The VICE documentary you need to see as one of Jehovah's Witnesses

The VICE documentary you need to see as one of Jehovah's Witnesses

JW Researcher Rose

2 года назад

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@gisella1350 - 28.12.2022 15:33

I sincerely hope that this documentary gets seen by all Jehovah's Witnesses. My sibling and I grew up with a physically abusive father. If we dared to speak to each other during the meetings, when we arrived home he would grab the electrical cable, he didn't care where on our body he hit us, including our faces. We had to walk to school with welts, back then child protection was not how it is today. He was in good standing in the congregation, butter wouldn't melt in his mouth, he was so fake nice at the hall. I got out years ago, This organization is an ugly, deceitful place. it is everything a Cult should be, I am sure that Satan is proud.

@RedNicole22 - 10.03.2024 07:39

I was born and raised JW. I was sexually abused by an elder as well. He was abusing his own stepdaughter, and myself from a different congregation, and no telling how many from his own congregation. I doubt anything come of it bc we knew the elders wouldn’t believe us children bc the two witness rule and would have blamed us, so we decided to move out. I moved out and slowly faded away, and only told my mom later as a high school student bc I knew children weren’t important in the KH. I never got baptized bc I knew I would lose my family, so I refused. My family knows of the sexual abuse, and make excuses for me as to why I left the “truth”. Oddly enough my brother was beaten up twice extremely bad, and the elders came to the house to make sure no one reported it to the police, and threatened us if we did, they would say it was our fault (children) who was to blame and have my brother committed. Unbelievable! He, my brother is still a witness to this day. Mind blowing! How can these ppl realize this behavior is wrong, but defend the organization that allows and encourages this to happen. 🤔 I will never know. I only recently started calling it what it is…a cult, I’m almost 50, and still dealing with childhood PTSD trauma that I doubt I will ever fully recover from. It is soul crushing and all fear based brainwashing in a sad attempt to make Jehovah into their version of God. The Most High God will make them accountable when they stand before HIM one day.

On another note, it’s amazing how so many worship the GB, listening to them makes me want to vomit. They are so condescending it’s sickening. They preach like their in a kindergarten classroom. How can they willingly sit there listening to these holier than thou child abusers protectors is beyond my comprehension, it is disgusting.

@PMaillet - 10.03.2024 02:45

The background noise (sound effects) is just awful. So unnecessary.

@perrygibson8419 - 04.03.2024 16:14

I despise that "religion". My grandmother passed away not long ago and we were at odds. Because of that "religion". I pray that the rest of my family snap out of it.

@rodriguez6196 - 04.03.2024 11:15

This wouldn't be tolerated at the hall I go to . An abuser would be reported to the authorities immediately.

@rodriguez6196 - 04.03.2024 11:12

Bunch of lies . And if so the abuser's will be delt with soon at Armageddon. You can not hide from Jehovah. The end is near. Doesn't change the fact that Jehovah's organization is true Christianity, this is still the truth, this us Gods chosen people.

@rodriguez6196 - 04.03.2024 11:08

Asher is a homosexual and she knows it's wrong but doesn't want to change. That's why she's truly upset..she knows her mother is going to be resurrected. She knows that if she wants to see her mother she's going to have to change her life style and repent.

@DannyPepprs - 03.03.2024 11:35

why is the first woman talking about abuse fake crying ? No tears

@JohPetersen - 02.03.2024 15:06

As everything in USA becomes increasingly corrupted, JW org. may not go free, just like the Catholic Church, what do I know as a regular Protestant Christian from Denmark? I believe that the extent of corruption in my country is far from what it is in USA. Having had conversation with JW in my country I really don’t have any impression whatsoever that JW should be corrupt, perverted og a cult. But I admit, I may not know more than a bit of what the organization stands for.

