The Dark Truth About Underage Facebook, Snapchat & TikTok Users

The Dark Truth About Underage Facebook, Snapchat & TikTok Users

CNBC Make It

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@Ppoorespect888 - 24.08.2022 05:33

It’s all “Money talks” the rest is not important to those tech companies

@BlackGambit - 11.05.2022 00:05

I keep saying this but its NOT THE PLATFORMS FAULT for teens hurting themselves! Its the HUMANS on the platform!!! If you dont have self-esteem then don't go online!!!🤷🏾‍♂️ that or block the people who are bullying you! And stop comparing yourself to others online!! Stop blaming Facebook for YOUR ACTIONS!!

@poweredbynato6313 - 03.05.2022 08:54

Hunt those cyber bullies down...

Also... digital technology can have filters....

@same.7939 - 28.03.2022 06:21

Parents, please keep your kids away from social media until they are 18! Don't let them guilt you into doing it. They will hate you in the near term but you will be doing them a world of good in the long term.

@mikejamroz2787 - 19.03.2022 05:17

next do the complete lack of auditing the age of people in pornography.

@sammywilliam8156 - 17.03.2022 23:26

Okay Karen calm down the blacks are not taking over your white daughter

@FinanceWisdomTech - 17.03.2022 11:46

Yes they are kids

@IReapZz95 - 17.03.2022 00:14

The government needs to step in and require ID verification for all accounts like its done if you order alcohol online, its a simple solution that already exist

@zarifsharizal3901 - 12.03.2022 22:20

Teenagers nowadays don't even use Facebook anymore.

@zarifsharizal3901 - 12.03.2022 22:19

You should also do a video on "THE BENEFITS OF SOCIAL MEDIA".

@user-ei7ed6zy9k - 11.03.2022 18:30

when I have children, there will be a zero tolerance policy to social media until 16. I’ve been on the internet when it was somewhat the Wild West in the 2000’s, been an early adopter of many social media platforms in the 2010’s. Social media is toxic to young minds. period. Thankfully I was self aware of this and mostly avoided issues other kids were having.

@iriemo721 - 09.03.2022 01:52


@justgary2471 - 07.03.2022 07:42

I grew up in states but live China now and I despite the cultural difference there's a lot of similarities in terms of child behavior. We have real name verification across all social media websites and games in China, which means a lot of kids in China require either the approval of their parents or are of sufficient age. Even that doesn't curve human nature. I don't think it's on the tech giants, I think it's on the parenting and society as a whole. I'm not going to blame tech giants on this one... I'm going to blame parenting, society, and the outdated education system.

@JC-Finance - 07.03.2022 00:06

Social media is the new drug for teens

@chocovanille5809 - 06.03.2022 20:45

If i have kids, over my dead body they will use flip phones until they are 18. I dont care if they get bullied about the type of phones they got. I would rather that than my kids on IG comparing themselves to crap

@nathanjacobs1779 - 06.03.2022 02:48

Not to be proud in anyway at all, but today my NFT holdings have passed the $70k mark…. I had less than $2000 when I entered this space 3 months ago. I am beyond grateful for this opportunity to transform my life and thank you to everyone who has helped me get here.

@johnathansmith713 - 05.03.2022 20:43

When I was 13 my classmates where having kids and paying bills ......... life igs

@mountainman6172 - 05.03.2022 18:09

It doesn't matter how much conscious effort you make to monitor your children's social media presence, if their peers in school have parents/guardians who are indifferent. Their influence will override all your effort to raise a balanced child. Similarly, I believe bullies should be confronted straight on, because guess what? bullies is not exclusive to school playgrounds. My heartfelt condolences to Dianne 💜

@chiraggupta4656 - 05.03.2022 17:02

All this social medias are affecting teenage very horribly imagine what will metaverse will do to this teens

@michelleassous - 05.03.2022 11:57

Adults can’t even distinguish between reality and fantasy on social media so obviously kids will have a hard time too.

@YasinNabi - 05.03.2022 07:25

If you are not making money while asleep, then you are working for other till end of your life . ...Warren Buffett---

@julietsteve6600 - 05.03.2022 03:20

This period making a good profitable investment should be in every wise individuals list 🔴🔴

@ACB2K - 05.03.2022 01:37

Parents wants no responsibility, blame everyone else 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

@TwiinStar1224 - 04.03.2022 22:59

Underage Facebook users? Facebook is very much the platform for boomers.

