The Breathing Expert: Mouth Breathing Linked To ADHD, Diabetes & Child Sickness!

The Breathing Expert: Mouth Breathing Linked To ADHD, Diabetes & Child Sickness!

The Diary Of A CEO

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skiziskin - 13.10.2023 04:48

I have a deviated septum. I am diagnosed ADHD when I was 55 and strongly suspect I am also autistic. I am a lifelong asthmatic with severe allergies to animal dander and food. I am a lifelong insomniac. I am currently in the process of being diagnosed with autoimmune disease as a result of a sudden onset of severe heel pain in the absence of any injury to that part of my body. I am also a lifelong outdoor endurance athlete who has mouth-breathed my way through a life of climbing, backcountry skiing, and ultlramarathon running. I have always just accepted that mouth breathing was something I could not correct. I went to my local university hospital here in Japan and they told me that I should take drugs to improve my breathing. I have purchased James' book and am trying to get off many of the prescription medications I have been taking for years. There are times when my nose does work well for a while. It is ok right at this moment. But the times when I am congested and my nose just collapses when I try to use it leading me back to mouth breathing. I'm trying to correct these many issues because at age 67 I am not ready for the decline I am beginning to perceive. Skiing and running are too important to me to give up and I refuse to accept that I have to do that or that I have to take this ridiculous cocktail of drugs for the rest of my life.

samuelsmum100 - 13.10.2023 01:10

Well I have nasal polyps which stop me breathing through my nose. I can't take even a single breath I've been waiting on surgery for years.

Symeon Carpenter
Symeon Carpenter - 13.10.2023 00:50

Go back in time why was there bigger noses also. Humans are becoming weaker and weaker.

Symeon Carpenter
Symeon Carpenter - 13.10.2023 00:46

Degenerates. And he talks of design then you talk of evolution. You see kids and adults walking around or sitting with their mouths open staring at their phones like dummies.

Symeon Carpenter
Symeon Carpenter - 13.10.2023 00:36

Here that moment where he says the nose and body is designed. How can that be 🤔🙏

Mhantrax - 12.10.2023 18:35

James, your book absolutely changed my life. I owe you so much!

Lisa Frequency
Lisa Frequency - 12.10.2023 12:21

Something that has helped me so much to breath thru my nose to to keep my tongue pressed against the roof of my mouth. This helps to reshape the face .Over time I have noticed the muscles that are attached to my tongue. I lightly massage these muscles and work the tendons attachment to the bone giving extra attention in any areas of soreness. I also massage the areas of my sinuses taking care of the areas of soreness.. I think head and facial injury is a major cause of facial bone misalignment especially to the frontal bones of the skull. Although I do agree that soft foods do cause the facial muscles to not develop properly. I believe that many heads are injured in birth,

There are many yoga facial massage videos that will help align the muscles and the bones of the face and make breathing thru the nose easier.

Happilyretired - 12.10.2023 11:38

Awesome and hugely enlightening as always...such a great informative channel...Thank You...

Mama Sadembou
Mama Sadembou - 11.10.2023 23:18

This is so interesting! It made me think of birth. I’ve given birth to three children without any pain medication, and what gets me through is breathing! I remember it was the only advice I was given before having my first (breath through the contractions and slow down your breath), and it made absolutely no sense to me at the time, but now it makes so much sense!! 😃

Nancy - 11.10.2023 21:37

James, do you include adding plants into your indoors to increase o2 and plant use of Co2?

Deanna Maraschin
Deanna Maraschin - 11.10.2023 14:40

I had my first asthma attack at 2 years old the day after my tonsillectomy 😢. When they were discussing the air quality in the podcast room, I WISH Steven had asked if having some PLANTS in the room would improve the air quality (it should!) and more importantly, if plants would be able to improve the air quality enough to offset the high CO2.

Golnoosh Hataminejad
Golnoosh Hataminejad - 11.10.2023 14:26

How about swimming? Is it a bad exercise?!

WRG - 11.10.2023 13:16

That's a great video.

