How To Farm Mastery Rank Levels Fast In Warframe!

How To Farm Mastery Rank Levels Fast In Warframe!


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@jeremystone4139 - 21.11.2024 17:51

Just started playing Warframe, wish I would have tried it out before playing the First Descendent 🤦.

@sanelmuric5534 - 21.11.2024 17:52

You forgot to mention Invasions, you can also get some weapons from Invasion missions and Nightwave also has some weapons.

@knallkasten5159 - 21.11.2024 18:10

just a quick question.. is it still "worth" to start with warframe when warframe 1999 standing in line?

@IqzcFX - 21.11.2024 18:17

Just got into from warframe from watching your videos. Really really appreciate this video as a new player. Would love to see more things in so we can get up to sceatch

@shikimoriamv1145 - 21.11.2024 18:49

what would you advise about the dojo wepons because I'm constantly running on 1-3 forma with multiple frames and wepons to set up so would it be better to wait for plauge star or something to come back

@Megawar666 - 21.11.2024 18:55

Do you have a Video on farming credits to the best way to get credits.

@devilzavacado8430 - 21.11.2024 19:11

Dont grineer give the most affinity from any faction on the star chart?

@tequilaghoul - 21.11.2024 19:43

For noobs, do not get discouraged by the "huge grind" comment. I play grindy games a lot and this games grind is laughable. I will say take your time, but you do want to hit high mastery rank cuz of your daily trade limit. That is the most important reason to go past mastery rank 16.Also, there is so much to do, so do not pay to speed up crafting.

@PackHunter117 - 21.11.2024 20:02

For me Draco is my go to place to grind

@yasminmorales2393 - 21.11.2024 20:19

MR 25 enjoying the game for 10yrs just have fun this channel and community help out alot

@theBLARGSTORM - 21.11.2024 20:20

Im racing my brother to legend, thanks for the advice

@x666xxxx - 21.11.2024 20:23

I don’t mind grinding and leveling up everything. The only problem is I never have any open slots for anything. I’m tired of being forced to sell my items I worked hard for to free up space. I’m at MR 15 and I’m just about done with this game. It’s honestly so annoying I just want to uninstall and not think about it ever again

@Lock1156 - 21.11.2024 20:44

Thank you for the video good sir

@felipecalacarodrigues4394 - 21.11.2024 20:52

Mastery ranks are useless after a certain point, you dont have real advantages being mr 30 or mr 20
Also, pupsker is rude af in lives

@ColJoelMustard0630 - 21.11.2024 20:56

Fastest way to level companions and archwings that I have found (and high range weapons) is to fly as high as possible in the plains on earth in an archwing. Fly to the right when you enter until you find a level 30+ eximus. Shoot a guy next to them to trigger the stealth kill bonus and then the eximus from so high it counts as a stealth kill too. This gives roughly one full companion and archwying level even when close to 30. Then you simply fly away a bit until it resets the ads and fly back. Rinse and repeat.

@DarkSaitama - 21.11.2024 22:03

Pupsker: there's a ton of loot and is gonna take a lot of time and grinding.

Me: starts salivating, staaaappp you had me at grind

@patrickterry8032 - 21.11.2024 22:14

Wait, correct me if I’m misunderstanding. Each week, Durviri Paradox just gives you a Warframe? Or is that just to level a Warframe for mastery rank?

@Nureha-VI - 21.11.2024 22:17

Anyone having the same bug as mine? My profile stats (waframe/weapons) aren't updating anymore its annoying coz i have to see each weapon again just to see wich ive already mastered

@Resjek - 21.11.2024 22:19

I quit 10 years ago because I couldn't do the Mr 6 test. I jump too far. Returned this week just to fail again lol

@brianatordk6578 - 21.11.2024 23:14

Small note about the clan dojo items, alot of them require a full forma to build, so people should make absolutly sure to have a forma building everyday

@JustaMuteCat - 22.11.2024 02:14

(Tried editing to improve readability but yt is a jerk)
1. Market. Market has a lot of things that you can get the blueprints or outright the weapons for credits.

2. Dojo. Plenty of people host old dojos just so people can pick up old research weapons and warframes and are more than glad to invite temps to just pick them up. Maybe staying and helping with ongoing research (like room dyes and stuff) would be nice but most don’t mind if you leave right after getting what you need. Be aware that most needs fully built formas and prebuilt materials like ones found on the next item.

3. Invasions. Invasions are an important source of pre-built materials like detonates and fieldrons (you can get blueprints to passively craft them from dojos as well) but some weapons are only there.

4. junction system. When going from one planet to another you will fight specters in junctions and some awards weapons as well as access to quests.

