Why Jgigs Quit Raid: Shadow Legends

Why Jgigs Quit Raid: Shadow Legends

Darth Microtransaction

1 год назад

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BuzzaB77 - 26.08.2023 07:07

wait, people play that piece of s**t non-ironically???

BluishGnome - 13.08.2023 19:41

Damn, you have some great interviewing skills! You should do this once in a while for other games that you play.

MrSyntax - 08.08.2023 21:41

Say word people actually play this game lol

J k
J k - 04.08.2023 13:26

summoning events are the only thing that make the ''game'' fun lmao.

hitorinishitekure - 31.07.2023 15:24

He quit for a whole month.

Lanie H
Lanie H - 30.07.2023 23:03

Darth is such a good interviewer and conversationalist. Asks really thought provoking questions and knows how to listen! Excellent interview/conversation ❤

April LaRoche
April LaRoche - 21.07.2023 13:28

Spend money to make money. If you make your player base happy the whales and krakens WILL come. Yes it's that simple

munki lee
munki lee - 19.06.2023 01:36

he was like you. he was gone and came back and playing RSL again 😂😂😂

MadManMax - 10.06.2023 20:23

When I played raid Darth and Jgigs were the best.

RadeePacman - 31.05.2023 13:55

big deal... nobody care.. it's just a mobile game lol
. for example, nobody talking about Ivy Lee anymore.

Tyrannosaurus_STFU the III
Tyrannosaurus_STFU the III - 30.05.2023 20:06

Fyi....Eternal Evolutions is going down the same road.

They are getting very shady and setting whale only paywalls...

I'm about done

Ballistic Frisbee
Ballistic Frisbee - 30.05.2023 13:27

itz ez: Plarium 100% does more for the cc's. Without a game theres no cc's, theres no way around that fact;) ps, i fkin hate plarium!

Paul Hurtubise
Paul Hurtubise - 29.05.2023 22:55

Agreed on the skins. There should be some form of in-game currency to earn pieces of them, so that it's an accomplishment vs I-just-bought-it-whatever. The fusions definitely keep me in the game (started March 2020) especially since the game allows you to structure your hamster-wheel reality. I know that every few 100 turns I'll get something new; and every now and often in addtion I might get a Siphi or a Duchess etc... AND without paying a dime. I also think that the goals in the game are more easily identifiable - not necessarily easier to achieve - than in most games. And they lay it all out in a way that's relatively simple and easy to follow (i.e. doom tower, campaigns) so that you know what you're working toward and have a decent concept of what you need to do. Not in all cases (i.e. 3v3 arena, Hydra (i.e. why continue once you have Mythrala?)) but in most important, core aspects.

Matt Gibson
Matt Gibson - 29.05.2023 15:27

Good chat. I can say from a personal perspective that if it wasn't for the Raid CC's I would've been gone from the game within a month. Plarium does graphics awesomely well, does game progression well, but one thing among many that they really suck at is new player guidance. The in game help is pretty much non-existent and without Deadwood, Ash, Skratch, Smiley, Chosen, Cold Brew, HH and others (in no particular order) most new players would be lost, especially now.
The starting quests and challenges send players in the completely wrong directions such as fully equipping a champion with attack gear, upgrading Great Hall attack bonuses, and sending new players to areas 20 levels before they should even contemplate being there lol. Luckily for Plarium there is a group of CC's that give players the guidance they need, and stops them from giving up in frustration when getting lost in the content. As it stands though I'm giving Dragonheir a run and having fun, and where I used to be in Raid for at least a couple of hours per day it's probably more like 30 minutes now lol.

Nuclear Reactions
Nuclear Reactions - 29.05.2023 10:38

Cutting Gigs off repeatedly was annoying

Viscateiro - 29.05.2023 09:53

Left the game together with my brother same day pulled all my sacreds voids .... we were end game players there was nothing for me any more im much more happy with all the extra time available

MainEngine22 - 29.05.2023 09:12


Nope Nope
Nope Nope - 29.05.2023 08:40

Dude is funny but highlighting schedules and skins as two reasons to quit is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.

Krackens don’t know what to complain about.

Ross Monroe
Ross Monroe - 29.05.2023 00:21

I quit Raid also, just uninstalled the game. I see the money I lost as a life lesson. Eat shit and die Raid Shadow Legends😊!

thepcfd - 29.05.2023 00:10

i dont eve need new heroes, just some items and space for them

John Doe
John Doe - 28.05.2023 22:13

As a casual player I think the worst thing is silver and books , which are to hard to come by and not enough .

