What's the Easiest Language to Learn?

What's the Easiest Language to Learn?


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Anedonia - 14.10.2023 19:58

Native: Portuguese
Easy: Galician, Spanish, Italian, Romanian
Fairly easy: English
Medium: Germanic languages and French
Difficult: Celtic, Uralic and Slavic languages, Greek and Turkish
Very Difficult: East and south Asian languages, Arabic, Hebrew, Georgian

Carlos Ninck Silva
Carlos Ninck Silva - 13.10.2023 02:22

Native: Brazilian Portuguese
Easy: Spanish, English, Italian, French
Hard: Russian, Turkish, Finnish, Hungarian, Hebrew
Very hard: Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Farsi

Heloneida - 02.10.2023 17:28

Your explanation makes perfect sense. Perhaps the easiest language for a foreigner to communicate with a native, perhaps it is Portuguese, and we, natives, will understand it easily and quickly, as the foreigner does not need to pronounce the perfect word and phrase, even if they are broken or mispronounced. , we completely understand what they are saying. experience gained in the tourism sector, small craft shop for years, I also speak English and I know that if I don't pronounce the correct word they won't understand me, also from my own experience living here in Canada 😂

Chausiku Jasmah
Chausiku Jasmah - 01.10.2023 23:53

English is da easiest language to learn

วชิรญาณ์ ขุมทอง
วชิรญาณ์ ขุมทอง - 01.10.2023 14:15

Native : Thai
Easy : Laos , english and spanish
Hard : Russian

SitaroArtworks™ - 01.10.2023 03:15


Ольга Бохан
Ольга Бохан - 30.09.2023 00:57

Я русская. Легко было учить английский - его я учила с детства, влюбилась в английский язык сразу, учила взахлеб, активно им пользуюсь всю жизнь, много читаю и слушаю. Итальянский и испанский - легко и приятно:) Польский, украинский, болгарский языки - легко и с восторгом узнавания понятного мне:) Французский язык - сложнее, очень много исключений из правил, но какой же красивый язык! :) Финский и литовский языки - довольно сложно разобраться в грамматике вначале, но потом начинаешь чувствовать логику языка и идет легче. У финского и литовского языков фонетика для русскоговорящего довольно не сложная. Прекрасные, певучие, красивые языки! Арабский и иврит - очень сложно. Надо практически перестроить мышление - логика языков другая, чем все то, что я знала раньше. Но невероятно увлекательно! Огромное спасибо Полу за его интереснейшие видео! Всегда слушаю с огромным интересом и удовольствием! И какая же колоссальная, кропотливая и профессиональная работа стоит за этими видео! ❤

Jack the Dipper
Jack the Dipper - 30.09.2023 00:02

I think Dutch is the easiest to learn but the hardest to pronounce.

colin mcewen
colin mcewen - 29.09.2023 13:15

the most easy langauge to unerstand i found is portugese

Ruby King
Ruby King - 28.09.2023 19:23

Native: Spanish
Fluently Afrikaans, then I learned French fluently through Afrikaans. Dutch was served in platter after that. English came along was a piece of cake. But then I hit a wall with fucking German but did it anyways. Became fluent in German not following Dutch but through French and English. Right now deep into Russian and Arabic but my real goals are Chinese and ultimately Hebrew. I'm speaking for my own experience, every language is easy to learn as long as you start thinking in that language. Then your hability to retain and store that information is key to learning. These two factors are key to become polyglot. Test yourself from time to time how keen are those factors in you. Last but not least, every time you learn a new language a new door opens for you in the future. Much like in the movie The Matrix, the more you know you more you wanna now about that particular language, history, heritage etc. It does end by just learning the language itself but it goes on and on and on. I have friends who only speak their native language and will not dare learn another one. I sometimes envy them the same way I feel others wish the could read in another. I had to learn Spanish properly in other to become polyglot. Good luck to everyone.

Bonus Bronstein
Bonus Bronstein - 24.09.2023 06:51

Native: German
Easy: English
Fairly easy: Spanish, Italian
Most difficult romance language: French
Difficult: Latin
Very Difficult: Japanese

Stanislaw Gadomski
Stanislaw Gadomski - 24.09.2023 06:50

The most beautyful is Solresol

DCemre - 21.09.2023 15:26

native: Turkish
easy: Korean (topik lvl4 / B1), Japanese (B1), english (B2), spanish, mongolian and hungarian
hard: german (A2) (articles...)
impossible: arabic, chinese, french (the pronunciation is like a nightmare), and languages ​​that use the cyrillic alphabet

Luri Language Learning
Luri Language Learning - 16.09.2023 21:24

I thnk every language is easy learning for the speakers of the same family. For example, Learning Luri is easy for Persians and Kurds.