5. Quests. Minor and major quests will give access to a lot of things, including weapons, warframes and companions. Some are essentially quest-only and market only until you get it once then you can get it through other venues (such as Simaris or Circuit). Quest attention points to Railjack, K-Drive, Kubrow/Kavat/Helminth, Archwing, Necromech and its weapons.

6. Syndicates. Some Archwing related stuff are available from syndicates but are tradable, so you can almost always find people that want to trade those. 0 rank syndicate weapons that can be purchased with Standing can also be traded.

7. Duviri. On certain circles you can get a chance to get Kullervo and its weapons. By doing the orowyrm fight you can get the main materials for unlocking the weapons found in the Cave and some. Certain puzzles will give a chance for another Duviri-specific weapon and lastly, the Circuit will have a predictable weekly rotation with warframes, one of their augments and some arcanes on normal and Incarnon adapters, kuva and rivens on the Steel Path.

8. World Events. Thermia, Ghoul Incursions, Fomorian and Hyena Pack invasions, got also things that can only be gotten from there.

8.1 Sanctuary Onslaught, Yuvarium (Lua Conjunction Survival) and the survival node on Sanctum are great multi functional maps for ranking your stuff. Conjunction Survivals spawns Lua Thrax that you can then turn in their drop in The Zariman for Voruna, her weapons and some useful arcanes, Intact Sentient Cores for your crafting and Quill standing needs and can be a Fissure, so you can farm your primes and forma blueprints there too.
Theorem (I think it’s called) can spawn an enemy once every mission that can drop some rare resources from the Sanctum like Vocas and Arcanes, you can pick up vocas for future use (standing conversion or crafting) and even fight the Indiference for their arcanes if you find the book (highly recommend doing it AFTER getting something that can wreck objects and enemies like the hammer Sampotes from duviri, makes short work of the book itself and is pretty powerful all around).

9. Notable mentions: Railjack missions, Granum Void, Sedna Disruption and Sanctum Disruption are places you going to spend quite some time on. Sanctum is particularly important because you can get Vocas (as any sanctum node) but Loid also trades the material rewarded by protecting the objectives for Riven Transmute modules. Granum void is important because you can get syndicate Standing by rescuing trapped npcs with the Granum Tokens and use them in specific corpus tile objects to start a timed mission that can award a part for Protea or her signature weapon. Similar to Granum Void, Sedna Disruption is where you get Gauss and his junk and like any Disruptions, can get you a lot of affinity in a short amount of time thanks to how often Eximi spawns.
As for Railjack, there’s plenty of stuff there to get, like Sevagoth and his stuff, pre-refined void relics, Corrupt Keys for Tenet weapons that are not part of Sisters of Parvos and so on.

9.1 Notable mentions 2. Assassination Marks and You. Grustag Three, Zanuka Hunter and Stalker.
While doing invasions you will eventually get a message from Hek, Alad V or ???? Basically stating you got a mark (you can see if you are marked by them on your profile). By defeating them you can get blueprints or parts for their themed weapons (g3 for brakk, zanuka for detron and stalker with hate, dread and despair, plus broken war and war blueprints after he changes into shadow stalker or protector stalker after completing specific quests, their parts are dropped from the sentient enemies in Lua).

9.2 The nemesis Lite system: Sister of Parvos and Lich (and future boy band) systems that are both a curse and a blessing. After completing certain conditions you can spawn a larvaling or a sister candidate (infested one will work differently for the spawning it seems), by downing it you can choose to execute it or not but keep in mind two things: Element Progeny and what weapon hovers above their heads. Depending on your warframe you will give those weapons an element related to their progeny and after executing the poor sod, you will spawn a lich or sister with set weapon and element bonus. After that it’s a game of cat and mouse that I’m sure YT won’t let me go on because of character limits after the wall of text I already wrote. Cheers!

@boofhead711 - 22.11.2024 02:23

K-drives have mr 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠

@KingDoesRage - 22.11.2024 02:35

For newer players i recommend making amesha as your second archwing. Its very defensive with a way to generate energy amazing modless even better with mods

@Sighuh - 22.11.2024 02:59

Hoooly this content is actually so lazy. It's like there's no thought process in his head that isn't parroting information he reads on screen while walking between POIs. Everyone that's played for more than a few hours would know all of this, and he somehow made a 5 minute explanation take 20.

@J0kerScars - 22.11.2024 04:26

Currently at MR 25 been playing for about a year, my lil bro who been playing on and off for like 6 years got mad that I caught up to him lol I can taste MR 30….the grind continues

@TheZiiFamily - 22.11.2024 05:53

Also some blueprints you get for planet gates so dont need to buy EVERY weapon blueprint

@darcest_light - 22.11.2024 06:37

Got into Warframe about a year and a half back and saw all the stuff and was like nope I'm not gonna grind for all this. Cue two weeks back and I'm on Jupiter running through my star charts. And honestly this game takes time, time I'm willing to give because I saw all the new frames and stuff. Kinda mad I didn't stick to it when i first got it but I'm doing it I'm gonna get to Steel Path!

