How to Create, Design and Manufacture a Product from Scratch

How to Create, Design and Manufacture a Product from Scratch

Salvador Briggman

3 года назад

217,390 Просмотров

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Smoky Mountain Mangalitsa, LLC
Smoky Mountain Mangalitsa, LLC - 19.11.2023 17:10

Salvador this is a wonderful video! I have watched it twice and taken notes….love the speed with which you convey the process and find your points helpful to create an outline for making my business plan more concise. Truly appreciate your generosity in sharing what you know!

sexysinglemama from TikTok
sexysinglemama from TikTok - 08.11.2023 22:55

I have the best idea but I’m struggling to figure out how to make the product.

Ash Zavala Jaidar
Ash Zavala Jaidar - 01.11.2023 20:56

What trustworthy companies to develop my idea into a prototype can you recommend?

Netty - 19.10.2023 09:10

Tu c'est que tout ce qui m'arrive là CI senai pas mon étoile çà ne sera pas comme ça, alors n'insiste pas ça ne marchera pas alors laisse mon étoile tranquille travaillons ansamble profitons de notre travail pour Les faire fructifier et gérer leur travaille de gougle ils essayent de faire quelque chose pour son avenir aide le prend le comme un de tes patients que tu geri et gougle serait reconnaissant et dieu te glorifiera OK il tourne an rond donne lui une chance mon cœur il est important au club privé organisé le autrement s'il te plait bisous et bonne journée papa c'est ton fils y tien lui la main Pardon c'est ton fils aller moi je suis fatiguée mais j, aime aider les autres c'est ça mon seul problème le bon dieu ma conssu inssi et je ne rien bisous

Netty - 19.10.2023 08:43

Ali pour qu'elle raison tu me dois un espiration ?ce n'est pas correct ! US est mon nom CI Ilya qu elle que chause ont peut an parler ci non tu ne peux pas prendre quelques choses qui appartient à quelqu'un avec sa marque et son marché et aussi j'ai hu la nationalité pour dire que ça t'appartient ?toi même comment on peut appeler ça ? Ça s'appelle de l'arnaque abbu absolument OK alors je suis fatiguée depuis mai j'attendais voir juste ou tu conte aller achaque fois que le pauvre homme essayé de me faire quelque chose passer par derrière me le détourner ET pour quoi ?tu attends toujours qu'il le fasse pour moi et tu me les detournes? la c'est trop flagrant jusqu'à vouloire détourner la marque le marché avec ça nationalité c'est très grave chéri tu ne vois pas que tu esagere Un peu de trop c'est comme détruire une personne alors faire les choses bien comme ça doit aitre ok donne çe qui appartient à sezare et dieu te donnerai le double à ton travail bien effectué et nous blie pas que je suis une femme et toi est Un homme comme lui et pour quoi tu nous proposes ton aide et après CI c'est comme ça ton aide je ne suis pas d'accord avec toi ok bisous je te laisse et à tout Aleur bisous je conte sur toi de ton bien vouloir fait merci beaucoup bisous

jessie mayfield
jessie mayfield - 13.10.2023 05:57

I was hoping he would show you how to solve problems with examples more complex than a wallet, I want engineering help

Panda Plumbing
Panda Plumbing - 06.10.2023 13:37

Failed to mention from the very start to check and see if your Idea already exists, Plus never throw away any documentation in relation to your Idea as this is proof that it was designed, and thought up by you, and not someone else, finally this looks like a video to plug his book whilst giving advice on creating your product......

M A L I K - 01.09.2023 19:09

If i have a idea of a product how can i design it is there someone that i can give the idea to and he designs it ?

Victor Chen
Victor Chen - 17.08.2023 00:29

Thanks for this video

Narek Simon
Narek Simon - 15.08.2023 21:29

Honestly I'm 11 minutes in and got nothing valuable from it. It's just all logical stuff..... Tell us where to go how to find the right connections. Great to know that you have to design a prototype. Where do I go to do that?

genbeliz - 22.07.2023 03:33

At what time do you patent your idea💡

Huck - 26.06.2023 09:37

I've had a reoccurring annoyance in a retail store every time i go there and bango.........I just stopped and pondered a solution, then realised.........omg.......i think i may have something because no one's thought of it? it's an improvement to an already 'something'.

Jay Santora
Jay Santora - 22.06.2023 04:43

I donno about you pricks but i always wanted to invent a product, not even to become rich but a product that would make our lifes easier, i said enuff i need a lawyer

JoleyTube - 16.06.2023 08:19

Is getting a patent necessary?

Reggie Osburn
Reggie Osburn - 11.06.2023 04:23

Salvador, I have a product that I am currently selling to Ace Hardware and Feed Stores on a small scale. How do I scale it up? This is garden, kitchen and camping decor. People love it. I make these products at my house. I've approached Ace Hardware and can get this item in Many Stores in California. Can take to Chicago, ILL. I am in a position to approach corporate for ALL Ace Hardware Stores. This would be wholesale. I could make more money online selling Retail. I need help narrowing down a path for the product I'm already selling, making and distributing it. Do retail and sell 200 Thousand and make 10$ per item? Or sell millions and make 1$ per unit? Not sure what to do. Heeeelp Please!

lufersoNNN - 10.06.2023 02:43

thank you

Chia Pet
Chia Pet - 03.06.2023 23:13

I love your video, but I have a question. I have a design in mind. Who should I contact to get it 3D designed?

