Finnish things I learned working as a waitress in Finland | Part 1

Finnish things I learned working as a waitress in Finland | Part 1


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@just42tube - 20.03.2022 17:24

I don't have any food allergies, but I have very often been in situations where I as a member of some group haven't had any knowledge where we are going to go to have lunch or dinner.
Not all such situations are so we'll organized that someone had collected information from all participants or even known beforehand who will attend the event.
Especially when I have been hosting some business customers as part of some sales or training event, I have sometimes learned about who will come from customer businesses only when they have arrived.

@just42tube - 20.03.2022 17:40

You're right in that frankness isn't seen as negative as in many other cultures. It is actually seen as a valuable and respectable characteristics. Frankness don't have to be seen as hostile, uncivilized or unrespectful. When someone is frank with you, then you are treated as an adult and able person, who deserves to hear what the person had in his or her mind without sugarcoating.
But sure, it is also possible to be frank and impolite at the same time. When people come from different cultures, communication gets difficult and the communication of such nuances gets very unsure even if they would speak the same language.

@just42tube - 20.03.2022 17:54

I would take request to get in front me in some line not as a question of principle but more as a case by case exceptional situation, and would evaluate the situation and give my answer accordingly.
Lines exist because that is a way to give equal service to all, which is a key principle.
But I would weigh in the whole situation. I would consider how much it would effect me and people behind me and how important would it be for the asking person to get what she or he asks.
I understand there are exceptional situations and then exception need to be made to have reasonable solutions.
The best approach is usually letting other people in the line to know about your problematic situation and letting them makes their decision.

@just42tube - 20.03.2022 18:11

Välikäynti - I wouldn't say that is is Finnish custom. To me much of the restaurant culture and customs are adopted from elsewhere.
I could be wrong, but I see no reason to think is anything less than a European way of checking how customers are doing.
What you say how people behave seems what I have seen, but not just in Finland. But as always, people have different backgrounds and individuality. Some eat out a lot and can have learned to be more demanding and less timid to express their dissatisfaction.
Some might feel that complaining would just make the situation worse. They don't expect the restaurant to be able to do anything positive to fix the situation. And of course there are also people, who like to complain even without much reason, as it seems to make them feel more important or something.
In a customer care situation you get to meet all kinds of people in different states of mind. People just aren so rational or balanced, and that shows.

@just42tube - 20.03.2022 18:24

Hmm. More than 30 years ago in Tampere I went to a restaurant and asked for a dish which they didn't have on their menu, but which I had been told to be available anyhow, if you knew to ask about it. All I knew it was something special and had garlic.
The waitress said that she didn't know about it and the kitchen didn't give any more positive comments, but promised to serve something.
What they served to me was very simple and brutal: it was mostly just black coffee and garlic.
And as a polite customer I ate what they offered, without complaining. It wasn't at all what I had excepted.
But if my memory serves right, they didn't change me for that dish.
It was one of the best ethnic restaurants, if not the best, in Tampere in those days.

@just42tube - 20.03.2022 18:32

Could it be that some people just try to take unfair advantage of the possibility of complaining and of getting some compensation without real justification for it?
It is easier to do remotely as then you're not faced with people who have seen that you didn't seem to have the problems you're complaining about.

@Hypetreme - 20.03.2022 20:05

I never understood people who complained about little errors in their meal. I'll get that it is their right but for me it would be too much of a hassle and I'm not that picky eater so I would just finish my meal anyways.

@thinkabout602 - 21.03.2022 01:31

Jadeziii , You are doing an excellent job of giving us viewers the inside story of your very interesting life. We also enjoy hearing about the Finnish culture differences with the Mexican culture. Thank YOU and best wishes for your channel. 👍 🌷☮🌷

@thinkabout602 - 21.03.2022 01:53

As far as you saying the word (like) a lot, that is absolutely no problem because you know 3 languages and should be very proud of your achievements. So don't worry about that. Looking forward to many more videos. 👌 From Florida 🌴

@ralfhaggstrom9862 - 21.03.2022 03:38

Have you heard another finnish word for cleanin-lady; PARKETTI KOSMETOLOOGI ..........

@ralfhaggstrom9862 - 21.03.2022 03:40

I think that a lot of those "allergies" are "homemade", and the gluen thing is just "popular", because most of them do not even know what gluen is.

@ralfhaggstrom9862 - 21.03.2022 03:49

Lots of allergies ?, sell them some cognac, ......

@balijukka9963 - 21.03.2022 08:53

Don't fool yourself. Nobody, not even the Finns, understand Savo. That language is created to mislead your thinking to wrong concusions. :D

@balijukka9963 - 21.03.2022 10:10

Finns are smart in that they complain afterwards. One thing you don't do is to complain and then let the staff spit or clear their nose in your food behind the kitchen doors..

@vesakaitera2831 - 29.03.2022 23:01

In Finland we do have very many allergies, and the amount seems to be increasing. The biggest reason is perhaps the thing, that a big majority of small babies are growing up in Finland in a very sterile environment. It does not enough stimulate the defense organism of the babies. The result is an allergy.

The restaustant culture in Finland is relatively youg and thin. Here a customer of a restaurant, especially if he seldom uses the restaurant, feels to be more a mouse than a king. He wants to keep a low profile not to disturb the personnel or the other customers. I have made a noise only if the dish given to me has been a totally wrong one. If it has been only slightly off the target, then I have in most cases suffered my punishment quietly (kärsi, kärsi, kirkkaamman kruunun saat). I think, that might be a typical Finnish reaction. There are some Finns, who actively write comments to the net, my son being one of those. Now there is no real control, and the mouse suddenly becomes a lion, who butchers his enemies (the bloody restaurant personnel) without mercy. I am not claiming, that these from behind stabbers would be a majority, but to a Finn a negative thing is much easier to write than to say. But to a person, who will get such negative feedback, would certainly prefer to hear that immediately practically in private than to share that comment with perhaps 50000 readers. But it seems probable, that many of those, who are writing a very negative feedback to the net, never have worked in a restaurant.

@0Quiwi0 - 15.04.2022 11:15

Yes you can be allergic to pretty much anything, but a lot of them are really rare. For example if someone says they are allergic to bell peppers it's more likely that they just don't like them. The percentage of the actually allergic people are so low that most people never meet one that has that allergy. I'm slightly allergic to tomatoes. It's somewhat rare. Mine is just so mild that I don't give a damn. I can handle a little itchy throat for an hour for tomatoes

@0Quiwi0 - 15.04.2022 11:36

The overpriced thing usually means "this is not good enough for the price". So they are not saying the prices are too high, but that the quality is not good

@Paltse - 05.09.2022 11:57

If I happen to find myself in a police jail I have to remember as a customer to complain immediately that I didn't pay for this, this is bad experience, I don't want a refund, but I'd like to go free now. An unlikely scenario in many ways, but one has to have a plan for these things before they happen, rather than winging it as it happens.

@irinafresolone9384 - 10.10.2022 07:07

I like your videos very much. I admire your hard accomplishments..... I only have one question.... Wasn't it easier for you to go to Canada instead... knowing English already? Why did you choose Finland?) thank you...

@MikkoRantalainen - 22.01.2023 23:28

I think the stereotype that Finns are shy is actually simply misunderstanding of silence. Finns are totally okay with not saying anything if they don't have anything important to say and that's interpreted as being shy.

@madytheaimbooT4126 - 07.06.2023 09:05

I love to watch your content love from india ❤