@anonemoose1695 - 28.02.2024 04:53

This cult destroyed my entire family. My dad became and alcoholic and drank himself to death 3 years ago due to the cult making my mum leave him because he refused to join.
I have ptsd from the mental abuse inflicted by my mum.
I wish a govt or something shut this cult down

@underscore3842 - 26.02.2024 22:11

Holy sh*t

@jasonblanzy - 26.02.2024 21:21

Mormonism is almost the same cult except for the baptism of dead people.

@SuzanneRacine - 26.02.2024 03:27

would say they
i would say brainwashed with no heart

@EricBurke-uu4lw - 25.02.2024 23:44

Im glad i left in my early teens like between 12-13. My whole highschool career was in direct opposition to what I was in elementary. I went right into deep end when i left to. Sold drugs ( though i had to because my dad wasn't really buying food)

@olgz384 - 25.02.2024 19:03

What I really don't understand is why do members of JW go to the elders to report crime instead of to the police? Why?

@arlieberry - 25.02.2024 09:34

i wonder how many people that leave end up joining another religion or totally leave religion behind

@xxxdreamglow_ - 24.02.2024 17:51

Initially they approached very kindly and helped a lot. Then they begin to control their psychology through attention and action. They said it was good for me, freeing me from my old self. they forced me to think and dress according to the organization's standards. Things started to go wrong when I gradually felt like there was something wrong with the instructor. I was thinking so much that I had to go to treatment for bipolar disorder. and they have a lot of contradictions in their words. The instructor told me not to change instructors to ensure the unity of the organization. and the elders said I could change the teacher. and when I had a problem with a teacher, the elders also told me not to tell others to ensure unity. but somehow the whole congregation knew my story. And of course there were a few young girls who couldn't resist their curiosity and asked me directly.

@xxxdreamglow_ - 24.02.2024 01:01

This is a real psychological control and mass crowd effects. I studying with JW and I feel something weird when they keep remind don’t watch or listen or read or search anything about JW on social. Now I understand.

@MetalheadBen89 - 23.02.2024 10:09

I watch this and feel nothing. I wish they had left something of me so I could

To whoever is doing the right thing for themselves and the children: you are strong. You are brave. Never let them see you beg.

@sarajarvis8873 - 20.02.2024 20:36

The lady in the red shirt is a hero. We must protect her at all costs

@michaelalt9828 - 20.02.2024 04:48

More Apostate lies and garbage

@kevinwarren1576 - 19.02.2024 21:02

Hello Rose., I have a question, why in the world would anyone ever want to be a Jehovah witness ? Are they insane ?

@bobyoung1698 - 19.02.2024 04:19

The longer I live, the more stories like this I see. I've known people who left "religions" like JW, including Calvinists, Scientilogists, Lastadian Lutherans, and several other demominations. The common thread is the same - members are made to feel isolated and powerless, prisoners in a system that promises a miracle down the road but delivers very little along the way.

@isabelleboulay2651 - 18.02.2024 16:07

Anytime there's an exclusive group of people whose rules could go against the law, and which regulations prevent people from having their own mind; you can be sure that Predators will find Refuge Within These associations and try to reach the higher echelons to maintain rules that favor their fetishes. They are well known for creating a whole lot of gas lighting and making the congregations believe that they are the ultimate rulers. The laws should not accept that these people can just afford to hire very efficient lawyers to bypass the legal system. The harm done to the victims will later be supported by the general population outside of these associations. Basically, no one in these groups are safe.

@johnrgoodman - 16.02.2024 18:39

Why would people belive this religious nonsense. All religion is a human construct it is all just made up

@jerameelvilladiego4781 - 16.02.2024 10:56

Almost all my relatives were witnesses.they were members for a long time.back then,there are no ways of finding if these religion is a fraud.i was thought as early as childhood about it's doctrines,thank God I did not become one of them.

@franswevers5039 - 16.02.2024 03:28

If you watch this, don’t ever give your life to this cult. Just don’t. YOU don’t need THEM. THEY need YOU. It’s not a symbiotic relationship; it’s just parasitic. Remember they call you “good for nothing” and “slaves.” That’s abuse. The New Testament doesn’t really say that you are a slave. It says: servant. That’s a part of the family. That’s different. A slave is a nobody. What would a “good for nothing (worthless) slave” be? Even less!