Kenny Wilson
Kenny Wilson - 11.10.2023 09:02

Evolved to breath

Anu Shree
Anu Shree - 11.10.2023 00:58

As a dentist when I understood this topic better since 2013 I have been warning patients and young ones , since we dentist are the first one to see it’s sign in mouth structure and teeth

n m
n m - 10.10.2023 23:51

What does he mean 'the few indigenous cultures left'? That makes no sense at all he has no idea what that word means clearly. The vast majority of the world population are indigenous to where they're from and live a very basic natural life. 80% of the world population are from Asian and African countries and virtually all the population from these places have been indigenous there for thousands of generations.

Lisa Croft
Lisa Croft - 10.10.2023 19:58

I find I’m continually hold my breath throughout the day 7 days a week. I also have to have a large glass of waster with me all day and when I go to bed.

Becky Stevens
Becky Stevens - 10.10.2023 08:59

I love you dude but please please lose the leisure jacket!!!!!

Randoms... - 10.10.2023 08:56

thank you for your channel. i have learned so much! just thank you!

Rachel Hurst
Rachel Hurst - 10.10.2023 04:24

I would respectfully suggest that the Melanite’s perhaps also have only a .5 percent rate of bottle fed babies, which corresponds with the argument that breastfed babies have MUCH lower rates of allergies and asthma!.

That's Sew Shy
That's Sew Shy - 10.10.2023 01:52

Reveals secret device: "I've been secretly recording our CO2"
Steven: "Jesus!" 😂😂

Christine Ellen Galbraith
Christine Ellen Galbraith - 10.10.2023 01:48

The suck swallow breathe synchrony develops in utero and often falters when breast feeding is not the predominant feeding method after birth. This synchrony is the cornerstone of human development & functioning and adaptive meaningful life. Every occupational therapist on the planet knows this!


Not subscribing ...
While you are using Jesus name as a cuss word.

ancilla Tragler
ancilla Tragler - 09.10.2023 23:23

Is ok to breath out or exhale only from the moutn

Tanya Paty
Tanya Paty - 09.10.2023 21:01

Can someone offer a clarification please about CO2. Raising our tolerance to CO2 is a good thing as it is a dilator and is necessary in releasing oxygen from the blood into the tissues. However, James speaks a lot in this interview about the high levels of CO2 in our indoor environments and how that is detrimental, but I did not hear him reconcile the 2 points of higher blood CO2 being positive and higher environmental CO2 being negative. Is it just that the environmental levels are WAY higher than what we would ever achieve with breath holds?
Thank you :)

Jaydon Rose
Jaydon Rose - 09.10.2023 18:40

Buy more plants and sleep with them in your room! 😊

Jonesy Bloom
Jonesy Bloom - 09.10.2023 09:24

These guys are so full of it, you breathe automatically, you breathe naturally.

Shawn Eary
Shawn Eary - 09.10.2023 03:59

This podcast is a wonderful gift to many. With that said, please be careful how you refer to my Lord Jesus Christ. I appreciate you helping people achieve ideal wellness. Let's respect religious freedom and the Almighty Lord of Grace while we do that. There are so many teenagers and parents that need to watch this...

13Dreams - 09.10.2023 03:20

As a massage therapist, I've learned to breathe quietly and fully through my nose for many hours in the day or my patients would feel strange listening if I were huffing and puffing. My doctors have told me I have a huge lung capacity, and I was prone to asthma all my young life. My breathing has definitely changed.

Robyn Kelso
Robyn Kelso - 09.10.2023 03:07

These interviews just get better and better. Stephen, you’ve changed my way of life through your guests. Thank you.

Susan Swinny
Susan Swinny - 09.10.2023 00:56

Undoubtedly the most definitive interview of James Nestor.

I bought his book Breath when it came out in 2020. I saw him interviewed many times and have since gone back to listen to a few of these interviews.

Then I just saw this interview.
This one is superior to any I've seen.

Personally, I was plagued from infancy through 17 years old with chronic respiratory infections. I had allergies and my parents were heavy smokers.
When I moved from Texas to Northern New York at age 18 (1970), my respiratory condition completely cleared within a couple of months and my sleep improved.
I also began swimming laps and practicing yoga.
My mental health and physical health improved.
In my late twenties, I began jogging and my mental and physical health improved more.

Then I broke my foot and was unable to run for several months, and developed depression.
After resuming jogging and walking, my depression completely went away.

Four years ago, I began chanting to see if it impacted my meditation practice and saw profound improvement in meditation and well-being.
It reduced depression, anxiety, and impulsivity and improved sleep.
My fitness tracker said my Spo2 during sleep went from 93% to 96%.