@genius6225 - 04.03.2022 15:08

If her age is not on the clock she is ready for the Tok

@anandupillai - 04.03.2022 10:04

Answer is yes

@selina04089 - 04.03.2022 08:28

Why is this even a question? Ridiculous behaviour it is too young

@xavierstidwell7882 - 04.03.2022 07:59

Social media companies aren’t responsible for what someone says.

@fiyinobayanmusic - 04.03.2022 05:05

I'm surprised their are 13 year olds that use FB lol

@theresourcefulvillage2120 - 04.03.2022 04:33

It’s not easy for adults to deal with the overwhelm of social media, how can we expect kids to.

@BBoPPo88 - 04.03.2022 03:27

If you asked me when i was a teenager I would also say “it has no effect”. I just didn’t know what effects it had and couldn’t recognize it. Now that I’m in my 20s I recognize how harmful it was for my mental wellbeing.

@justagiraffe2868 - 04.03.2022 02:41

Ok, if this is about social media in general, understandable, but how many 13 year olds really use Facebook anymore?

@Landon_Hughes - 04.03.2022 01:41

I call it BoomerBook™.

@Bryan-bh5pq - 04.03.2022 01:32

I have 2 daughters and i would wait until Highschool for them and have a conversation with them everyday wether it's drop off to school or before bedtime, just as I'm talking to them everyday to see where they are mentally & physically. My wife and I have been meeting with a personal family mental health counselor for the last 4 years to find wisdom and guidance in parenting, marriage counseling, and learning how to speak to kids and to each other... it has helped our lives greatly and it has been improving our relationship with the kids everyday... they open up their inner emotions, thoughts, confusions to us and we always try not to judge our kids but to listen and show them both side of the story.

I believe building the trust between you and your child is more important than parental control apps or telling them what to do... if your kids have trust in you, they will open their heart and soul to you and knowing that mom and dad is always there for them, they will depend for your guidance when they need it at most.

@MOBMJ - 04.03.2022 01:02

If we teach people at a younger age that companies are not supposed to collect data off of someone like you who is under age of 13 maybe it could teach the kids as she grows up that collecting user data is wrong, and we can put law it. I love technology but there’s a limit I don’t want company knowing what I do when I do it and who I do it with. And we should also change the law where it is tech companies faults if a kid under age signs of without consent because these days we have the technology to know how old someone is even though they lie about their age.

@FinancialShinanigan - 03.03.2022 23:54

Never too young to learn you're not good enough because you're comparing yourself to everyone who posts their best days.

@pippoppa8497 - 03.03.2022 23:34

Use social security or driver license to sign up

@bryguy0052 - 03.03.2022 22:08

"Do your part!" - says mom who didn't do her part which caused her child to commit suicide. It also doesn't help that when Meta (ugh) tried to create a curated, safer, product for under 13's that congress yelled at them to stop.

Why is this even on this channel? This isn't the normal content people subscribed for

@capitano3377 - 03.03.2022 21:09

Weak parents

@swt12423 - 03.03.2022 20:37

I’m sorry, but you can’t expect big tech and the government to raise your kids. A parent's job is to raise their children. Some parents raise their kids well; some don’t, unfortunately. Talk to your kids daily, ask what they did, and pay attention to changes in their moods and behaviors. And don’t make their lives more difficult than they already are - some parents think they are helping but aren’t.

@dopemusic6414 - 03.03.2022 20:23

I thought Facebook was for over 35 grandads.

@NCPhotography - 03.03.2022 20:23

Boomer alert

@sayandutta5088 - 03.03.2022 20:21

5th comment , please pin me .

@jewishbusinessadvice6043 - 03.03.2022 20:04

I thought Facebook was for people over 40

@NathalieLazo - 03.03.2022 20:04

This message is for someone who needs to hear this and will fully understand it... You are not define by your circumstance or your past. It’s not what happened to you that determines your success in life; it is how you deal with those circumstances that determines your success in life. You are strong, you are capable and practice forgiveness (Forgiveness is for you; forgive your parents or anyone whom we have chosen to hurt us, to begin the process of healing and freedom. Remember: Forgiveness is for you to be freed, healed and happy) and practice gratitude everyday. This will change the course of your life forever. Love you always and I believe in you wholeheartedly no matter what ✨❤️ - Nat