@franswevers5039 - 16.02.2024 03:13

I think the old guy blowing out a light match is pretty strange. If any of us did that about the JW’s or their business organization, we’d be charged with threatening behavior at least. This is not normal. This is cultic behavior.

@benwalker578 - 16.02.2024 01:46

I thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for opening my eyes to the lies of this cult! My story is kinda long so...
Long story short I lost everything because of guilt! I was just waiting on Jehovah to destroy me. I hated God! I didnt care if I was alive or dead. For me I always felt if God were real He wouldnt make salvation so hard. Through reading the Bible for myself I met Jesus. I found peace and love like Id never seen before. That was 20 years ago. Praise Jesus Christ I know my future and I no longer fear God! I pray for people stuck in this cult! Jesus loves you! Come to Him and be saved!

@user-sh6nx8ty8q - 16.02.2024 00:50

I hope the great tribulation comes for the governing body lol

@user-sh6nx8ty8q - 15.02.2024 23:35

I would love this video to played at the main district assembly lol

@davidgooden219 - 15.02.2024 11:47

Cult! Runn!

@FlipNasty1 - 15.02.2024 08:58

There hasn't been 100 and something thousand "good Mormons" accepted already ultimately filling the positions ?

@patricianoel7782 - 14.02.2024 23:07

Any stats on child abuse JW and stats on child abuse and LDS abuse . How about. Catholisism!😮

@AnthonyLong-hl5pk - 14.02.2024 16:20

Stay strong guys. You are great people and deserve the very best.

@haleyguthrie3113 - 13.02.2024 17:43

Being born into this church, i don't know how I turned out the way I did.
I called bullshit on this crap from my very 1st memory. Literally before kindergarten, I was blown away how ppl around me could believe such crap. Just after 9/11, I was 16 and took the bus into town to go to the mall. I met my husband just after he got out of boot camp there. We hung out all day, he was a southern Baptist and I grew up in rural WA state. He was so different from anyone I had ever met. The day i turned 18, his mom had already bought me a ticket to Alabama, he came back for leave a few months later, we got married and we never looked back. His family took me in, then eventually every single one of my 5 siblings. We are still married to this day, he literally saved me in so many ways. His parents were there for 6 strangers and continue to be.
If you are in a cult, if you can feel the BS - there are people outside these cult walls that are amazing people. You CAN be happy and be moral without them. ❤❤

@user-kj4fc3sd5i - 12.02.2024 18:09

Hospitals should kick the HLC out the hospital

@kam4520 - 12.02.2024 16:58

Wow this is very overwhelming lol I had no idea any sort of community like this existed.

@dv6509 - 12.02.2024 10:41

I was born and raised in this cult. It took years to feel completely free, even though I left 30 years ago. None of my JW family stays in contact, except for one member, very occasionally. I'm just glad I got out before having kids.

@insearchof9903 - 12.02.2024 05:36

I had basically a nice experience with the witnesses for all the years i was in the organization. When i decided to leave i just left and never heard from them again, no problems. I also think all religions are cults...i don't care which it is. If you're in a religion (no matter the sect or domination) then you're in a cult.

@SCORPIUSANCTUM - 12.02.2024 03:17

Love Vice docs like of the best I've seen. Thank you for sharing! I'm having chills of anger watching this