VictoryHand - 28.05.2023 11:36

I miss j gigs

Jonathon Jeffery
Jonathon Jeffery - 28.05.2023 10:52

I wish someone would ask me "what is the single most valuable piece of advice you would give to plarium for raid?"
I have never played another gacha game, although I have spent ~$100k on lords mobile and arguably, there's a gacha aspect to it. And with that, I feel I have learned the one thing plarium has done horribly wrong with their game. It is selling their in game resources. You would think a casino owner would know the value of this as well. No matter how much I spend on lords mobile, I could have spent all my money in game and find $3 on the ground and still buy something in game. Plarium doesn't let me spend money on their game. And they completely block me from wanting to spend anything by their pricing tier scheme.
It's easier to explain with an analogy.
If raid was a grocery store, this is how it works. They have steaks on sale and I decide, I'm going to buy steaks and I'm going to buy the 2 packs of steaks, then buy the 10 pack of steaks because it's a great deal. The next day I go to raid for some cereal but I am only allowed to buy 10 boxes of cereal. I don't want 10 boxes of cereal and even if I did, which I definitely don't, the cereal is priced to be more for each box of cereal, than if I had only bought one. They want $40 for 10 boxes of cereal but the guy ahead of me in line is buying 2 boxes of cereal for $5. I want to buy one box of cereal but I can't. I don't want 10 boxes and I don't want to pay $40 for 10 boxes. And every day I want to buy something new but I can't and won't, because raid has put me in a tier, that only allows me to buy 10 packs of everything, at an elevated cost. So while it was great for the day I got steaks, I can't buy anything else for a month or more, unless I see the value in buying 10 of a specific item. I want to buy groceries daily or at the least a few times a week. So I go somewhere else, like lords mobile to get what I need daily.

Nick Nauj
Nick Nauj - 28.05.2023 04:24

RAID is the Caviar of these games.

Nick Nauj
Nick Nauj - 28.05.2023 04:03

Creators do more for RAID.

heinzifax - 28.05.2023 01:14

The worst thing on Plarium is they are doing everything to get new players and driving away the longtime players, while absolutely all new content is exclusively done for longtime players. This makes zero sense.
I am a longtime player and I have zero interest in hard dungeons which are besides incredibly hard to master adding absolutely no extra value. Its still the level 20 Dungeon you have to farm unless you are a complete failure in math.
My approach to the game is not having fun. I absolutely have not and Plarium should be proud, this is how they want it to be. I am playing Raid against Plarium, their constant drive to take everything away people like and always adding stuff nobody wants and needs. I don't know why, but it seems to me Plarium wants people to be in their game, but they hate if people are actually playing it. You must have noticed almost everything new in the game is trash. When players complain, Plarium is happy, for no logical reason, but they are. The worst thing possible. Something new is added and people really like it, you can count the days until it is scratched or in case of champions nerfed into the ground.
Leading a clan Im telling people never to stick to the actual route Plarium is giving and just pulling shards on x2 Events because this is the only player event there is.
Just a little math, Plarium is doing ecverything to get players shard before opening them on x2 events.
This way people progress simply in half the speed possible, says they are purposefully sabotiging peoples success in the game, which would be much greater if players would ignore their route.

Richard Rivera
Richard Rivera - 27.05.2023 23:30

I enjoy the discussion, but i dont aggree on many of the topics, i am not a whale by the way, i havent spent a dollar in over a year, i still find the game fun, i have been playing for over 3 years, i have taken some breaks because, yes, playing the game do feel like a second job, the only part of the game that is behing a money wall is arena, and even at lower levels most players dont even care about arena( not me i love arena), yes it would feel monotone and repetitive if every one keep using the same champions for every content in the game, but i dont have the OP, broken meta champions so i have to learn and use strategies to push pass the dificult content in the game and that is what make it fun, thats why players come back every day and grind to become better, if everything is just given to you as a player from the start, then there is no reason to keep pushing, cause then all you have to do is wait for the next free thing or cheat to get pass the content. And i love the fact that raid doesnt make events out side the game but content creator do, the reason the raid community is so invested is because of the content creators imagination and the work the put behind the content, for example Deadwood jedi competitions and events, if raid is the one doing it why would i go to DWJ to watch it? I will just go to raid. So the fact that raid is not doing things like that is what keep this community so strong, cause we count on you guys, the content creators to come up with this kind of things that we enjoy watching. The reason raid is doing better that other games is not just their art or their game, is actually you guys the content creators and the community that is build because of your content.

