Bravo on choosing a woman for yourself, you are one compact entity, with a successful man goes a woman you deserve my friend, great video I would not add or subtract anything here, heartfelt greetings from me for you from Serbia
ОтветитьHey good job the both of you,it is good to teach the indoor generation how to behave outside,because those walls they live in and think so much of are man made and come down so easily ,like anything man made!!! I again thank you both
ОтветитьGreat points! wish anyone going for day hike would watch & practice your advice! Looks like a great area by the way! Thanks for addressing this life-saving issue.
Ответитьtwo bits of mylar can keep feet warm, and on the back of the bag can be used to melt snow quicker by reflecting the heat back into the snow
ОтветитьA space blanlet or two and a $1 emergency parka from Walmart fire starter stuff fot signaling not heat. Reflective tape, a mirror a whistle and several ziplock bags But the rain gear and space blanket a must
ОтветитьWhat good is a compass w/o a map out in the deserts
ОтветитьThat survival pouch takes up the bulk of the space . Put all the contents in the pouch that the space blanket is sold in
ОтветитьWasted cash unless they gave you that crap free. Next time use an altoid tin and tape a few strikers on the inside lid for matches. Get all that stuff and more in the tin with better space management.
You are not going to "survive" with anything like these kits. Nobody that is actually stupid enough to get stuck in the woods would even think of this crap anyway. As for the people that do think of these kits. They are not likely to ever need onefor using ones brain to not get into stupid trouble.
Cool! 😃👍. I might swap the floss for some fishing line. I just got one of the grim survival cards and I’m pleasantly surprised at the quality.
ОтветитьYou married up is an understatement sorry 😂
ОтветитьDefinitely married up
ОтветитьI'm from VA but I live in NH so I love that you deal with the same weather and materials to survive with
ОтветитьFantastic video. Subbed. Great listing of items too, thank you very much
ОтветитьHe said fire proof matches 😂
ОтветитьA suggestion for a future video: Have you wife and some other women put together a women specific Bugout/Get home bag.
Most bags are put together by men and don't account for female needs.
Men tend to be the ones making the bags and need to account for their wives, and daughters when they supply their Family prep. or camping set-up.
I know it's a touchy subject.
Note to self: never move to a dry cold desert
ОтветитьWow that’s crazy you guys actually said Nevada right
ОтветитьConsider adding a SAK Farmer
ОтветитьYour head is a signal mirror timmy
ОтветитьI am always looking for survival gear/kit ideas. Great info and ideas. Nice to meet the MRS, bring her along more often.
ОтветитьJust a suggestion, but since your with your wife , woman always carry a bag of some sort so you could've put a mylar blanket in her bag.
ОтветитьNo reason you couldn't have a small fire near your shelter to keep warm.
ОтветитьMy friend you most certainly did marry up.
ОтветитьLindo video soy lucas desde
ОтветитьEverybody shits on those little cards but I think they're fine. Ditch all those unused Kroger cards in your wallet and voila, useful stuff instead.
ОтветитьHi can you please demonstrate it with that kit
ОтветитьYou had me until you put in that horrible background music. Yuk.
ОтветитьHello Mr. & Mrs. Everyday Tactical Vids. Great scenario & informative. We definitely learned a lot from the both of you. Hope to see more of both of you doing a survival episodes. You got my wife & three girls now very interested in surviving outdoors. Cheers from everyone in Australia.
ОтветитьIs the key chain with the reflective side and the signal mirror on the other side made by ESEE? I can't find it as part of the ESEE Pocket Survival Kit.
ОтветитьGreat as always, yet you took it another level with your wife ! She was awesome. Keeps up the great vids. Doc. C Emergency Management Instructor.
ОтветитьI think 🤔 this video was very helpful and I'm a big believer in WHAT YOU LEARN IS WHAT YOU KNOW ? Thanks, I will be looking forward to seeing 👀 more videos.