@marsenarichmond2208 - 11.02.2024 22:35

WOW - this almost looks like a hatred of an organization of humans, the bible itself warns about exactly this kind of stuff - take ANY large group of people and you will have pedophiles,adulterers,fornicators,homosexuals and then the non sexually related sins, I am not a Jehovahs Witness but have family who are, and I have been around it my whole life,so I get a different perspective than ppl who dont know 1st hand who Jehovah is and what His Word the bible actually says. Im 66 yrs old and have spent my life looking at not only Jehovahs Witnesses, but the many other "christian" religions plus many non christian religions. And I still havent found ANY other religion that makes real sense - witnesses do everything involved with anything that is a part of this religion - they do it without charging. No money to pay a preachers paycheck, they do get paychecks but anything having to do with "preaching the good news" is all on voluntary basis. This money thing has always bothered me because Jesus Christ himself only gave and gave and taught to do the same. Of course they have to take care of themselves and families, most do this.(take care of family) Jesus said "come drink lifes water FREE". you were freely given you must freely give. Now why dont I see videos about this kind of stuff? or how when disaster strikes, the witnesses come on their dime to help their brothers and sisters - BUT this a BIG BUT ,those same brothers and sisters help the neighbors also. Jesus said to love your neighbor, not just your friends or go to the same "church" I went years ago with some of my family,who are witneses to Haiti,when there was a devastating family and all of the other witnesses paid out of their pocket to go somewhere and help anyone in need, that 1 thing among others really stuck in my mind and I started watching and researching - what other churches do. The other churches were soliciting funds from their "flock" and that same "flock" pays their preachers paychecks. So you ask, well how are they able to keep the doors open? The bible says to give from your heart - Jesus told about a poor widow, she gave 2 coins of very little value and Jesus said "Truly I say that this poor widow put in more than all the others who put money in the treasury chests" the others had given out of their surplus, but she, out of her want. What I see and hear about the witnesses is that it is a worldwide congregation,even the study article from the Watchtower thats is studied on the Sunday meeting, is the same article that is studied worldwide on the same day(depending on where you live)world headquarters is in New York,with Branches for the different areas of the world. Point I'm trying to make is that, these people are in lockstep around the world - with what is learned and studied and for such a large organization as Jehovah's Witnesses are - they are on top of it around the earth. They actually do what Jesus did and taught his disciples to do, they scour even the most distant part's of the earth so ALL can hear the "good news of God's Kingdom" in the Lords prayer, Jesus taught us in Matthew 6:9-13 the basics of what our prayer's should cover,along with the other thing's prayed about and for. In Matthew 6:10 Let your kingdom come,let your will take place as in heaven,also on earth. I take that to mean that God's heavenly kingdom is an already established kingdom and that God's will to have perfect people, live on and take care of a perfect earth. Already in heaven, soon to be on earth. Someone told me that God doesn't plan- he purposes- a plan can fall thru,need changes etcetera. God's purpose for the earth(a perfectly functioning home)for perfect humans to live on and to have stewardship over. I know I've gotten off topic of molestation of children,by "brothers and sister's" in the congregation,I didn't mean to, it's just that 1 topic or 1 very ugly sin that Jehovah's Witnesses are being accused of, I do not personally know anyone that's been molested but I do know I hear about child molestation in all of the other churches including Witnesses. That makes me think that Witnesses are being singled out and made to look like they are the only ones sinning in this most grotesque way, bottom line is even Jesus had "a brother" stab him in the back for silver and Peter(beloved of Jesus) denied his Lord and friend 3 times before morning. Since Satan challenged God's right to rule in the Garden of Eden,Adam and Eve lost their perfect state and they began to die - all of their children were born imperfect and each generation from then on have lost a bit more of perfection ( remember 1 of our day's is like 1000 yrs to God). Human's lived much longer back then,Methuselah lived 969 yrs I think and we just keep getting sicker and weaker under Satan's rule (Jesus said that Satan was the god of this system of thing's) he still is until Christ with his angel's and Satan and his demon's - come together to do battle,at which time Satan and company will be abyssed for 1000 yrs(that 1000 yrs time will see the resurection of the dead (the 1st will be last and the last will be 1st). So sorry can't finish this now, but I do wonder why Witnesses are singled out? It's curious that a loving group of people who only seek to do God's will have been(Nazi Holocaust J.W also) and in ancient times also,unless like Rahab the prostitute from Jericho who warned the 2 men sent to spy thing"s out,as they were going to sack the city, Rahab said I do know of your God Jehovah and we have heard about how your God saved all his ppl and even Egyptian's who saw the writing on the wall (not literally)and said we are coming with you as we know your God is the most powerful God. I have a meeting in 5 mins so again I apologize for being all over and not able to finish some of what I was trying to say. Maybe before you judge a whole group on individuals action's, maybe you should be your own researching and know 1st hand and not whats being said about a much vilified religion and "some" of the member,s atrocious sins things that werent a 1 time bad choice,but a way of life.The bible say's that family member's will turn against us and will give you over to the authorities, if family members will do that - what can we expect from those that hate witnesses,and most time do not even know 1st hand. That sounds sketchy to me and sketchy is what the bible says we are to expect during the tribulation - YES christians will be turned on by the husband or wife that sleep's next to you. No organizaton whether large or small is going to be completely free from just about any bad thing you can think of, that being said(I am not a witness) since my parent's were witnesses I have payed attention to the bible and the teaching's and action's of a giant collection of both Witnesses and non Witnesses,also some middle eastern teaching's and some asian belief's also And even Krishna's. Here I go again haha, pls forgive this attempt at trying to let people see that - as per Jesus, satan is the god of this current system and systems that are this world. If this earth was already (like the heavens) already being ruled by our creator, things would be very very different, but since Satan knows all of this and he knows his time is short, he is just ramping up all of the wicked,evil plan's - he has gone to warp speed. Thanku any who took ur time to read my rambling comment.