Alin Asaftei
Alin Asaftei - 27.05.2023 22:23

Plaryum is acting from a place of arrogance or greed, they will listen to this and they will say "I know better" or "I don't really care, let's milk the cow"

Alin Asaftei
Alin Asaftei - 27.05.2023 22:17

It's also the blame on content creators that they normalized buy something that has basicly no intrensic value, it's a game, it already has rulles to follow, that's why you play them. I remember back in the day when even buying a game was like "meh", now you normalized paying 50$ for nothing!

Zack Stohler
Zack Stohler - 27.05.2023 20:52

I really don't like how they haven't made a way to get fragments for champions you still need them for

Robert Lee
Robert Lee - 27.05.2023 20:13

Thumbs up if your were sent from chosen vid

Alex Axe
Alex Axe - 27.05.2023 20:06

Darth I heard about your channel from Chosen,,.. this video was done perfectly. Thank you so much for sharing it Jgigs will be missed.i have his hydra anger issues video saved. absolutely love it.i hope plarium take notice and start give CC the props you deserve. I would be playing with build guides!

DScheme - 27.05.2023 19:08

Raid's graphics are not that good. Have you seen the ugly textures used in the champs?

killerB 187 R.O.D stunna
killerB 187 R.O.D stunna - 27.05.2023 18:19

It comes down to the imagination they don't have any everything is copied and pasted from somewhere else but not improved, call of the Alberta supposed to be a series, but to me it's a short😅😂

Ray Hellcat
Ray Hellcat - 27.05.2023 16:57

Jgig was fun 3 yrs ago he made content on champs no one use that's when his channel grow fast but notice at the end he stopped so did channel gl to u

Bubba Gump
Bubba Gump - 27.05.2023 15:23

Every game has a "game play loop".

When the gameplay gets stale, people leave

G Slip
G Slip - 27.05.2023 15:20

100% that a lot of people playing raid because other games looks like shitty anime or cartoon.
There will be some dorks that would tell "it's not about graphics", but they are minority

G Slip
G Slip - 27.05.2023 15:01

Left on the red stars update. Happy I did it. Honestly, life got better

Trax on Sundays
Trax on Sundays - 27.05.2023 11:40

2 coolest dudes in Raid 🤘

Pika Boi
Pika Boi - 27.05.2023 11:14

I am that andy that plays Raid cause of its "graphics"/artstyle (not anime) and the very very basic nature of progression + turnbased + Mobilephone gameplay.
Anything else about raid is horrible imo.
Started playing november 2022.
This game is insane with its moneygrab behavior.
I get why people hate this game.

DJ Speedy Beats
DJ Speedy Beats - 27.05.2023 08:42

Bullshit. He sounds like he's mad that he got owned somehow. Probably he never got raid creator access or got dropped somehow like Stew. Something happened he won't say exactly what he sounds angry whiny

Steve Smith
Steve Smith - 27.05.2023 08:08

The people dumping thousands of dollars in the game is why it will never change. Someone comes out with a game where the artwork is as good and the only thing money will get you is cosmetics they would steal 80% of Raids player base

Jangled -
Jangled - - 27.05.2023 08:05

as someone who played feh for yearsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss from 15-20 i spent thousands of dollars as a child because ive been playing fire emblem since the gba and seeing my childood beloved characters get skins alts and special events would make me whaleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee not even like i had to i just neeeeeeeeeeeeeded lmfao. i quit feh because i dont wanna whale aqnymore im 23 and i just play raid 25 dollars a month for bp and gem pass and im happy

poooky321 - 27.05.2023 05:45

nice hair, dork

B 13
B 13 - 27.05.2023 02:57

I think the reason the game doesn't bother me nearly as much is because I treat it as a f2p puzzle strategy game. I'm not really looking for a dopamine hit just something to stimulate the mind while winding down. I can see the addiction side, to each their own. Have every right to not like a game someone else loves. I don't think the raid is bad at all but then again it would go b4oke with just players like me lol

puffmyblunt - 27.05.2023 01:49

Sup Gigs!!!!!......When they changed 'Brimstone" blessing when they expressly said they would never (forget what we said on our website. Eff you, pay me) really pissed me off!

Janston - 27.05.2023 01:27

Plarium doesn't employ game designers, they prefer casino operators.

Anomaly - 27.05.2023 01:03

I'm close to quitting because after 6 months and over 500 shard pulls I've only gotten 1 Lego.
