Different Loading Styles | Satisfactory Game

Different Loading Styles | Satisfactory Game


2 года назад

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TotalXclipse - 18.04.2022 19:04

Do you load your factory inputs as plainly as possible or do you add decoration?

Laugexd - 20.11.2023 18:18

started playing again recently and i was trying to come up with good ways of handling logistics, without any other influence i came up with logistics floors (although i called them routing floors), and it's only now after watching this video that i wasn't the first one to come up with it. Still a pretty good way of doing things in my opinion

Costeq - 30.07.2023 19:52

You builds look amazing and some people would most definitely use them and/or advice you are giving in these videos. However I personally think anyone that does that really makes the game less fun for themselves. In my opinion watching your lines build up, troubleshooting, tweaking, adding this new smart splitter you just researched to increase the productivity of certain machine is what makes this game great. Hiding your spaghetti lines under out of sight on your first playthrough - definitely not. Once you are more experienced or planning to do show factory - yeah, I don't see why not. I urge you all please don't follow any of these "perfect starter factory guides" to full extent. Watch it, learn a trick or two but try different things by yourself in this great game. Step by step. Learn on your own mistakes.

Nerdonis - 22.04.2023 09:37

I have played 200 hours of this game and have never even considered making anything other than a spaghetti nightmare. I really need to start trying a lot harder!

El Nemo
El Nemo - 23.03.2023 22:20

anyone else see the plastic bottles clipping at 9 minutes and couldn't hear anything else he said?

Vlambulance - 23.03.2023 07:53

How do you use load balance with more then 3 users? Like for example for coal power. A pure node of coal can be used for 8 coal generators.

Derpy! - 15.03.2023 11:32

Sometimes for my factories I do different rooms for steps of the process with a sort of hallway system connecting them.
For the liquids I have them come up through the floor, for the solids, once they come in for the first time (also through the floor) I then run them up to a neat conveyor bus along the ceiling, using conveyor wall holes to get them out of the room and running them on the ceiling of the hallway to their next destination.
I also use a lot of windows between the hallways and the little rooms and I think it looks really nice! I recommend trying it at some point

Johnny Ramirez
Johnny Ramirez - 21.02.2023 04:30

Can’t you just use a lower Mk belt to load the assemblers while using the MK 5 to be brought to all the other assemblers?

Valentyn Ank
Valentyn Ank - 03.01.2023 15:31


Plastic Creations
Plastic Creations - 05.11.2022 16:21

I prefer what you call service levels. Keeps the belts hidden away. I still seem to manage to get a mess at the moment but I'm still learning.

Bebeu - 27.10.2022 21:39

After making my starter factory, where I thought "I'll be lazy and just plop the manifolds on the floor", I learned the lesson and am making my next factory (A small one for AI Limiters) using logistics under the floor. I'm not finished yet but I'm sure it'll be so much cleaner. I also got the idea of using glass between manifacturing areas and walking areas, so it's fun to see that here as well.

Insentia - 26.10.2022 16:21

I try to go for different styles in different factories, to experiment and to have some variance. I'm making separate factories for almost all materials, though.

With one exception, Quartz. Silica and Quartz Crystals take 22.5 and 37.5 Raw Quartz respectively... Since that adds up to 60, I make a manifold that splits into 4 sets of 60 and then splits into two constructors.

MissTrillium - 28.09.2022 18:53

Goodness this looks so clean! I'm pretty new to the game, on my first save and on tier 3 I think? Just got coal power set up. I look forward to eventually redoing my base again (first time was because I learned about foundations)

Hylian LZ
Hylian LZ - 14.09.2022 21:27

Load balancing is such a chore sometimes, but a requirement if you play modded with a stack size changer like I do.

Leo - 10.09.2022 23:39

You've missed "pass through" setup, where constructors placed one behind another and each of resource lines splits before corresponding input

XxSynphulGryphxX - 07.09.2022 14:50

one thing that helps reduce manifold saturation time is to (as close as you can workout bottlenecking) match the belt throughput to the machine intake. this is especially useful if you have a lot of machines to feed off A high throughput manifold.

also, i might do a little light overclocking if i want to match up speeds and feeds a little tidier, though rarely I'll use more than one power shard for this

Denamic - 02.09.2022 17:08

I love soft clearance because it lets me make the spaghetti worse by clipping belts through each other, but also lets me keep it hidden under the floor

warp9pnt9 - 17.08.2022 15:41

In my (now infamous) "Compact Compacted Coal Generator" power plant, I was forced by the (questionable) constraint to fit the Assemblers in the vertical space between the Coal Generator and the bottom of the narrow part of the smoke stack. Since repeatability (somewhat) and compact layout are constraints, there is not much space between double rows of generators, so the only way the Assemblers fit is lengthwise, end to end. Inputs on vertical stack on one side, outputs on the other side. What's not repeatable is getting all that Compacted Coal from 33 Assemblers @ 99% into 56 Coal Generators at 250%. Still trying to think of a better way to clean that up. Maybe separate Assembler Output manifold from Coal Generator input manifold. I needed power badly, so haphazardly interleaved output manifold with individual splitters to each CG input. Not repeatable. Needs parmesan and bolonase.

Colton Ryn
Colton Ryn - 05.08.2022 17:48

Everyone. And I mean everyone should download the modular splitter mod. It's unlocked after regular spitters and mergers, before smart splitters and mergers, and is appropriately priced using modular frames and other mid game items to build them. It's a great way to save space, and avoid the annoying process of extra belt work for larger factories. It's also really nice in my opinion because it doesn't eliminate the utility of regular and smart spitters and mergers. Each logic device still has its place

Paul Töllner
Paul Töllner - 31.07.2022 15:03

whrere flooid guide?

