How To Increase Or Decrease The Size Of Your Virtual Hard Drive In VirtualBox

How To Increase Or Decrease The Size Of Your Virtual Hard Drive In VirtualBox


3 года назад

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Ray Jacobsen
Ray Jacobsen - 03.03.2023 06:16

You can NOT decrease the size of your .vdi file by dragging to the left.

Zsolt Karacsony
Zsolt Karacsony - 08.12.2022 00:14

Shrinking not works this way :(

Fidel Silva
Fidel Silva - 02.10.2021 01:32

Greetings, how can I change a hd.dvi from 500Gb to 60Gb virtualbox. the dvi only have 6.9 Gb

Mass Media
Mass Media - 25.07.2021 08:27

Thank You, I never noticed that function. BUT, you cannot shrink a VM HD that way... shrinking is no longer supported. The way to shrink the Virtual Drive is a multi-step conundrum that I have yet to succeed at.
