneisgaming - 15.10.2023 16:12

Excellent. This is exactly what I was looking for. What's the best way to start with an existing town on the map?

@drml8224 - 07.10.2023 20:05

In difficulty settings can you explan what traffic simulation does? It's the only setting I set to "simple" as I have no idea what complex does. My assumption is complex will prevent vehicles from overlapping after a cooldown period of traffic jams?

@dane4890 - 07.10.2023 16:28


@thadollagenerale - 29.09.2023 17:26

Just got this game and am glad I found your video. Thanks!

@M1GHTYM4VS - 20.09.2023 15:20

Hey bballjo! Could you give us a realistic start on the Slovakia Map. I've tried several times with your latest Realistic Tutorial but I've come to a few difficult terms that stall and hinder a successful start. I've used the Workshop to get the realistic vehicles etc, but started with the base buildings. What I usually happen to have is after building the coal to electricity plant connected to the heating factory to run out of power or rather it getting a loop with the voltage beeing there but no power transfer I expect there to be a loop with either the external connection that doesn't deliver until researched or some sort of bug with the way the powerline connects to the AC/DC switch or a mess between the large and small powerlines. The other thing I have problems then is to move workers from the next village to the plants via bus for some reason. I've tried a northwestern start to built towards Bratislava and the village near east, so to have one village connected and sprawl to the capital with the bigger city center. But because of the power issue I tend to loose the people in the winter once I assemble the infrastructure (heat, water, electricity etc.) and because the electricity is mostly not functional towards it for the power loop I assume, I struggle to get going. I added buslanes from the citiy center and the village with a stop to the electrical and heat facilities but the passengers won't board the buses so I rely on about 4-5 foreign workers that undersupply the shift so on top of not distributing constantly I also have difficulties to disect where the loop starts. It seems straight from the electric plant the voltage goes into the entire powerline, but the power distribution not even switches on to the nearby next substation or the switch properly. The Wires are puzzling since you've made a back and forth connection without gridsnap in the realistic tutorial, I'd think you need to have one line going in and one going out on the same spot but having merge points from large to small wires create a tertiary connection that doesn't work at all for me. So I usually run out of money with the initial starting capital for the intial setup and take the loan about extra 2 mil. and then run out of that with the construction finishing and the supply imports (food, clothing, coal) eating it up significantly faster. So I'm unable to have any sort of established money makers going. I've had wood going once but food with the fields or meat won't get finished in time to get any proper income from exports. Without the Geological Map Overlay on Realistic getting a coal industry can be a bit more difficult, so I've gone with the coal mine hover until I found a spot of about 30% just to get going but that is also far removed from the intitial setup and seems like a hinderance. May I just get some Uranium instead and use a Nuclear Plant instead for a bigger import to consumption value until it's possible to get the tech research going. I've had the Tech Universtiy Setup but there were no professors for it so I had students but no knowledable oeople which also seemed off for picking a larger town even

@sapper5095 - 18.09.2023 20:16

Great video. I do have a question. The High voltage priority switch. What it's for and can you use it at the border?

@adolfmiksik2755 - 18.09.2023 19:37

Hi bballjo. Good video as always. One small piece of advice that will make the start much easier. It is advisable to start by finding a place somewhere in the middle between two border crossings that are relatively close to each other and to create a connection between them. This will allow the use of both border crossings at the same time from the beginning.

@siriusczech - 18.09.2023 19:15

Finally a good tutorial for newbies to recommend that doesn't take ages and is spot on.

Good job, BB.

@letsgo2u770 - 18.09.2023 19:15

@bballjo with Research set to ON - there will be no separation of waste by your population unless the research has been completed, so the setting on the trash stands will not work and just keep those bins empty until the research is done. Effectively reducing your total garbage space until then. Industries separate from the start, so it works for the hazardous waste from the hospital.

@Ozon29 - 18.09.2023 19:07

This beginner guide is so good! Thank you! 10/10