Braunwin Burricks
Braunwin Burricks - 29.07.2022 17:42

What game is this

Goodman - 28.07.2022 15:48

I just started (~6hrs) and this was super enlightening. I was running spaghetti all over the place.

Derpumu - 28.07.2022 11:40

Personally I don't like the staggered splitters in the manifolds much . Instead, I stack them on top of each other, which is also easier to set up: one feeds directly into a conveyor lift, the others into short 90° bent belts that go into conveyor lifts with a 90° twist.
For assemblers, when I have the splitters directly on the floor (i.e. not using lifts), the stacked splitters stand lined up with one of the assembler inputs. The upper splitter feeds into that input via a short belt ramp, while the lower splitter feeds the other input via a short belt with two 90° bends.

Mr Lotus
Mr Lotus - 25.07.2022 08:17

Above or Below logistic levels are a great idea and I think I'll be using this in my next build.

Slime in a Box
Slime in a Box - 23.07.2022 08:16

Question, is a pumps head lift is divided between all pipes is pumps into?
Like if I put a four way pipe would each pipe get 10m of headlift?

ibdoomed - 20.07.2022 02:56

I like that you completely skipped packagers, such a F'd up design.

Dawnstealer - 13.07.2022 18:04

For my next build (when 6 goes live...although I might just do it on experimental since it sounds like it might be a long time coming), I'm planning on doing a lot more sushi belts, but having the smart splitter throw any overload down the line, and then dump it into an awesome sink. Great post!

ollj oh
ollj oh - 04.07.2022 23:33

why do you want to hide the logistics but show the assembler.
all i want to see is resources on belts and maybe the green lights on top of of working assemblers, but not necessarily the full assembler itself.

ollj oh
ollj oh - 04.07.2022 23:30

rtx games have spoiled me against upright glass walls, because screemnspace reflections just look terrible.

Brandonlink - 22.06.2022 18:46

His ideas are ok I guess, but the real answer for 99% of the player base is just massive spaghetti everywhere to the point even you no longer know what's going where

LilBitsDK - 12.06.2022 02:29

Man that pure iron into steel ingots is clean!

Derek Danie
Derek Danie - 31.05.2022 22:41

are there actual objectives in satisfactory??

Wintervoid - 31.05.2022 02:43

For manufactures I use a 780 belt with Smart Splitters and a sink at the end. That way, if not perfectly balanced, production will never get backed up. It is just much cleaner with 1 belt IMO.

Ilandria - 26.05.2022 21:59

I can't handle having belts directly above mergers/etc. - the fact that the bottom of the belt clips through the top of the merger and the top of the merger can be seen clipping through the belt stresses me out. I wish that Coffee Stain would re-design the machines to fit belts on top (or even just to make the machines themselves more stackable).

vanivari - 26.05.2022 11:47

I still struggle a lot in satisfactory with (un)loading trains. In Factorio it's pretty "easy" to design a max efficient way to load trains without any bottlenecks or slow downs, but in satisfactory due to the lack of good (simple and not taking a square mile of space) throughput unlimited load balancers, it is often the stain on a otherwise perfectly balanced factory (e.g.: my aluminium factory, which processes alle the bauxite from the map). So... if you're ever bored, that would be an interesting topic.

Kagrith Kriege
Kagrith Kriege - 24.05.2022 07:57

Look at this guy, with his 6th gen threadripper, his RTX 6900, and his 420GB of RAM.
Adding frames, and barriers, and pillars on all his conveyors.

Looks great bud!
Love the difference styles presented!

Audrius Kliukas
Audrius Kliukas - 16.05.2022 15:17

I was putting belts on the same floor as machines until I watched Scalti. I fell in love with using separate layers for all the logistics and since then, I use that style for everything. Conveyor lifts make it even more powerful and clean.

DurazellpcGaming - 14.05.2022 21:01

Thank you for all the great ideas yet again. One question. Does all the glass not reduce FPS or cause any occlusion issues? I know with other games the more glass the more lag/slower performance.

Isméry - 11.05.2022 23:55

Hello, can you like your map?

lumberluc - 30.04.2022 13:25

Oh... Now you just made them look sexy...


no juice
no juice - 29.04.2022 21:04

i use a giant bus system and everything comes from the bus above, and goes back to the bus. do you have any videos on how you make videos? i would love to make a video of my build. i think my bus system is the best way to feed a large factory ( i am a structural designer for a nation wide engineering firm in the US in rl). what programs, and other tools do you use?

TheFinagle - 27.04.2022 19:55

I prefer a version of the manifold but I use smart splitters to fully fill each machine in turn. On the output I will put a smart splitter followed by a container to store a buffer, and then redirect or sink any overflow to keep as much machine up time as I can.

Mark - 27.04.2022 01:08

Unfortunately this will also kill your FPS, because 1 such conveyor will have way too many elements, especially if it's going to be a big factory or a megabase.

storytsunami - 26.04.2022 19:41

I guess I'm missing something with doing Mainfolds for liquids. Whenever I try that same thing, the last few machines never seem to get enough liquid. Guess I'll take a look at your fluid guide.

game boy 007
game boy 007 - 26.04.2022 16:17

great video but for my personal opinion the music was a bit anoying, perhaps to loud or distracting, but i seem to be the only one complaining so it might just be my problem.

Matt L
Matt L - 23.04.2022 05:40

This is excellent!! Thanks for this