@Zanerus - 22.11.2024 18:31

Thank you for this video, I've been struggling to figure out what I still need to level up, and didn't know about the filter option in the market.

@Tri6Oraxus - 22.11.2024 20:06

Hell yeah! Dagath love. I'm here for it. Also good info in this

@reapsforkeeps6528 - 23.11.2024 03:30

Hey Pupsker as a 2 month old player this really helped me out a lot! Dropping into 11 years worth of content is really daunting but I've enjoyed every second of it. I you could find the time I wouldn't mind more videos like this for various other aspects of the game. Like "How To" guides 2024 editions. There's still so much I don't know.🙏

@vost2916 - 23.11.2024 20:21

Get plat. Buy all Prime Warframes, prime companions, and weapons. Build all the Dojo weapons and arch wings.

Buy all the todays specials for Zaws, Kitguns, K drives and MOAs. Buy all the annoying warframes that are not in circuit with plat.

I went from MR 17 to MR 28 in 1 month.

@Unsavouryflint - 24.11.2024 14:22

Sanctuary onslaught for leveling

@moeedqureshi8809 - 25.11.2024 06:13

I came back to get Sevagoth prime and I refuse to use him until I can get Epitaph prime (I’m MR 6 and need to get too 14🫠)

@Resurrected17 - 27.11.2024 00:38

Question about Duviri, can you only get 11 frames total? Or can you get all 3 from one well just on the next rotation? So for instance, this week is Nekros, Valkyr and Oberon. So say I pick Nekros. Then next 11 week rotation (if that’s how it works) I can pick Valkyr? And so on

@AyAyRon43 - 27.11.2024 01:08

Don’t forget kitguns and zaws!

@ChildofEden96 - 27.11.2024 02:09

Yep i just craft the weapons that i know have a prime/kuva/tenet variant and then immediately scrap them once I know for sure i dont need them anymore.

@wolfskull7x20 - 27.11.2024 20:57

Also a side note. Duviri circuit is great for leveling up warframes or weapons you have because they are mastered and have mods on them. You would run a frame or weapon in duviri and it will level if you own it.

@buenang - 28.11.2024 05:19

Started warframe like 2-3 month ago and currently stuck mr 13, I wouldn’t say im stuck I just took my time and become powerful and now I’m at the point what am I even doing now the only thing I do is doing weekly, grinding mr looks painful I have maxed my rail and duvuri, farming all kuvas and sisters seems painful

@SieuwayTruong - 08.12.2024 20:32

how to up master rank fast

@realmatchpoint - 14.12.2024 22:53

mr 6 on week 2 is that good?

@merdo6261 - 21.12.2024 02:04

Wait so even if i dont own any of the warframes in duvuri paradox, i can get mr from leveling them?

@jordanjones8903 - 15.01.2025 11:44

You cant level up a warframe on elite sanctuary onslaught

@Arukkao - 16.01.2025 19:12

Why do people say Tai Tay Nya instead of just Titania?

@ScubaSteve-se6oe - 28.01.2025 04:08

Honestly just get to Mr 22ish and nothing is mastery locked then just get the things you want and your mastery will slowly go up. IT IS NOT WORTH BLITZING ONLY MASTERY I did it for a few months and it killed all joy in the game for me for about a year

@Privacy_in_public - 02.02.2025 14:24

Bro ! Thanks 🙏 I just started playing, you explained a lot for me. 1 question can I change my syndicate ?

@wingmanizer1912 - 08.02.2025 08:01

With all the weapons and Warframes i can craft as u've shown, my main problem are the available weapon / Warframe slots.. Do i keep building frames and weapons, max them out and when i did not like them or need them to craft another weapon i just sell it ?

@Kurono_Alien - 24.02.2025 18:41

Adaro is by far the best. Banshee w/ gloom will make stealth multipliers easy mode.

Frames are easy also with Tonkor, Zarr, or Bramma. Just subsume Silence (easy Helminth resource cost) onto the frame replacing their 1 with augment and build for duration

@platinumclaw - 27.02.2025 16:23

Just a small thing, but personally, the first big milestone for me was MR10 which is when Warframe skills will stay unlocked after using a forma

@nickpereira7309 - 01.03.2025 04:25

Returned after 7years break... Holy cow.. new players will have a hard time , the farm has increased for everything... 😮

@erikbogdan7421 - 02.03.2025 03:18

This is a full tutorial for the game thx
