Custom Reusable Buttons (Swift 5, Xcode 12, 2020) - iOS Development

Custom Reusable Buttons (Swift 5, Xcode 12, 2020) - iOS Development

iOS Academy

3 года назад

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bola gamal
bola gamal - 10.07.2023 17:04

thank you, it is very useful.
if anyone is trying to implement this Custom Button, i have a comment on the custom button action not triggered?

Reklama_S - 13.04.2023 20:38

didnt work

Life Of Coleton
Life Of Coleton - 07.01.2022 04:10

How Do You Use this but handle the different states, and change the font weight based on state?

Pretty Girl
Pretty Girl - 11.12.2021 09:18

"ba en"

T G - 30.11.2021 13:46

How do you do this frame.size.width - 5 etc. stuff?? Is there a tutorial re this?

Dewi Gesrek
Dewi Gesrek - 14.09.2021 18:07

when disabling the translateauto thinggy to add the constraint by our self, the width and height that we set is irrelevant, and we need to add ut again. how do I fix it?

Shane White
Shane White - 25.07.2021 20:11

Fuk, how many lines of code needed to write a one button. It should be like, "width, height, rounded corner, colour, text : Align center, Ontap --> do this shiit" simple. It's possible, but language developers make the code more complex to attract programmers, nothing else.

Anthony Junior
Anthony Junior - 15.02.2021 02:37

Great video. Would have been great if you'd also shown dynamic type and getting the buttons to respond to dynamic type changes.

M - 26.11.2020 19:10

This is a great tutorial, I would definitely implement it in my app. One issue I had is that inheritance from UIButton always returns a button with type .custom I'm currently still trying to change it to UIButton.ButtonType.system if anyone fixed this please let me know. One more thing, instead of using a label you could use this: setTitle(viewModel.text, for: .normal) which is also very much customisable.

Ekko Gaming
Ekko Gaming - 21.11.2020 11:14

can we resume the instagram course? it was the best out there ..

Pratik Gajbhiye
Pratik Gajbhiye - 20.11.2020 10:09

Its a personal request to make a video on the horizontal collection view menu at top and can change the view controller in swift

.Like instagram have in below the search button once you press

Daniel Peters
Daniel Peters - 20.11.2020 05:13

Are you finishing the Instagram tutorial?

Mitglied99 - 19.11.2020 19:48

awesome! thanks a lot from germany :)

Irsyad Ashari
Irsyad Ashari - 19.11.2020 19:33

Please Whatever you do never stop this channel you have help us alp through the beginner hell of our ios journal development

Vishweshwaran R
Vishweshwaran R - 19.11.2020 18:09

Please put more tutorials on SwiftUI. Your teaching skills are great

Albert Campos
Albert Campos - 17.11.2020 17:10

Cant wait for it to drop!
