Elite Dangerous Worth it in 2023!?

Elite Dangerous Worth it in 2023!?


1 год назад

166,372 Просмотров

Is Elite Dangerous worth picking up again in 2023?! While the game has had it's ups and downs, in 2023 it might just be worth it to shoot some aliens in the face!

Videos mentioned :
ED Hyper critical review : https://youtu.be/joU6-BGMZiY
EDO after a year : https://youtu.be/Ki4C1BQ37Nk
EDO is still not OK : https://youtu.be/fgiITuNYy50

#elitedangerous #spacesim #spacegame
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@lolroflroflcakes - 30.12.2023 19:23

It's like nobody told CIG that unless they make a banger of an FPS they are not going to really capture any larger of an audience, that or someone influential had their heart set on it and being a dissenting voice only put your job at risk. For real though space-legs was supposed to make our ships seem more alive and more like an actual character we work with and invest in instead of just a cockpit and some orange interaction screens but someone just went, "no you can do that with a menu and therefore its pointless busy work," and that killed it.

It's a movie about a man and a dog but someone decided to cut the dog from the middle third of the script.

@NeilAFawcett - 27.12.2023 13:05

The game has been wallowing in mediocre confused bolt ons now for 5+yrs. Such a huge HUGE missed opportunity due to poor management and design.

@joshm3484 - 23.12.2023 14:50

Exploration is still relaxing.
Until you remember you're looking at the exact same planet for the 200th time but still hoping to find something new

@terranu1 - 19.12.2023 16:24

Everytime I think of rebooting Elite I get insta pushed back by the obscenely boring and massive clusterfuck of grinding required to unlock engineered modules to do anything. Wanna pve? Evey npc has at least one heavely engineered mod making your standard ships useless against them. I had a blast way before engineering shit, game was great. Now it forces you to grind 50 hours on end just to be able to do basic missions without it being hard fk.

@zuuhl3703 - 18.12.2023 04:34

Bro console Stil got no odd addom

@conquerthafuture7209 - 09.12.2023 00:16

Its on console

@kzar33 - 04.12.2023 17:50


@nagyandras8857 - 21.11.2023 17:48

Just ... no.
X-wing had better combat. Not kidding.
Economics are... shit. Game is broke as fuuk. You can't do shite without 3rd party tools. Graphics is medicore .
Thing is , the game play is very repetitive and less Than medicore. Whst seems like fun at first , like docking, after 100 Times becomes a boring headache .

If you want what elite offers... Just grab x4 foundations.
Its not multiplayer, in Exchange you can own stations and everything else .

@MishaDark - 12.11.2023 03:50

Did they ever do the KEY FEATURE OVERHAUL?

@bremertoncitizen4667 - 02.11.2023 00:03

It's on console

@sirbum1918 - 20.10.2023 03:15

The main reason I stopped playing the game was the Engineers. Not the grind but no matter how many videos I watch I really never understood how it worked and I don't dare start playing again.

And I made top tier and got all the big ships but those pesky engineers, hell no! Also no matter the gear the game will give you enemies that match it so you really don't get any big advance upgrading it seems.

@patrickmace5340 - 05.10.2023 23:21

Would be if it were still actually supported on console. Which it's not. The entire game was abandoned. You can't even log into online servers on console anymore. I feel cheated and like I'm owed a refund because I own a game I can't even play.

@michaelheely - 03.10.2023 11:15

The answer is no

@markli3889 - 02.10.2023 20:07

Hell yeah!

@locuscades1906 - 02.10.2023 16:20


@REMEGORAS - 30.09.2023 16:32

I would love a refund on this steaming pile. Worse game ever, sometimes there's too much immersion. A lot of people do not have 6 hours to sit and jump around to something for 10 minutes of fun

@darthdude5122 - 25.09.2023 13:19

never liked the thargoid content, horrible conception and badly designed, space flowers? really? couldn't come up with something a bit cooler or scarier?, always felt like I got half a game since the other half will never get a look in

@candlestyx8517 - 19.09.2023 23:25

I put 1200 hrs into Elite, attempted to make the trip to Sagittarius A in an engineered Anaconda and got about halfway before becoming mind numbingly bored with jumping from one system to another. I never picked the game back up after that.

@GamerHudson - 19.09.2023 01:03

now we have Starfield so we can forget all this yay!

@johnterpack3940 - 14.09.2023 03:39

Even without buying Odyssey, it still killed the game. I got into E:D shortly before Odyssey. I wanted a space sim where I could trade, smuggle, and explore. I built up my credits, didn't mind the grind so much. Went from the noob Sidewinder all the way up to the Imperial Cutter. I think I have five ships total now. One thing I learned is that E:D is exactly like every other "space sim" out there in one key way... all the devs care about is combat. Instead of adding gameplay to make smuggling an interesting game of cat-n-mouse, they just made it impossible by giving stations magic sensors that know where you got your cargo and can even read the DNA of everyone onboard to know if they're wanted. Pop into an uninhabited system surrounded by uninhabited systems to do a little exploratory mining- bam! Magic pirates from nowhere. What Odyssey did was demonstrate that the goal of the dev team going forward was more combat. They weren't putting resources into tweaking Powerplay or improving the economy simulation. Nope, just fortnight-in-space. So I quit playing. Which is a shame. Because I popped back in to see what it looks like at 4k on a 75" screen and it is pretty amazing. But I have no incentive to play.

A word of advice to any game devs who stumble across this post-- people want an actual space simulator, not just Galaga with updated graphics. Look at the worlds of iconic sci-fi franchises to see what that looks like. "Star Trek", "Star Wars", "Firefly".... These are fleshed-out worlds where people live and interact. And combat only plays a small role for a small portion of the people in those worlds. Be the first to market with a "Sims in space" type of game and you will retire wealthy. People want to get lost in a game, they want to explore, to have fun. The Jack Sparrow wannabes aren't the biggest market.