Fanci France
Fanci France - 13.05.2023 20:06

You are amazing. Thank you for such a concise informational.

Sarah Pinches
Sarah Pinches - 18.04.2023 19:50

At what point in the process do you seek to protect your product with a trademark?

CRYPT1C - 17.04.2023 16:06

We need you on jubilee

Ella Rae
Ella Rae - 12.04.2023 23:13

talk just a little faster.

Southern - 12.04.2023 21:20

So what’s stopping the engineer’s from taking your ideas ?

Meetal Gandhi
Meetal Gandhi - 10.04.2023 20:30

Salvador, thank you 🙏

TimW - 20.03.2023 22:56

I always wanted to work for the Fortune 500 companies and either remodel an existing product to make it better or create a product to solve a solution.

Hello - 26.02.2023 01:34

I came knowing nothing and left unchanged. What's the point of common sense tips?

Ruben Medina
Ruben Medina - 23.02.2023 18:11

"exact process"... my friend there is no exact process

Mohammad Fakherddine
Mohammad Fakherddine - 22.02.2023 03:17

How are you?
how to contact you.

Michael Bolden
Michael Bolden - 20.02.2023 03:53

This was an awesome vidieo no more than 27 minutes, you provided in my opinion, 100% of the information needed to create and sell a product. Before watching this video I was in the process of researching Life alert technology. For a while I have been coming up with ways to stay safe in our society. It is very interesting that in this video, you used a watch as an example.

I have an idea of an emergency bracelet that is safe to wear, low cost, able to be customized and and can direct users to the specific first responder. Where 9-1-1 has a whole process of gathering information, I want to by-pass that by using GPS, Ehternet, battery, water resistance, fall and crash detection all into a a watch. The Apple watch as similar features but the cost and the consumer outreach is not respected.

By looking at conmuser usage of watches and the want for customizable products, I know that my product will need to be light weight, easy and comfortable to wear, not bulky and battery-powered with connections to Ethernet and Bluetooth. The material would be rubber or rubber similar.

Many people have android devices. With Ethernet, LAN Local area network that will process better than WIFI and is backed up with a battery. This watch would be for frequent travelers, Pregnant women, Kids 6-18, Stay at home/ work from home parents. Life alert claims to save and respond to emergencies in 11 minutes, I want to respond in 8. I just need some communication to get this started.

luis sanchez
luis sanchez - 07.02.2023 18:23

So much fluff here

Ryan's Stuff
Ryan's Stuff - 05.02.2023 04:49

Have you ever done this???

Sarri Food
Sarri Food - 03.02.2023 14:11

I am investors green tea wine

I'd Rather Be Traveling
I'd Rather Be Traveling - 19.01.2023 07:53

This is super helpful. I have always wondered this but never went to look it up for some reason.

Justin's - 01.01.2023 01:13

Thanks allot. First 5 seconds I knew this would be what I've been looking for. Very informative with limited time. Will be checking out your other videos. Always kept everything in my head. Literally just filled 2 sketch pages with my idea and specs 😘😘 I've had so many ideas then 2 years later I see it somewhere. Doesn't hurt me but keeps reminding me that I am missing something.

D Vincent
D Vincent - 28.12.2022 04:05

My question is, have you mass designed and kickstarted your own product yet yourself?

Ruth Esther Santana Tejada
Ruth Esther Santana Tejada - 26.12.2022 21:15

Thank you so much for what you do !!! Keep it up king 🔥

Vanessa Nwo
Vanessa Nwo - 23.12.2022 06:35

SO much value in this short video!! Thank you so much for sharing, God bless!!!

escapist-cart - 18.12.2022 00:04

The biggest problem is modeling the product for me because my idea is an entire vehicle

Robert Watson
Robert Watson - 16.12.2022 02:23

Great video… How do you protect your idea before it gets to the manufacturing phase? Couldn’t someone just steal your idea and run with it before you can scale it.

Tracey - 15.12.2022 12:01


If i was to travel to manufacture over seas and they not steal idea for themselves?

IXPARADIMEIX - 01.12.2022 02:05

Skull candy and J lab are my go too"s

IXPARADIMEIX - 01.12.2022 02:04

Stop lying, you know you like the brand lol

Ez Downz
Ez Downz - 26.11.2022 02:22

I'm still having trouble making a prototype

Nicknawd - 21.11.2022 07:59

Great waste of time watching this video, useless to listen to, this videos for people with baby brains

Zuleyka Malave
Zuleyka Malave - 11.11.2022 18:30

What about the patent?

Ryan Storm
Ryan Storm - 09.11.2022 08:10

3 and a half minutes into the video and zero usable information so far. Pass.

Manos Lupassakis
Manos Lupassakis - 06.11.2022 16:53

Brilliant and straightforward explanation, Thanks!

Lou Vega
Lou Vega - 03.11.2022 23:07

How do you deal with the legal side of things. Patents , and do you sign some type of agreement with manufacturer that they can’t leak out or reproduce your product without knowledge.

Space Matters
Space Matters - 28.10.2022 19:49

Thank you Salvador, this is a great video!