ОтветитьIn the desert as well as anywhere else you should Always wait until the last possible moment to start your fire in order to make what wood you have gathered last as long as possible.. The temperature Always drops its coldest just before sunrise.. Just my two cents.. I live in the heart of the Sonora Desert the wood here burns good but fast however the coals give off heat for hours .. That's the only thing I'd say differently, Tim.. Much Love and Respect 💖
ОтветитьYou may want to add a small chemlight stick for signaling. Just a thought.
ОтветитьUm the reflective tape is only on one side so at least a 50 percent chance it will land with the tape side down. If you put the light on the outside of the kit how are you going to squeeze it to look for the kit you lost?
ОтветитьIts nice ir you have stuff,but ir you lost your magic bag,and you broke both are done
ОтветитьIt has always struck me as recklessly negligent to rely on a ludicously small and limited kit for one's survival, and even more so if more than one person is involved.
Cramming as much as is physically possible into a mints tin or wallet is an exercise in futility.
Just take the appropriate stuff to ensure one's survival.
A Garmin InReach Mini 2 Satellite Communicator & PLB (or equivalent) should be in its hard case, attached to your person!
A supply of water and food to last for your intended hike, plus the 24+ hours you might unexpectedly find yourself out for should be an obvious thing to pack.
Something to lie on, in, and have over you in the cold of the night would be nice, too!
A Survive Outdoors Longer (SOL) Survival Poncho and 10 hour candles combine to create a Palmer Furnace, a simple heat generation and retention system with a proven track record of fully reviving hypothermia victims (stuck beyond rescue in cave systems) enabling them to make their own way out to the surface - Self Rescue!
SOL Heat Sheets 1/2 Person Heat Reflective Blankets and Bivvy Bags (or equivalent) are excellent, affordable, small and lightweight, so should go in the pack, too.
Instead of pissing about carrying tiny, empty bags you hope to find water to put in, just take the water in the first place (see above comment on food and water).
Preparing and equipping oneself to survive is ridiculously simple, select ultralight, compact, high quality gear that actually meets one's needs in an emergency and have them with you when you venture out into the location that such an emergency is likely to occur in!
Having a reality based kit to sustain life in an emergency is more important than how tiny you can get that kit to be.
Your survival/emergency kit is the thing in which you've paid forward your chances of survival, therefore choose only the best quality of each type of item you put in it!
You'll still have a compact kit, but it'll be one that's designed from the outset to be fully capable of taking care of you.
Realistically, in a genuine emergency occurring out of cellphone reach, a Garmin (as mentioned) or equivalent device is all that one would need, the rest is a bonus...
Fireproof matches? 😑
ОтветитьLost? No problem, show me the location of Moon and the Sun and I'd be out inside 2hrs.
The stars are a big plus.
UCO ‘fireproof’ matches lol😂😂
ОтветитьThanks for telling me orange is easy to see 🙄
ОтветитьThe wallet itself takes up too much space...You can can get more stuff in the classic altoid tin, and it bet the tin itself would be lighter and less bulky...
ОтветитьI mean no disrespect . I love Desert Survival Scenarios . I've lived in Arizona and The Sonoran Desert all my life , 56 years . Here in Phoenix we just had a hiker die in 110°F 43°C temps . Two Fire and Rescue dudes had to be carried down Camelback Mountian .
No one wants to shoot a video in 90°F 100°F plus heat . Someone needs to . Someone really need to show what happens or a dramatic rendition of it ...but when the people in the video have jackets and beanie caps .....not a whole lot of emergency rescues happing across the U.S. deserts in Winter .
Every year both in our Hot Season and the Cold Season , as we say here in Arizona , people ( campers and hikers ) either get in a emergency rescue situation or .....die . People need to stop coming to Arizona in high summer and going hiking without enough water in 100°F plus weather . Please , do your research before you travel to Arizona .
That looks like a great knife.
Ответитьso why did you need the big backpack you left your car with if your survival kit is all that good.....lolllol
ОтветитьGreat job on the video 👍👍👍👍