@kellne2 - 13.09.2023 14:05

Console version is dead🎉

@TheRealMagicM15 - 11.09.2023 18:46

Y’all need to get on and come pvp not like we can’t make it poppin again. Have 2 space games instead of one 😊

@maze3020 - 10.09.2023 01:22

Yamiks needs to move to Star Citizen

@rodrigoillas6085 - 10.09.2023 00:15

Problem is, Star Citizen is absolutely freaking broken and Starfield is an arcade game. ED rn is the only space sim that works. If anyone knows about any other sim that's cool pls lmk :)

@monkeybarmonkeyman - 09.09.2023 01:31

IMO the best thing that could happen to ED is for it to be sold, lock, stock and barrel. This would inject money into the current 'owner' and let someone else incorporate some or all of the current ED into another game. I agree with you, the base game, the very core, was one of the best in many categories. The GRIND is horrid in this game. Period.

@iluvatarchem - 06.09.2023 19:33

You seem like a guy that played a 300 hour game for 10000 hours.

Just saying

@imgroot7035 - 05.09.2023 12:11

This game sucks so much. Let's face it, after all, the whole grind is due to the fact that, on the one hand, developers don't give a shit about their clients, and on the other, they simply have no other idea. In 2023, such a game is just not a funny joke. Frontier devs should give up space sims and preferably leave the electronic entertainment sector and design a new calculator for Windows instead. Perhaps such a task will not be too much for them. 😂

@morrgash - 03.09.2023 10:52

Elite had the chance of becoming the ONLY space sim game to play but they have wasted it...

@krisztiankoblos1948 - 02.09.2023 00:03

no mans sky do a better job post release.

@JustaCat21 - 01.09.2023 17:09

It is such a small thing, to walk around your ship, and yet it would make such a huge difference, to be able to set your ship to auto pilot and just walk around inside it

@Deskalt - 28.08.2023 22:41

droparam o jogo a muito tempo!

@Domyras - 22.08.2023 01:44

i did not feel the grind for my first year orso.
it was part of the immersive experience
life isn't all excitement and fun.

nobody ever shows the episode where Batman has to do his taxes.

@flatleythebardflatleytheba5597 - 20.08.2023 01:50

Sorry, but Odyssey is well worth it. Not sure why all the hate. Flame on.

@thehungergames51 - 19.08.2023 23:30

Honestly, after seeing how huge of a flop Odyssey has been, it kinda makes me glad Consol didn't get it, though it is hilarious seeing how empty Galnet is now, all we see are stations under thargoid attack and powerplay crap.

@ericcolona2955 - 15.08.2023 16:38

VR for this game is TOTAL crap

@fleetc - 14.08.2023 08:27

In 2023 everyone should be doing elite in VR...

@user-jf5yz1zw9l - 09.08.2023 15:11

Gen Xers and Boomers will still sing the praises of this game. Oh well, if you experienced Elite Dangerous from 2015 - 2017 you experienced the golden age of ED. Now it's time to let Frontier suffer the consequence of their actions and let it die finally.

@ravvij9643 - 09.08.2023 03:54

It'd be nice if a studio that gave a damn would puck this game out of Frontier's asscrack and clean it off and give it some much needed content.

@someprick7705 - 07.08.2023 19:51

The grind is what stopped me. If they reduced the grind dramatically, and increased the reward, they’d find a whole new generation of players joining.

@DabutCHeR3000 - 06.08.2023 19:01

What do you mean it got canceled on console? I just buy on xbox

@y_ffordd - 02.08.2023 15:57

Coming back to elite after a couple of years I bought Odyssey on sale, spent an hour doing walking around nonsense, it throws you into a non-consensual training mission, which is clumsy but OK. Then I quit the training nonsense and walked around a spaceport lounge buying suits and guns, didnt even fly my ship, not a great impression. I paid £10 to delete the word legacy from my intro screen, bargain.

@GSpotter63 - 01.08.2023 03:32

"The grind" I find some simply have no patience or fortitude to play a game like Elite Dangerous.... If that is the case then go back to Mario Brothers and have fun..

@porterwake3898 - 30.07.2023 20:56

Played for two hours, regretted my purchase.

@midgetydeath - 30.07.2023 18:23

It's cool and grand but boring.

@eeveeofalltrades4780 - 28.07.2023 06:10

I'm considering getting this on PS4 since it's on sale right now, but I found out they're ending support for PS4, so I'm reconsidering.

@markp2085 - 26.07.2023 13:22

I enjoyed playing in VR, except having to use third party tools. Constantly having to take my HP Reverb G2 off to see the third party tools is a real pain. I never got odyssey, but still love playing the main game. Its funny how the game hasn't changed (minus odessey) but now for some reason every one thinks the game sucks. Its still a fun game, sure it has its flaws, but flying around in space, especially in VR, wow!

@zigzag8949 - 26.07.2023 04:41

Woeful boring mess. The original was brilliant. This is the worst unfun experience on any game ever made. There is NOTHING to do, no content. 0/100 do not buy this game

@bleack8701 - 23.07.2023 11:37

"narrative EVENTS" ehhhh......event based stories.....

@Chrisphillipchanladyburnell - 20.07.2023 22:36

I bought this game when it was released on console in the summer of 2017. The game was so lackluster even back then. When they released that update and a few more I never noticed any differences or changes within the game. The game got stale I sold it after 3 months of throwing probably 90-100 hours into the game only to feel like I wasted my time. I sold it and got a sick game. Even after seeing all these new additions and updates and the game being 5.99 on the psstore I don't feel tempted on getting this anymore. Rather mess with prison simulator.