Sibyllarium🌟🌹 - Cartomancia e Oraculismo
Sibyllarium🌟🌹 - Cartomancia e Oraculismo - 15.09.2023 10:35

Native: Portuguese🇧🇷
Easy: Italian, spanish, german, french
Medium: English (simple grammar rules, but the pronounce sounds hard to me, in especial "th" phoneme)
Hard: Chinese (mandarim)
Super Hard: Arabic

Jerry_Lertdej - 14.09.2023 00:05

Native: Thailand
Easiest: Lao
Easy:myanmar Cambodia
Hard: Chinese, English(Which I able to perfect it lately)

Little Rooky
Little Rooky - 09.09.2023 00:14

Easy language is english because many movie, book, programing etc is all english. That's why we indirectly we can use english. I am from Indonesia and can learn english from movie and book. Despite my speaking is not good, at least i know all you word in this video.

Olga Ilicheva
Olga Ilicheva - 07.09.2023 16:23

Native: Russian
Easy: English, French
Hard: Japanese

WiggleBabies - 06.09.2023 09:26

I'm a native English speaker. I took Spanish courses in highschool. I really wanted to take Japanese, but I was freakin scared lol. Spanish wasn't too hard, but it was boring for me. I also couldn't really keep up with the tape recordings. I needed the teacher to speak very slow. I wasn't very good, but when it came to reading it, it was fairly easy. The hearing or speaking was way more difficult. I needed time basically lol. I should have just sucked it up and took Japanese, even though it was going to be way more difficult. It would have been reallllllly fun though. At least a lot more fun than Spanish.

WiggleBabies - 06.09.2023 09:23

Really like your channel, was curious about the romance languages and was watching your Romanian vids. What is your native language if I may ask? You're a linguistic master!

Mickey Ray
Mickey Ray - 04.09.2023 03:11

I'm a native English speaker from Florida. I believe the easiest major language to learn is surely Spanish. (and don't call me Shirley)😊

Pacco Enzo
Pacco Enzo - 03.09.2023 03:45

Merci beaucoup! Je suis originaire de l'inde. J'ai fait mes études en anglais. Moi même je trouve que la langue française est plus facile et logique.

Catherine Themba
Catherine Themba - 30.08.2023 14:12

Disagree. Easiest language is Afrikaans.

natural healing
natural healing - 30.08.2023 11:56

native: korean.
easy: japanese, chinese, cantonese, taiwanese, vietnamese, indonesian, Mongolian.
hard: north korean.

Der Lindwurm
Der Lindwurm - 29.08.2023 23:35

When I was at university, all the people who wanted to cop the ** out of the language requirement took ASL.

john fraser
john fraser - 29.08.2023 20:28

Big thanks! Very helpful.

Ticked Off Sheikh
Ticked Off Sheikh - 28.08.2023 22:49

What's category 4... hope it's like a hurricane?

Mike Schroepfer
Mike Schroepfer - 27.08.2023 17:35

For english speaking Americans? Afrakanner, Flemnish possibly celtic.

Eden67 - 26.08.2023 09:43

Romanian here!!! O strigare pentru toti Romanii!!!

Summerfish - 23.08.2023 02:31

Paul, why are some languages more komplex than others? Why a language keeps itself komplex when it would be maybe more ressource-saving (for example for the kids to learn it) to get simplified through generations? I thought that all languages kept some kind of similar general komplexity (some more in pronouncitation, some in grammar, etc)

hazhar omar
hazhar omar - 22.08.2023 12:44

i think its kurdish , persian or spanish

Blu Tex
Blu Tex - 22.08.2023 12:06

English has so much Latin-based words I found Spanish to be pretty darn easy. Verb syntax similar, phonetic and NO CASES.