@Marshall-uy2dv - 11.02.2024 21:37

Fear-mongering robots.

@kimcol1800 - 11.02.2024 09:03

Thank all of ya i never would have known why my brother has became so evil if ya didnt open up Thank ya from a sister with a broken heart.

@kimcol1800 - 11.02.2024 08:49

You are a strong person, i think its great what ya are doing. May God be with you.

@oceanluvin - 10.02.2024 02:04

So much domestic violence, child abuse, SA, incest BC Canada *not allowed to go to police or divorce your husband even if he was beating and r-ing you and your children. So called elders are just other pedos
Isolate you from anyone not in the cult ! Including your family.
Many second generation Jws that have been abused go onto commit suicide because they are shamed into silence. Women and children are “under” the man’s rules. So many many stories and so much suffering. I was lucky to end up in foster care

@latebloomingmid-liferiot566 - 09.02.2024 19:32

Lately I have been thinking more about my family that became JW when I was a kid. My aunt, that could have easily lived, but chose not to have a blood transfusion. And the uncle that I have never left my brothers alone with out of gut feeling. I deconstructed my evangelical Christian faith, and I am so angry that people feel they have to live like this...die like this.

@shirleybezuidenhout2724 - 08.02.2024 12:49

Very interesting indeed. They deny that they are a cult. They have their own Bible's that don't even look like other religions Bible's. My mother started studying with them and little did we know that our whole lives would change. No more celebrating birthdays, and no more celebrating Christmas. We were all baptized as babies in the Anglican religion. My brother and I never liked the JW. My mother tried to force us to go, thankfully my father stepped in and said that she must leave us to follow the religion that we were baptised in. Later on in life my mother left them, but my sister continued with them. She was so scared to go for any type of operation due to the fear that she might have to have blood. She had thyroid problems that she had for years without going for an operation. This affected her heart and has since passed on.
They want to force their beliefs on other people.

@calvinedwards3981 - 07.02.2024 03:26

There's nothing Biblical remotely, hint any fear of such, that's an invented lie, to control, used, and abuse you, how evil is this organization. How sad

@andreatheherbalist - 06.02.2024 23:13

The problem is, there are too many bible verses advocating rape etc. It has rules on what to eat, and discharges. But not one word saying not to rape your children. I think that is one small reason it is so prevalent in churches, catholic, JW, mormon etc. They can find biblical support to rape. It's all in there.