After seeing James Nestor interviewed in 2020, I tried the mouth taping experiment initially for a week when I was off from work.
In the past 3 years, I've taped my mouth during sleep and my Spo2 during sleep increased to 98% and eliminated major breath spikes.

I can't say where I'd be without great information throughout my life.

I'm so grateful to James Nestor for validating my experience and showing me the benefits of mouth taping.

Axeman A
Axeman A - 09.10.2023 00:53

Steven busting really hard for a fart and realizes nobody will be breathing at all let alone through their nose if he lets it go.

Ray Main
Ray Main - 08.10.2023 23:34

Sorry. I honestly don't mean to comment on all of these videos. But I found the title a bit hilarious. As a kid growing up, my mom was highly consious (?) about our relatively low social status in society. We ended up moving into an area with a lot of "relative" wealth and part of my regimen of keeping us from being Gomers. If one of us got caught walking around with our mouth hanging open.... We'd get a back hand slap to the face. But....on another twist, through elementary school and Jr. High, I was able to swim underwater one and a half laps of an olimpic competition swimming pool without have to take a breath. My coaches would freak out and I'd get in trouble if I tried to go two laps. LOL>

multiga - 08.10.2023 22:46

Thank you for this great video. It will definitely help me and my loved ones.❤😊

Gabriela McB
Gabriela McB - 08.10.2023 22:43

What can we do to fix it???😮

Beef Supreme
Beef Supreme - 08.10.2023 17:46

Drink fennel tea, with peppermint, ginger, cardamon, heavy in the fennel, it will dislodged old mucous from deep in your lungs

Seanna’s 11:11 Spiritual healing
Seanna’s 11:11 Spiritual healing - 08.10.2023 15:44

I love this. I nees to start teaching my children this.

Donna Quinlan
Donna Quinlan - 08.10.2023 14:25

There’s no such thing as ADHD there’s only wrong breathing at night. Breathe through the nose at night especially. Can correct “adhd “

one - 07.10.2023 23:59

Glimpse the grandeur of this read "The Hidden Empire: Inside the Private Worlds of Elite CEOs" by Adam Skylight

Gina Demetrius
Gina Demetrius - 07.10.2023 21:11

I like to whistle instead of humming. Is that bad, too?

Liam Lewis
Liam Lewis - 07.10.2023 19:32

Steve just a bit of constructive criticism. You have had heart surgeons on your podcast talking about the dangers of seed oils yet you continue to push Huel.
Also the mask talk in this podcast was deemed misinformation not long ago. Carefull they dont make up a charge against you like there doing too our Russell ❤

DancinWithShepa - 07.10.2023 14:54

babies learn to breath properly at the breast. bottle feeding has drastically changed the posture of the tongue which has changed our teeth alignment, nasal and sinus passages, and cranial bones. so not only is breast best for nutrition, immune health and mother baby attachment, but occlusion, posture and breathing.

BaiMengLing - 07.10.2023 12:21

I was neither breastfed nor given real food as a kid, but I sucked my thumb and hummed as a result I have large jaws and perfect 32 teeth (yes that is including 4 large wisdom teeth) Seems to me that autistic behavior can counteract industrialization sickening effect on people ;)

Chido.Therisa - 07.10.2023 07:28

I was up sick with a cold and a blocked nose and listening to this has been so helpful ❤ Thanks for the great content!

Chuck Borel
Chuck Borel - 07.10.2023 05:09

Anyone notice how often he's mouth breathing while talking?

spleesha - 07.10.2023 02:40

I seriously feel better after just watching this it's so true i'm a believer

Indracool 68
Indracool 68 - 06.10.2023 23:00

In india we do pranayam . .various types of breathig that cure cancers allzymers . . ...part of yoga . .what the expert is talking about is proven and is bang on . .

veronica miramontes
veronica miramontes - 06.10.2023 19:55

Me encantan este tipo de canales me gustaría que se traduzca al es pañol para poder entender mil gracias

Papa5murf1 - 06.10.2023 19:26

I have never heard so much rubbish - i am 53 years old - 54 this month and have been breathing through my mouth my ENTIRE life - i look and feel completely great. The human body is an incredible machine - if it didn't want us to breath through our mouths, then we would never have been born with the ability to do so!