TT - 21.08.2023 12:38

Native: Swiss-German/German and Vietnamese (mother tongue)
Easy: English, Dutch
Normal: French, Spanish, or Germanic languages in general, at least when it comes down to comprehension when reading WITHOUT having studied them
Hard: Japanese, Tamil, Hindi

I cannot wrap my head around how Japanese works but I also haven't invested enough time to sit down and understand its structure in its entirety.

benjie groff
benjie groff - 20.08.2023 09:20

Being a native English speaker who has tried my hand at learning numerous different languages, saying that any language is even remotely close to being easy to learn for an English speaker is wrong. It’s too Romance for it’s speakers to learn Germanic languages easily, and too Germanic for it’s speakers to learn Romance languages easily. So essentially, if you let your language be too influenced by other languages, it might end up in this kind of linguistic grey-zone limbo.

olissime01 - 19.08.2023 16:14

There is no rule, it all depends on wate a native speaker you are. For example, native english speakers are very bad at speaking thai whereas native french speakers are rather comfortable in speaking thai.

renangv - 17.08.2023 12:00

Native: Portuguese
Easy: Spanish since it is a bad spoken Portuguese in the end of the day :)

Hoopermazing - 17.08.2023 10:44

Plus ol Paul is Canadian. That has to add something to the ease of learning French.

Andrew Ph
Andrew Ph - 17.08.2023 10:13

I just finally took a look at Arabic letters, and I decided I am not into it. Not impressed. All the cursive big lines and dots seem kind of arbitrary. If you want implied vowels and such, I like burmese better. Beautiful script, but I think Hindi and its Sanscrit derived letters are going to be way more straightforward and easier for a native indo-european speaker. Also, if you dont know anything about semetic languages (probably somewhere you actually do, since the age of them, Israel, Assyrian, etc.) wouldnt it be like starting over?

Andrew Ph
Andrew Ph - 17.08.2023 10:08

I think the way to approach Japanese is , it is about as simple as it can be. There wasnt a common writing system, so the only universal descriptions on things were simplified chinese characters. which should more or less sound similar and mean the same, except obviously japanese doesnt sound the same, they dont have a common root. But they needed a way to communicate ideas and sounds and places that didnt work so well with pictographs, hence the consonant-vowel pairs. I dont know for sure, but seems like memorizing all the japanese, and also alphabet for 3rd party foriegn words is the hardest? grammar, pronunciation? simple, or who cares?

nanka2002 - 16.08.2023 16:48

ქართული, anyone? :)

Matty - 16.08.2023 00:59

Native: Portuguese (Portugal) & Capeverdean Creole
Super Easy: Any language or dialect that comes from Portuguese like Papiamento (including Macau, Timor, Curaçau, Aruba), Malaysian Kristang;
Easy: English, Spanish, French, Italian;
Medium: Russian, Ukrainian, Greek (because of the common/similar words with Portuguese);
Hard: Dutch, German, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic;
Super Hard: Hebrew, Amharic, Arabic

Gerard Price
Gerard Price - 15.08.2023 03:52

Native: English
Easy Welsh, Scots
Scots? No, definitely Welsh. The Spanish or French verb is a thousand times more complex than the Welsh verb. In Welsh, even the irregular verbs are all conjugated the same way. The grammar is a word-order grammar like English or Chinese instead of a word-ending grammar like Spanish. Welsh should be taught in every grade school to teach people the joys of language learning. When is Duolingo going to offer Scots as a language?

faix - 14.08.2023 10:42

Hi, What about Interlingua ?

Luna R
Luna R - 14.08.2023 08:48

Ada Indonesia coy!!! 🇮🇩

seoul_muks - 13.08.2023 09:14

your motivation and interest for a language also determines how easy the language learning process will be for you.

Filippo C. B.
Filippo C. B. - 08.08.2023 18:25

Native: Spanish & Italian. 😎
Easy: All romance languages. 🤓
Medium: English and other germanic languages. 🤠
Hard: Semitic languages and eastern asia languages. 😰
Immpossible: To learn my amerindian ancestors language (arawak family) 😓

Hoàng Quân
Hoàng Quân - 08.08.2023 17:29

Native: Vietnamese
Easy: Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, English, French
Normal: Korean, Slavic languages (Ukrainian, Polish, Russian...)
Hard: Czech, Chinese, Japanese, some Northern Europe languages

Javad Taghizadeh
Javad Taghizadeh - 08.08.2023 12:23

Nativ: Persian
Easy: German
